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January 08, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

… Murphy, Duke's star southpaw last year, and he made good at once. Navy, Maryland, and Virginia also rate prominently in college base- ball circles. Aside from the high grade competi- tion. the Wolverines

…. Last year, after a curtail- ment of athletic expenditures had forced a four-year lapse of spring training trips, the Wolverines again resumed their habitual spring trin * STA R DUST By ART CARS'TE NS…

…, '33, and '34. Of nine recognized Big Ten records Michigan holds six. Wolverine relay teams hold the 300-yard medley and 200 free-style records. J o h n n y Schmieler, 1933 captain, set the exist- ing…

Wolverine sextet. The game against the Wayne outfit was a Roman carnival for the Mich- igan players. With Captain Johnny Sheri, Vic Heyliger and Dick Berry- man in the forward line most of the time, and…

… 17. Ann Arbor, Michigan The Wolverine failed to show the, Dear Matt: same form which was displayed in: No can do, sorry. A winning coach winning six of seven pre-Conference always eats, season games…

January 11, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDAY JANUA Y 1-,-935--AE-THRE U Two Varsity Teams Open Big Ten Seasons C. Pucksters To Renew Rivalry WithBadgers Wolverines Are…

…. Since, very little is known of the Badgers beyond the fact that they have won five games so far this sea- son, the Wolverines will pursue a policy of waiting for breaks. They will not attempt to rush the…

… like t Wolverine Society'for the Alleviation be lost to the Wolverines. If Breme the high board. All of the above men skate with, he gets one of the commit- of Old Injuries or Pollyanna Sun- cannot go to…

…- night and Wisconsin at Madison Mon- long line of championship Wolverine eu's skating facilities is that Var- AMDEN N. J., Jan. 10 -W igan will send an entirely inexperi- day. swimming teams. sity hockey…

… for the Wolverines, defeated in usual habit to have his swimmers go periods be required to just "bounce." teur tennis are being considered for White team which has only lost one their first Conference…

January 12, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… tonight, 6 to 0, in the first of a two-game series. The same teams will meet at the Coliseum again tonight, Before the first period was 10 min- utes old the Wolverines had demon- strated an easy superiority…

… minutes. Crimson Offense Stopped Wisconsin's offensive was stopped completely by the effective poke- checking of the Wolverine forward line and when a Crimson skater got past the Michigan red line he was…

… promptly checked by defenseman MacCollum or David. Early in the game a personal feud between Ed Mercer and the Wolverine defense- men developed and resulted in double penalties for the aggressive Badger and…

… each of the Wolverines in the second and third stanzas. Sherf again showed the offensive ability that made him All-American left wing last year but Coach Eddie Lowrey was particularly pleased by the…

…-teegu'Axjowar~s,-. Goalie Chuck Heyer kept the Wolv- erines from running the score into two figures by some fine saves while the Wolverines were passing the puck around inside Wisconsin's red line. In the third period…

January 15, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…- cured all of the material. Jablonski At Head Of Varsity Scorers Wolverines Lead At Half, But Foul Shooting Is Again Weakness MADISON, Wis., Jan. 14.- (Spe- cial) --The University of Michigan basketball…

… team met its third consecu- tive Conference defeat here tonight, losing to Wisconsin, 34 to 20. Although the Wolverines ran up a narrow 11-10. advantage at the half on a courageous recovery, displaying…

January 22, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

… heavy, fast forward line composed' of Tom Prudence, center, Ben Garvie and Len Rutter, wings, is expected to; start against the Wolverines tonight. These three Have carried the brunt of the Point Edward…

… Clute, Charles Levanoyitch, and Frank Manning has rounded out an effective passing attack, with Levanoyitch and Clute doing most of the shooting. Wolverines Get Rest Michigan, after a hectic series at…

February 16, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… per- iod was but eighteen seconds old, and the Wolverines, who used but one spare player throughout the game, protected the lead against the North- ern Michigan collegians. Crippled by the absence of…

… their regular goalie, Co-Coptain Johnny Jewell, the Wolverine forwards played a defensive game, resorting to long range shots with an occasional rush. In the third period, things got a bit tense, but…

