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March 24, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas Tlurner Jhick Fromt RiNff And A N w Cage ". c , ord 9 d Trde L ieud In Troj hy I'iice Wolverine Swimmers Wolves To Seek soy's Relay Squad Audience of 4,000 Fif th…

… will compete for points in the high and low hur- dles; Cass Kemp will run the dash n~l lRltm -fPr wdill 4t thr sh it i .. ... NED TURNER is back from his: hurried invasion of the promin- Wolverines

… with the Wednesday night, in the Hamilton; finals set for tomorrow night. The Games, Turner again ran second, this Wolverines are given a slight edge in time to Glen Cunningham, in the their quest for…

… the victorious Edwards had about a two-foot Wolverines by only three points in lead on Cunningham as they round- the final standings. ed the last turn on the six-lap board The loss of Clapp, stellar…

… contest the there was not time to go outside of Wolverine's title attempt are North- him. Whereas Turner was a scant western, Yale, Princeton and Har- three yards in back of Edwards, by vard. Michigan has…

February 14, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…'s inva- sion. The full distance was a mile and the Wolverine quartet led most of the way.. Although no points were awarded by the officials of the meet, the press scores gave Michigan a total of 40, a huge…

… satisfied with a simple victory the Wolverines kept the home team scoreless during the last 15 minutes of the game, making 13 points during the interum. The State cagers are wondering just how they happened…

… take the Conference title, and for that reason the Wolverine nata-* tors have been pointing for Friday's eet, although they swim against Chicago on the following night, Wolves Succumb To Late Goal In…

… Ferries was able to break loose from the forwards again and elude the defensemen to score the final goal of the game with -two minutes to play, winning the game for Tech. The Wolverines missed the services…

…; Jewell 26. Referee, Fox, Detroit, i 9Trestlers Lose Two Meets In Eastern Tour Michigan's wrestlers were easy prey for their eastern opponents on the recent Intersectional trip. The Wolverine grapplers…

September 19, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

… preceding Simra,"Doc" Morrison, and Bud from Chuck Be- part of the week. at their Poorman. nard, and the The high-lights of the Orientation Approved b eshman Coach Kipke led the Wolverines others. It was…

… room. your N law, of- Wolverines. been thrills a-plenty in the last five All playing equipment will be fur- Ls sport Newman fell back to the sidelines years, and there have been stars ga- nished by the…

… esenta- and Stan Fay. In the line William- these Wolverine memories? shoes, personal equipment such as Regularly Sold at $5.00vi instrate son was good, while "Doc" Morrison-- cham- richly earned his Priced…

March 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I, r From the PRESS BOX By John Thomas Coach Capon Referee Traub Diver Dies Ray Aitenhof Wolverine Swimmers Meet Wildcats Here Tonigl Purple Natatorsl Seek To Avenge…

… in my classes." MINNESOTA objected strenuously to Referee Clarence Traub, who handles the second Wolverine- Gopher hockey match. They thought that Fox, who worked the first game, was satisfactory. In…

… Frank Kennedy, distance star; Fred Fenske, sprinter and fancy diver; and Dan Marcus, a sprinter. The feeling among the Wolverines as they paddled about the pool yes- terday was that the meet would be…

…, the Michigan fencing team will meet the Mich- igan State team at 7:30 p. m. tonight in the Intramural building. This meet will be the hardest that the Wolverines have had so far this season, according…

March 01, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

… fly- . Have you seen the plaster Above Lowrey's eye? Varsity Hockey Team Will Meet Marquette Here Wolverines Look Forward To Hard Struggle With The Milwaukee Sextet Reid Over Injuries Teams Will Play…

Wolverine Victory Fencing Team 'Lv I Michigan Grapplers Complete Dual Season Saturday -To Meet i Two contests which should provide . . hockey comparable to that shown here in the games with Minnesota…

