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January 25, 2023 (vol. 132, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…It’s nearly impossible to walk through the the University of Michigan’s Diag without seeing a number of squirrels roaming around. While these furry little pals have come to be a…

…. “There’s never really a good reason to touch squirrels,” Dantzer said. In regards to the hairless Diag icons, Dantzer said there is not much anyone can do to help the squirrels because their…

… central part of the identity of the University for many U-M students, the squirrels are facing an important issue: hair loss. In an interview with The Michigan Daily, LSA freshman Rosemary…

… Frederiksen said she was shocked when she first saw a squirrel with prominent hair loss. “I was really scared,” said Frederiksen. “I thought someone had shaved it.” Ben Dantzer, U-M associate…

… professor of psychology, ecology and evolutionary biology, told The Daily the squirrels are likely losing hair because of mange, a mammalian skin disease caused by mites or fungal infection…

… burrow and cause damage to the skin, which eventually causes the hair to fall out. Squirrels can lose their hair due to fungal infections too.” Dantzer said a possible mange or contagious…

… fungal infection could spread among squirrels as they engage in social interactions and explained how students feeding squirrels can increase the chance of infections spreading among them…

…. “One thing that can increase contact (between squirrels) is feeding the squirrels (because it) increase(s) aggregations of them,” Dantzer said. “(It is the same idea as) going to a crowded…

….” Dantzer also said it is ill- advised to ever touch a squirrel, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states no one should ever touch a wild animal because of the risk of disease…

….” Many students also pointed how the campus squirrels appear to be incredibly overweight. Squirrels tend to gain weight for the winter in order to store energy when it is harder to find food…

October 12, 2022 (vol. 132, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

… cautiously avoiding the “M” on the Diag, to be a Michigan student is to participate in a rich array of traditions. To some, these customs include feeding squirrels on a sunny day. So, the question stands…

… their natural fear of humans. Ann Arbor’s fearless squirrels often approach students, especially around the Diag, because they are so often fed there. LSA sophomore Alanna Carlo- Pagan is a member…

…, once and for all, should we feed the squirrels? Nursing senior Autumn Farnum is the co-president of The Squirrel Club at the University of Michigan, an organization of students, alumni and…

… members of the Ann Arbor community that feed squirrels during the school year every Sunday. Farnum said they believe feeding squirrels is a good way to build a campus community, as long as they are…

… fed healthy food. “Having the connection between the wildlife and our students here kind of builds that friendly campus environment that we have and also makes sure that (the squirrels) have a…

… nice treat once in a while,” Farnum said. While Farnum — and campus tour guides — embrace squirrel feeding, animal welfare organizations have raised concerns over feeding the furry…

… creatures. Squirrels who are fed by people can become dependent on handouts occasionally never regaining self- sufficiency. Feeding squirrels can also contribute to their overpopulation in certain…

… areas as the squirrels adapt to reside in areas where human handouts are popular, such as parks and urban areas. When humans feed squirrels, whether on campus or in other areas, squirrels can lose…

… in Ann Arbor. Carlo-Pagan said it is important to think about the impact humans’ actions have on animal behavior when feeding animals like squirrels. “What you have to take into account when you…

October 05, 2022 (vol. 132, iss. 94) • Page Image 14

… top of one of the trash cans that hug the Diag’s cement benches. Not seeing what it wanted after searching for several seconds, the squirrel jumped down and started sniffing the ground by a tree…

…The squirrel is a staple of the University of Michigan’s culture. They make their homes in almost every corner of Ann Arbor, causing may- hem among themselves and providing entertain- ment for the…

… people who walk through the city’s streets and parks each day. I don’t claim to know everything about squirrels, but in applying the findings from research on the psychology of these (in)famous rodents…

…, I can at least sound like I know a thing or two about squirrels and demys- tify the lives of our honorary campus mascot. *** October had always been Kaia’s favorite month. The fallen leaves…

… arch and toward the Diag as hundreds of other students scurried to arrive at their prospective destina- tions. It was like a pattern of nature, this migra- tion of students leaving from or heading…

… toward a new location 10 minutes before the hour. A pack of swans headed north, limited only by a semesterly class schedule. Passing by the Shapiro Library, Kaia could see at least six squirrels in…

