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January 09, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… Carabins. The game starts at 8 o'clock. IT WILL BE the Wolverines first appearance at the Hill Street rink since they defeated the Tor- onto Blues in mid-December, 6-3. In the meantime Coach Vic Hey- liger…

… Montreal-Michi- gan series are any indication. Two years ago the Wolverines lost to the Carabins 3-2 and man- aged to scrape out an 8-8 tie in the other contest. Last year Mich- igan walloped the Canadians…

January 10, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

… positions of Assistant Night Editor on The Daily. Budget -Daily-Alan Reid MONTREAL GOALTENDER CATCHES HARD SHOT FROM STICK OF WOLVERINE PHILPOTT * * *t*u c *nr * * Icers Trounce Montreal, 13-2 By HANLEY…

… GURWIN # Blasting home eight goals in the first period, the Wolverine hockey sextet coasted to an easy 13-2 victory over the Montreal. Carabins at the Coliseum last night. * * * DOUG MULLEN and George Chin…

… each scored hat-tricks in the high-scoring game which was blasted wide open by the rampag- ing Wolverines in the latter half of the first period. In addition to their three goals apiece, Chin picked up…

… goalie Cyrille Guevre- mont in one sweep as the referee dropped the puck to the ice. * * * AT APPROXIMATELY .the fif- teen minute mark of the period the goal crazy Wolverines netted two quick ones within a…

… Lamour- eax. The Wolverines came to life again and matched the Montreal marker with Mullen's third goal of the night, which was quickly followed by goals by Keyes and Chin. Chin added his third and Haas…

January 10, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…- senting Maryland and Seton Hall complete the field. The other Wolverine represen- tative, George Lynch, will be run- ningfor the first time under Mich- igan's colors. - 'M' wrestlers 'V. Crush Indiana…

… at Evanston. Coach Bill Perigo's Wolverines go into the battle, which will be broadcast over WHRV at nine o'clock, sporting a 1-5 conference record and an overall mark of 3-6. THE WILDCATS also boast a…

…, consistent point- getter for the Wolverines, picked up his third straight decision of the season by humbling Bob Fish- er, 11-2. * * * HOOSIER captain Jim Ellis, 157, eked out a 5-3 win over Miles Lee by…

… Easy win,_13-2 (Continued from Page 1) Wolverine goalie Willie Lucier, who replaced Ikola after the sec- ond period. SCORING SUMMARY FIRST PERIOD: Goals: 1 Michigan, Chin (Haas, Coo- ney) 3:00; 2…

…, (Lamoureux, Daoust) 13:07 .Pen- Gymnastics Squad Opens Pla Today Michigan's gymnastics squad opens its season tomorrow after- noon against a small but able In- diana team. The Wolverines downed Indiana by a…

January 11, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

Wolverines 'M' Loses, 84-57 Remains in Cellar Special To The Daily EVANSTON -Michigan's bas- ketball squad sank deeper into the Big Ten cellar last night when it was handed its fourth straight loss, an 84…

…-57 thumping by North- western at the new McCaw Me- morial Stadium. The Wildcats. went wild in the final quarter netting 17 markers while the Wolverines were blank- ed to cinch their victory. * * * LED BY…

… freezing * K -Daily-Don Campbell MONTREAL GOALIE STOPS WOLVERINE SCORING ATTEMPT BY KEYES * * * M l tM c:I * * *2 Monr eal StunRs MichiganIcernen, 2-1 By BOB MARGOLIN An aroused Montreal hockey team, still…

… smarting from a 13-2 defeat at the hands of Michigan the night before, upset the favored Wolverines, 2-1, last night before a full house at the Coliseum. - The Maize and Blue, possibly expecting another easy…

… victory, knew they werb in for a rough night before many minutes were gone. Two Wolverine offsensive thrusts in the first three minutes of the game were broken up by the Montreal defense, which play- ed…

… helped off the ice in the first per- iod, had little trouble in netting tb e puck on a short shot.' The Wolverines took heart from Philpott's goal and poured it on for the rest of the game, but as game as…

… sink at hin. On more than one occa- sion, a Michigan icer lost the range with an open goal in front of him. The story was the same for the Wolverines in the second period. For a few seconds they even had…