February 17, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…{ At Finish Hockey Six Drops RoughGame, 3-2 Michigan Tech Hands Out Defeat To Wolverines In Second Games of Series (Special to The Daily) (Complete Box Score On Page 3) IOWA CITY, Feb. 16.-- (/) -Three…

… baskets caged in the waning minutes of play enabled Michigan's basketball team to eke out a 29-27 win over the strong Iowa quintet here tonight. It was the Wolverine's second Confer- ence victory of the…

…-17 lead on the wilting Michigan five. Soon after re- placing Al Plummer, midway in the second half, Dick Joslin tipped in two difficult one handed shots, to bring the Wolverines within four points of the…

… baskets by Meyers and Evans but the half ended with the Wolverines lead- ing by only one point. Tamagno, who went in for Gee at center, after the latter was held scoreless, handled the pivot post well, and…

… Michigan looked like a greatly improved team. Barko and Rosenthal, leading Big Ten scorers, starred for the losers, scoring 16 points between them. The Wolverines left for Evanston tonight, where they will…

… hard checking being featured by both sextets. Latimer again tallied in the final frame, with Heyliger getting another for the Wolverines, who swarmed in on Maki, but all other offerings were turned aside…

February 19, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… Deutsche Front, favoring a solved. (Continued on Page46) Cagers Drop 26-16 Game To Wildcats Last Half Spurt Wins Dull Tilt For Northwestern; Teams In Ninth Place Purple Overtakes Wolverines' Lead 'Patanelli…

… Heads Michigan' Scorers With 7 Points; Vance Leads Purple EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 18. - ()- Northwestern squared its basketball account with Michigan here tonight, defeating the Wolverines, 26-16, in a…

February 19, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

… event when Captain Hugh Bonino of the Generals pinned Wil- lard Hildebrand in 4:02 for the win- ning margin. The crippled Wolverine squad put up a surprisingly strong fight against the powerful Washington…

… the Wolverines ahead, 13-11, for the first time during the meet, but Wash- ington and Lee forged ahead again after the 175-pound event which Kap- lan, Washington and Lee sophomore, won by a small time…

… a rink which was smaller and rougher than the local arena, the Wolverines found out early in the series that there were few spec- tators wasting any affection on them. Johnny Sherf had a goodly band…

…, featured the annual Winter Carnival there. Besides enjoying the celebration, an endless series of skating contests, dog- sled races, ski competition, dancing. and what not, the Wolverines were banqueted by…

Wolverine times. Yale's 400-yard relay team, minus Captain Livingstone, won in 3:44.6. Michigan was beaten by the Ontario team in 3:38. Renner finished about a yard behind Pirie, the Michigan time being…

February 20, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

… such a nickname is re-educating America had turned the Wolverines out of a . on so vital a subject. Then there is the case of Whittier College in California Big Ten title. In the Conference out- whose…

… his' appendix was the ice. Since the Wolverines played removed in an emergency operation The Minnesota D a i 1 y, student Minneapolis Arena January about ten days ago. nswspaper at the University of Min…

… for not teaching in their first three grid gan year. his Varsity players cagey enough reason. With Jewell in the Wolverine goal, tactics. Two of the fans interviewed Michigan would have been generally…

… the Goph- ers could do was tie the WolverinesPD in one game. PhiBD.Leads When it was first known that Jew- ell would be out of the lineup, titlee Are teThin hopes became nil. Coach Eddie Low- rey began…

… gasoline ad) i low's 1935 single game record by a to Michigan's Wolverines by ignorant point, pulled his average to 12 and a wolverine except the single, moth-eat fraction points per game equal to the rounds…

February 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… Shore A. C. Finished Second In 1934 Outdoor A.A.U. Championships Face Iowa Saturday Wolverines Will Present Exhibition At Indiana This Evening Coach Matt Mann and thirteen members of the Varsity swimming…

… squad will leave at noon today for a three-day auto trip that will include performances at South Bend, Chicago and Iowa City. Tonight the Wolverine swimmers will take part in an exhibition meet in the…

… 4 p.m. Saturday in the Field House. The Hoosiers, who have won 19 con- secutive duel meets, will clash. with a Wolverine team which exhibited surprising strength on its Eastern tour. The smashing…

… Thom's Indiana outfit defeated Iowa State last Friday, 21I to 1%. The lineup which started that maeet and which will probably meet the Wolverines follows: 118- pounds -Willard Duffy, 126-pound - Thomas…

