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November 13, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

… yards. 2ernard felled Sahlin on the Wolverine squad. Petoskey made two yards. Ever- for no gain.. Birney punted out of Zahlin gained a yard after trying hardus struck through right tackle bounds at…

… the ball was eon Michigan's 15-yard Summers took the ball on his 17- called back and the Wolverines drew line. Everhardus gained four yards in yard line and ran it back to the 28- a 15-yard penalty for…

… play and was penalized five yards. Capt. Page broke up a forward pass thrown by Newman. Newman threw another pass toward Fay. It failed and the Wolverines took a five-yard penalty. Everhardus dropped…

…. Flinn again took the ball through the Michigan tackle for one yard. Birney punted to Newman, who took the ball on the Wolverine 29-yard line. He was tackled by Summers after a return to the 38-yard…

November 06, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

… Institute Crippled Wolverine Defends National Team Says Democratic Regime Is Country's Only Hope For Economic Recovery MADISON SQUARE GARDEN New York, Nov. 5.-()-.Franklin D Roosevelt closed his campaign…

… (Special to The Daily) MEMORIAL STADIUM, BLOOM- INGTON, Ind., Nov. 5.-A battered and crippled Wolverine team not only beat off the determined attack of a fighting Indiana eleven, but scored in a knife…

… battle, and these features did not tend to help Michigan's cripples get along in the bruising contest. The Wolverines paid for victory with the serious injury of Wistert, star tackle, while Petoskey…

November 05, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

… by the G. 0. P. in Michigan. In addition to introducing Gover- nor Brucker to two assemblages Mol r spoke to the Coolidge Republican:1 club, the Wolverine Republican club a and at a mass meeting in the…

… the best shape of the season with every regular in first class shape. The prevailing opinion here is that if the Wolverines are stopped this season Indiana will do it. A capacity crowd is expected in…

… vic- tory. Michigan has the edge over the Hoosiers in season records to date. Matched with the Wolverine unde- feated record is Indiana's of one loss to Chicago when the team was crip- pled, one tie 7…

September 30, 1932 (vol. 43, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…AY, SEPT. 30, 1932 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ipke Again Shifts Wolverine Lineup; Williamson May Start A PAGE THRE t Enc ;. - Chapman Takes Tackle Position In LightSession Wistert And Damm May Be Out…

Wolverines will start as the un- derdogs for the second time in the history of the two schools, Coach Kipke again changed his lineup in the light drill against State plays. Ted Chapman surprised everyone by…

… h a t Kipke fears an- a.other injury to the Wolverine leader which might keep him out of Con- ference games, but he will probably receive a good workout a g a i nst WII-L.IAMnnsct the East Lansing…

… eleven. The coaching staff admitted yes- terday that they were w o r r i e d. Added to State's known strength, the Wolverine lineup has been changed from day to day, mostly on account of injuries. The…

August 05, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…. Daniels became the bride of the Wolverines' star second baseman yesterday in Detroit. Players who will make the trip are Mike Diffleye and Leslie Douglass, catchers; Harley McNeal, J a c k Tompkins, Sid Mc…

July 16, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

… importance given. by the press to "an apparently false version" of what the Premier had .said. Equals Own World Mark Eddie Tola Equals 01 Dash Ree Former Wolverine Frank WykofE iI Events at Tryouts Runs 100…

July 08, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

… restric- tions on loans to be made by the Reconstruction Finance Corp. under its increased capital of $3,800,000,- 000. Michigan-Cage, Card for 'Year Is Announced Wolverine Team to Play One Home Game, Four…

July 07, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… students will be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Wesley hall. The event is lannnd to prmit the seven hndred. Three Wolverine Wrestlers Leave For Final Tryouts Carl Dougovito, captain of last season…

…'s Michigan wrestling team and intercollegiate champion in the 158-pound division, left Ann Arbor Wednesday with Joe Woodard and Bob Hewitt, former Wolverine grap- plers, for Columbus, 0., where they will…

