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January 11, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

… communications slot for Ethernet or modem and it's PowerPC upgradeable. Great for people who need an all-around computer. EldfltoIh PerfoI ~ I Performa 6214/CD with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 1 GB Hard…

…, and sample media kit. Personal LaserWriter 300 Quality laser printer. Prints 4 pages per minute. $510 when you purchase any Apple computer! e. .4 kN All computers come with ClarlsWorks and RAM Doublerl…

… riter 2400 Apple computer! .3 pages per minute in color. rint: interface cable, ink cartridges, SThe Mihian Dily (IS N 74-967~) Is Publshned Monday tnrougn Friday during thfl aenctwinter termsby students…

…- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 11, 1996 r Performa 636/CD with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 500 MB Hard Drive Save an extra $150 if you purchase any Apple printer with the 636! $1…

…,282 AppleLoan $24/month*, a One of Apple's most affordable and flexible multimedia systems. Comes with a dual-speed CD-ROM player and lots of useful education and personal productivity software. There's a…

… Drive $1, 730 AppleLoan $33/month* The Performa 6214 includes all the advanced multimedia features of the 636 but with a PowerPC 603 processor, 1 gigabyte hard drive and quad-speed CD. Power Macintosh…

… 7200/75 with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 500 MB Hard Drive $1,885 AppleLoan $36lmonth* Power features of the 7200 include the PowerPC 601 processor, built-in 10BaseT Ethernet, graphics accelerator…

…, 240 MB Hard Drive $1, 77 AppleLoan $34/month* A handy portable at a very affordable price. PowerPC upgradable. Available while supplies last. Mitterrand fans bid farewell to dead leader at rally PARIS…

… along with the still-rising number of dead. - from Daily wire services PowerBooK 5300/100 8 MB RAM, 500 MB Hard Drive $2,010v AppleLoan $38/montb* Latest PowerPC-based notebook with such new features as…

December 10, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 48) • Page Image 5

…,428 to anyone wo gets their own. Check out Apple's Holiday Savings. Power Macintosh'7200 Right now Apple Computer is offering a $150 rebate when you purchase your 15"dipGlay/keyboard very own Macintosh…

…' personal computer and an Apple' printer. It's one of the Now $2,006 best chances you'll ever have to take ownership of the worlds most innovative technology. Just think about it. You can get your work done…

…Cintosh ComputerP100 Power Macintosh' 5260 100 MHz16MB RAM800B/C-ROM 14" built-in diplay/keboard Now $1,341 Coudnt e her that Power Macintosh' 6400 200 MHz/16M B RAM/24GB/8X CD-ROMl 15" display/keyboard Now $2…

April 18, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 116) • Page Image 12

… selected Macintosh computers and Apple'printers. So stop by and visit us today, and look into the power of Macintosh.The power to be your bestS 0 For more information visit us on the Internet at http…

… 0 .: .,. I It listens to your wallet. When you buy a Macintosh'computer, you're buying some of the most advanced multi- media capabilities you can get in a computer. With its built-in stereo sound…

…, video graphics and animation, Macintosh is an easy way to bring your work to life. Of course, you're also buying the computer that gives you a fast, easy way to access the Internet. Because with a…

…//hed com/ 12 a m a u Mim afnf1'a m r I …

January 23, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 58) • Page Image 14

… Canon Computer Systems, Inc., a fast growing leader in the computer and printer industry, whose corporate headquarters is in Southern California, has excellent opportunities in its Midwest Sales Region…

… for motivated, articulate individuals to aggressively implement its in- store merchandise programs. The successful candidates will ensure that the company's computer and peripheral products are…

… announced Tuesday, January 23 3:30 p.m. in the Rackham Auditorium Reading by: Max Apple 0 p Chris Busey, a Memorial Children's Hospital patient. i I …

December 09, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 47) • Page Image 5

Computer is it, offering a $150 rebate when you purchase a Macintosh personal computer and an Apple'printer. Fact is, your timing couldn't be better to get your Mac a machine that features some of the Power…

…,341 Com t othew on it it tunwithit. Power Macintosh*5400 120 MHz/16MB RAM/l.6GB/8X CD-ROM 15" builtin dolay/keyboard Now $1,754 Get $15.ack with lit. Check out Apple's Holiday Savings. Right now Apple

November 25, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 39) • Page Image 8

… $150 rebate from Apple' when you purchase a Macintosh' desktop computer with an Apple display (if sold separately) and any Apple printer. Just make tracks for your campus computer store and pick up some…

…I Appe~ aft ls . U ,. li t . ._ l ! ..., q~ .1laciutosh Performa 6i600 series, Apple .lultipile Scan h inch Display. Apple Color StvleWriler 2500 r k . 0 . .-S66 For a limited time, you can snag a…

April 15, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…, Director led the institution's Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering and was a professor there since 1977. Director said he now looks forward to working at a larger, more research…

… Arslanovski, was able to Ommunicate Friday with her class- mates in Grand Rapids via the, Internet and a quickcam camera. "Personal computers can be a valu- able tool," Arslanovski said. "We can Bone…

… on their way to southern Lebanon and that they will strike Israel abroad as well. First woman to deliver Golden Apple lecture By Patience Atkin Daily Staff Reporter For any student who ever wondered…

