January 18, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 93) • Page Image 2
…. Eng., 4 p.m. Hopwood program: U. underclass awards; John Hawkes, novelist, "A Reading," Lec. hall. Rackham, 4 p.m. Computer. FORTRAN IV, MTS Lectures: Brice Carnahan, "An In- troduction to Digital…
… Computers and Computing Languages." Nat. Set. Aud., 7:30 p.m. .Ctr. Japanese Studies: Shinoda's Double Suicide, Aud. 3, MLB, 8 p.m. Music School: Degree recital-Jim Burmeister, organ, Hill Aud., 8 p…
…&P; ap- plications due March 12. AFL-CIO accepting applications for its Labor Research Internship , Program for year beginning July 1, '76; open to grad students; salary provided; for more info & appl…