… meet, gave the Wolverines plenty to think about, when they won five events in times better than the Wolverines had made at Evanston. Horn, Lemak To Meet Horn repeated his 2:31 for the 200 breast stroke…

… Saturday night with a bang to end the Vikings' un- broken string of 11 victories. The Wolverines found themselves after. the crushing defeat of 5-2 on Fri- day night, although many expected them. to break…

…'s backstroke improving every day it is quite possible that the Wolverine will clip seconds off the dual meet mark in this event. Dave Kennedy seems almost cer- tain to retain his supremacy in the 220-yard free…

… competition, although the latter team swam the distance in 3:38 in their meet with Illini. The Wolverines' time was 3:41 in the Northwestern meet. Mann announced yesterday that reserved seat tickets for the…

… best in the state, was not able to appear because of a bad attack of influenza, his place was ably taken by H. Maas, a foil man. Captain Jerry Winig and H. Maas were outstanding for the Wolverines and…

… his three foil contests and his only sabre match. Meyer, of the Wolverines kept up the good fencing that has charac- terized him all season, and won all three of his foil bouts. Nahrgang Wins Two Wally…

February 24, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… unofficially shatter the Conference record and come within seconds of the world mark, as the Wolverine swimmers administered a 58 to 17 drubbing to the Michigan State team at the Intramural Pool yesterday…

…'s hockey team as they take to the Arena ice here at 8 p. m. tonight to do battle with Minnesota's formidable sextet. The Wolverines still have a chance to tie for the Big Ten championship, it was made known…

… efficiency tonight. The Wolverine defense will be strained to the utmost tonight. Chapman, Gabler, and Jewell will have a host of potential scorers to battle against, since almost every member of Minnesota…

Wolverines Hopes of regaining second place in the Conference standings hinges on the outcome of the coming week- end games in which the Wolverine quintet faces Purdue at Lafayette Saturday and Minnesota here…

May 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

… face the Western State Teachers' College nine in the first of their two games on the Western trip. Saturday the Wolverines will pro- ceed to Chicago to face the Maroons, in what will be the second Big…

…'s Maroons will be met this afternoon, while Northwestern will furnish tomorrow's opposition for the netters. The Wolverines are in bad shape. Deprived of the services of Capt. Dick Snell, number two man on…

… varsity material. The infield consists of Learner at CORBETT PRICES Set the Pace Wolverine Golfers Meet Dayton Today Encouraged by its win over North- western Wednesday. the Michigan golf team will meet…

… be one of the walls of opposition that the Wolverines will have to get Iover. However, the Michigan team is favored to win, by virtue of its de- cisive victory over the Wildcats. De- spite unfavorable…

January 24, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

… the auspices of the women's Wolverines. The contest went at 2 to Athletic department in the Union ' after an overtime period in which Pool. Jewell, Maize and Blue goalie, who Seventy-five women .have…

… Reid's injured hand recovered, and optimism prevades the Wolverine camp despite the two defeats. tl t: t c t c k I t r l .i I FROM THE PRESS BOX By JOHN THOMAS CAPTAIN JOHNNY SCHMIELER FIGURED up…

…., and Sha- ver, all of whom are expected to give the Wolverine star a hard race. In the time trials last Saturday, Turner clocked 1:57.8 for 880- yards, which is only a few feet difference from the 800…

… his banner toss last Saturday in the shot. With his mark just a fraction shy of the 40-foot mark, things began to look up for the Wolverines in this event. The 440 failed to develop into as good a race…

…, and four big defensemen who know their business and checked the Wolverine offense effectually if it passed the forward line, The Wolves appeared slightly lost on the 275-foot Minne- apolis rink…

February 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY )m the RESS BOX John Thomas Wolverines Sweep Hockey Series, Beat Wisconsin2 v Long John Schmieler Secret Vigl Kentucky Derby Mustang Turner * * * LONG JOHN SCHMIELER is quite…