… what the "f' word means, tonight's Golden Apple Award lecture may shed some light on the subject. Carol Boyd, this year's recipient of the Golden Apple Award, will deliver her ideal last lecture, titled…

… of Nursing, said she assumes that the "f' word refers to "feminism." "At least, that's what she said," Hinshaw said. Previous Golden Apple recipients in- clude English Prof. Ralph Williams, his- tory…

… Prof. Sidney Fine, chemistry Prof. Brian Cnnol n h~is torv Prof Tomn polls University students to select a Golden Apple winner. "It's a campuswide selection pro- cess," Kraut said. He said that this…

September 03, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 120) • Page Image 36

…- standing University Teaching (SHOUT) asks students to single out great professors by nomi- nating the best undergrad- uate professor. The award recognizing such work is called the Golden Apple Award, and has…

…'t have to be a Golden Apple winner to be recogd as 'one of the great ones.' Political science Prof. Nancy Burns is a student favorite. "I enjoy helping stu- dent take an idea and implement it an helping…

… mechanical design an computer-aided desig methods. Farouki has taught at the Uni versity for two years, but has alread acquired a 'cool guy' reputation. "I enjoy having the opportunity t work with young people…

… influ ence positive change for students, eve though its members do not have an executive administrative powers. I University's history department. Fine, a Golden Apple winner, has been a favorite since…

… excellence. Collier, who specializes in the history of war and American society, has taught at the University since 1981. He too was honored with the Golden Apple Award. He said besides his passion for the sub…

… Golden Apple Award, says he really enjoys his work. "I really like trying to understand learning, and learn- ing through chemistry," Coppola said. Among other courses, Coppola teach- es Chemistry 210, an…

… Gold- en Apple. In addition to teaching, Boyd DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO MOBRE THAN JUST STUDY HERE AT U OF M D ~ I yes! tHe LuNivWRSit GCtiV it i25 C2N t 6R! .i9 t EXCITING COURSE IN FILMNIDEO…

December 06, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 46) • Page Image 9

Apple's Holiday Savings. Power MacintoshB 7200 Right now Apple Computer is offering a $150 rebate when you purchase your 120 "dis'p Iayv/keyboard very own Macintosh personal computer and an Apple

… great. And you pocket $150. So rub the sleep from your eyes, peel yourself off the couch and hit your campus computer store today. And leave your poor friend alone. I i I …

April 23, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 119) • Page Image 25

…,"Carnahan hands on these things." said. "In 1980, many people Peponis said students are thought Apple Computers not drawn to the Engineer- were toys. He didn't think Jim has really ing school solely because so." of…

…: Vice president for research, University of Michigan Technology expansion impacted 'U' As the 21 st century nears, the University likes to picture itself on the cutting edge of a computer- driven…

… information revolution.# From the evolution of the personal computer, to4 the navigation of the Internet, to the frontiers ofE virtual reality, the era of President James Duderstadt has been intertwined with…

… with the early development "virtual reality things you're not going to see of mainframe computing," Carnahan said, anywhere but here." Like Frank, Carnahan said Duderstadt's Peponis said the creation of…

… retical.physics does not in- mistake to think technol- volve computers. of $[hese prole $.GIS ogy was having an impact "I hada sense in the 1970s - Randy Frank solely on engineers. that this type of…

…. Carnahan said the College of Engineering has "Humanists depend on archives and on ob- benefited greatly from Duderstadt's influence. jects which are far away," Goldenberg said. "I believe the computing

…-off construction sites on campus. Left: Duderstadt looks out over the Angell Hall Computing Center, one of the many signs of the rising technology on campus. Below: Dederstadt in 1988 -the first year of his…

… presidency -replacing the typewriter ir his oice with a computer Building work seen as mainstay on campus On North Campus, construction cranes created an impromptu skyline. In Angell Hall, the sounds of grind…

… wiring for computer hook-ups. Other majorwork includes the renova- tion of University landmarks like the Michigan Union and Angell Hall. The construction costs approach $1.5 billion. "Five years ago, I was…

September 12, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 127) • Page Image 6

computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For info. & applications stop by Mich. Telefund, 611 Church, Ste. 304 or call 998-7420. ***ATTENTION STUDENTS*** The Michigan Daily is…

… watch 1 yr. old in my Plymouth home & drive si- blings to school on Weds. Ref. req. Call 414- COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level programming…

… individuals. Highest Starting Pay In Town! Appl in person at BELL TOWER HOTEL, 30 S. Thayer (on UM Campus). EOE. HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS are earning free spring break trips & moe 1 Sell 8 trips & go freet Bahamas…

… & need a great room close to campus in the winter? Rent neg., contact Dave 994-0665. BRAND NEW 486 SYSTEM w/SBGA color monitor. All still in box. Only $650. 313/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO…

…-0647. HOUSEKEEPING- Laundry, vacuuming, other cleaning; 6 hrs ./wk .;$9/hr.; walking distance to campus; after 6 p.m. call 662- 7169. MAC 7200 16 Megs RAM. Barely used. Keyboard & mouse incl. $1500 neg. New! Apple 17…

… inch monitor add $700. 741-5262. [ MAC POWERBOOK 145b-4M/80M HD, * SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters. B/W screen, Apple Laser printer incl. Mint Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax. cond., $975 or…