… her line of vision, though there were likely many more hiding behind trees and under benches within the same area. Fox squirrels, gray squirrels and a couple black squirrels were all visible among…

… undergraduates monopolizing the sidewalks. Kaia always thought that the Ann Arbor squirrels were cute, if a bit brainless. Last fall, her roommate had even kicked an unlucky, frantic one of these creatures…

… while running in Nichols Arboretum as it darted in front of her on the path. They were cute, but that did not mean Kaia found them completely endearing, or respect- able. Squirrels could be ruthless…

…, mean, erratic — and their scavenging habits involving cam- pus trash bins diminished any majestic quality they may have otherwise carried. In essence: Squirrels were a part of Kaia’s life, sometimes…

November 15, 2019 (vol. 129, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

Diag. From the grandiose architecture to the towering trees, everything seemed special, even the legendary friendly squirrels. Now a junior, I still smile at the tiny, tree-dwelling rodents that…

… sounded, from fox lasagna to Pennsylvania possum pot pie and a dish featuring my friends in the Diag: squirrel in cream. Some communities have chosen to utilize this free and nutritious source of…

… yet, but occasionally I’ll see a squirrel who wasn’t so lucky. Each dead squirrel is a sad reminder of Michigan’s disastrous roadkill problem. I see it on my weekly drive to Ypsilanti to volunteer…

October 11, 2019 (vol. 129, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

… the squirrels and maintain personal information about each one. The squirrels are tagged in the Nichols Arboretum, but they eventually make their way to the Diag and other parts of campus. In…

…College students go nuts for squirrels, but at the University of Michigan researchers have taken an interest as well. U-M is one of several schools participating in a research project called…

… the Kluane Red Squirrel Project. Ben Dantzer, an assistant professor of Psychology and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University, leads the research project based in Yukon, Canada. The…

… study has been going on for 30 years, making it the longest running research project of its kind and focuses on North American red squirrels. The goal of the project is to learn what allows an…

… able to learn more about the impacts of climate change by observing how the changing conditions affect the squirrels, Dantzer said. “They give us an idea of how animals will respond to global and…

… about another squirrel research project being conducted right on campus. This is led by Rackham student Charlotte Devits, who is researching the effects that an urban environment has on the…

… survival of wildlife. Devits’s thesis project aims to discover how an urban environment such as Ann Arbor affects the behavior of wildlife. Devits tags squirrels, which allows researchers to track…

… an interview posted to the Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum’s website, Devits said she hopes to uncover what traits help our squirrels — formally known as Fox Squirrels

… — survive in this environment, as well as other cities and urban environments. She’s also recording data on health factors, for example, observing each squirrel for wounds, parasites, mange and other…

… behavior is present across the study sites.” Devitz did not respond to an interview request from The Michigan Daily. LSA senior Sanjana Ramesh said she loves the campus squirrels and did some digging…

October 11, 2019 (vol. 129, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…, there are slightly fewer squirrels around campus and in the Diag in particular, so I’m not sure if there is a population control issue right now. Additionally, I haven’t really noticed any…

…, Diag-to-Diag Express and Oxford Shuttle routes. Overall, Yang said the detours have exacerbated an already- frustrating morning commute. “Billy Magic didn’t warn me for this,” Yang said. Ann…

… process Speakers discuss truth commission, reconciliation efforts JASMIN LEE Daily Staff Reporter LSA senior Molly Mearn, an executive board member for the Squirrel Club, said she thought the research…

… was great, as long as it did not pose a threat to the safety of the squirrels. “If there’s a valid scientific motivation to the tagging, and the tagging is done in a way that minimizes harm to…

… the squirrels, I think it’s not too bad,” Mearns said. “But if there isn’t really a benefit to it and it harms the squirrels, then I don’t see a reason for it. I think, compared to previous years…

… aggression from squirrels, so I hope that isn’t part of the concern.” In terms of work being done to ensure the safety of the squirrels, Dantzer said wild animal researchers must follow a set of rules…

… great deal of research has been conducted on how squirrels are affected by being tagged and collared, and so far, no studies have indicated any sort of negative outcomes from human intervention…