July 03, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

… Congress. If they claim fra- ternity for the one they cannot deny fraternity for the other." Eddie Tolan Ties Olympic Sprint Record Former Wolverine Star Runs 100-Meter in 10.6 At Mid-West Semi…

Wolverine grappler, lost in the finals. of the 135-pound class to Thomas, of Ames, Ia., but also qualified for +l.a +r,f, t, *1, +s r, man n Reeves Will Address Teac}ers on 'Grotius' Prof. Jesse S. Reeves…

July 02, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

… split their vote evenly between Senator Reed Texs All during the sessions the gal- leries had seemed curiously out of (Continued on Page, 3) Fischer Beats Sidney Noes; Goes to Fmials Wolverine Star to…

June 28, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

… return to Ann Arbor at intervals during the summer months but will spend most of his vacation in Frankfort. Edmonson to Address Wolverine Territorial t Track Stars c o n t r o 1" Professor bed as the…

June 01, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…, for 10 hits and the al journalistic society. Wolverines took the second of a The plan of permanent organiza- two-game series, 8 to 4. tion of graduating classes has been Wistert, Michigan relief -hurler…

June 01, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

… AFTER BILLY ARNOLD'S DISASTROUS CRACK-UP VETRANLINKSMANI NAMVED AS LEADER Wolverines Turn in Good Record for Past Season; Hold Big Ten Title. Alexander H. Jolly, '33E, of Men- omninee, Michigan, was…

… new captain-elect has played a ccn- sistent game of golf on the varsity, and during the past season hie played at numbers two, three, and four on the Wolverine outfit during the course of the season…

May 29, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… Grey end will close the 1932 season for Che Wolverines. In the first two-game series here earlier in the month, the teams qplit, with Ohio winning the first, 6 to 4, through the hitting and pitching…

… efforts of their star hurler, Lowell Wrigley. In the second, splendid relief hurling by Whitey Wistert enabled the Wolverines to win, 7 to 5. In the last two games against Michigan State and Chicago, Coach…

May 28, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

… Michigan. WOLVERINES IMPROVED $outhpaw jinx, Driven Away ini Michigan State Game, May Return. Another chapter in the history of Michigan's diamond team and its battle against left-handed pitchers will be…

… written this afternoon on Ferry Field as the Wolverines play host to the University of Chicago's 'Maroons. The game will begin at 2:30 o'clock. The Windy City outfit is holding dlown the cellar position in…

May 27, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

… this season --Northwestern, were handball, which was taken by Ten this sPason-. Nthe Wolverines; bowling, picked, up Ohio, and Purdue. by the Shamrocks with little In addition to Big Ten honors, trouble…

… in the usual seven It was only last week that the weights. Crowns this year were Wolverines fell before the fine hur- won by Hirata, 118-pounds; Koplin, ling of Purdue's star port-sider and 126-pounds…

May 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

… made just, to get, a glimpse of the man out to Walker, which the mayor New York's millions call "Jirny."I used on a European trip. MICHIGAN NINEIIS ICTOR OVER STATE IN WILD &-3 CAME Wolverines Squash…

… (Special to the Daily) EAST LANSING, May 25. - An outfit of nine fighting Wolverines stemmed a last-minute rallyby Michigfani State's diamond team here this afternoon to win out by a score of 4-3. McNeal was…

May 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… leaving from San Francisco on August 11. A stopover in Honolulu en route will be made in order to get in a series with the University of Ha- waii's squad. Once in Japan, the Wolverines will start…

… sop- inlass "A", the D.U.'s in class "1B," i 1 tshri iton -- .- ---- 22 13 691) Wolverine ntters swept every one arate calendars gives in review the and A.K.L. in class "C." The Phy- ¢i'r iL..........8…

