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December 13, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…11 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 13, 199 1981: Started in 1977, Apple Computers, Inc. brings the personal computer to the height of technology in the 1980s. Harvard University drop…

… of Pop defines himself as a lasting symbol of '80s music. 9 MILLENNIUM- Iran Contra. Madonna. The fall of th computer. "Just say no." Garbage I The Challenger explosion. MTV. "Th The~V * .tookse enc…

… decades that are far more approximate," he explained. The '80s saw a resurgence of pop culture from the 1950s while fashion of the '90s drew from the '60s and '70s. "When I see Fiona Apple (singing) on a…

December 13, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 52) • Page Image 11

…: Apple Computer, Inc., ITD Sites, ResComp, UAC's M Flicks i …

…: Angell Hall Computing Site Tuesday Wednesday " Play computer games * Surf the net " Win prizes " Grab a snack " Dec. 14th, 9:30pm: See Die Hard at the State Theater $3 for students is sponsored by…

December 09, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 50) • Page Image 14

… a desktop computer - great for synchroniza-^ tion of e-mail, contacts and activities. Taking a cue from Apple's iMacs, VTech has produced their products in a lot of different cases. Lime, clear…

… and Palm OS systems. The devices sport a proprietary operating system that is simple, functional and intuitive - a bit like the line of 3Com's Palm Computing devices. Unlike the latest Palms, the Helio…

…RNIIARYU Finding yourself poor this semester? Make a fresh start after the Holidays! Student Jobs with great pay! Flexible schedules & great location! 'MICHIGAN TELEFUND No computer I have ever seen ha than the…

December 09, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 50) • Page Image 16

… challenge should know the details. Unlike tradi- tional CD and cassette players, the Rio plays that have to be downloaded into the player from a USB-equipped computer. (These days that means any PC built in…

… - up to twice as f Pentium III-based PC Come experience it today at y r Apple Education Store 1-800-780-5009 Con Michil wN Great Group Rates Available CALL (313) 396…

December 03, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

… Thanksgiving break, the computer system shut down for just under five hours, upgrading the e-mail for the University. Students, faculty and staff can now store twice the amount of e-mail in their accounts. The…

… is an added benefit at no additional cost," Griffiths said. ResComp also plans to help pro- tect their computers by turning them off before the millennium's dawn to lessen the electrical load in case…

… Callen, a salesperson at the Safe Sex Store on South University Avenue, said that college students don't seem embarrassed when buying methods of pro- Chem. lecturer wins Golden Apple By Lindsey Alpert…

December 03, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 9

… awards in conjunction with Hillel and Apple Computers, was inspiredbyan ancient Jewish teacher whose philosophy was to armange one's life before it ends. As winner of the annual award that honors "teachers…

… quality of the nominations,' Varner said. To notninate a teacher, Warner dded, students had to write why they felt their professor was most deserving of the Golden Apple. "Some wrote only a paragraph and…

… morning, Nolta said she knew little about the Golden Apple Award. "Three weeks ago, someone said something to me about the Golden Apple and I said 'What's that?"' Upon realizing that her students had…

… nominated her for the Golden Apple, Nolta said she was humbled. "I can't even comprehend how flat- tering this is. It's a phenomenon to me. I owe the students a lot,' she said. The Golden Apple, which SHOUT…

… who consis- tently teach each lecture as if it were their last," according to the Golden Apple's Website. Nolta will have the opportunity to give her "ideal last lecture" in Rackham Auditorium in…

November 18, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…. sunroof, A/C. $3200 or neg. 623-0291. MACEXCHANGE The Mac Specialists. Sales, service and upgrades. Experienced Mac technicians. 1775 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. 734-482-0739. www. Compaq…

…/T openings by 10/30. We train. 5-40+ hrs. around class. $12-15 base-appt. Guaranteed income in customer service/sales. Scholarships - conditions apple. Call 971-6122 M4 3-7 ww .workforstudcnts.coin BUSSERS 3…

… other computer languages. Please fax resumes to Jill Janeck at 734-747- 8621. ; " DELIVERY DRIVER WANTED. Bell's Pizza. Make $10-15/hr. Immed openings. All shifts. Apply in person. D WANTED: Looking for…

November 16, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…. 668-0 444 OE FLORAL DELIVERY DRIVERS. FTTIor P/T. Progressive Comifp. Appl at Nelsen Flower Shop 1021 Maiden Ln 994-1 12 GRADUATE STUDENT SOUGHT1'tom part-tune filing and copying ork lu oinbsto…

….' Questions? Just call 764-0557. Deadline: 5 p.m. Nov. 17 .JAPAN-AMERICA Manaement. a technical co. seeks native En-speaker n/ extensive computer trouble-shootingu abi I ties to wk FIT. Additional duties IInc…

… - comndiions appl%. Call 971-6122 MW3-7 wwv, .work BUSSERS 3-4 shi fts/wvk ..Mostlsy eves. Restauirant exp. not nec.. but must possess the heart of a lioni & the speed of gazelle. SS.5f…

November 15, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…. 5-40-hrs. around class. $12-15 hase-appt. Guaranteed income in customer servtce/aalcs Scholarships - conditions appls. ('all 971-6122 l-W wxxx ork1orStudents con CAPITAL AREA LITERACY (oliiton seeks…