… For Wisconsin Game opening contest of the two-game ser- ies with the erstwhile favorites fromi Coach Charlie Hoyt has named 28 Minnesota. men to compete for the Wolverines Michigan's chances of nishing…

… cut to the mini- hard brand of hockey they displayed tween Michigan, Michigan State and mum when the Wolverines lost to at Minnesota earlier in the season. Michigan State Normal College. Northwestern…

… most successful in history. Ohio State are yet to be played. possible that the Wolverines will salv- Ward Handicapped By Injury Displaying an improved floor game age at least one victory or a tie game…

… Willis Ward, Michigan's versatile and offense, Michigan scored a 29-27 out of the week-end's conflict. star, will again lead the Wolverines upset ove Iowa last Saturday, but Goalie Shows Improvement…

… despite a heel injury which may keep played a ragged game against North- This is plausible when the improve- western. Failure of the Wolverins ment of Bill Chase, substitute goalie, himotoftheiwthrough…

… Then there is the thrill, not unal- Wolverine senior turned in a time of wards, Evans and Patanelli, guards,9 encountered in his first matches with loyed, of your first by-line. Fresh- under 4:20, and…

February 22, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

… Minnesota Goal i Michigan's forward line pictured above has not been shut out-this year and has been one of the better scoring trios to represent the Wolverines. Dick Berryman (left) has scored less times…

….-a STAR DUST By ART CARSTENS - Michigan Will Meet Badgers Here Saturday Distance Races Feature Zepp, Smith,_Ottey Wolverine Captain Entered In Mile Run; Relay Team To Attempt New Record Michigan's track…

… team will make its initial home appearance in Yost Field House in a triangular meet with Michigan State, and Michigan State Normal College. The meet will begin at 7:30 p.m. Although the Wolverine squad…

… in the mile, and will be supported by Clayton Brels- ford. With Smith out of the half-mile, Abe Rosenkrantz of Normal, who bat- tled the Wolverine captain in his rec- ord-breaking run, will be…

… PRESS ace. 206 N. Main - Downtown Coach Keen intends to start the (Next to Postoffice) same lineup that defeated West Vir- ginia last week. The 118-pound match will be forfeited since the Wolverines READ…

… squad will be intense. ney, record low qualifier in the Na- Cal Markham, the Wolverine cap- tional Amateur and a member of tan, has indicated that he may not the 1934 Walker Cup team, has an- o able to…

… is yet an- sis, who played with him, and the other race in his system which night Wolverine star looks to Hoerner as easily, come out Saturday at the ex- one of the future stars of the coun- pense of…

February 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

… instruction compared with long-established colleges and universities. Team Bows, 33-19 Crippled Wolverine Team Defeats Minnesota, 3-1, To Gain Championship Sherf And Heyliger Account For Goals Maize And Blue…

… Poser and Gilly IOWA CITY, feb. 23. - (') - MacDonald, the Badger's great guards Greatest of all Michigan swimming held six Wolverine forwards without teaestal twogn s eicn a single point. teams…

… warranted Coach Cap- Taylor Drysdale, Jack Kasley, and pon's faith in him by outplaying two Ogden Dalrymple of the Wolverines' Wisconsin centers to take high scor- set the sensational time of 2:59 in the ing…

… honors with 13 points. Entering 300-yard medley relay, bettering thei the game near the close of the half, Rudness speeded up Michigan's at-^Amercan rcord by44seconds tack and was the only Wolverine to…

… defeats. Minnesota needed a victory last night to tie for the title. Fifteen hun- ired fansusaw the undisputedtitle lipping out of the Wolverines' hands in the first five minutes. Before three minutes had…

February 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IAGE THREE Powerful Indiana Wrestling Team Defeats Zerbo Defeats I Hockey Team Shows Airtight B a dge r s Beat Dworman In Defense In Friday's Tie Game Wolverines To By ROBERT J…

…-6. Wally Heavenrich and Seymour Rubin were the only Wolverine mat- men who were able to turn in victories for the Maize and Blue. Heavenrich met Howard Bush of the Hoosiers in the 135-pound division and in a…

… was needed and after it had ended awarded the decision to the Wolverine wrestler. This was Heavenrich's seventh victory in as many starts this season. Seymour Rubin Wins Seymour Rubin defeated Howard…