May 25, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

Wolverines. The lone failure was recorded during the first meeting of these two teams this season, when they played a 3 to .3 tie in sixteen in- nings, oi Ferry Field, May 3. Michigan is somewhat bowed by a…

… field for the Wolverines this afternoon. Manuel, rDaniels, Waterbor, and Superke will comprise the infield with Braendle, Petoskey, and Wistert playing the f outfield. McNeal and Tompkins are i lated to…

May 22, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… him out of the race and made it possible for Michigan to annext the Big Ten track title here today. The Wolverines ran up a total of 50% points as against Ohio State's 46% and Indiana's 43Y. The other…

May 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…. Michigan and Minnesota kept well ahead in team totals with respective scores of 624 and 625. James Reston, of Ilinois, followed Fischer with 155. Behind him came Ed Dayton, a Wolverine, who coin- piled a…

…, president of the Music school, Prof. Earl V. Moore, Prof. Albert Lockwood, Prof. A. H. White, Vice-t President Shirley Smith, Prof. Clar-. ence Johnston. PURDUE DEFEA TS WOLVERINES, 97e Mkcigan Pounds Out F…

Wolverine hurlers and finally pulled out a 9 to 7 victory The winning: FIFTEEN MICHICAN TRACKMEN QUALIFY, AT BIC TEN MEET Brooks Leads Discus Throw With Toss of 148 Feet; Also Gets Place in Shot. IRENWICK…

… stepped out in front of the field here today to qualify 16 men in the finals of the Conference track and field meet tomorrow. Michigan was second among the qualifiers with 15 men. Trailing the Wolverines in…

… Russell, Ben Glading, Harold Ellerby and Charles. DeBaker all came through to win their heats. The Wolverines placed at least one man in every event but the javelin throw. Don Renwick captured his heat in…

May 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

… 393 Pc t. ,714 .677 .576 .572 .517 .455 .310 .172 Pct. .688 .607 .528 .469 .440 .410 .400 .393 ;1 I by John Thomas George Mills will probably face the Wolverines today at Champaign as Coach Fisher…

May 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… the result of last week's match when Dodge easily defeated the Wolverine captain. Bob Clarke dropped the only sin- gles match when he lost, 6-0, 6-4 to Telting, who showed to excellent advantage. Johnny…

… Roindel came back nice- ly afteri dropping the first set to t rim Fuller 1-6, 6-4, 6-2. The stocky Wolverine got his driving game go- ing in the last set. Snell perform- ed brilliantly to beat Pearlsten 6…

… they lost to the Wildcat duo of Fuller and Hailes, 8-6, 6-2. Fuller was a tower If strength in. the turning back of the Wolverines. Summaries Ryan (M) d. Dodge (NU), 6-4, 8-6. Telting (NU) d. Clarke (M…

May 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

… Saturday. Coach Charlie Hoyt discussed the chances of the Wolverine squad that is going with him to Evanston, and announced the twenty-man team that will carry Michigan's colors. Renwick, Campbell, and Lamb…

May 18, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…- tival program opening tonight. 1 MICHIGANNN4 - 3-1 Wolverines Fail to Make Best of Chances; Gene Braendle Stars at Plate. By Guy M. Whipple, jr. YPSILANTI, May 17.-While the Michigan nine was throwing…

… Ypsilanti field. A momentary mental relapse on the part of Ken Manuel, Wolverine first baseman, when he argued a close play at first and watched two runners cross the plate, was partly responsible for the…

… Michigan could not recover.. The other Ypsilanti run came in the eighth when Michaelis doubled and scored on Christy's safety. Gene Braendle ran away with the Wolverine hitting honors, smash- ing out three…

May 18, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

… the twenty-third an- nual running of the Big? Ten cham- pionships. Coach Charlie Hoyt will take a full squad of 20 men to Evanston in an effort to regain the crown which the Wolverines" have won eleven…