…. 33.6 Modem.CD Rom. $550. -all 761-9959 ask for Kay. MACEXCHANGE The Mac Specialists. Sales, service and upgrades. Experienced Mac technicians. 1775 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. 734-482-0739. w urban-computer

November 05, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

… under blue book. After ~to call Jason at 434-2~812 ,45 FORD MUSTANG GT '-1 1.500. Call -)98-0610 or computers 'OMPAQ LAPTOP %I1' Office. Win 95. Pentium plns "C~ssries.(Great word…

… processor for udent. 520(0 obo. .327-3671 .Jason. NIACEXCHANG;E he Mac Specialists. Sales. service and pgialcs. Experienced Mac techmrcians. "75 Washtenaw. Ypsilanti. 734-482-0739 wve. urban-computer

…) (titIt x' uotitein customer secsAles.dc ""clolashtips - cooidmIotiS appls ('all 9? 1-0 12,- NI V" t- xx' "il .xx-rkf ttlntidscolt CAPITAL A REA ILITERACY Coalition seeks canid~ates for- Atnericorps VISTA…

October 28, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

… & winter terms. Hard- orking punctual applicants should apple to Scorekeepers. 310 Maynard across from Borders. $$$ MICHIGAN TELEFUND $$$ Now hiring students for flexible night and weekend schedules. Enhance…

… for film advertising, place movie posters in stores. Need car/camera. S9-I1/hr.. plus $0.21/mi. (800)852-6250. MARKETING & ADMIN. ASSIST. P/T up to 20 hrs./wk. Assist computer staffing & document…

… Arbor. 668-0444. EOE. SEMINAR ASSISTANTS-evenings. 1o/hr Please call Allan 996-1 107. S7- MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists. Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout'! Complete 180 Mhz systems from…

October 22, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…. A FUN PLACE TO WORK- Ashley's is looking for cooks. Must want to have fun- c ome in and appl today. 338 S State. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ ACCOUNTING Small computer consulting firm, flex. schedule. 30…

…. will finance $7000. Call Tom at 734-260-2488. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists. Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout! Complete 180 Mhz systems from 5599. While supplies last. 1775 Washtenaw…

… candidates will have computer science background. Email resume to: davidw Fax resume to 734-213-2525. Check us out at wwu x genitor com r BRAIDS! $65-155+ Micro Latch twists human cornrow…

October 20, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

… required. Call 761-7240. IMMEDIATE PART time help available at Endless Summer Tanning Center. Stop by 1896 W. Stadium for an application. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service…

… downtown. Contact Jennifer at 998-6965 for an interview. $$$ STUDENT JOBS $$$ Up to SS/hr., plus bonuses. Make your ow'n schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student…

… public opinion telephone interviews. Candidates need to be highly self-directed with a professional telephone manner for conducting research interviews. Experience with IBM compatible computers helpful…

…. enerous employee discoumt & bonus plan Appl in person or ta\ resume to 734- 5 1612 attn Vickie SEMINAR .ASSISTANTS-evenings 7 0 0hr Plese call Allan 9o9i-1107 SOFTWARE SALES OPPORTUNITY P/', F/I positions…

… STUDIES NEEDED Laboratory Assistant. Must have some knowledge in molecular biology methods and basie laboratory techniques. Laboratory coursework m chemistry or biology necessar .Computer experience helpful…

October 18, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

…, -Computer sales and service. Powermac ;Blowoit! ! Complete 180 Mhz systems from +$599. While supplies last. 1775 Washtenaw. :Ylisilatiti. 734 482-0739. >3 BDRM. APT. Carpet. ldi'y., prkg.. Fireplace. Sept…

… laboratory teechnimqutes. Laboratoiy coursework iii chemistry or biolo,,v necessary. Computer experiemice helpful. if interested please contact Valerie Say1 6417-4776. Swry services BRAIDS!. $65-155+ Micro…

… Latch twists hiuman cornrow silkydreds. Shielah 483-5425. JANE'S CLEANING SERVICE free estimate dorms. 517-592-2946. THEl~ WORD)WRIGHT dissertations, term papers, resumnes, grad school appl icat ions…

… telephone manner for conducting research interviews. Experience wvith IBM compatible computers helpful. Keyboard/typing skills required. Must be available to work at least 16 - 20 hours per week, nearly…

October 06, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

… lease. S31 15/mo. Call 741-9622. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout" Complete 180 Mhz systems from $599. While supplies last. 1775 Washtenaw. Ypsilanti 734 482…

… $8/hr., plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student atmosphere! For application & info., stop at Michigan Telefund - 611 Church, suite 4…

… weekly. Call 761-6467. GRIZZI.Y PEAK- Now hiring host staff. food servers, line cooks. Part time, am/pm Appl in person at 120 W. Washington. GUEST SERVICES University of Michigan Students needed for a fun…

… skills, friendly and outeoim-. fanuliar with campus and A2 area. . base computer skills. Apply in person at Execunse Residence. 710 E. University. HELP NIONI: CLEAN, misc. jobs. 2 hr/day, 3-5 dav/wk. S8/hr…

… PHOTO LAB and Studio seeking bright, kind person for P/T-F/T help. Apply in person @ Ivory Photo 606 S. Main. Call 668- 8413. PSYCHOLOGIST, WRITER, Consultant seeks assistant. Needs computer