… a two man advantage on their Canadian opponents, but a stub- born defense wouldn't give way. Throughout the game, everytime the Wolverines controlled the puck on a fast break, a Montreal de- fender…

January 13, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… (7) BATTLE TWO HAWKEYES FOR A REBOUND * ** * Wolverines' Late, Surge Edges. Hawke yes, 66=61 By DICK LEWIS Down-trodden Michigan staged a dramatic ht to overcome Iowa, 66-61, and vacate the lar…

…-ditch rally last Big Ten basketball Coach Bill Perigo's fired-up- Wolverines came with a rush from seven points off the pace to chalk up their second conference win in eight starts, dumping idle Purdue into…

January 14, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

… Y, JANUARY 14, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TUREE I I Field Events Are Puzzle In Indoor Track Picture CAGERS VACATE CELLAR: Wolverines Look Sharp in Iowa Victory SPORTS SLANTS . ..By Ed…

… crew. Which means the Wolverines must be super-careful on hostile rinks from here on. The slightest display of temper will bring the same treatment McKennell got. 2-Some sort of procedure and regulation…

… field events loom as a big question mark in Michigan's quest for the Big Ten indoor track championship. The Wolverine thinclads have lost more men from last season's field events squad than any other Big…

… Mitchell of Illinois. Two other outstanding confer- ence jumpers are James Harper of Indiana and James Vrooman from Michigan State. THE WOLVERINE track team's two weakest events are the pole vault and the…

January 15, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 81) • Page Image 6

…. meets during the between Semesters break.. The Wolverine tankers will bat- tle the Hawkeyes from Iowa on Faturday afternoon, in the first home dual meet of the year, and then will hit the road, traveling…

… swim in the sprints for Iowa. New Zea- lander Buddy Lucas will partici- pate in the freestyle, while Willy Weber swims breaststroke. * * * STUDENT WILL face teacher when the Wolverine swimmers move on to…

… points to to the Wolverines, 66-61. "move within three tallies of Nchlundt. The Indiana center Purdue now finds itself in the brought his total to 152 by con- cellar as a result of its 67-65 loss mecting…

January 16, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

Wolverines Back on the winning trail again after a 10-2 rout of Michigan State Wednesday night, the Wol- verine pucksters are preparing to meet their stiffest competition of the season when they face the…

… game than the Wolverines. They have picked up five points on four victories and two setbacks. Leading the Minnesota attack will be Mariucci's high-scoring combination of John Mayasich, Gene Campbell, and…

… finest net minders in the college ranks. * * * VIC HEYLIGER, Wolverine coach, has termed this series with Minnesota a "must" series for the Wolverines. To offset the potency of the Minnesota trio, Heyliger…

… talents. This series will mark the fare- well of Keyes as a Wolverine. The ex-captain, who will long be re- membered as one of the Michigan greats, graduates at the end of the current semester. Ron…

… Martinson's return to reg- ular action will definitely aid the Wolverines, weakened by the loss of McKennell and now Keyes. Martinson will take his regular turn on the third linewith ,Doug Mullen and Telly…

January 16, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THINCLADS, GRAPPLERS: ASTS, Three Wolverine Teams Swing into Action ymnasts Seek Second din Against Buckeyes The Michigan gymnastic squad takes to the road today seeking…

…-up that was suc- cessful against Indiana last week. Veterans Lee Krumbholz, Mary Johnson, Harry Luchs and captain Don Hurst are expected to bear the brunt of the Wolverines' hopes. New-corner Jack Eckle and…

… Eastern Meets Michigan AAU Track, Field Events Finds 20 Schools Seeking Honors. The Wolverine thinclads will compete in two Eastern Invitation- als and the Michigan A. A. U. meet during the between…

…- roll, Roy Christiansen, George Lynch, and Hickman to defend the trophy 'the Wolverines won last year. Following final exams the en- tire team will be entered in the Michigan AAU Meet, which will be held…

… defeated Sigma Phi Epsilon in two out of three matches. Michigan Matmen Face Unbeaten Iowa Saturday Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverine grapplers take to the mats in search of their third win when they meet…

February 10, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… ere Fighting Illini Humble Wolverines By DICK LEWIS Power-laden Illinois raced to its second consecutive 30-point vic- tory over Michigan's hapless cag- ers, drubbing the Wolverines by a decisive 92…

