October 07, 2011
(vol. 122, iss. 24)
• Page Image 6
…4 6- Friday, October 7, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Steve Jobs remembered in tributes around the world Flowers, candles left outside Apple stores in rememberance Steve Jobs was…
… grieved around the world yesterday through the very devices he conceived: People held up pictures of candles on their iPads, reviewed his life on Macintosh computers and tapped out tributes on iPhones. One…
… day after his death, two days after Apple introduced the latest incarnation of a touch- screen phone that touched pop culture, sadness and admiration poured out - not for a rock star, not for a…
… as their Elvis Presley or John Lennon. Perhaps even their Thomas Edison. "It's like the end of the innova- tors," said Scott Robbins, 34, who described himself as an Apple fan of 20 years and who…
… rushed to an Apple Store in San Francisco when he heard the news. Apple announced Jobs' death Wednesday night and remem- bered him as a "visionary and creative genius." The company announced no cause of…
… death, but Jobs had been diagnosed with a rare pancreatic cancer seven years ago and had a liver trans- plant in 2009. He was 56. Yesterday, the Apple website, which usually features slick pre- sentations…
… of multicolored iPods and ever-thinner MacBook lap- top computers, simply displayed a black-and-white photo of Jobs, thumb and finger to his beard as if in contemplation. Around the world, tributes…
… of flickeringcandles. At an Apple Store in Hong Kong, old and new means of grief came together: People scribbled "RIP" and "We miss Steve" and longer notes of condolence on Post-It notes, and stuck…
… them to an iPad display. And at the 24-hour Apple Store inmidtown Manhattan, the remembrances were more tradi- tional. Passersby left flowers and candles, actual ones. Even there, people snapped pictures…
… of the memorial with their iPhones. "I was so saddened. For me it was like MichaelJacksonorPrin- cess Diana - that magnitude," Stephen Jarjoura said at the Apple Store in Sydney. His said Jobs left a…