October 05, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

… Wl/ice can be reached over e-mail at davinwa O n Sept. 29, as the University's North Campus computing center was ablaze, a great deal of the campus community experienced shock and anxiety…

… about net- work computing. The swift, effective efforts to mend the situation should be acknowl- edged, and the University is not to blame for what was an unforeseeable accident. Indeed, it is…

… unquestionable the majority of the 40,000-plus members of the University community rely on the computer network on a regular basis. Most were affected to some extent by the fire. Concerns may have ranged from a…

… because the on-line discus- sion necessary for lecture failed. This reflects our technologically advanced age more than anything else - although academic life may seem too cen- tered around computers

…, computing makes life a great deal easier. We commend the University for keeping up with current advances. The problems last week have reminded students, faculty and staff that computer problems are inevitable…

…. Reminded prob- lems with unpredictable repercussions do occur, individuals need to take precau- tionary measures when using computers - including more floppy disk back-up. Disrupted e-mail or Internet access…

… drives on all University computers. Likewise, a system should be set up in which disks are sold in the labs. This would enable prospective network users to instantly save work on floppy disks. The North…

…? Forget about it. Well, If you can't already tell, the above paragraphs are written in jest. Everybody knows darn well that candy bars and cookies are as American as apple pie. If anyone really agreed with…

September 30, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…'s greatest journalism school. The students at the Daily meet every day you attend class and we stay up all night, teaching reporting techniques, writing style and computer skills. And we do it better than any…

… BIG APPLE'S NlEu cslC R' MTVo SOMETFIING-OR-O(}1R. Shatter the stigma Events will educate campus on mental illness hile mental illness is an oft debated political matter, how much does it affect most…

September 29, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

… campus. Call Denise 764-7312 for interview. EOE. CONVERSATION PARTNERS/Tutors for Employees from China. Help our computer employees improve English speaking skills. No teaching experience necessary…

… P/T secretarial work. Computer literacy, organizational & phone skills. Mon. and Wed. days, Tues. & Thurs. afternoons. 734- 662-4600, or fax resumesto 734-662-8538. Email MOTOR GOPHER…

… that can type, is familiar with computers, is organized, and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an interesting, exciting, fast paced business. P/T, flex. hrs. Send resume to…

…, Clonlara School 1289 Jewett Ann Arbor 48104. Fax 734-769-9629. WANTED: STRONG, ENERGETIC, reliable person for part-time barn help. 995- 0092. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service…

…. Powermac Blowout!! Complete 180 Mhz systems from $599. While supplies last. 1775 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. 734 482-0739. NOTEBOOK COMPUTER FOR SALE. 120mhz. Pentium, color, LCD, 32mb RAM, 1gb,CDROM,etc. Includes…

… software & accesories. $500 or o.b.o. Call 623-0381. OWN A COMPUTER? Put it to work! $25-$75/hr. PT/FT 888-554-4020 I 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, 3 blocks to campus, beautiful, remodeled, $1650…

… bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student atmosphere! For application & info., stop at Michigan Telefund - 611 Church, suite 4F or call 998…

…. & weekday hrs. 994-2300 ext. 233. ABBOTT'S LANDSACAPE Fine garden installation crew help wanted. Call Rex London at 734-665-8733. ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat…

September 27, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

… available with option to continuo summer. Learn a variety of work skills related to conference planning in higher education. Positions available in accounting, web-searching and general office. Computer

… kitchen). Large front porch & prkg. May lease. $311 S/mo. Call 741-9622. TWO BED, ONE BED, efficiency. 996- 2836. $$$ STUDENT JOBS $$$ Up to $8/hr., plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer

APPL. for PIT pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat, & service-oriented indivs. Apply at Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty). AFTER SCHOOL CARE provider for older children. Need…

…./wk. M-F 3-5 p.m. Drivers license required. UM Central campus. Call Denise 764-7312 for interview. EOE. -6 NEEDED-A person that can type, is familiar with computers, is organized, and team oriented. We…

September 24, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

… Ldry. Prkg. 924 Greene. S875/ mo. Call Rod 213-1605. $$$ STUDENT JOBS $$$ Up to s8/hr.. plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student…

APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat. & service-oriented indivs. Apply at Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty) AFTER SCHOOL CARE provider for older children. Need car…

… 667-2600 or fax resume and cover letter to 734-677-4730. NEEDED-A person that can type. is familiar with computers.. is organized. and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an…

… opinion telephone interviews. Candidates need to be highly self-directed, with a professional telephone manner for conducting research interviews. Experience with IBM compatible computers helpful. Keyboard…

… statements & other general bookkeeping activities. Excellent opportunity to gain a variety of accounting experience. Call Rick at Computer Medic 662-1228 or fax 662-2254. SHAMAN DRUM BOOKSHOP seeks entry leel…

September 23, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

… bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student atmosphere! For application & info., stop at Michigan Telefund - 611 Church, suite 4F or call 998…

… $ to enjoy it * Earn great $ and a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info call 332-9076. * HAVE A LIFE AND MONEY to enjoy it! Great Company. Great $. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info…

… telephone interviews. Candidates need to be highly self-directed, with a professional telephone manner for conducting research interviews. Experience with IBM compatible computers helpful. Keyboard…