… William Shakespeare's comedy, "Much Ado About Nothing." p e M l half with another hook, but that was a's close as the Wolverines got in the one-sided fight. Michigan outscored the Illi- nois reserves in…

February 12, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

… Michigan r State sextet, 4-0, last night at the 'Coliseum before one of the small- est crowds of the season. It was the third victory of the season for the Wolverines over the cellar-dwelling Spartans who…

… first period; while the Wolverines were a man short. George Chin grabbed a loose puck in Spartan territory, skated behind the visitors' nets and neatly snuck a pass to Pat Cooney who drilled the puck…

… rebounding a Ron Martinson shot. *. * * JIM HAAS made the prettiest play of the night as, he scored the third Wolverine marker after 42 seconds of the final period had gone by.;. Ten minutes later Martinson…

…, playing his first game on the Wolverine first line, took a pass from captain Johnny Matchefts in front of the net and scored on a drive into the corner. Aside from these few scoring SL Wing Calls For…

… Michigan State See SEXTET, Page 6 of- at- drives, the Wolverine attack was generally sluggish. " Three good passes in a row constituted a scor- ing threat and the victors were only able to get 'off 27…

February 14, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

Wolverine Goalie Willie Ikola. THE MINNESOTA squad jumped off to a quick lead by scoring three quick godls within 51 seconds early in the first period. Mayasich, brilliant Eveleth sophomore and league leader…

… left-wing took pass- es from Mayasich and Anderson to complete the scoring for the period. The Wolverines started the sec- ond period with an offensive of their own and finally blinked the red light at 4…

… to Philpott, his second of the night, Despite the difference In the score, the Wolverine pucksters held a shooting edge on John- ny Mariucci's Gophers. James Mattson, sophomore Ski-U-Mah goalie, was…

February 14, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

… , s feet Looms Big Hurdle or Wolverine Wrestlers 1r Revised Loren Charges Encounter Visiting Illini 'I By JOHN KOVAL Riding the crest of a four game winning streak, the Wolverine wrestlers play…

WOLVERINES will make excellent use of the talents of new- ly eligible freestyler Ron Gora. The former Lane Tech High of Chicago sensation can go in either the 50, 100 or 220 races and will free the versatile…

… compara- tive strength of the two squads that are expected to fight it out for the conference crown. ONE OF THE finest matches of the entire conference campaign is in prospect when.the Wolverines' Andy Kaul…

… awesome array of talent Wolverine Coach Keen has decided to stick to the same men who have shown progressive im- provement throughout the cur- rent campaign and who last week defeated a powerful aggregation…

… scheduled for 8 p.m. * * * COACH NEWT Loken has been forced to revamp his line-up with, the ineligibility of Lee Krumbholz and Harry Luchs, both leading scorers for the Wolverines. Illinois Coach Charlie Pond…

February 15, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

… Northwestern, the back- breaking loss left the Wolverines half a game in the basement with a 2-9 conference slate. Coach Bill Perigo's over-anxious quaintet actually outshot the Bad- gers from the field…

…-3 defeat on Illinois' de- fending conference champs last night at Yost Field House. After dropping the opening 123- pound match, Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverines swept victoriously through the rest of the…

February 17, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

… period to ruin Mich- in and emerge as the game's iding scorer with 26 markers. THE WOLVERINES went into e extra period with center Paul offsky and Captain Doug Law- nce sitting on the bench with e fouls…

… with Eaddy's driving layup's to break up Gopher Coach Ozzie Cowles's shifting zone defense. The long-awaited Wolverine fast break finally clicked in the Minnesota Field House, as the 6-4 Groffsky passed…

…-earned victory. ALTHOUGH the Wolverines were never more than a few points behind, they trailed the Gophers until mid-way in the second stan- za when they moved into their biggest lead of the evening, 31…

…. * * * THE WOLVERINES will get eir big test this weekend when e strong Sioux of North Da- ta invade Ann Arbor for a two me series, with both games )rth two points. If they can get st the Nodaks without a mis…

… games. North Dakota didn't fare any better than the Wolverines did against Minnesota, dropping three out of four contests in a home- and-home series, which puts the two opponents on equal footing for the…

February 18, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…FEBRUARY 18,,1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 'uture Ice Hopes Hinge )n Freshman Pucksters Vic Heyliger, Wolverine hock- ey mentor, besides concentrating heavily upon the remaining games of…

