September 20, 1994
(vol. 104, iss. 127)
• Page Image 6
… COMPUTERS 486 DX2-66:4/420:SVGA:$1245. 486 DX-33:4/340:SVGA:$1099. We install systems on your configuration. 677-0155. APPLE STYLEWRITER, excellent condition. $125. 995-0558. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell…
… exterior & interior (leather), A/C. $9300/best offer. 662-7855. 1989 DODGE OMNI 71k miles, ice blue, 4 dr. new tires, air, no rust, automatic, $2950.00. Runs well, call 663-1340. Fn computers AMTECH…
… & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty…
… what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. DELL, TOSHIBA laptop computers for sale. All 386 w/ hard drives & math co-proc. Also Northgate desktop (386-25 340 Mb.) avail. Call Jonathan 761…
… sell. $2,700 or best. 810/914-3362. MAC CLASSIC 11-4/40, 9 1/2", b/w screen, Word 5.0, Excel 4.0, Graphics, Apple File Exchange, $550, 810/851-6202. ZENITH NOTEBOOK- ,486SX25, 4 mb RAM, 120 mb HlD, 1…
…-800/626-6267 "painting America's homes coast to coast." FOOD LOVERS- energetic retail sales staff for our bakery cafe. Apply in person between 3 & 5, 326 W. Liberty. GRAPHIC ARTIST- Work study needed to do computer…
… graphics for software develop- ment project. Must have computer exp. in ad- dition to art background. $6-$9/hr. based on experience. Call Kirsten @ 764-8103. GYMNASTIC INSTRUCTORS wanted. Part-time positions…
… experience. Apply at corner of State & William. SALES PERSON- $5/hr. + commission, & technician $6/hr. PC knowledge req. & flex. hrs. Apply in person @ Micon Computer, N. Campus Plaza, 995-5759. SECURITY…