… of accounting experience. Call Rick at Computer Medic 662-1228 or fax 662-2254. SHAMAN DRUM BOOKSHOP seeks entry level systems admin. to maintainl medium size LAN. Exc. opportunity f info…

…. State, corner of S. State & S. Univ.) or call 764- 1115. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout!' Complete 180 Mhz systems from $S99. While supplies last. 1775…

… with computers, is organized, and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an interesting, exciting, fast paced business. P/T, flex. hrs. Send resume to- Personnel Dept., 1155 Rosewood…

…-747-8561 Or. send/fax your resume to: Bnuegger's Bagels. H.R. Dept., 29900 Soufhfield Road, Southfield. MI 48076. Fax: 248-557-5380. EOE * ** **** ** ***** ******5*** ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown…

September 22, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 147) • Page Image 6

…-oriented experience of working here can expand your knowledge and opportunities as well. $$$ STUDENT JOBS $$$ Up to $8/hr., plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your…

…/selling. $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. For info. call 203-977-1720. * HAVE A LIFE AND $ to enjoy it * Earn great $ and a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info…

…, is familiar with computers. is organized, and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an interesting, exciting, fast paced business. P/T, flex. hrs. Send resume to: Personnel Dept…

computers helpful. Keyboard/typing skills quire. Must be avail, to work 16-20 hrs. per week, neaily exclusively eves. & wknds. Competitive wages--starting at S9.50/hr. Demonstrated Spanish ability may…

… Excellent opportunity to gain a variety o accounting experience. Call Rick a Computer Medic 662-1228 or fax 662-225,4. SHAMAN DRUM BOOKSHOP seek entry level systems admin. to maintain medium size LAN. Exc…

…). Large front porch & prkg. May lease. $3115/mo. Call 741-9622. *ASSISTANT MANAGERS *SHIFT SUPERVISORS *CASHIERS/SERVERS *BAKERS MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac…

…, wind 60 The Muses, collectively 61 Heaters 64 House addition MANAG E R NEEDED Contact Bev Plocki 647-1259 ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat. & service…

September 21, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

…=4 0 1-, I LOST CAT male, siamese. Red collar, front declawed. Call 827-0933. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout!! Complete 180 Mhz systems from $599…

…/CAPI efforts on UNIX and DOS. Must have survey research experience and knowledge of computer assisted data collection, preferable CASES. Familiarity with C, Per, Shell Scripts, or MS Office is a plus. Requires a…

… letter to 734-677-4730. NEEDED-A person that can type, is familiar.. with computers, is organized, and tear- oriented. We are a commercial real est companybinan interesting, exciting, s paced business. P…

… research interviews. ExperienceW with IBM compatible computers helpful. Keyboard/typing skills reuiei. Must be avail. to work 16-20 hrs. per week, nearly exclusively eves. & wknds. Competitive wages…

… financial statemem & other general bookkeeping activities. Excellent opportunity to gain a variety of accounting experience. Calf Rick at. Computer Medic 662-1228 or fax 662-2254, SHAMAN DRUM BOOKSHOP seeks…

…/21/99 $$$ STUDENT JOBS $$$ Up to $8/hr., plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills, enhance your resume. Fun student atmosphere! For application & info., stop at Michigan Telefund…

…. call 203-977-1720. * HAVE A LIFE AND $ to enjoy it * Earn great $ and a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info call 332-9076. AAPS COMMUNITY EDUCATION & Recreation is hiring instructional…

… Si , ; ti+"+{i. + 3.'+. ;;cl;Si J +j'i' f., ;.",'r, .;iti 'f'f, $ ; rf;i%' ;k :,, t":r .: r } :2,r;:>'<+ : ' +ky 5 40. I 1I 1".I1 " I I ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in …

September 20, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…, front declawed. Call 827-0933. COMPUTER-NEC notebook, 266 Mhz, 13" screen, Windows 98. $1250, obo. 763-3297. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout!! Complete 180…

…. bdrm. Next to UM Nursing School. All utilities incl. I Free prkg. $630/ mo. 248-738-7022. $$$ STUDENT JOBS $$$ Up to $8/hr., plus bonuses. Make your own schedule, gain computer & communication skills…

…. Flexible hours. 994-2300 ext. 233 or 228. E.O.E. ACCEPTING APPL for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat. & service-oriented indivs. Apply at Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty…

… Leslie 994-2636. AMBITIOUS ENTREPRENEURS, Internet computer shopping & global telecommunications business. Work a few hours per week. Free information. Call 800- 996-7985. ANN ARBOR'S BIGGEST Sportsbar is…

…, with two references to (734) 994-1153, Attn: Harriet. NEEDED-A person that can type, is familiar with computers, is organized, and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an interesting…

September 20, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 145) • Page Image 10

… label. The response is equally welcome to her new record company, Epic, and her manager Andrew Slater, whose other acts include the Wallflowers and Fiona Apple. Even though Gray is superbly gifted, she is…

… following majors: " Aeronautical Engineering " Chemical Engineering * Civil Engineering and Construction Management * Computer Engineering * Computer Science " Management * Electrical Engineering…

September 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

… removal. Can be flexible with hours. Cal! 761-8000. LOST CAT male, siamese. Red collar, front declawed. Call 827-0933. COMPUTER-NEC notebook, 266 Mhz, 13" screen, Windows 98. $1250, obo. 763…