… Residence Hall and Fraternity divisions will be run off at the ,Field House Satur- day, February 28 before the Michigan-Ohio State meet. -Earl Riskey Maize and Blue uniforms next season to replace Wolverines

…. Size is certainly no indi- cation of hockey ability for John- ny Matchefts, undoubtedly one of the finest hockey players to wear a Wolverine uniform, is not much bigger himself. ANOTHER HEYLIGER find is…

… enjoyable problem for Hey- liger as he rates all three as out- standing goaltenders. Howes has made one appearance before Michigan fans. He guarded the nets during the third period of the Wolverine - Detroit…

… ,Michigan trailing Wisconsin, 66-63, until the Badgers put on the fourth, period stall. It was even closer with the Gophers, the score be- ing knotted 76-76 before the SCORING STATISTICS-16 GAMES Wolverines

February 20, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREU uck sters in Crucial Contests * * * * FIRST DUAL MEET: Wolverine Thinclads Face Notre Dame 4 * * * [umping Wolverines Face eague Leaders at Coliseum…

Wolverines on the long end of a lopsided 92% to 39%/ score. The Irish squad, however, is much stronger than last year's competitors. * * * THIS YEAR the Irish have made a sprinting start with an easy triumph…

… over Purdue's thin- clads. But the Wolverines have displayed balance and power in For that Hard-to-find TEXTBOOK try Michigan is both favored and rated underdog in tonight's tri- angular gymnastics…

… the pole vault, Michigan's weak spot. Wolverine leapers Bob Evans, Howard Liverance, and Dave Heinzman can be expected to meet strong opposition in high jumper Tom Hassinger who has topped six feet…

Wolverines now possess a 3-1 record in Conference dual meets but have a rough road to hoe facing Minnesota today and a good Michigan State team in re- maining meets. By WARREN WERTHEIMER Phi Delta Theta ran a…

February 21, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

… the Irish. HARVEY NEWQUIST, Notre Dame dash man, however, sur- prised the Wolverines by taking both the 60-yard high and lov i hurdles. Newquist ran the low hur- dles in :6.9 seconds, one-tenth of a…

…'s Wolverines, after thumping Michigan State and Illinois in their last two out- ings, have established themselves as odds-on favorites in the Big Ten Championships coming up in two weeks. THE SPARTANS and the de…

…'Shaughnessy was regular cen- ter for the Wolverine gridders. Junior Tom Hankins is the only other returning Boilermak- er who placed in the Big Ten Championships, having nailed down the fourth spot at 157 pounds…

…, Swim T~ Michigan Cagers Engage Wisconsin at Field House eams See Home Action * r w Wolverine Tankmen Vie With Iowa State Tonight Still smarting from two close defeats on the road last week, the…

Wolverines entered the Badgers' home court a 12-point underdog. For three periods the two teams battled evenly but near the end of the three-quarter mark Michigan lost their three big men, Paul Groffsky, Milt…

…- tempt by the Wolverines to pmash the freshman record 'in the 300 yard medley relay. Matt Mann will enter the former British olym- pic swimmers Bert and Jack Ward- roll and also Tom Boulte in this event…

… men. All are sopho- mores. The Wolverines will not have long to rest, for following the Iowa State meet, they battle Min- nesota here on Monday at 3:30 in a dual meet. INTRAMURAL BOWLING Sigma Alpha Mu…

….1 average and he also leads the Wolverines in over-all scoring with 226 points. At forward, long Milt Mead draws a starting assignment and will probably be given the job of guarding the big, bespectacled…

… triangular meet compe- tition here last night by downing Michigan, 63-33, and trouncing Northwestern, 77-19. The Wolverines chalked up one win on their record, however, trampling Northwestern, 67-28. This…

February 22, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

Wolverines blasted to an 8-3 win over North Dakota at the Coliseum. The Maize and Blue jumped out to an 8-0 lead before the Sioux from Grand Forks were able to put the puck in the goal at the halfway mark in…

… only top teams with league games remaining. Minnesota has a pair of one- pointers with cellar-dwelling Mich- igan State and the Wolverines have two two-point games with lowly Michigan Tech and one one…

February 24, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

… tuned in di- rectly in the classroom. Parents can hear this educational process by flicking their radios on at home. Trips for Spartan Games Announced The Wolverine Club announced yesterday it will…