March 11, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 88) • Page Image 5

… the landscape architects have chosen to plant crab-apple trees. My parents have had a crab-apple tree in their yard for years. It has been a nothing but a nuisance. Sure it flowers, for at most two…

… weeks in spring. More often than not, it blooms for about three days. The rest of the year it is ugly. worse than that, it drops rock hard "apples" onto the yard, which in turn, rotted the grass…

… underneath if left for too long. Another unanticipated side effect is that the apples turn into dangerous projectiles when picked up and thrown by mischievous kids (we had a high school bus stop on our corner…

… - the kids loved to have crab-apple fights). Needless to say, I think panting crab-apple trees would be a mistake. It makes no sense to do so, considering the climate of SE Michigan will not allow the…

… trees to flower for long, and the apples will just be a source of trouble. ANDREA E. CROSS-DIAL ENGINEERING ALUM *bstinence can stop HIV TO THE DAILY: I am writing in response to Jean Twenge's column…

… printing in the ITD Campus Computing Sites now costs 4C per page. Printing charges are deducted from your UMCE computing allocation. Check your account balance regularly! Join the Technology Force of the…

… opportunity you need to meet the challenges you'll face. We are interested in interviewing students in Engineering, Computer Science, Geosciences and/or Applied Sciences. Schlumberger is an equal opportunity…

November 15, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…,500 each, were taken from an unse- cured computer room in the building. The stolen computers include one Packard Bell model and two Apple Macintosh computers. DPS has no suspects but staffers said…

… reports stated. Maintenance was contacted to clean up the graffiti. Hard drives stolen from SAB Three computers were stolen from e Student Activities Building on onday. The computers, worth approximately $4…

February 23, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

… ta S. " " Classes are starting s Call us today! 1-800-KAP-TEST If you decide to take the computerized G the KAPLAN GRE course also ives you al computer strategies you need for success Test Day! get ah…

…, Apple Computers Inc. Hillel's Executive Director Michael Brooks said, "(The award) is a good way to remind the University that every teacher should always be giving his or her lecture." The Golden Apple

… her score KAAN @ 1. GRE... APPLE Continued from Page 1 of Nursing. , Buan said when she heard nomina- tions for the award were being accepted she sent e-mail messages to about 75 students in the 200…

…-plus lecture and made announcements to as many stu- dents as she could. "The Golden Apple is excellence in teaching," Buan said. "It was the first time I (even) voted." Buan also said Boyd "never acted…

…," Kraut said. Last year's Golden Apple award-win- ner Tom Collier agreed: "It's a wonder- ful opportunity for students to express themselves - indicate the kind of fac- ulty they appreciate. It's not a…

September 13, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

… interview. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level programming language. Familiarity w/ Windows & related database a plus. Submit application @ 3011…

…., Mktg.,' Film, or PR preferred; must have car, basic computer/typing skills, flexible hours. Send resume to PR Intern, P.O. Box 2002, Bloom- field Hills, MI 48303. DEADLINE: Sept. 20. $6.50/HR.! Now…

… accessories! 486s as low as 5599. Macs as low as $199. Limited supply! 313/994-1030. MAC 7200 16 Megs RAM. Barely used. Keyboard & mouse incl. $1500 neg. New Apple 17 inch monitor add $700. 741-5262. MAC…

… POWERBOOK 145b-4M/80M HD, B/W screen, Apple Laser printer incl. Mint cond., $975 or best. Andrew 998-1925. Full or Part-time *Competitive Salary *Bonus System *Excellent benefit pkg. *Work in the great…

… house parties; varied & inter- esting position, 10-4 @ The Moveable Feast restaurant. Call Pat or Karen 663-3278 or fax resume to 663-9154 or apply in person 3-5, Mon.-Fri., 326 W. Liberty. COMPUTER

… RENAISSANCE is hiring sales and technical staff. Must have computer experience. Full-time and part-time available. Call 994-1030. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING Earn up to $2000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full…

September 09, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 124) • Page Image 6

….! Now hiring for Fall/Winter posi- tions that are avail. throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training…

…. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level programming language. Familiarity w/ Windows & related database a plus. Submit application @ 3011 Student Ac…

….m. 761-4026. 0 I' APPLE LCII. system 7.0, 80MB, 13.5." color monitor, HP printer + spare cartridges, Microsoft Word 5. Asking $1100 or best. Call Tomas, 313/480-9875. BRAND NEW 486 SYSTEM w/SBGA color…

… monitor. All still in box. Only $650. 313/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems, monitors, printers and accessories) 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199…

October 22, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

… $39.Technical help wanted, apply within 1739 Washtenaw 482- 0739. APPLE LASERWRITER for sale. 4 yrs. old, like new. $500 or best. 913-5843. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals…

… STEALTH: Blue, 5-speed, new tires. $9000 or best offer. Call Scott @ 741-2622. 1993 SUBARU Legacy L power everything mint cond. $9700/OBO 485-8513. computers RENT WITH US! WE HAVE IT ALL! 4-6 & 10…

…-13 bedroom houses, efficiencies & 6 bdrm. apts. Call PMSI 665-5552. **********MACEXCHANG E********** MacExchange Computer Outlet. Sales & service. 486s from $389. New Performa 6320 $1999. Syquest 44r Drive…