…-3297. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout!! Complete 180 Mhz systems from $599. While supplies last. 1775 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. 734 482-0739. POWERMAC G3 350 w/ 17" monitor…

… following programs: Aerobics, Basketball, Swim, Tennis, Art and Drama. Immediate openings. Flexible hours. 994-2300 ext. 233 or 228. E.O.E. ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for…

…-aged children to teach in our afterschool care program. M-F 3-6pm, $9.50/hr. to start. Call Leslie 994-2636. AMBITIOUS ENTREPRENEURS, Internet computer shopping & global telecommunications business. Work a few…

… support for CATI/CAPI efforts on UNIX and DOS. Must have survey research experience and knowledge of computer assisted data collection, preferable CASES. Familiarity with C, Perl. Shell Scripts, or MS…

…-1153, Attn: Harmet. NEEDED-A person that can type, is familiar with computers, is organized, and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an interesting, exciting, fast paced business. P…

September 16, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 143) • Page Image 29

… elements into the music for its new release, "The Burning Red." UA1EJ( Learning at your fingertips Log into the campus computer network. Write term papers. Find information on the Internet. Stay in touch…

… with the famiily by e-mail. Oh yeah, maybe ploy o game or two., Notebook computers starting ot $199 - ll systems include a free carrying case. Desktop systems, with monitors, starting at $300. Every…

… system comes with a warranty. 0 Apple 0 Compaq 0 Dell G Gateway " HP o IBM 0 NEC 0 Toshiba 677-864-8632 . w.aniversirtrmeri: " HONORS Continued from Page 168 includes many of the landmark dra- mas of the…

September 14, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

… enjoy it * Earn great $ and a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info call 332-9076. ***NOW HIRING. Bussing staff, dishwasher, hostess or hostesses. Flex. hrs. Great pay. Exc. working…

… start. Approx. 15 hr./wk. Call 665-0702. ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat, & service-oriented indivs. Apply at Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty). ADIA…

… busboys, kitchen help, & handyman. Call 769-1719. AMBITIOUS ENTREPRENEURS, Internet computer shopping & global telecommunications business. Work a few hours per week. Free information. Call 800- 996…

… to assist with tissue culture, general lab maintenance, experiments, and/ or computer graphics. Flex. hours. Will train. 763-2561. ASSISTANT MECHANIC/ building maintenance and repair. Flexible hours…

… programming and technical support for CATU/CAPI efforts on UNIX and DOS. Must have survey research experience and knowledge of computer assisted data collection, preferable CASES. Familiarity with C, Per Shell…

… COMPUTER TECHNICIAN Requires basic knowledge of PC, components & windows. Troubleshooting exp. a plus. Call 734-761-1698 ext. 128 or fax resume 734-669-8485. PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATE Fast…

… following qualifications: Excellent customer service skills, friendly and outgoing, familiar with campus and A2 area, basic computer skills. Apply in person at Executive Residence, 710 E. University. HELP MOM…

… w/ their homework. 6, 7 & 11th graders. Hrs are flex. Great opportunity for Educ. major* Call 662-0849, ask for Sandy or Peggy. NEEDED-A person that can type, is familiar with computers, is organized…

…. in office or shipping small packages. Flex. hrs. for dependalle people. Company located at I-94 & S. State St. Call Tom Driscoll at 734-761-5173. COMPUTER-NEC notebook, 266 Mhz, 13" sereen, Windows 98…

September 13, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

… available. No teaching experience required. Call 761-7240. -'Media Assistant $7.25/hr. ~ Work/Study Position Cutting Edge & traditional media formats - NV, computer, print. Assist students and faculty…

… Grade A Notes Ulrich's Bookstore; 2nd Floor. 549 E. University Ave. 741-9669. NEEDED-A person that can type, is familiar with computers, is organized, and…

… circulars. For info. call 203-977-1720. * HAVE A LIFE AND $ to enjoy it * Earn great $ and a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info call 332-9076. ***NOW HIRING. Bussing staff, dishwasher…

… maintenance, misc. household tasks. Must have trans. $10/hr. to start. Approx. 15 hr./wk. Call 665-0702. ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat, & service-oriented indivs…

… ALPHA EPSILON PHI needs busboys, kitchen help, & handyman. Call 769-1719. AMBITIOUS ENTREPRENEURS, Internet computer shopping & global telecommunications business. Work a few hours per week. Free…

… support for CATI/CAPI efforts on UNIX and DOS. Must have survey research experience and knowledge of computer assisted data collection, preferable CASES. Familiarity with C, Perl, Shell Scripts, or MS…

…, interested in substituting please ca 761-2576. $7.85 / hour. PERIODIC YARD work or cleaning. Walk from campus. $10/hr. Flexible. 971-3321. COMPUTER-NEC notebook, 266 Mhz, 13" screen, Windows 98. $1250, obo…

… SALESPERSON Computer Hardware Company. Compute I l i I l - I I I 1 ~you quality. to earn $6-$10v/hr. Please calil ~fpdPih,~C~i ~2AQ~l) Bloomfield. Please Call 248-489-8020. …

September 10, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

… ARTS AND PROGRAMMING. COMPUTER-NEC notebook, 266 Mhz, 13" screen, Windows 98. $1250, obo. 763-3297. MAC 6115 POWER. P.C. 24 MB Ram. Software incl. $400/best. 734-662-3725. POWERMAC G3 350 w/ 17" monitor…