… and admission to the Wolverine-Spar- tan games, will $3.50 and $3.90. They go on sale at 1 p.m. tomor- row in the Administration Bldg. Read and Use Daily Classifieds Twin Fires Hit AA House,_Shop Fires…

February 25, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

… Matchefts maintained his position as the Michigan hock- ey team's top scorer. The stocky Wolverine captain ran his season's total to 33points to put him five markers ahead of George Chin and seven in front of…

… up the Wolverine captain and his 23 assists mark him as the team's top playmaker to date. Chin and Mullen were the scor- ing stars against the Nodaks. The former racked up five assists and netted one…

… Is ,:S Pullip'NORRIS BysDICK LEWIS "The guy I feel sorry for is Bill Perigo." So said one observer Monday night onthe heels of Michigan's sixth successive Big Ten basket- ball setback. The Wolverines

… banished with 7:46 remaining for the eleventh time this sea- son. Center Paul Groffsky, lead- ing Wolverine point-getter with a 14.0 average, went to the bench 15 seconds earlier for the ninth time in 18…

Wolverines, now sporting a 5-13 slate, will have to go some to even match the 7-15 record amassed by the embattled Ernei McCoy combine of 1951-52. Player Groff sky Eaddy Mead Codwell Lawrence Pavichevich…

February 27, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…-style events in 1952, Mike Peppe's crew will find it tough going against steadily-improving Wolverines. In fact, many local observers are of the opinion that the defending Western Conference champs may get their…

… individual medley, and the 100-yard backstroke. He has also been used upon occasion on the 300-yard medley relay and the 400-yard free-style relay. Jeffries, the fourth member of the Wolverines' crackerjack…

February 28, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… McGill Uni- versity hockey squad jumped off to an early lead and was never headed as it whitewashed an over- confident Wolverine sextet, 7-0, in a non-league tilt, before an esti- mated 2,500 stunned…

… spectators at the Coliseum last night. Vic Heyliger's crew showed a complete reversal of form from that which they displayed last week in dumping North Dakota twice. The Wolverine's passing was completely off…

…, took passes from Jack Lynch and Wally Emo and blasted a screen shot past Willard Ikola in the Micifigan nets.I This was only the beginning of a disastrous evening for the Wolverines, who currently are…

…Elheran at 7:44. The Wolverines returned to the ice after the first intermission and immediately began pressing to! get back into the game. Their spark seemed to fade after Pat Cooney missed on a point…

… several minutes of steady pressure in the Wolverine zone finally tallied its third goal of the evening. It was scored by Jim McGowan on a pass from Len Kent at 8:54 of the stanza. Less than two minutes…

March 01, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… yesterday afternoon when they outlasted the powerful Ohio State Buckeyes, 50- 43, in the Intramural Pool. A packed house of more than a thousand persons saw Matt Mann's Wolverines achieve their first vic…

…' coming of age as a diver bodes well for Michigan in next week's conference meet. Last year, the Wolverines were com- pletely shut out as Clotworthy and Shapiro dove to Big Ten glory for Ohio State, DON…

… behind late in the third per- iod to beat the Wolverine puck- sters 2-1 at the Coliseum yester- day afternoon. Michigan held the lead for 56 of the 60 minutes of play but two last-ditch power plays gave…

… score, with the Wolverines fluffing several close shots andI then turning on a tight defense to blank McGill-even when two men short at the end of the period. Michigan was still short one man when the…

March 01, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

… over Penn State and Ohio State in a triangular meet before an estimated 2900 fans in Yost Fieldhouse yesterday after- noon. The Wolverines garnered 81 points to the Nitanny Lions' 35 and the hapless…

… Buckeyes' 22. 4Michigan took nine firsts to Penn State's two and Ohio State's one. THE MEET'S only double win- ner was the Wolverines' reliable timber topper Van Bruner. He took the highs by more than five…

…, he found new energy and came from behind to win going away. THE FEATURE race of the meet, the quarter-mile, as ex- pected was a duel between Nitanny Lion Ollie Sax and Wolverine Jack Carroll . Sax took…

… the lead from the start and was never headed, though Carroll, coming fast off the final turn, came within a yard of him at the tape. The IC4A' champ's time was a swift 49.6. * * * IN THE MILE Wolverine