… of Indiana had an easy time with Ed Kellman in the 118-pound division and punished the Wolverine severely throughout the match winning by a time advantage of 8:39. In the 126-pound class act- ing Capt…

…. Ollie Cellini of the Hoo- siers rolled up a time advantage of 7:00 over Alan Rubin of Michigan. For a while it looked as if the more experienced Indiana man would pin Rubin but the Wolverine managed to…

…- ence, they must have been dispelled in Friday's game with the Gophers. The Wolverines virtually defended their way into at least a half interest in the Big Ten title when they tiedt Minnesota, 1 to 1, in…

February 26, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

Wolverines started playing "race-horse" in the second period when it was evident that the Iowa offense was clicking. John Gee's inconsistent work in the pivot position and his insistence on taking impossible…

… shots ruined Mich- igan's attempted fast-breaking of- fense in the second period and the Wolverines resorted to long shots in futile attempts to score. Rudness opened the scoring with a' follow-up shot in…

March 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

… of Michigan's points, while Sherf tallied the third Wolverine goal. Coach Eddie Lowrey, Michigan mentor, introduced a new type of of- fensive hockey to the Ann Arbor fans last night. Leaving only Red…

… ace took the puck behind the blue line, out-skated the Tech forwards, split the defense, drew Goalie Maki out of his net, and drove the puck into the corner for the Wolverine's last score. Michigan Tech…

March 03, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… crown. Ahead by one goal as they went into the final stanza,athe Wolverines, led by Vic Heyliger and Co-Captain Johnny Sherf, ran up a total of five markers, the highest recorded for Michigan in one…

…, Wolverines Defeated B y Narrow Margin, 30-28, In Listless Tilt COLUMBUS, March 2 -0P)- Ohio State rang down the curtain on its basketball season tonight with a 30 to 28 victory over Michigan. The game was a…

… 11 3 6 1 9 30 Swimmers Win Over Buckeyes; d Score Is 52-32 Six Of Eight First Placesc Are Taken By Wolverine .p Tank Stars i COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 2-(VP)- University of Michigan swimming team today…

… defeated Ohio State, 52 to 32. The Wolverines captured six of the eight first places while Baker Bryant, Ohio sprint star, took the other firsts. Michigan also scored heavily by winning both relays and…

…_ By WILLIAM R. REED With Willis Ward leading a pack >f Wolverine tracksters keyed to the finest edge, Michigan overwhelmed Ohio State in a dual track meet held ast night in Yost Field House 63 to 2…

…. Ward was the leader as he personal- y accounted for two new Field House ecords in two wins over Jesse Owens, ,he sensational Buckeye star, as the Wolverines captured firsts in eight >f the eleven events…

… a final burst >ver the last hurdle sent Owens ahead to keep the Michigan star from ;ais third win. The stellar performances of the meet were not confined to Ward's ;eats, however, as the Wolverines

March 05, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

… Hoyt Declares With the spirit and morale appro- priate to a team which is now accepted as the most powerful indoor team ever developed here, the Wolverine track- men resumed practice yesterday in…

… greatest stars in the country, Ward, will lead the Wolverines in the Conference meet, and will enter the high jump for the first time in Conference competition of the season, as well as the other three…

…- tances ranging from 880 yards to perhaps a mile. At Columbus Saturday night the Wolverines took six of the eight first places with Barnard leading the scor- ing with victories in the 220 and 440- yard free…

…:47.5, held by Walt Ashley of Rutgers. Lowers Dash Mark Johnny Jewell Will Return To Goal Thursday Will Play Period Against St. Thomas If Doctor's Consent Is Given Johnny Jewell, the Wolverine hockey team…

… Wisconsin and Illinois. W L Pet.j i aged to take a 3-to-2 decision from Despite the large score by which it the Wolverines at Houghton. Lowrey was beaten by Ohio State last Sat- explained yesterday that the…

March 10, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…, AlbionI College Professor, As New President Wolverines in Track Meet By Record Score; Illinois Takes Wrestling Local Citizens, Professors And Students Volunteer Their Services N.S.L. Claims Free…