… qualifications: Excellent customer service skills, friendly and outgoing, familiar with campus and A2 area. basic computer skills. Apply in person at Executive Residence, 710 E. University. HELP WANTED: STUDENT…

… children w/ their homework. 6, 7 & 1Ith graders. Hrs. are flex. Great opportunity for Educ. majors. Call 662-0849, ask for Sandy or Peggy. NEEDED-A person that can type, is familiar with computers, is…

… $ to enjoy it * Earn great $ and a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info call 332-9076. ***NOW HIRING. Bussing staff, dishwasher, hostess or hostesses. Flex. hrs. Great pay. Exc. working…

… start. Approx. 15 hr./wk. Call 665-0702. ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat, & service-oriented indivs. Apply at Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty…

… on UNIX and DOS. Must have survey research experience and knowledge of computer assisted data collection, preferable CASES. Familiarity with C. Perl, Shell Scripts, or MS Office is a plus. Requires a B…

… with Disabilities. Must type 80 words per min. $12/hr. Contact Joan E. Smith at 763-1083 or COMPUTER TECHNICIAN Requires basic knowledge of PC, components & windows. Troubleshooting exp…

… environment. Please mail resume to 4840 Venture Dr. Ste. 100, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 or fax 734-669-8869. Media Assistant $7.25/hr. Work/Study Position Cutting Edge & traditional media formats - AV, computer

September 10, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 139) • Page Image 9

… Stir of Echoes At Briarwood and Showcase apples and orang- utans. "Stir of Echoes" is sim- ply a thriller and, to its credit, the film never tries to be anything more. Rather, it tells the story of a…

… are then greeted by Katherine (she's using Gabriel's computer to print out 150 copies of her resumes) and, a few minutes later, by Gabriel's room- mate. And so the two set off for a night in the city…

September 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 138) • Page Image 6

… a computer too. Work from home. Choose own hours. Info call 332-9076. ***NOW HIRING. Bussing staff, dishwasher, hostess or hostesses. Hex. hrs. Great pay. Exc. working environment. Apply in person at…

…Jwk. Call 665-0702. ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for upbeat, & service-oriented indiv(s). Apply at Eastern Accents. 214 S. 4th Ave. (Near Liberty). ALPHA EPSILON PHI needs…

… Disabilities. Must type 80 words per min. $12/hr. Contact Joan E. Smith at 763-1083 or COMPUTER TECHNICIAN Requires basic knowledge of PC, components & windows. Troubleshooting exp. a plus. Call…

…, friendly and outgoing, familiar with campus and A2 area, basic computer skills. Apply in person at Executive Residence, 710 E. University. NEED STUDENT W/ strong math & chemistry skills to tutor our 3…

… children w/ their homework. 6, 7 & 11 th graders. Hrs. are flex. Great opportunity for Educ. majors. Call 662-0849, ask for Sandy or Peggy. NEEDED-a person that can type, is familiar with computers, is…

September 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 138) • Page Image 22

… student ID, offer expires september 30, 1999 SKR/MUSIC STORES are just West of the Michigan Theater on Liberty Street UNIVERIKY Learning at your fingertips Log into the campus computer network. Write term…

… papers. Find information on the ' Internet. Stay in touch with the famiily by e-mail. Oh yeah, maybe play a game or two. Notebook computers starting at $199 - all systems include a free carrying case…

…. Desktop systems, with monitors, startingat $300.Every system comes with a warran9 0 Apple 0 Compaq 0 Dell 0 Gateway O MP E) IBM o NECq1 0 Toshiba 877-864-8632* I *4 A …

June 07, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

… taE rlin naU ie Jus t c rkin g fsc o rc sma i e a o d M t r r c i ed h s r a o p n a t r in Y s iol ,J son ai d h on ts. . . . .$ 7 tein dt appl f fcoo it jdsisob tUsanArcn " y oc a o su i scans Ja…

… ,,, ;,, rt;,- , m r :-, Y9;Earn $10 in a 1 hour computer-mediated negotiation experiment that is being held in the business school. ..Dates: June2,3, 8, 9, 10, 15,16,17 y rTimes: 4:30 and 6:00 PM. To: 1 be…

March 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

….S. B-52 bombers and two B-2 stealth bombers. APPLE Continued from Page 1A subject infectious," said history Prof. Sidney Fine, the 1993 Golden Apple Award recipient. "As a teacher we should be a model…

… ended with her performance of a song, a solo guitar routine that included the message, "use what gifts and tal- ents you possess." As the 1999 Golden Apple Award recipient, Gunderson was honored for doing…

…. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! MI TBLEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses galore! For application & info stop by…

… specialists in nature, ropes course, gymnastics, drama, tennis. and swimming. Bus driving positions available for over 21s. Call 800-659-4332 or email ilise COMPUTER CONSULTANT POSITION…

… Students needed for part or full-time computer consulting. PC troubleshooting skills preferred. Flexible work hours, good pay and friendly work environment! Please forward all resumes and inquiries to: sn…

…- COMPUTER NETWORK ENGINEER Challenging Career installing and supporting UNIX, Netware, and Windows NT networks in SE Michigan. Will train the right people. Controller, 4201 Varsity Dr…