… John Ross won going away from team-' mate John Moule in the fine time of 4:13.3. Moule's time of 4:14.9 in taking second was the fastest of his career. Bob Evans and Dave Heintz- man of the Wolverines

March 03, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…-81, and set a Yost Field House scoring record in the process. The hot-shooting Wolverines (they made 37 of 90 attempts for a fancy 41.1 percentage) broke the ball game wide open in the final period with a…

…, the Maize and Blue five had rolled up a 66-54 advantage, and in the next four minutes and 15 seconds the Wolverines poured through 17 more tallies to up the ante to 83- 69 with better than half of the…

… sports arena, converted on the end of a well-executed fast break and the score advanced to 91-67 at the 3:55 mark. , , , JUST 30 SECONDS later, high scoring Wolverine guard Don Ead- dy pumped in one of his…

… vice.president who will speak on the University and Mich- igan fraternities. Club, Positions Now Available Petitioning for Wolverine Club chairmanships is now open to any- one who will have sophomore or…

March 03, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

… rivalry-but it Ahould be a friendly rivalry-a' constructive rivalry. Wolverines and Spartans, in philosophy and principle we are the same. If we must fight, lets fight on the same side. Let's fight for what…

March 03, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

…-Ed Chodoroff THEY'RE OFF!-Wolverine Club members advertise on the Diag the student buses they are sponsoring to East Lansing tomorrow for the MSC-Michigan hockey game. The price of the trip, $3.50, includes both…

March 04, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

… * * . MSC Contest First of Three Crucial Tilts for Wolverines Three Fraternities Advance In First Place Hoop Playoffs Sigma Phi Epsilon Annexes 44-40 Verdict; Pi Lam, Phi Gamma Delta SquadsTriumph u I By…

… HANLEY GURWIN Vic Heyliger's puckmen, return to Mdiwest Hockey League compe- ]tition tonight when they battle the Michigan State Spartans in a loop tilt at East Lansing. The Wolverines will be trying to…

… Weekend in Big Ten Meet By JIM DYGERT Rooters for both teams have long awaited the 1953 showdown be- tween the Wolverine track squad and the University of Illinois cinder- men. The duel will take place on…

… other Big Ten members are concentrating on individual titles, leaving Illinois, the defending champion, and Michigan, runner-up by six points last year, to battle for team honors. Three Wolverines return…

… just two words -John Chase. The 19 year old junior from Grosse Point is def- initely the Wolverines biggest threat in this event. BUMPY JONES . . . medley master Chase, consistently in the run- ning…

… record, from the scores of the first and last home games he might get the idea -that the Wolverines haCi fared pretty well in the hardwood wars. The current edition of Maize and Blue talent opened the cam…

…, including only a pair in Big Ten competi- tion. But Monday's high-scoring win managed to give the local cage pic- ture a little brighter hue, lifting the Wolverines out of the confer- ence cellar a half game…

March 04, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 102) • Page Image 6

… settled on the name Michigan. A discussion of the origin of other words peculiar to Michigan will be featured on a new series of programs, "Wolverine Words," to be broadcast by WUOM. The first of the series…

March 05, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

… into the twines. Stalin's defeat imminent. Specu- give the Wolverin over Michigan ey League, threw a scare into the lation as to which of them will State here last night. Wolverines when they brawled…

…, while Lucier turned in a blew the game open in the second ford in to spell Bergin. The strate- The entire situation is cloud- beautiful job after replacing Wil- period as the Wolverine scored gy backfired…

… evenings Wolverines out to a 5-2 win at the difficult to pin-point the well- D 1 scoring when he stick-handled second intermission. spring of political power in the Police RepoL rthrough the entire MSC…

… a way that there is a balance Olson later added the fourth to send the Wolverines out to a of forces within the party? These PoliSertnesttolivehimelgth'ng2tlad '.a Ji tSpartan goal to give himself the…

… the next YR meeting when a vote on the committee's recommendation will be taken. Wolverine Club Calls for Petitions The deadline for Wolverine Club petitions is 5 p.m. tomorrow. Positions available are…

Wolverine Club sponsored trip' to Saturday's basketball game in East Lansing can be made from 1 to 4 p.m. to- day and tomorrow in the Admin- istration Bldg. Bob Golton, '54, club president, announced that…