… Seconds To Play To Win For Michigan Goal Keepers Star Wolverines Get Second Place In Conference With Two Victories By ALBERT H. NEWMAN Scoring a final goal with but 30 seconds to play in one of the closest…

March 10, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

…~lcl, D fl xvdl5[1 Rep. llenry 1'y . TRiney of ir> i'u' 'er e'r' Sie ]}f Q. l tC r ol-;-eUedl A I? ( i~. La r, 4,.h i1fi ; ~I Wolverines S do Its ~~~':. Mc> i ~Uhe~ s1872 _to 1 74, Ti'following year M- K…

… hias eve' 13 ,-..I ~itt hent> iden~c tbaii a few scot -I ter'ed L ' )ii ; p J(" :lrep c, s to PLOVO it"' M1, an be 1^came. the "Wolverine" state 'in the early fur-trading days, Dr. Rice says, when the…

… Detroit and= Mal ckinac posts were headquarters for a flourishing trade, in wolverines pelts, bju it 110W seemfs fairly certlain,; Ile beli eves:, that xost if IIIallOf taig otsfrom r eca rii ma by hv r…

May 26, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… Big Ten standings in its game with Indiana here this afternoon at 4:05. The Wolverines have four Con- ference games left, but if they get by the Hoosiers with a win Coach Ray Fisher believes that they…

… many years. Although holding a margin of only one stroke over Larson of Min- nesota, runner-up last year, in the first two rounds, the Wolverine star managed to outpace the Gopher in the final 36 holes…

… both Michigan State and Ypsi Normal in successive starts, the Wolverines hope to redeem themselves against the, Buckeyes. Coach Johnstone had not determined the make-up of squad i for the Ohio jaunt yet…

… whole, of new men, yet Michigan has to its credit an earlier victory over the Buckeyes. In the homecoming match, held two weeks ago on the Ferry Field courts, the Wolverine netters itook them into camp, 4…

October 08, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

… refusing to join it, despite the legal guarantee that workers can or- ganize as they see fit. Spartans Humbled 20-6; Wolverines Score All Of Points In First Quarter Three Touchdowns Are Made Swiftly M…

… Michigan State's Spartan eleven 20-6. The Wolverines scored three touchdowns in the initial period, while State's tally came on the first play of the final quarter. The field was wet throughout the game…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY Chicago's New Mayor Plunges Into His Work lWolverines Meet Detroit Club In Tcinis Opeiei Satirday The Michigan tennis team will run into its first competition of the year this…

… Saturday when it meets the De- troit Tennis Club at Detroit. Although the Wolverine squad suf- fered a great loss by the graduation of most of last year's Varsity men. Captain Richard Snell being the only…

… every year of his college ca- reer. As a sophomore he stepped into the spotlight as a member of Mich- igan's Big Ten indoor championship team. In 1932 he was again instru- mental in the Wolverine victory…

June 01, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

… his $12,000 first prize money, took the lead after 300 MICHIGAN track spectators who have been used to watching the spectacle of the Wolverines winning meets solely in the running events and taking a…

…-2 defeat at the hands of the Cleveland Tennis Club. The rcsults themselves do not show how decisively the Wolverines were beaten for they were up against a group of long-experienced players who won only…

May 16, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…, hard-fought matches and the exceptional playing of Carstens, the Ypsilanti star, made up for it. Siegal Defaults Match A good battle had been expected between Carstens and Siegal, but the Wolverine

…, Botts, 3-6, and 4-6. Appelt won an easy match from Brown, 6-2 and 6-2. Baldwin also took an easy bout for Michigan from Straight, 6-0 and 6-1. Root, of the Wolverine team, and Arnold, of the Hurons, went…

… vitriolic manner. This, we feel, is a great injustice. It has been our pleasure to watch Michigan ath- letes for the past seven years. The Wolverines are amateurs, giving a great deal of time and effort to…