…. #D, A2 MI 48108. EOE. COMPUTER NETWORK SALES Get an exciting career right here in A2 selling computers and computer networking equipment to area businesses. Computer and sales experience…

March 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

… muscle, enhance sexual performance and reduce stress. Police say it is increasingly being used in sexual assaults. Apple releases system secrets CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - Apple Computer Inc. delighted…

… high-tech mavens and hackers yesterday by releasing the programming secrets to one of its operating systems. Apple's move, the first by a major computer company, is limited to its software that runs…

… central computers. Apple, for now, will continue to keep secret its operating system for the Macintosh personal computer. "We're putting our source code and the intellectual property out there for everyone…

… to see," said Steve Jobs, Apple's interim CEO. Source codes are the typed instruc- tions directing computers to execute programs. Jobs unveiled the source codes for a $499 operating system, called the…

March 11, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…. Apple Computers no longer manufactures computers with floppy disk drives, as the company believes the use of disks for saving documents is becoming obsolete. Students must now look into alternative…

… just a bit too quickly. During spring break, the Information Technology Division staff installed all new Macintosh computers in the Angell Hall Computing Site, wlich are now built without disk drives…

… methods of file storage, such as the University's Institutional File System Network, which allocates each student a private file directory accessible from any on-campus computer. While the University should…

… be commend- ed for its efforts to keep its computer network up to date with various technological advances, students should have been warned about the changes well before the break. A transition period…

… step in the right direction, it still has the potential for creating chaos during heightened busy computing times such as midterms and finals. Having fewer disk dri- ves than computers likely will slow…

… down the computing process significantly. Documents saved on IFS are only accessi- ble from computers that are linked to the University system, which requires a computer with at least eight megabytes of…

… RAM, a Hayes Compatible Modem - 9600 bps or faster - and an Internet Access Kit. Many students with computers in their homes use older, often discontinued models. Those stu- dents frequently save their…

… work on disks and bring them to a University computing site to print out the documents. A good way to familiarize students early on with the new system would be to dedicate time during orientation to…

… accessing the system will be available for those unfamiliar with the process. If students are being asked to rely on the University's computer system, they should not have to worry about technical glitches…

… first, especially when problems are unanticipated. But with a few important changes, the new computers can provide a better working atmosphere for students with faster access and more up…

March 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

… drives. "However, it should be noted that Apple Computers no longer makes a computer with a floppy disk drive in it," Anastasia said. Nathalie Welch, a products spokesperson for the California-based Apple

… friends as her younger sister Maddie watches. The two were working In the Angell Hall Computing Site yesterday. Some studelt unhappy Wticomp,-uter upgrades~ By Nick Bunkley Daily Staff Reporter Information…

… Technology Division staff members spent Spring Break installing all new computers in the Angell Hall Computing Site, but not all students said they are happy with the changes. The site's new Macintosh…

computers do not have floppy disk drives - meaning students must find alternate methods to save and transfer their files. "Disk drives are an issue, in that there isn't one," said Karin Mayer, an Engineering…

… senior who was using one of the new Macintosh computers yesterday. Dino Anastasia, manager of ITD Campus Computing Sites, said he is aware that some students have com- plained about the lack of disk…

Computers, said the company decided to nix floppy disk drives in its newest line of Macintosh computers for several reasons. "The three main things that the flop- py disk drive was invented for are no longer…

…-mail provides a reli- able way to send files between sever- al computers, eliminating the need for a floppy disk. Another option for University stu- dents is storage space on the Institutional File System network…

…, which allots each student a private file directory accessible from any computer. The problem with IFS, said LSA senior Tibor Tuske, is that it is unreli- able and many students are unfamiliar with its use…

…. While writing a paper in the Angell Hall Computing Site yes- terday afternoon, Tuske said the com- puter he was using would not let him save to IFS. Anastasia said ITD is "in the See COMPUTERS, Page 7…

March 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…, equality and a commitment to to making us pay for printing at University student action, and specifically stu ighting racism and sexism and respect. computing sites. The administration has have been and…

… are just accidents. Let's compare apples to way it is" at the apples. If someone runs over your sister with t I would expect a car on purpose, would you sue the car man- s in the country. ufacturer for…

February 26, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

… said. The remaining 1,400 computers will go to var- ious faculty departments and schools. The University purchased all the computers under deals made with four vendors - IBM, Dell, Apple and Compaq. The…

…I It C411V bUn Weather Today Partly Cloudy. High Tomorrow: Rain. High 50. 40. Low 24. One hundred eigfht year of editorzlifredom Friday February 26, 1999 ITD buys computers Students will…

… see more than $2 million in new and upgraded computer equipment after break By Kelly O'Connor Daily Staff Reporter When students return from spring break, they will find all new computers in the Angell…

… Hall Computing Site. The efforts are a part of the University's plan to upgrade its campus comput- ing resources - a project totaling more than $2 million. Provost Nancy Cantor has allocated money from…

computer labs on cam- pus, Griffiths said she was eager to extend the bargain prices to faculty and other University staff members. A similar initiative under discus- sion would allow students and other…

… members of the University community to purchase laptops at a discounted rate, Griffiths said. Dino Anastasia, manager of Information Technology Division Campus Computing Sites, said $1.4 million will go…

… directly to campus com- puting sites. Students will see benefits from the project, he said. "The $1.4 million allowed us to purchase over 600 new computers to be employed in sites around campus," Anastasia…