…. Please apply in person @ Campus Inn. 615 E. Iluron St. (corner of State St. & Iluron St.). COMPUTER RENAISSANCE has full and part-time positions available at its Ann Arbor store. Call 313-994-1030 or Fax…

… conscientious individual. Responsibilities include office administration, basic computer functions, handling payments/billing inquiries, processing customer requests, telemarketing. Must be available part-time on…

…'s Degree in: Computer Science, Information Systems or Accounting Information Systems. Jr. or Sr. standing desirable but not required. Student should have a good understanding of PC hardware and Windows…

… 665-5667. ACROSS 1 Computer input 5 Bill of fare 9 Part of a chair 14 Name in journalism 15 The Bard's river 16 Mad 17 Hemingway novel of 1926 20 Goddess of the moon 21 - Aviv ,22 Proofreader's word…

September 10, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 125) • Page Image 6

… Fall/Winter posi- tions that are avail, throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For info…

…. Telephone: 763-1363. energetaCs densfr assisting with some or all of mail, phones, filing, cash receipts, library, and database coordination. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs…

… control. Looks & runs great, high mileage (113k), but very reliable, asking $4000, 332-0903. 1990 RED PROBE GT, 89,000 miles. New tires, very clean n-smkg. interior $4500 662- 7260. APPLE LCII. system 7…

…/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems, monitors, printers and accessories! 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Limited supplyl 313/994-1030. jfurnture ***ATTENTION…

September 06, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

… 662- 7260. EAGLE TALON TSI 1991 AWD all ionsCD, excellent cond. $7,200. 761- 239. Fflcoputrs APPLE LCII. system 7.0, 80MB, 13.5" color monitor, HP printer + spare cartridges, Microsoft Word 5. Asking…

… $1100 or best. Call Tomas, 313/480-9875. BRAND NEW 486 SYSTEM w/SBGA color monitor. All still in box. Only $650. 313/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems…

… hiring for FallWinter posi- tions that are avail, throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For…

… library research & general assistance. Computer skills helpful. 10-15 hrs./wk. $10-12/hr. Weekend interviews possible. 764-5448. BUSMEN TO WORK in exchange for meals at the Martha Cook Building, 906 S…

…. Commitment for I academic yr. Hrs. must include MWF afternoons. 995-5399. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level programming language. Familiarity w…

…/ Windows & related database a plus. Submit application @ 3011 Student Ac- tivities Building or call 764-6413. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level…

… programming language. Familiarity w/ Windows & related database a plus. Submit application @ 3011 Student Ac- tivities Building or call 764-6413. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER/ HARDWARE Technician part-time work- study…

November 25, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 39) • Page Image 6

… 95 HYUNDAI ACCENT auto. Low miles. Good cond. $8000/best. Call 9954742. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems, monitors, printers and accessories! 486s as low as…

… circulars. For info call 202/298-9670. $6.50/HR.! Now hiring for Fall/Winter posi- tions that are avail. throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills…

…. $7-10/hr. after training. Must have transportation. Call Shel- lya 75-1976 COMBINATION DATA ENTRY Child sit- ting position: Female with experience with children and computers to be a companion to a…

…-7056. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE has full and part-time positions available at its Ann Arbor store. Call 313-994-1030 or Fax 313-994- 1304. COMPUTER TUTORING: Help! New IBM. Mother & children need training. 663- 3223…

… Planted Borscht base Place for a 2 Norse god 3 Highlander's garb 4 Elusive one 5 Autumn apples 6 Quieter 7 Sluggish 8 Oxford tutor 9 Slippery, at times 10 Egg or rug follower 11 Common contraction 12 Relay…

October 24, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

… Washtenaw 482- 0739. APPLE LASERWRITER for sale. 4 yrs. old, like new. $500 or best. 913-5843. COMPUTER RENA ISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems, monitors, printers and accessories! 486…

…, throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For info. & applications stop by Mich. Telefund, 611 Church…

… St. & Huron St.). COMPUTER RENAISSANCE has full and part-time positions available at its Ann Arbor store. Call 313-994-1030 or Fax 313-994- 1304. COUNTER HELP Have a blast! Friendly, customer service…

…'s Degree in: Computer Science, Information Systems or Accounting Information Systems. Jr. or Sr. standing desirable but not required. Student should have a good understanding of PC hardware and Windows…

…, MI 48104. **********MACEXCHANGE********** MacExchange Computer Outlet. Sales & service. 486s from $389. New Performa 6320 $1999. Syquest 44r Drive $39.Technical help wanted, apply within 1739…

October 23, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

… environment- Apply at 310 Maynard- 995-9106. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE has full and part-time positions available at its Ann Arbor store. Call 313-994-1030 or Fax 313-994- 1304. COUNTER HELP Have a blast! Friendly…

… administration, basic computer functions, handling payments/billing inquiries, processing customer requests, telemarketing. Must be available part-tune on Saturdays. Experience helpful, but will train reliable and…

… & -service. 486s from $389. New Performa 6320 $1999. Syquest 44r Drive $39.Technical help wanted, apply within 1739 Washtenaw 482- -r0739. j'APPLE LASERWRITER for sale. 4 yrs. :old, like new. $500 or best. 913…