…. Dantzer said he has big plans for the future of squirrel research, as he plans to hopefully use microchips to track squirrels’ heart rates and brain activity in order to determine sleep patterns…

… to introduce a more invasive tracking device that would negatively impact the campus squirrels. “We’re not yet going to do these implants in the squirrels (on campus), and part of it is because I…

… think that, for most people, each day the only wildlife they ever interact with is these squirrels, and that’s a very valuable thing for us to have because it maintains some sense of awareness of…

February 14, 2019 (vol. 128, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

… buildings and anything else they can perch on. From the Huron River and Forest Hill Cemetery to North Campus, through Central Campus and the Diag, to the student houses on South Campus, the crows…

… increasing the local number of birds of prey, however, is that our campus’ beloved obese squirrels may turn into easy snacks for them. LSA Student Government and Engineering Student Government…

October 29, 2018 (vol. 128, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

… afternoon on the Diag to host a community vigil following a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue over the weekend. Eleven people were killed while attending the Saturday morning Shabbat…

… service at the Tree of Life Congregation in city’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood. Four police officers and two others were also injured. According to the New York Times, the shooting is considered the…

Squirrel Hill and encouraged solidarity among the Jewish community to empathize with those who were impacted by the shooting. “My family is a member of the Tree of Life Synagogue,” Shermer said. “I…

March 21, 2018 (vol. 127, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… executives delivered some of their final announcements to the current assembly. CSG president Anushka Sarkar, an LSA senior, confirmed the installation of Wi-Fi on the Diag, as well as a michigandaily…

… presentations highlighted marginalized voices JORDYN BAKER Daily Staff Reporter Purple Squirrel Statement contributor Yoshiko Iwai reflects on her experience overloading, overworking and overextending…

March 21, 2018 (vol. 127, iss. 95) • Page Image 12

…Wednesday, March 21, 2018 // The Statement 4B Wednesday, March 21, 2018 // The Statement 5B Purple Squirrel, but only human? by Yoshiko Iwai, Columnist I wake up to the fifth alarm of 12. It…

… doing this isn’t enough. There’s the unspoken “purple squirrel” or “it” factor — as it’s called in show business — you need in order to stand out in a crowd of overqualified people applying to…

Diag and find a spot by the Randall Laboratory. The concrete is cool from the rain. I worry the rough surface will make pills on my leggings. The breeze is cool against my ears. In the light, I…

… embarrass- ingly new just yes- terday. The same sum- mer I got my bike, the Randall Lab was under con- struction. A huge fence surrounded the entrance of the Diag. Three con- secutive 90-degree…

February 22, 2018 (vol. 127, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

… Michigan’s Great MSU= Must Study at Ugli OSU= Gross Sciuridae Michigania @ArborSquirrel Midterms got you stressed out? Doubting yourself? You can do this! You were meant to be here! I believe in you…

… had the experience to lead that organization is what inspired me to run. I also just really love engaging with different student organizations and talking to students on the Diag in my role as a…

November 30, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

diag squirrel. I want to date a diag squirrel A Nobel Symposium WHAT: A panel will discuss the work of this year’s six Nobel Laureates affiliated with the University. WHO: The Center for the…

… and makes my day a little brighter seeing him bounce around the diag from student to student,” she wrote. Reggie’s presence on social media started earlier this year; he currently has 4…

November 15, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

… Jr., who knelt on the Diag for 21 hours to protest racism, also showed his support for divestment. While he clarified he did not see the resolution as anti-Israel, he also said he could not…

… suffers all of us suffer. … When I kneeled on that Diag in pain, I watched thousands of students walk past me. I ask you today to not be one of those people that walked past.” Tuesday morning, the…

… CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Julia Aseel Haidar @aseelxhaidar umich right now: the squirrels are fat, canada geese are out, morale is low alex @alexxandraaa4 umich memes liked my insta post i feel #famous…

September 08, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

… days think we older squirrels sell out when we accept hand-outs from students on the Diag. It’s just not true,” explains Fleming, beating his tiny forpaws on the ground. “We entertain the…

… do?” Ann Arbor’s squirrel population has swelled along with increasing student numbers during the past 15 years. Growth has been slow but steady, and has put the Diag housing market on the…