… University has an existing agreement with IBM called a strategic alliance program. Teaming up benefits both the University and IBM, See COMPUTERS, Page 2 Jeremy Menchik /D LSA senior Caroline Walker uses the…

computing site at Shapiro Undergraduate 13ry yesterday. iTD plans to upgrade more than $2 million in computers during the Spring Break this week. GEO Marching to the beat of a different drummer presents…

February 10, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 77) • Page Image 6

… 25 Helen was the apple of his eye 28 Stout sleuth 33 Solicitor 34 Put into law 35 Eras and eras 36 Sense of regret 37 Botch 38 Ariel or Puck, e.g. 39 Word with in or out 40 Bach piece 41 What a joke…

… Station, Plymouth and Ford Rd. NOW HIRING. 313-336-2729. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere…

February 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 76) • Page Image 8

computer animation here is a significant step-up from that in "Toy Story." Next stop is Wonderland if you're headed to video counters this week. Starring Hope "Floats" Davis and Philip "Scotty" Seymour…

… more emotion than a chain smoker reading the health warning on a pack of cigarettes. I "cut his throat and then just for overkill ... I - ceeded to stab him in the Adam's apple and larynx area five or…

February 08, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 75) • Page Image 7

…'rhase. Yn Jan. 22, Thorn Apple Valley recalled millions of pounds ,of eat produced since July 6. ',The contamination was detected by testing in the -plant and has not been confirmed as the cause of any…

… -illnesses, said Henry Hubbard, a consultant for the com- :pany. "There's no evidence that anything contaminated got shipped," Hubbard said. The products named in the recall notice originated from Thorn Apple

…-267-0108 for an 400ointment. ATTENTION STUDENTS. Mobil Station, Plymouth and Ford Rd. NOW EURING. 313-336-2729. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! LEFUND is hiring!! Create your own s«.dule, gain valuable computer

… company in need of a part-time person who is team oriented and computer literate to help us integrate the computer into our business. This person will need basic knowledge to help us become effective with E…

…-mail, computer fax, presentation packages and spread sheets. Please send resume to: Office Manager, 1155 Rosewood, Suite B, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. WENDY'S NOW HIRING Up to $6.75 per hour 224 '100 SUAlm…

February 05, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

… system no equipment to purchase. $49 install. Best price ever. 1-800-459-7357. WHERE IS CHINA?- Where are books and furniture? And clothing, hardware, computers, linens, antiques, TV's and nearly…

… maddener 9 Judges 10 "Lover" lyricist 11 It's last on the list 12 Location 13 "Piggies" 18 Unit of capacitance 22 Bee-butterfly man 24 Apple figure 25 Surfer's sobriquet 27 Tickle pink 28 Big-time copycat…

January 29, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

… which includes Kevin Pollack, Kieran Culkin, Usher Raymond and Academy Award-winner Anna Paquin. "Everyone was really nice;" Cook said, "There wasn't a bad apple in the bunch. It was a really diverse cast…

…, once Y2K reduces hospi- tal computer systems to monkey-powered garbage. INTERESTED IN A CAREER IN PUBLISHING? An editor from Detroit-area reference publisher The Gale Group will be on hand in the…

January 26, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 26, 1999 0 S -;ZI m APPLE POWERBOOKS, color, 1/n, inbox, 56-ram, modem, ea.$1100/best; POWER PC MAC, 604/150, 56-ram, zip, modem, CD, spkrs, trkbl…

… $6- $10/hr. Evening shift from 5pm -l am also available. Please call 734-267-0108 for an appointment. ATTENTION STUDENTS! MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer

…. 10-20 hrs./wk. Hourly wage plus concert tickets. 665-4755. a] . $$WORK-STUDY STUDENTS$$ Looking for a variety of work exp. Flex. hrs. Computer skill a plus. Will train. Positions avail, in…

January 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…! Special rates! 665-8825. APPLE POWERBOOKS, color, I/n, inbox, ,ram, modem, ea.$1100/best; POWER PC MAC, 604/150, 56-ram, zip, modem, CD, spkrs, trkbl, inbox, $1200/best. 248-3104712. i4 AC CENTRIS 650…

… variety of work exp. Flex. hrs. Computer skill a plus. Will train. Positions avail. in conference planning, web communications, accounting & general office. Off campus office. Own trans. nec. Free prkg…

…-800-932-0528 x65 w w w. ocm c o ncepts.c2om. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! ., MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your owt schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, 'forr atmosphere. Up to $8…

January 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 65) • Page Image 8

… doesn't realize is that 6-year- old Nicky ("kid" as she calls him one too many times) has possession of a valuable computer disk that would basically indict Kevin and his friends for their corrupt…

… conceivable sexy outfit. Nice try, but a beautiful woman and the Big Apple isn't going to make up for everything else that is lackluster in "Gloria." Courtesy of Little, Brown and Company Michael Connelly will…

January 22, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…6- The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 22, 1999 r I *************PARKMG2************* On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. APPLE POWERBOOKS, color, 1/n, inbox, 56-ram, modem, ea.$1100/best…

… the rough copy form, fill it out, and for only $6, send your love to someone special! Deadline: Feb. 9 Publication: Feb. 12 /3 w4P &K 6.T 1 0 Looking for a variety of work exp. Flex. hrs. Computer

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