…-5843. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE . BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT wIncredible deals on systems, monitors, printers and accessories! 486s as low as $599, Macs as low as $199. Limited supply! ". 313/994-1030. DELL 486 4 MEG…

October 21, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

… $1999. Syquest 44r Drive $39. 1739 Wash- tenaw 482-0739. APPLE LASERWRITER for sale. 4 yrs. old, like new. $500 or best. 913-5843. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems…

…/OBO 485-8513. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '88 90K, leather, A/C, new tires, exc. 665-9627. x **********MACEXCHANGE********** MacExchange Computer Outlet. Sales & service. 486s from $389. New Performa 6320…

… housemates 998-1807. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE has full and part-time positions available at its Ann Arbor store. Call 313-994-1030 or Fax 313-994- 1304. COUNTER HELP Have a blast! Friendly, customer service…

computer functions,handlingrpayments/billing inquiries, processing customer requests, telemarketing. Must be available part-time on Saturdays. Experience helpful, but will train reliable and energetic person…

…'s Degree in: Computer Science, Information Systems or Accounting Information Systems. Jr. or Sr. standing desirable but not required. Student should have a good understanding of PC hardware and Windows…

September 16, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 129) • Page Image 6

…. throughout the school yr. Flex. eve. hrs.-create own sched. Obtain valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For info. & applications stop by Mich. Telefund, 611 Church…

… Plant Services Building (first floor) 1111Palmer Dr. (behind the Power Center) BRAND NEW 486 SYSTEM w/SBGA dolor monitor. All still in box. Only $650. 313/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL…

…, $400 or best offer. Call 761-8251, or 994-3026. MAC 7200 16 Megs RAM. Barely used. Keyboard & mouse incl. $1500 neg. New Apple 17 inch monitor add $700. 741-5262. MAC CLASSIC II with HP printer, modem…

…, and computer cart. $300. 327-9613. INTERNS WANTED (http:// Need creative, innovative individuals, graphic gurus, inspired writers, human net browsers for quick cash & weekly…

…. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE is hiring sales and technical staff. Must have computer experience. Full-time and part-time available. *Walk-ins receive a 20% discount with valid student M.D. (non-organiza- tiona non…

September 27, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

… Trek 10 model and worth $400, according toDPS reports. The police have no sus- 'ect in the case. Laptop lifted from LaUnge A caller reported that his Apple lap- op computer was stolen Wednesday from the…

… House Officers' lounge at the East Medical Center Building. The lap- op is valued at $1,700. DPS reported that the computer was removed between 7:45 and 8:15 p.m., nd the caterer left the lounge door n a…

… don't feel left out by register- ing students there. New Media Union acquaints students with technology Media Union offers computing workshops, music and films By Brian Campbell Daily Staff Reporter…

… together, which will hopefully bring people into the building so we can show them what we can do with the technologies." The computing workshops, spon- sored by CAEN, the library and ITD, last between one…

… software and equipment found in the Media Union. Although Shebang concludes this evening, computing workshops, walk- ing tours and virtual reality mini-cours- es will be given throughout the fall semester…

January 22, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

… LocK&/sIrATt The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 22, 1996 - 3A iy: Next pres. uld keep up relations with A2 Group seeks Golden Apple nominations Q Members of Students Honoring Out- anding…

… Undergraduate Teaching have begun their annual search for inspiring professors. The fifth Golden Apple Award seeks to reward outstanding overall teaching, and is awarded based qn student support and nominations…

…, or submit a ballot to boxes located in the Campus Informa- tion Center in the Michigan Union, the Angell Hall Computing Center or the ;orth Campus Commons. Senior Days '96 looks for organizers * The…

September 05, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 122) • Page Image 6

… valuable computer & comm. skills while im- proving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For info. & applications stop by Mich. Telefund, 611 Church, Ste. 304 or call 998-7420. *** WORK-STUDY positions avail. Join…

… detail under pressure of deadlines important. Send resume to P.O. Box 4479, Ann Arbor 48106-4479. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER entry level position approximately 15-25 hrs./wk. Must know a high level programming…

….0, 80MB, 13.5" s HP printer + spre cartridges, Full and part-time available " Assistant Managers * Crew Members * Delivery Drivers (Packard & Platt loc. only) APPLE LCII. color monitor, H Microsoft…

October 25, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

… Washtenaw 482- 0739. APPLE LASERWRITER for sale. 4 yrs. old, like new. $500 or best. 913-5843. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems, monitors, printers and accessories! 486s…

… for heal- thy women between the ages 21-35 for egg donation. All ethnic backgrounds are encouraged. Fee paid. Send inquiries to AARMA, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE has full…

…, $2150. 434-7655. **********MACEXCHANGE********** MacExchange Computer Outlet. Sales & service. 486s from $389. New Performa 6320 $1999. Syquest 44r Drive $39.Technical help wanted, apply within 1739…

October 09, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…-M $ Discount. 426-5217. ADOPTION? View, select,and meet very special parents for your baby. visit our site at: COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems…