May 17, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

… balanced strength of the Wolverines. 'ummaries Sorenson (WS) d. Ryan (M) 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 Laevin (WS) d. Bob Clarke (M) P- 2_c 'Q P0 i At the same meeting Harry R, T. Brown, Charles M. Rush, Geor and Kenneth…

May 17, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

Wolverines again. In their final practice the team batted for about an hour against the offerings o f left-handers, as Coach Ray Fisher expects to face port-side hurling in the next two games, the Normal game…

… THIS WEEK Will Go to Evanston This Friday for Conference Contests; Concede Chance. With the dual meet season at an end Coach Charlie Hoyt and his Wolverine thinclads are now direct- ing their efforts…

May 15, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…-run rally in the sevenths in- ning, the Wolverines came from be- hind to win, 7 to 5. Wistert in the third inning after "Lefty" McKay had faded in his first Big Ten start of the season, with three…

… meet was the only one that the Wolverines have lost all year. Captain Jack Lenfesty won all of the points the Maize and Blue squad secured, by taking 2 1-2 points from Berry while Bob Kep- ler, star…

May 14, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

… -. - _________________________ OHIO STATE BEATS ICHIGAN NINE, 8-4 IN TENSESTRUGGLE Steady Pitching and Hitting of Wrigley, State Pitcher, Wins for Buckeyes. TO PLAY AGAIN TODAY Wolverines Tie Score in Last Half of Eighth Inning But…

… they had combinled two hits, one a fluke triple, with an' error and a wild pitch to even the count. It remained for Harley Mc- Neal, the Wolverine moundsman, to retire the Buckeyes in their half of the…

… the ninth. The Wolverines made a valiant effort to even the count again in the ninth. Manuel came through with a solid hit to left field, went to second on McNeal's infield out, and scored when pinch…

…- mediately under the care of the ship's surgeon. 'BI TENNIS TEAM BEATS ADRIAN, 9-0 Wolverines Show Superiority by Winning Most Matches, 6-0. (Special t oThe Daily) ADRIAN, Mich., May 13.-Michi- gan's 'B…

…' tennis team scored a slam over the Adrian Varsity here today, 9-0. The Wolverines won most of their matches With a 6-0 score, so complete was their superiority. SUMMARIES Singles: Nifen (M) defeated Den…

May 14, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

… CO0LUMFIUS OVAL Buckeyes Ares Due 'for 1H1rd.1DRy as Hy'sMnNc..r ColumbIR)PS. VLNWIC N 10,22 Ohio Has Gr.-'c-r Team Power But Wolverine Stars May Win Meet With Firsts. My.ki_, a n (CICO U a ters the…

… Colby Ryant, call im r Ryean characterized Fred Perry is illam Shoty"Ca~tlo, :f rP ,)sed byT "Lefty' McKa~y, w'ith ofsahe Wolverines, in the feature an game, and is one of the favorites eheWitr Tm i…

… Stnell will team together against Captain Hioffer and Korb. With Ohio State classed as one of the finest, teams in the confer- onee, the success of the Wolverines this afternoon will enable Coach Johnstone…

May 13, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

… the Wolverines in another clash on Feiry Field Saturday. It will be up to Harley McNeal to keep the Maize and Blie nine battling for the Big Ten ieadiership in this afternoon's game. MeNeal has already…

… afternoon he should be able to'tame the Bucks. While the Wolverines have not been hitting as well as they :should, they have made their hits count for runs in the only two Confer- ence clashes in which they…

… effort to get as much bat- ting power as possible in the top part of the Wolverine batting or- der, Coach Ray Fisher has made another of his numerous shifts in the batting order. Avon Artz, who swings from…

May 10, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

… the afternoon for the Wolverines, scoring thirteen clear placements from play, and taking four ilove ,games- eindel and Snell came through In the doubles to win 6-2, 6-3 over Fuller and Perelstein, the…