… endangered species list. Most Diag trees house 20 squirrels per year, with a turnover rate that would make any landlord shudder. Moreover, the trees must be shared with birds – nearby nests lower…

… be identified, asked about the current digs of Ann Arbor’s garbage can preacher, Dr. Diag. “That guy was the voice of the squirrels,” says the squirrel. “We learned the Greek alphabet, some…

… Shakespeare, and a lot about politics. Now we hear he’s gone. Shakey Jakes? Shakey Jake! We can’t even understand the dude!” With winter creeping ever closer, the Diag squirrels are anticipating a…

… departments so you’ll be sure to find one that’s right for you. WHO: Center for Campus Involvement WHEN: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. WHERE: Diag Tweets Follow @michigandaily Univ. of Michigan @UMich Women…

April 10, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

… was a very powerful and moving performance.” Parts of the show also included video interviews of alumni who fell in love at the University, a “Dear Squirrel” video about the squirrels on the Diag

… and a video tribute to notable University professors. There was even a segment highlighting the role of the Diag in students’ lives. “Oh, the Diag,” Criss said. “Separation between Church and…

… be led by Ty Roberts, chief technology officer at UMG — throughout the day. In addition to UMG’s features, the festival will also host activities such as Rap Cypher, yoga sessions on the Diag

March 24, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

… asked me to moderate it and, reluctantly, I agreed. The content started slow — a Diag squirrel meme here, a post about Canvas there. Students poked fun at Greek life, dining hall food and their own…

… buzzkill: It’s just a decent thing to do. Go back to posting about Diag squirrels, please. Death of a meme page LAUREN SCHANDEVEL | COLUMN Lauren Schandevel can be reached at schandla…

February 14, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…’s sunshine and clear, blue skies is making me feel all kinds of happy today! Katie Rosenblatt @KatieRosenblatt @UMich scheduling loud lawn maintenance on Diag at 10am does not help the #leadersandbest…

…Lmatney16 Y’all I don’t know what has gotten into the squirrels on this campus but they truly need to remember their place. CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Bee Nutrition and Bee Health WHAT: Master…

October 31, 2016 (vol. 126, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…: THE MAN, THE MEME, THE LEGEND EVAN AARON/Daily A squirrel charges bystanders in search for fallen nuts around the Diag Sunday. N UTS FOR N UTS The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday…

… Sports Editors: Chloe Aubuchon, Laney Byler, Chris Crowder, Sylvanna Gross, Mike Persak, Orion Sang Senior Social Media Editors: Ellie Homant, Carolyn Watson University Career Center on the Diag WHAT…

…: The University Career Center will be visiting the Diag, answering any questions students have about steps after graduation. WHO: University Career Center WHEN: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. WHERE: The Diag

September 23, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

… Dame shirts Follow @michigandaily John Weise @jweise Gosh, a cat got a squirrel, and the attention of the Ann Arbor Police officer who asked, “Is that cat carrying a squirrel?” Jeremy Peters…

… CACCHIONE/Daily Munch performs at a line-up of bands presented by What The Sound at The Bling Pig Friday. HALEY MCLAUGHLIN/Daily Ross junior Jacklyn Kim receives a free plant at EarthFest on the Diag

October 29, 2015 (vol. 125, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…: Campus Voices THURSDAY: Twitter Talk FRIDAY: Photos of the Week WEDNESDAY: In Other Ivory Towers MONDAY: This Week in History Halloween Hootenanny WHAT: Beyond the Diag is hosting this festive…

… & Design WHEN: Today from 5:10 p.m. to 6 p.m. WHERE: Michigan Theater University Division of Public Safety and Security aims to protect students and squirrels. “@UmichStudents: Riding mopeds on…

… sidewalks is not just illegal, it’s dangerous for pedestri- ans and squirrels #Squest.” — @umichdpss “Stuffed waffle sandwich. Fried ice cream. Garden Veggie Pizza Bagel. Be your own chef w/ these dining…

October 08, 2015 (vol. 125, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

… “Conduct Us!” event. Michigan Pops performs pop-up concert on the Diag Orchestra allows passersby to serve as guest conductors By TANAZ AHMED Daily Staff Reporter Instead of the usual squirrels