…, monitors, printers and accessories! 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Limited supply! 313/994-1030. MACEXCHANGE DISCOUNT Computer Outlet. Sales, service, parts and upgrades. New Performa 6320 $1999…

computers a plus. We are looking for a team player. Please send resume or call Danessa Itaya, MOLLY MAID, Inc., 1340 Eisenhower Place, Ann Arbor, Ml 48107, 975-1000. MOLLY MAID National Headquarters is…

apple -..." Settle a loan "Three little - from school Gilbert Drudged Head the bill Tunes "Peter Pan" pirate 32 Swedish rock group 33 Imparts color 34 Word of woe 35 - Lisa 37 Tommy - 38 Egyptian goddess…

September 04, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 121) • Page Image 6

computer & comm. skills while improving stud. programs. Pd. Training. For into. & applications stop by Mich. Telefund, 611 Church, Ste. 304 or call 998-7420. *SPRING BREAK 97 Earn cash! Book fast! Highest…

… STUDENTS!!! Grants, scholarships, aid available from sponsors!!! No repayments, ever!!! $$$Cash for college $$$for info.: 800/243-2435. J APPLE LCII. system 7.0, 80MB, 13.5" color monitor, HP rinter…

… monitor. All still in box. Only $650. 313/563-8814. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK. TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT Incredible deals on systems, monitors, rinters and accessories! 486s as low as 599. Macs as low as $199…

… professional telephone manner for conducting research interviews *have experience with IBM compatible computers helpful *have keyboard/typing skills *be available to work nearly exclusively evenings and weekends…

March 18, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

… Management 668-1100. *SUBSTANCE FREE CO-OP* Gregory House at 1617 Washtenaw: TV, VCR, computer, porch and dinners made every evening. 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. 703 S. Forest. Free prkg. $265/mo. May-May 662…

… VW GOLF. Good condition. 74K miles. Runs great. New clutch, fuel pump, etc. $750/bo. 572-8767. Leave message. computers * 1 and 2 Bedrooms * Available for Fall '96 " Some Available for Spring * Look…

…, " SOME MAY LEASES AVAIL 741 -9300 _. (EXTENDED OURS) LG.2 RM. EFF.'S &.1 bdrm. apt.(on central cmps. starting at $425. Util. incl., new appl., prkg. avail. 747-6895. MAY LEASES avail. Contemporary studio…

…, I and 2 bdrm. apts. CMB - 741-9300. MAY TO MAY leases AND residents Spring & Summer sublet avail. Call 761- ANN ARBOR'S COLOSSAL computer sale. Sunday, March 24, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wash- tenaw…

…. Fall lease. 769-7025 until 8p.m. 2 1/2 BDRM. HSE. avail. July. Fum. w/appl. 10 min. walk to Diag. Ref. req. Prkg. No util. $1000/mo. 995-0453. BLUE COUCH & matching chair, 2 end tables, & coffee table…

… Succeed, and 40 41 then some Gratify Italian noble family 53 54 55 - apple Depend on Writer Herbert FALL 96 LARGE 1 BDRM. apt. up to 2 people. Great location & view. Fum., clean, safe, free cable. 769…

October 07, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

… contin- ued to draw off of the varied styles that Husker Du had begun with later albums like "Flip Your Wig" and "Candy Apple Grey." In 1990, Mould formed another three-piece band called Sugar, whose two…

…, anywhere. We hire IPwOPLw - in engineering, information technology, computer science, marketing & sales, manufacturing - and everything in between. Now that you know more about IUS, we'd like to know more…

April 19, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

…., prkg., refs. req. 665-4986. GALLATIN MANOR-E. William/Division. Avail. Sept. 1, eff., 1-2-3 bdrm. apts. w/ security buzzer, laundry, and storage. Gal- latin Realty Co. 994-0624. E M" LAPTOP COMPUTER

…- Apple Pwrbk.140. Incl. software/case. $545. Jim 913-4555. MAC PERFORMA 405.80 MB H1D, 4 MB RAM, color monitor, printer, MS Word, many games! $800 or best. Loren @ 994- 5664. NEW POWER MACINTOSH 7500…

February 29, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

… landscaping company chose to use non-native vegetation such as Scotch pines - usually used for Christmas trees -- and flowering apple crab trees. These trees re- quire more energy and water than is readily…

…. But who will pay to maintain special pines and crab apples? Students, if asked, would most likely not support Scotch pines over white pines if they had to foot the bill. It is finan- cially unwise to…

… and thinking about the implications of it all. About the tremendous power this society has over us, that it"can make all these incredibly intelligent people sit in front of computers at risk to their…

January 31, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 65) • Page Image 9

… poetic ("Apple," "Le Pain Perdu"), the next they're shouting and raising a musical ruckus ("Beef Jerky," "Birthday Cake"). Elegant, ethereal ballads like "Sugar Water" and"Artichoke" are right at home with…

… House Red Hot Lovers Rendezvous Cafe SKR Classical Salad Days Schoolkids Records Shaman Drum Bookshop Subway The Underworld Bookstore University Club UM Business School: Computing Center Course Packs…

May 22, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 3) • Page Image 9

… remainder of the movie was shot in London. With the help of After Dark, Netscape, Adobe Photoshop and the interactive software package Director, plus the technology of Apple and IBM, the comput- er/video team…

March 01, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 87) • Page Image 7

… balance & tax reporting. Bachelors in Accounting or equivalent plus at least five years exp. required. Must be fluent in Microsoft Works for Windows, spreadsheets, databases, & both manual & computerized