… and Blue net captain back in the season of 1912. Cleveland came out ahead, four matches to three, but the Wolverines gave them a run for their money. It was the best tennis of the season thus far, the…

March 10, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…' Wiler a;ei",t i I he -pro- posed Detroit Re~d Whi Mi2i,an charity hockey game at thik; 1We, the I i Wolverine season has definitely comez. to a close. ~- With the 1932-33 season goes a 'iri .ckl k' >A t…

… for Crossman. Due to the fact that Michigan was .Although Eddie Lowrey says that not a member of the Big Ten from he has coached better individual 1906 to 1918, the Wolverines did not players, when lie…

…. Individually, he considers them the. Indiana Dangerous best front-line players that Michigan The Wolverines' most dangerous can boast. He points out that both cmeio hsyaIdaa o t are fast, shifty, good checkers…

… in the 440. :tiually good record in the last three Confident of Relay years, in part as a result of Reid and Crossman, and in part as the result Other Wolverines entered in th of good goal-tending by…

January 22, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fight Mars Minnesota Ice Contest Hockey Game Turns Into Fistfight As Gophers De- feat Wolverines, 1-3, In Exciting Ice Battle Woive Cage Team Beats Chicago, 36-18 Dr. Margaret…

… Minnesota-Michigan tempest variety was taken by the Gophers over the Wolverines here tonight, 3 to 1, as the defending Big Ten champions swept the series. Fighting blood which boiled be- yond control climaxed…

May 28, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

… first inning for three bases. Mike Diffiley, Wolverine catcher and captain, co-starred with Wistert, getting three hits in three official trips to the plate, scoring two runs and batting in another…

…Diffley, Levin Mix The Wolverine backstop showed his combative spirit in the first in- ning when Dave Levin, attempting to score on a double steal, arrived at home to find the ball and Diffley awaiting him. Levin…

May 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

… At Evanston Preliminaries Today Michigan And Indiana To Battle For Team Honors; 21 Wolverines Entered A fanfare of trumpets will herald the opening of the 33rd annual Western Conference track and field…

…Baker, of the Wolverine track team will be running as anchor man on the mile relay team in his last appearance in the Conference meet Saturday at North- western. Sorosis Team Wins Archery - Golf Title Sorosis…

March 15, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

… Wisconsin big goose- eggs. In the 400-yard relay Michigan, Northwestern, and Illinois ought to Finish in that, order. A Wildcat, a Wolverine, a Gopher, and a Buck- eye should finish in that order in the 200…

… Northwestern will take the next two places - maybe - with Minnesota fourth. The Wildcats and Wolverines are due to split the 220 free style so that both receive five points with Iowa last. Larsen Promises…

March 09, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

… of visiting teams, and with the players themselves. The Wolverines will depart this morning Spornt Editors of othe l-r Big Ten Daily's have co-operated with us in furnish-Nne ciRciv Vrsy…

…, sixth, and sc venth place behind the Wolverines al~id Iowa who tied for third and fourth. The Mlini can boast of two players of Aill-Con- ference rank, Bennett and : Fros- chauer,. ;1 Bennett received 85…

May 25, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

… Larson of Minnesota when they started the final 36 holes today, but easily distanced the Gopher player. It remained for Ed Dayton to as- sure the Wolverines a second straight team title. With a 75 for his…

…-putted for a five. Michigan retained the team title with a 4-man total of 1,291, George David and. Cal Markham adding 332 and 343 to the team score. Min- nesota, which finished second to the Wolverines last…

…. Petoskey, Thor fore him. E. Powers, Robert Saltzstcin, The other Wolverine tally came in Grafton Sharp, Arend Vyn, the second when, after Petoskey had Francis M. Wistert. flied out, Diffley walked, Manuel…

May 27, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

… Michigan Will Start Outfield; Manuel Play At Shortstop Same Will Weather permitting, the Wolverine? nine will face Chicago in the last home game in the Conference series1 this afternoon. It is the final…