… the high jump at 6 feet, 2 inches. Team Shows Balance The four Wolverine firsts were only a part of the score, however, as the superbly balanced team scored in every event but the shot, in which there…

…. Harvey Smith, the Wolverine cap- tain, showed the effects of a week of illness as he ran behind Brelsford in the mile and took a fifth in the half- mile. Paul Gorman ran fourth to bring in unexpected…

March 12, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

Wolverine camp of Vic Heyliger, the end and exhibited his old form. duplicated in the finals when Stan rookie outfielder, who is slated to win Seymour Rubin, '35, of Chicago, re- Birleson was stuck behind the…

…Collum at defense, were the three Wolverines who won first team honors.j Johnny Jewell, goalie, and Larry David, defenseman, were placed on the second team. Sherf besides being unanimously chosen at left wing…

…. Freshman Defeat Indiana, 54 -491/ Coach Ken Doherty's freshman track team defeated the Indiana yearlings, 541/2 to 49/2 in the tele graphic meet staged all through las week. The Wolverine frosh showe marked…

… improvement over their per formance a week before against Ohi State's freshmen. The outstanding Wolverine per formance was John Townsend's heav of forty-four feet in the shot event Hicks of Indiana turned in a…

March 17, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…. 123 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverines Take Fifth Consecutive Swimming Crown Score 59 Points Illinois And Big Ten Meet To Lead Iowa In Defies Treaty…

… behind with 24. Other teams scored: Ohio State 20, Northwestern 14, Chicago 9, Wisconsin 7, Indiana 4, Minnesota 3. The title-winning Wolverines placed four -individual champions and one relay winner…

… 150-yard back-stroke. Jack Kasley, ace Wolverine breast- stroker, set up a new record in the 200-yard event, with a 2:30.3 race. Tex Robertson smashed the old 440-yard free-style record by 8 seconds…

March 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

… got in a six-inning game between the Regulars and Yannigans before rain forced a halt. It was the second time in 13 years that the Wolverines made so early an advent into the open air. The regulars…

… smashed out singles, and Ford tripled down the right field foul line to ac- count for the Varsity hitting. The Wolverine sluggers had the an- nual alibi to offer for their failure to pulverize the ball -"It…

March 22, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… of the Wolverines had a versity of California. Handicapped baby-faced sophomore named Dick by the short period available under Degener waiting for the great Galitz- the best conditions, every…

… became evident that the pitch- ng is further advanced than the hit- ting for Berger Larson, Art "Lefty" Settile and John Gee, who divided the pitching against the Varsity, held ,he wolverine sluggers to…

March 29, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

… in running behind Jesse Owens of Ohio State, in the National Interscholastic meet of 1933 as Owens was timed in :09.4. Anderson this year has done :09.5 outdoors, but none of the Wolverine sprinters…

… run the event in individual competition but is being primed by Coach Charlie Hoyt as a possible entry. Another Wolverine,. capable of better than :22, may be taken on the trip. Pollock has been credited…

March 31, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

… Wisconsin, the University of Florida, and the College of the Pacific for a total of four wins out of six contests. The two defeats of the Wolverine team were scored by the Chicago and Creighton squads. The…

…- ionship in the Harvard pool, piling up 49 points to dominate a field of record-breaking rivals. The Wolverines picked up 26 points in the six events run off Friday, and added 23 points tonight to emerge as…

… the greatest college swimming team of the year. The University ofWashington fin- ished in a second-place tie with Yale's 17 man team, expected to press the Wolverines to the limit, with 15 points. Only…

…, Michigan placed three others, Grady taking a third, Diefen- dorf fourth, and Johnson sixth. The Wolverine quartet of Drysdale, Renner, Robertson, and Dalrymple carried off the 400-yard relay in 3…

April 21, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

… here today to even the two-game series at one decision apiece. Coach Ray Fisher altered his bat- ting order for today's game and the change had its effect in the fifth in- ning when the Wolverines

… had the edge in extra bases, getting a triple and single to Regeczi's double and single. c Williams' triple came in the third inning and paved the way for the first Wolverine run of the afternoon…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

Wolverines; Six Runs Unearned By KENNETH PARKER Michigan won its second Confer- ence baseball game in three starts by routing an erratic Northwestern club in a loose contest yesterday at Ferry Field, 10 to 4…