… weekend. “Just like ol times. Scarfin down @jimmyjohns in The Diag before rehearsal. @umichsmtd” - @DarrenCriss FOLLOW US! #TMD @michigandaily “ “ BALANCING ACT MARINA ROSS/Daily Rackham…

… Student Yaroslavl Khomutnyk tight rope walks in the trees near the Diag on Wednesday. The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students…

… HOLMSTROM /Daily TOP LEFT: LSA sophomore Hannah Lynn, LSA senior Kate Coppess, and LSA sophomore Cara Fleming play their flutes during the Michigan Pops Orchestra impromptu concert on the Diag on Wednesday…

…. BOTTOM LEFT: Engineering freshman Ali Sikorski conducts the Pops Orchestra. People passing by the Diag were invited to conduct the Orchestra. RIGHT: LSA sophomore Kim Truong plays the cello during the…

… and students crossing the Diag on Wednesday afternoon, members of the Michigan Pops Orchestra put on a pop-up show. The student-run pops orches- tra is the oldest collegiate orchestra in the…

… country and is comprised of non-music major students. Throughout the day the group offered anyone crossing through the Diag an opportunity to conduct the ensemble as a part of their Conduct Us! event…

… volunteer conductors, was excited by the opportunity to lead the orchestra in the middle of the Diag. “I’ve studied music for maybe six or seven years but I’ve never actually conducted an orchestra…

…, let alone on the Michigan Diag, which was pretty cool,” Fladzin- ski said. “As long as it’s a beautiful day, this is awesome.” LSA freshman Meha Patel was one of the many onlookers on the Diag

May 14, 2015 (vol. 121, iss. 136) • Page Image 5

…D ear Pamphleteers, Oh, how I used to hate your guts. The way you owned the bricks of the Diag. Intercepting me at every conceivable pathway through the heart of my campus…

… ravage the Diag garbage cans in the middle of the night. They would find thousands of your papers that were perpetually demanding things of me. They would see all of the paper you’ve wasted that…

… class. She was ask- ing fellow pamphleteers, fellow students and simple passersby how they felt about the Squirrel Watching Club on campus. She asked me. I knew it would be too easy to criticize her…

… and her survey. Look at her. She’s probably a freshman. Cute, young, innocent. Out here in the world, this big world, this tiny Diag, collecting opinions like acorns, storing all of the crucial…

… data in her pantry of a three-sub- ject notebook. I did it anyways. I said, “I think everyone in that club needs to get a job.” I said, “Including the squirrels! I mean who do they think they are…

… job at the time. I didn’t get one until like yester- day. Who was I to say any of that? But even if I did have a job, that’s so stupid. What a terrible thing to say. The Diag is the domain for life…

January 30, 2015 (vol. 124, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

… people in squirrel masks hilariously giving random hugs and high fives to students on the Diag, courtesy of the brilliant people behind @umich_squirrels. With an official mascot no longer existing in…

…- vation: BOLD SQUIRRELS.” I had a friend from North Carolina visit for the first time over the summer, and the first thing he did when we walked into the Diag was spend 10 straight minutes running…

…- pus, a day of reverence and devotion for the furry friends that scamper around us. Yes, Squirrel Appre- ciation Day had arrived, and for the one place in the world where the usual…

… another whose big- gest claim to fame is bringing down the NASDAQ Stock Market twice by being electrocuted from running on power lines. Then not only do we make enough of a spectacle about squirrels

… that one of our librarians has taken 11,000 pic- tures of them, but we create an official school club dedicated to feeding them. I had tenuous relationships with squirrels before coming to college…

… balls over the fence when I was a kid, and knowing I would get grounded, I decided to blame it on squirrels steal- ing all the balls instead. Another time, one got trapped in our garage while we were…

… to face with a squirrel just chilling on my living room couch — still can’t explain that one. So arriving on campus and watching the ballooned ver- sions of the crea- tures that people in…

… well fed crea- tures in our city were football-shaped rodents with a bushy tail. It defied all common sense, but so have squirrels for the greater course of their relationship with humans. Back…

… home, squirrel roadkill was regular enough that you were bound to see one every block, with rotat- ing animal control trucks coming to shovel them up. One would think that natural selection would…