… students taking the Wolverine buses will have ap- proximately two hours to spend in. East Lansing after the game. death and its announcement. The news that the 73-year-old world Communist chief lay para…

March 05, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMEE. Oore o Take Big Ten Swimming Crown Wolverines t Rated Good U set Threat By IVAN KAYE Ohio State has been installed r as a pre-meet choice…

… points being centered on first place finishes seem to be more certain than Michigan's expectations. The Wolverines will look to Don Hill and Tom Benner in the sprints; Bumpy Jones, Ron Gora - and captain…

…. defeat of his I For the championship meet Keen has moved O'Shaughnessy down to the 177-pound division, where the Wolverine senior plays the role of defending champion. * * * O'SHAUGHNESSY'S current…

… winning, the Wolverines now have a total of 15 points in the MCHL stand- ings which puts them in a third place tie with Denver. the fracas. If the Wolverines can win one of their two games with Michigan…

March 06, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

… the world." The individual, she felt, must reject a complete materialistic philosophy. wolverine Reservations can still be made for the Wolverine Club trip to tomorrow's basketball game in East Lansing…

…. Wolverine leers To Meet Weak Michigan Tech Sextet (ContinuedfromPage3) 'U' Doctor Faces Quick Deportation The U. S. Immigration Depart- ment has notified Chinese Dr. Vera Hsi-Yet Wang Liu of the Medical…

March 07, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

… win put the Wolverines only one point behind league leading Minnesota, and if they beat the Engineers again tonight a trip Wed- nesday to the NCAA tournament at Colorado Springs is assured. The outcome…

… that order. * * * THE &LLINA showed their ex- pected strength in the dash and the hurdles while Michigan placed most of its men in the middle dis- tance events. Wolverine John Vallortigara started things…

….0. BRUNER finished in front of Willie Williams of Illinois, the de- fending champion, as they op- posed each other in the same heat in the lows. Wolverine .Jim Love also qualified in the highs. In the 880…

…, Minnesota 2. Wolverine victories came in the 220-yard freestyle, and the 400- yard freestyle relay. Scarlet and Grey natators splashed home first. in the 200-yard backstroke, 200- yard breast stroke, and one…

… statement that industry's position was "in- defensible." . . * PAT COONEY, George Chin and Doug Philpott paced the Wolverine offensive efforts, each notching two goals. Chin added a pair of assists to give…

… him four points, the top Wolverine individual effort for the night. The colorful forward was in- jured midway in the third per- iod when Lloyd Rautiola, Tech wingman charged into him as he was coming…

March 07, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

… contention for individual crowns to stay one step behind Coach Cliff Keen's pace-setting Wolverines. * * * THE FINALS are scheduled for 8 p.m. tonight. 177-pound Dick O'Shaugh- nessy and 147-pounder Joe…

…'s Bruce Brenneman. In the final event of the night, the Wolverine 177-pounder clinched a place in today's affair with an easy win over Lynn Whiteaker of Purdue. In one of the best matches of the night…

…, Michigan's unbeaten Andy Kaul outfought the al- ways-dangerous Spartan, Dick Gunner, to win by a slim 6-4 margin and move into the 137 pound semifinals. Wolverine captain Snip Nalon grabbed the third Maize…

… two cluded season, losing a heartbreak- games of this bleak season, the er in Ann Arbor, 66-64. The game Wolverine basketball squad en- gages Michigan State tonight at was won on a basket by substi…

… Pete this total was scored against a Newell will probably start the team currently in the depths of same quintet he used in the Ann the Big Ten cellar, the Wolverines Arbor squeaker. showed some fine…

March 08, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…'s Engineering Institute. Matchefts' Four Goals Pace Squad Victory Puts 'M' In Tie for Lead By PAUL GREENBERG The Wolverine hockey squad is Colorado bound. Captain Johnny Matchefts scor- ed four goals in his…

… was fourth with two scores and one assist for three points. The Cooney-Mullen-Chin line pushed the Wolverines out to a 3-0 lead In the first period and they coasted from there. Cooney got the evening…

… 3400 track fans here yesterday afternoon. Although the Wolverines gar- nered five individual titles to =the Fighting Illini's four, Illinois' greater depth, especially in the dash and hurdles, accounted…

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