…-1399. Deadline: Postmarked by March 13. REALTOR ASSISTANT- Work in a fast paced environment where enthusiasm, energy, and self motivation are essential. Computer skills necessary. Knowledge of real estate…

… Shokhalevich recalls the autumn evening he spotted a boar munching on apples outside the local drugstore. "He wasn't bothering anyone," the Ukrainian biochemist says, smiling at the incongruous image of a tusked…

February 27, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

… number they obtained. But the State Depart- ment said the number was not yet in its system of computerized records. Meanwhile yesterday, Israelis mourned their dead, lighting memo- rial candles to those…

… 45. SN ATIONAL REPORT Coalition sues to overturn Internet law PHILADELPHIA -A coalition that includes computer industry giants Microsoft and Apple filed a federal lawsuit yesterday to overturn a new…

January 18, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

… for a number of positions. Quantitative ApplLcations Developer Academic Background: Additional Skills: M.S. or Ph.D. in a quantitative field such as Operations Research, Engineering, Mathematics, or…

Computer Science. Strong analytical and C programming skills are required. Knowledge of the financial markets is a plus. Quantitative A pplications Analvs The Analyst's primary role is to provide training…

…/or computer programming is a plus. Unix SVstem Administrator Academic Background: Additional Skills: B.A. or M.S. in a quantitative field such as Computer Science or Engineering. Strong Unix operating system…

January 29, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 63) • Page Image 7

… Microsoft Works for Windows, spreadsheets, databases, & both manual & computerized accounting systems. 761-2470 for appt. or fax resume to 994-0624. ADVERTISING- TV & Print Peterson, Williams & Bizer, Inc…

… broadcast & print media accounts. PWB is located in An Arbor, Michigan, just one mile from the U of M campus. No prior media experience is necessary. Computer proficiency and bachelors degree are a must; e…

… & State). COMPUTER RENAISSANCE is hiring full-time/part-time Computer Consultants & Technicians for its Ann Arbor retail store. Hourly salary, benefits, bonus. Call 313/994- 1030 or fax resume to 313…

…-800/753-9118 DANBEE (Girls): 1-8001392-3752 SECURITY GUARDS NEEDED for U of M campus. Part & full-time available w/ flexible schedule. Appl @ State Security Services 525 Church. 668-0444. EOE. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED, O…

… for assisting with mail, phones, filing, cash receipts and computer skills. Various hours available. Pay $5.40 to $6.25 per hour. Call 764-0550 for informa- tion or apply at 210E Student Publications…

March 15, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 6

… all premium- & pay per view channels. 913- EXCELLENT SELECTIONAOF NEW AND GENTLY USED BRAND NAME FURNITURE! Twin mattress set $88.00, Cocktail & 2 end tables set $88.00, Computer desk $88.00, Queen…

… & eff. 1-2 people 1 block from Frieze Bldg. Fully fum. Varsity Management 668-1100. *SUBSTANCE FREE CO-OP* Gregory House at 1617 Washtenaw: TV, VCR, computer, porch and dinners made every evening. 1…

…'t miss out. Call Today! 761-8000 2 & 3 BDRM. furn./unfurn. @ 1600 Packard. Fall lease. 769-7025 until 8p.m. 2 1/2 BDRM. HSE. avail. July. Fum. w/appl. 10 min. walk to Diag. Ref. req. Prkg. No util. $1000…

…. $337/mo. Call 996-3539. LG.2 RM. EFF.'S & 1 bdrm.apt.on central cmps. starting at $425. Util. incl new appL, prkg. avail. 747-6895. MAY LEASES avail. Contemporary stu 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. CMB - 741…

March 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 6

… 1617 Washtenaw: TV, VCR, computer, porch and dinners made every evening. 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. ap.703S. Forest. Free prkg. $265/mo. May- ay 662-7691. 1003 PACKARD 4 bdrms. $1520 + util. Fall lease, 2 bdrms…

… NEW AND GENTLY USED BRAND NAME FURNITURE! Twin mattress set $88.00, Cocktail & 2 end tables set $88.00, Computer desk $88.00, Queen mattress set $98.00. Four piece bedroom set $158.00, Queen sofa…

…. $700-$750/mo. No smoking./no pets. Also 1 bdrm. in 2 bdrm. apt. avail. Now through Aug. $337/mo. Call 996-3539. LG. 2 RM. EFF.'S & 1 bdrm. apt. on central cmps. starting at $425. Util. incl., new appl

…'S COLOSSAL computer sale. Sunday, March 24, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wash- tenaw Community College's Morrs Lawren- e Bldg. New/used hardware & software; kids table. Vendor tables $40, admission $4. 3131971…

…-4835. 2 & 3 BDRM. furn./unfurn. @ 1600 Packard. Fall lease. 769-7025 until 8p.m. 2 1/2 BDRM. HSE. avail. July. Fum. w/appl. 10 min. walk to Diag. Ref. req. Prkg. No util. $1000/mo. 995-0453. 2 BDRM. BI…

March 13, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

…'s Edge 483-1350 487-5750 21/2 BDRM. HSE. avail. July. Fum. w/appl. 10 min. walk to Diag. Ref. req. Prkg. No util. $1000/mo. 995-0453. 2 BDRM. BI LEVEL 1 1/2 bath, 1100 sq. ft. Perfect for 4 people. Dwshr…