…. His success in the previous Chicago combat gives some indica- tion of what may be expected, as he led the Wolverines to a 12-2 victory over the Maroons on the latter's home field three weeks ago…

… for the absence of Snell and Siegel. With these two men out of the match, the Buckeyes' chances for victory go on a sharp incline. With Snell and Siegel in the line- up, the Wolverines took their Ohio…

May 20, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…rj"[HE 3I1CHI AN DAILY PAGE 15 Wolverines Qualify or ienTrackMeet Finals Today Ward Is Star; Hoosiers Takej Only_8 Places Ohio State Second With 12Qualifiers; Egleston Ties Keller In Hurdles…

…. Golfers To Play 36 Holes In Theta Chi Wins Preparation For Bi Ten Meet Season's I,M. PiAY Aa PV.D I AY All members of Michigan's Varsity I A Wolverine also captured the in- golf squad except Johnny…

… making the in a gross score very close to last trip. It is probably that Trueblood year's winning total, the Wolverines, will select the other two from a like the Wildcat course and are set group made up…

April 25, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

… Wins Battle With Ypsilanti 12-4 Maize-And-Blue Team Re- taliates For Defeat Dur- ing Spring Vacation Braendle, Petoskey Each Score Three Nine Runs Scored During Fifth And Sixth Innings By Wolverines By…

… Ypsilanti, 12-4. The contest was staged on Ferry Field yesterday afternoon. Two pitchers, Mo ; and Quinlan were required to stem the tide of Wolverine hits: Patchin, Coach Fish- er's sophomore right…

…. Infield play in general was ragged throughout the game in both outfits. Thel Ypsilaniti out~ffit committed five ciors, while Michigan accounted for four. The Wolverines, however, man- aged to space their…

April 18, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

… series of time-trials culminating in a track meet among members of the team at Ferry Field Saturday afternoon will determine the makeup of the team which will represent the Wolverines at the Drake relays…

… entry list which included three relay teams and seven individual perform- ers from which the Wolverine repre- sentatives will be chosen Saturday. Relays, Special Events Entered in the mile quartet are De…

…Baker, Allen, Ellerby, Turne rnd Lemen. Turner and Lemen may run in the two-mile relay along with Doe Howell, Childs 'and Braden. Wolverine entries for the medley relay, which includes the 440, 880, three…

February 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… Five Maroons Hold Michigan In First 12 Minutes Before Wolverines Open Up Small Crowd Sees 8th Big Ten Game House Resolution (;ivIe" Legislature Act Powcer (irver Banks To Comstock So Garner With…

… establish in fact whether this loan can be had." It did By JOHN THOMAS Chicago held Michigan for twelve minutes of the first half but from then on the Wolverines had things their own way and won easily, as…

May 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… the course and kept most of the scoring from low figures. Fischer, however, came in with scores of 71 and 74 to give the Wolverines two victories. In the morning doubles rounds, Fischer and Markham…

… one and one-half points to the Wolverine to- tal each. Reid held Dayton while Flynn kept Captain Jolly from mak- ing a clean sweep. The cold, wet weather played havoc with Northwestern as they bowed to…

… Michigan. Time after time shots were missed. The Wolverines did not seem to mind the cold as much, al- though Jolly and Dayton were in trouble for most of the round in the afternoon. War Drama Is -Approved…

May 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

… Michigan Normal Loses By 85 To 41 Score; 11 Firsts Go To Wolverines By CHARLES BAIRD Led by Hawley Egleston and Willis Ward, who accounted for 10 and 16 points respectively, Michigan's track team overwhelmed…

… Michigan Normal yesterday afternoon on Ferry Field,, 85 to 41. Wolverine thinclads ran away with 11 of the 14 first places to easily es- tablish their superiority over the Hu- rons. The track events proved a…