… eventually cause the demise of squirrels dumb enough to dart directly into the path of a moving car, but nope, the miracle of nature finds a way again. The squirrels here in Ann Arbor escape explanation…

December 05, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

… ROBERT SCHWARZHAUPT | The matter of intention D ear faculty, administration, students and squirrels of the University of Michigan, I think about time almost constantly. It's a strange con- cept to me, as…

… middle of the North Campus Diag, backpack strapped on tight, class schedule clasped in hand, and notice that your first discussion of the day - the first day of the rest of your life! - is located in a…

September 25, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 143) • Page Image 5

… Ann Arbor has to offer this fall. No matter what you are interested in - from squirrel-feeding to opera - there are plenty of activities to ring in this season of apples, donuts, cider, football and…

…, visit the WeatherFest this Sunday, Sept. 28, on the Diag from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Meet weather and climate enthusiasts from organizations such as the National Weather Service, National Oceanic and…

September 11, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 124) • Page Image 5

… students who simply take in the sights and sounds of campus. Instead, we fall victim to popping in our headphones and checking the text messages we missed during lecture. We miss squirrels chasing each other…

… two remaining weeks of summer warmth, here are a few things to do before students are stuck in coats for the rest of the school year. RELAX ON THE DIAG The Diag is one of the most beautiful spots on…

…. Maryland 5 p.m. UM Soccer Stadium Michigan Football vs. Miami (Ohio) 3:30 p.m. The Big House Beethoven Festival with Andr4 Watts 8 p.m. Hill Auditorium Welcome to Michigan: Concert on the Diag 7p.m. The Diag

April 17, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 102) • Page Image 5

… therapy dogs in the Diag on Wednesday, April 16,2014. MGo Study "Feeding campus squirrels is calming and may increase your final grade by 38%. #empiricalsquirrel #MGoStudy" @ARBORSQUIRREL "#MGoStudy I…

… Thursday Night Live and Kol HaKovod concert 7:30 p.m. Hillel Free EDM concert 4-7 p.m. Diag Achievement in the Arts awards show 8 p.m. Mendelssohn Theatre Salto Dance Company performance 4 to 6 p…

March 13, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 81) • Page Image 11

… bronze Block Say hello to a social media spe- the Diag as the innocent cialist's best friend: analytics - s tour guide recited that deep data analysis. perstition just like those "Primarily it shows us…

… phones on their laps and were tapping away. "Sometimes I get too excited and I don't want to wait on the analytics which is so lame but I don't care - like if I see a real- ly cute squirrel I'm like, 'Oh I…

October 23, 2013 (vol. 124, iss. 16) • Page Image 12

… established scientific research on the app, although both Campbell and Lampe predict studies to come in the near future. In the meantime, walking through the Diag, I spot numerous others raising phones to their…

… faces; to the squirrels; to the wet, reddening leaves; caught in a continuous Snapping frenzy. 4 ing authors to a "Teens and Mobile Phones," revealed that two main modes of cell phone usage in teens are…

April 22, 2013 (vol. 123, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

… obligatory #the- michigandiffer- ence. As of late, The Michigan Dif- ference's online HEMA presence has KARUNA- been reduced KARA to sophomoric tales such as "fed a squirrel on the Diag" or "chugged four Natty…

November 21, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

… Classified Sales Finance Passersby and onlookers watch a red-tailed hawk eat a squirrel on the Diag Tuesday. CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Cave…

November 14, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

… another squirrel to feed. This is what happens on Sundays during good weather for members of the Squirrel Club, like myself. For no more than an hour, I take a hand- ful of peanuts into the Diag and for…

… you gave it. Fat squirrels, skinny squirrels, groups of squirrels, loner squirrels who would rather crouch in the bushes near the Chemistry Building than come onto the Diag proper - getting one of them…

… and a squirrel snaps its head around to look right at me, sitting up on its hind legs. ERIC I kneel, arm FERGUSON extended, as it approaches the peanut slowly but determinedly, loping through the chilly…

… November grass. I accidentally jerk my hand a little to the right, and the squirrel scampers back a few steps in exag- gerated alarm but is not deterred from its quest. It comes right up to me and takes the…

