January 20, 1987
(vol. 97, iss. 78)
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… University's "Computer Weekend" already appears to be a success despite short notice of the sale and recent publicity about a new line of Apple computers, ac - cording to a University official. As of Friday, 1…
…. MEANWHILE, Apple is developing a new computer line, code-named "Paris," that promises to be more powerful than the Macintosh Plus. Carnegie-Mellon University has a pre-release version of the Paris, and The…
…,170 computers had already been ordered through the University sale, said Gregory Marks, University deputy vice pro - vost for information technology. "We had to exceed (1,000 computers) to say that the sale was a…
… success. It is very conservative to say that we will sell 1,500 com - puters by. this coming Friday," Marks said. Friday is the deadline for orders without a late fee and guaranteed delivery of a computer…
… Daily has obtained detailed information on the computer's fea - tures from an editor of the Carnegie-Mellon student newspa - per, The Tartan. The newspaper re - ceived the information from a pre- release…
… specifications sheet that Apple sends to its dealers; an lie informed source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, has con - firmed this information. According to The Tartan and the source, the Paris will…
… have: - Open architecture with 12 slots that will allow users to open up the computer to insert items necessary for adding accessories; - A 68020 motorola processer. This processer is "the top of the…
… line," said Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prof. Larry Flanigan. It is faster than current processers and can have more hooked up to it, he said. University of Chicago Computer Science…
…. The frequency of most machines is about eight megahertz, said Nancy Mahoney, a computer sales representative for See NEW, Page 3 Darrell Thompson, left, and an unidentified University student raise…
… University Athletics Director Don Canham yesterday said the University should take a chance and recruit athletes with poor academic Computer science appeal declines I BOSTON (AP) - Enrollment in computer…