…. Art Patchin worked the entire nine innings for the Wolverines, allowed four runs, eight hits, and struck out twelve. Had it not been for Al Ped- erson, Wildcat slugger who took his responsibility as…

…'s ten runs were made with the aid of eight Northwestern errors, four of which were made byl Merrell, the shortstop. As a result six of the Wolverine runs were unearned, all but one of the errors proving…

April 24, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

… Siegel and Bob Anderson head the list of the invading1 Wolverines. The captain will, of course, play the No. 1 position, while Anderson will meet the Ypsi No. 2 netter. Miller Sherwood will play at the No…

…- papermen (rightly dis-credited) with a miscue when he charged in on a slow hit ball and bobbled it when he tried a one-handed pickup. Opinion on the Wolverine bench was that Paulson didn't have time to get…

…'s scorebook registered a hit for the Wolverine outfielder, giving him a perfect batting record for the day, but the sports scribes gave Merrel an error. Woods and Kimbell, Northwestern's hurlers, didn't have…

… enough stuff to fool Michigan's hitters. They fanned only two Wolverines, while Regeezi, Ford and Teitelbaum hit five balls as hard as any hit during the afternoon, but they weren't propelled toward the…

… over last year when he didn't get a sem- blance of a base hit in two games against the Wolverines. It was teammate versus teammate when Clayt Paulson faced Ray Kim- bell, whorelievedWoods in the sixth…

… Stewart, Northwestern coach was impressed with the manner in which the Wolverines conducted themselves. He remarked during the course of the game "If Michigan is as good a team all season as it is today…

April 27, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… Lopsided Game Kim Williams Hits Homer In 13-1 Rout; Wolverines To Meet Wisconsin Today By KENNETH PARKER Aside from demonstrating a decisive superiority over Michigan State Nor- mal yesterday here, by…

… defeating the Hurons, 13 to 1, Michigan's baseball team showed that it is in mid-season form for today's Big Ten engagement with Wisconsin to be held at 2:30 p.m. at Ferry Field. The Wolverines scored more…

April 27, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…APRIL 27, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Golfers Meet Purdue On U Cours eT Favored 0 Boilermal In Dual Eight Men To P Wolverines; Kt Morning Round ver kers Meet lay For ocsis In Conference…

… Opener Invaders Defeated By The Irish Saturday; Veterans On Squad Opening the 1935 Big Ten golf season, Purdue's Boilermakers bring a strong four man team to Ann Ar- bor to battle the Wolverines, National…

… and Johnny At Columbus The course is open unofficially for arser d Dat ad mokn Wolverines cha orFischer did their part towards mak- play, the official opening date being ing the tournament a Wolverine

… guests alone pay $1.00 and of competition for the title. Yinti, fe t the remainder of the week the price Profsssor Trueblood first entered silanti, felt t is boosted to $1.50. Thescourse is the Wolverines

… Your Ga when in the National alified with a 36 hole Whethe- youtplay on the lowest qualifying 7 year history of the week., you enjoy ou veland last June, how- ' Wolverines finally innacle of collegiate…

… in the fifth in- roods, Northwestern's , Who was wilder than better against Mich- ay- he lasted six in- ohnson, the pride of he Wolverine batting fnings, being removed iMan" Coggins in the nost famed…

April 30, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

… Lead Michigan Wolverines In Quest Of ofemate1it Fourth Straight Win the Detroit __________ IBlue netter Michigan's baseball team will be ord for the trying for its fourth straight victorym in eleven days…

… when it meets Hillsdale Miller Sh College at 3:30 p.m. today at Hillsdale. ranking W Rei ndel wa With the Wolverines rolling along but finally in top form, playing the brand of ball only other they…

… Pontiac who is now con- Tennis Club inka series cerned with earning his ninth Mich- courts. The Maize and igan letter and his third in baseball, s, still with a perfect rec- leads the Wolverine regulars at…

May 04, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…, who had beaten him in the Big Ten com- petition. The new Wolverine leader took second places in the Indiana and Michigan State dual meets this year, behind teammates Ben Grady and Der Johnston, and won…

May 04, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

… cheaper and more enjoyable afternoon than one spent in watching a good ball game. Today Michigan meets Illinois at Ferry Field. The Illini and Wolverines are arch diamond rivals. Added impetus is given…

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