… from its mouth to between its front paws. With practiced precision, the squirrel systemati- cally removes the shell to get at the nutty goodness within, while I grab another peanut and go search for…

… while. Plus, you get to make squirrels happy! Apart from being fun, it can be good for your health to have a lei- sure activity, whether it's feeding squirrels, playing basketball, vol- unteering around…

… a bad mood when feeding a squirrel, with passersby looking at you with a combination of curiosity and won- der and a sleek, grey-furred animal with the fluffiest of tails chowing down on something…

… to try it for themselves. While doing it by yourself is fun, spreading the joy of squirreling with other people can be even more entertaining. There are many leisurely campus activities to try out. If…

… feeding the squirrels isn't your thing, that's fine. It'll mean more squirrels for me, and there's no shortage of other leisurely campus activities that one can partake in. But whether you're stressed out…

…, enjoy small animals or are just plain bored, squirrel feeding is an activity sure to brighten your day. -Eric Ferguson can be reached at I believe that the ability to make choices is a…

April 02, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

… computer and keyboard were found damaged, Uni- versity Police reported. It is likely that a squirrel entered through an open window and chewed the equipment. Reading material WHERE: Rachel Upjohn Building…

… areduced subscription rate.On-campus subscriptions for falltermare$3a. Subscriptionsmust be prepaid. 0 to 6 p.m. WHERE: Student Publica- tions Building WHO: Hillel WHEN: Today at 3 p.m. WHERE: The Diag

March 08, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

… Police reported. It's believed it was stolen between 5p.m. Monday and 3:30 p.m. Tues- day. The extinugisher has not yet been recovered. Feeling squirrely WHERE: The Diag WHEN: Wednesday at about 5:50 a…

….m. WHAT: A student admitted to the University Hospital- Emergency Room reported she was bit by a squirrel Tuesday, University Police reported. She said the squir- rel attacked her after she tried to feed it…

October 26, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…' alum is full of spirited surprises By ARIELLE SPECINER Daily Arts Writer Ann Arbor is typically a peace- ful town. At the University, stu- dents converse in the Diag, friends catch up for a meal on State…

… Street and squirrels nibble quietly on some thrown-out snacks. But to author, '73 alum and U.S. Admin- istrative Law Judge Debra Gold- stein, Ann Arbor is the location of a murder. Goldstein hosted a book…

October 05, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 22) • Page Image 10

… like that? Yeah. So, it's warmtoday. Shocker. How do you feel about sunbathing in the Diag? Is it appropriate to sun- bathe in this weather? Know what? I wouldn't put it past some students here. I wouldn…

… worry about the squirrels attacking you? I'm a little afraid of the squirrels here. They're a bit too up-close-and-per- sonal for me. What do you think about hunt- ing? Hunting. I think it's gross. I don…

September 28, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 17) • Page Image 11

… town, our namesake is rooted in trees. There are plenty of locations on the greener side of campus: the Diag, the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, all of North Campus. But none of these are more popular than…

… among state legislators that No. 323: No. 324: No. 325: would determine if seatbelts wouldbe a necessity in cars ("Drivers may be forced It is acceptable to Feeding the Diag Rain is a perfectly to buckle…

… up," 2/17/1985). Despite significant evidence from studies conducted by the National Safety Council and the National Highways Traffic Safety Administra- claim warranty on squirrels doesn't good excuse…

September 27, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

… opinions on campus Speakers protected by First Amendment on 'U' property By PAIGE PEARCY Daily StaffReporter The Diag is often filled with sounds of students hustling to class, squirrels running about…

…, crunching leaves and some- times, the voices of people shar- ing their beliefs. one of these people is Mike Reed, also known as Brother Mike, who often visits the Diag for his "open air preaching." And while…

Diag come to cam- pus since it provides them the opportunity to speak to stu- dents. Reed said he and others speak on University property because they are worried about students' futures. "I believe…

September 15, 2011 (vol. 122, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

… universe is a kind of garden, where the grass is always manicured to perfection and the only moral dilemma is whether or not one should feed the squirrels. Yet even here in the city, amid the $12 sandwiches…

… restaurant a few steps from the Diag and the small army of custodial staff wiping down classrooms where they've never sat. Ann Arbor natives haven't all been equally privileged either, despite the stereotype…

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