…. Harley Mc- neMe will probably be on the mound in he first g:ame with Jack Toni - '.: go"ngthe hurling on Saturday. ^gtaist Chicago last Saturday, the Wolverines looked like a vastly DINING ROOM improved…

May 08, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

… points apiece late in the afternoon, the Wolverines came through with triumphs in the 220-yard low hur- dies, the half-mile run, the discus throw, and the hammer throw to sew up first place. The Maize and…

…'s festivities. Hawley Egleston, Wolverine tim- ber topper, managed to win both of the hurdle events with fast times. He was the easy winner in the high hurdle event, -which he took with a time of :14.8 to tie the…

… exceptionally fast time of :48:4 to tie the Michi- gan mark set by Haff way back in 1913. De~aker also ran a nice race to take second place a step ahead of Christinsen of Illinois. Booker Brooks, giant Wolverine

… nine blows and a 5 to 1 victory over the Maroons in a* Western Conference baseball game., The. Wolverines bunched three singles, a pair of walks, and an er- ror for three runs in the first in- ning, and…

… McNeal held the Maroons helpless except in the fifth when, a single and a double scored their only run. It was Michigan's second straight victory. The Wolverines wasted no time in getting onto Henshaw…

May 07, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

… rivalry of the cinder paths when the Ilini encounter the Wolverine thinclads this afternoon on Ferry field in the only home ap- pearance of the Maize and Blue this season. The meet, which is one of the high…

… last night. Charlie Hoyt, the Wolverine men- tor, and Harry Gill, the tutor of the Illini, matched against each other again. These two Big Ten- coaches are among the foremost master minds of the track…

… strong teams on the track and on the field, but this year the Illini do not boast toge strength of former years and the Wolverines have been handicapped by injur- ies and poor weather conditions. Harry…

May 07, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 156) • Page Image 6

… have been improving rapidly Humphreys carrying the Wolverine and can be counted on to give the colors. Wolves a tough battle for the day's honors. Three of Coach Gill's best .A bets, Christiansen…

… Hurdles. Egleston and Haefele will bear the Wolverine hopes in the hurdles with Etnyre and either Johnson or Seely upholding the honor of the 01r, 1 V . A U Oid'ei wil aV_ tend the meetings of the American…

May 05, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 154) • Page Image 1


Wolverines nicked the Tokio pitcher for 13 hits and two passes, while St. Paul knocked four Michigan twirlers for five safeties and received 11 bases on balls. Each team was charged with eight errors. The fun…

May 05, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

… a lateC jinning rally to sxvccp the Chicago Gry1erl n eet rw Illinois Squad Slight Edge series, winning 8 to 7. and Myatt. Over Wolverines. Clint Brown held St. Louis in NATIONAL LEAGUE check while…

May 05, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

… " enough! EXHIBIT NO. 3 BASEBALL AGAIN "All McNeal had to do was to re- tire three more State batters and the game was in. Four men faced the Wolverine hurler in the ninth. He retired three of them without…

May 04, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

… provide stiff opposi- tion for the Wolverine diamod team. Coach Fisher said after yester- day's game that he will start Wist- ert today and will also pitch Trav- erse some and if these two pitchers cannot…

… Few Seasons. by Johni W. Townsend University Course; Fischer I Coach Gill and the Illinois thin- Cards 69 in Practice. clads will invade the sanctum of the Wolverines this Saturday to do Desitethefac…

… College, Johnny a little different aspect than it has Fischer, brilliant Wolverine sopho- in former seasons as the Illini do more, breezed around the Univer- not boast the strength that they sity course…

… course record held anced and the outcome has jointly by himself and Coach Ray I always been in doubt until the Courtright. A four footer on the final reckonings. A year ago on the the Wolverines journeyed…

… could noti field as well as he could pitch, the Wolverines were able to earn their (Continued- from Page 1) tie. Two errorsb by the Sp<trtaim twirler, combined with s mne oth. - sloppy fielding and some t…

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