…. Gillilan beat out his teammates Dam and Bacon in the discus, and Thornburg of the Wolverines edged out Schmiclcr in the javelin, The (Continued on Page 3)C Major Edwards Presented With ParentS To Get…

April 20, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…. Any group interested in combining Wolverines Bat Out 7-3 Victory Over Hillsdale Good Pitching And Timely Hitting Gives Michigan Win In Opening Game HILLSDALE, April 19. - Timely hitting in three…

… innings gave the Michigan baseball team a 7 to 3 vic- tory over Hillsdale in the first offi- cial game of the season for the Wolverines here this afternoon. The Maize-and-Blue made their nine hits and the…

March 26, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… was a member of the world's record 1,600 meter Olympic team, an- chored the Indiana mile relay team to victory. To Speak At Forum Wildcats Nose Out Michigan In National Swimming Meet; Wolverines

… qualified to dis- cuss the subject he has chosen. Wolverines Get 18 Points To Northwestern's 21; Princeton Trails With 13 Degener Wins Dive; Cristy 2nd In 40 Two Champions Defend Titles Successfully; New…

March 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… in the high jump, and the Wolverine one-mile relay team set the only other mark, win- ning in 3:22.4. The former mark was 3:23 by Notre Dame. Michigan won first places in four events, and the Illini…

Wolverines a 16 to 14 team victory here tonight. Summaries : 118-pound class: Bernstien (C) de- feated Landrum (M); 2:54. 126 pounds: Oakley (M) defeated Zukowski (C); 5:30. 135 pounds: Thomas (M) defeated…

March 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

… Catastrophe EathqiiLie Tia WrVa e, And Fir Leave 1,535 Dead On Main Island Cristy esTwo Firsts, Most Points Wolverines Score One- Two In 220 And 440; Kennedy Shows Form By JOHN THOMAS Northwestern set two…

… swimmers and came within three-feet of lapping Ken- nedy. In the 220-yard Cristy nosed out Kennedy by a scant six-inches after his Wolverine rival had taken the last turn with a yard lead. Schmieler Aids…

February 28, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…, 21 To 18, With ClosingRally Petoskey Sinks Winning Basket; Eveland Heads Wolverine Scoring Minnesota staged a last-half rally to tie the score at 18 all, before Mich- igan got its lone field goal of…

… cards for Leading Role In Play, Minnesota to win. No matter how 'Tlree Times The Hour' badly the Wolverines played, the Go- phers were worse, except for their James Raymond, '33, will have the rally. With…

January 14, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

… position he will occupy at Princeton university for several months annually beginning sometime in the next college year. Wolverines Tie St. Mary's 4-4 In Ice Thriller Sherf Scores Four Goals To Star For…

… the flashy sopho- more banged in a shot which hit the net two feet above the ice.- The final overtime was barren of scores, although the Wolverines de- cisively outplayed the Redmen as they did during…

November 05, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…-yard : penalty gave the Wolverines a first down on Illinois' 15-yard line. Renner passed to Petoskey for six yards. Everhardus crashed over his left tackle, and it was first down on PRrosKcY Illinois' 4-yard line…

June 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

… of the outstanding players on the squad. Out of the eleven dual meets, the Wolverines took five, suffering five losses and one tie. Michigan won only one of the four Conference dual meets and tied one…

May 27, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 174) • Page Image 6

… camps are lo- cated in the upper peninsula. They are that in the Escanaba River region, and the Mackinac State Park near Garnet. Hardwood State Forest near Wolverine and Higgins State Park near Grayling…

May 25, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

… not be represented in the L C. 4-A meet at Cambridge this year. The Wolverine athletes have hung up their spikes until the Na- tional Collegiate meet in Chicago, after final examinations. Prof. Ralph W…

May 05, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 155) • Page Image 5

…. Clark, '34, social chairman of the fellowship. Music will be furnished by the U. of M. Wolverines. Admission will be 25 cents. University students and' their friends are invited to attend, Miss Clark said…

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