… all Srmium & pay per view channels. 913- EXCELLENT SELECTION OF NEW AND GENTLY USED BRAND NAME FURNITURE! Twin mattress set $88.00, Cocktail & 2 end tables set $88.00, Computer a desk $88.00, Queen…

… Available for Spring * Look for us at the H-n sint, Fair LG. 2 RM. EFF.'S & l bdrm. apt. on central cmps. starting at $425. Util. incl., new appl., rk . avail. 747-6895: MAY LEASES avail. Contemporary stu, 1…

… APARTMENTS for fall. Great location, firplaces, modem. Fumished. parking, laundry. 663-3050. ANN ARBOR'S COLOSSAL computer Stnday, March 24, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wash- tenaw Community College's Morris Lawren- ce…

… Management 668-1100. *SUBSTANCE FREE CO-OP* Gregory House at 1617 Washtenaw: TV, VCR, computer, porch and dinners made every evening. 11,2,3 & 4 BDRM. apts. & rooms. Avail. for Fall 1996. Call 761-8990. 1003…

November 15, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…-Koo-e-Koo 17.5" mntn. bike w/front shock. NEW condition. $500. Call Steve at 971-0428. NISSAN MAXIMA '88 Loaded. Excellent condition. $3500 or best. 313/481-0774. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT…

… Incredible deals on systems, monitors, priners and accessories! 486s as low as 5599. Macs as low as $199. Limited supply! 313/994-1030. MACEXCHANGE COMPUTER Outlet. Sales, service, parts and upgrades. Buy…

… positions ASAP. Full-time/part-time/ weekends available. Call 971-6122 10-4 p.m. TANFASTIC NOW HIRING for all shifts. Appl at 627 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. TELEPHONE work setting appointments0 for insurance…

February 02, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

… & computerized accounting systems. 761-2470 for appt. or fax resume to 994-0624. ftASKA EMPLOYMENT- fishing industry. Earn up to $3000-$6000+ per month. Room & Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience…

… & wages offered. Please apply in person at CAMPUS INN 615 E. Huron (at Huron & State). CASHIER for N. Campus service station.Mon.-Thur., 3:30-10 p.m. 663-6019. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE is hiring full…

…-time/part-time Computer Consultants & Technicians for its Ann Arbor retail store. Hourly salary, benefits, bonus. Call 313/994- 1030 or fax resume to 313/994-1304. CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH TEACHERS NEEDED in South Korea…

…, Bloomfield, Novi, Livonia, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Mus- kego and more. 800/887-1960. PART-TIME OFFICE & computer support Exp. w/ Macintosh desired. Work study o temp. Call Greg at 936-8325. POSTAL…

… regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F55984. BAKERY DELIVERY- early early a.m. The Moveable Feast. Appl in Mon.-Fri. 3-5 ,or call…

March 21, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

… balcony, MORE!! $465/mo. 994-5990. 4 't9 MERCURY TRACER 70 K, automatic, new tires, exhaust, etc. $3500/best. Day: 764- 7361 night: 278-9057. comDUters MANN ARBOR'S COLOSSAL computer sale. Sunday, March…

… 112 BDRM. HSE. avail. July. Fum. w/appl. 10 min. walk to Diag. Ref. req. Prkg. No util. $1000/mo. 995-0453. 2 BDRM. APT. + attic avail. Fall. 325 E. Liberty 3 blks. from campus. Enjoy privacy. Rent neg…

…. Util. incl., new appl., prkg. avail. 747-6895. MAY LEASE. Central campus. 6 bedroom furnished house. Ldry. facilities, off-street prkg. $1200/mo. 995-8800. MAY LEASES avail. Contemporary studio, 1 and 2…

…. Fully fum. Varsity Management 668-1100. 'SUBSTANCE FREE CO-OP* Gregory House at 1617 Washtenaw: TV, VCR, computer, porch, and dinners made every evenine. Call 662-4414. 1003 PACKARD 2 bdrms. for 2-3, $780…

March 20, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

… Management 668-1100. *SUBSTANCE FREE CO-OP* Gregory House at 1617 Washtenaw: TV, VCR, computer, porch, and dinners made every evening. Call 662-4414. 1003 PACKARD 4 bdrms. $1520 + util. Fall lease, 2 bdrms…

… 2 bdrm. apt. avail. Now through Aug. $337/mo. Call 996:3539. LG.2 RM. EFF.'S & 1 bdrm. apt..on central cmps. starting at $425. Util. inel., new appl., prkg. avail. 747-6895. * 1 and 2 Bedrooms…

…. 663-3050. ANN ARBOR'S COLOSSAL computer sale. Sunday, March 24, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wash- tenaw Community College's Morris Lawren- ce Bldg. New/used hardware & software; kids table. Vendor tables $40…

…. 769-7025 until 8p.m. 21/2 BDRM. HSE. avail. July. Fum. w/appl. 10 min. walk to Diag. Ref. req. Prkg. No util. $1000/mo. 995-0453. 'i 'I e Tk T4 "1100 SO. F. APTS.-GR EAT FOR 3-5 PEOPLE *COMPLIMENTARY…

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