March 17, 1981
(vol. 91, iss. 134)
• Page Image 4
…OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Tuesday, March 17, 1981 The Michigan Daily Of squirrels and the plague Vol. XCI, No. 134 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor…
… were vacationing in Mexico one day when the plucky chap spotted a dead squirrel. Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board A positively negative idea T HE PUBLIC Interest…
… does the man with bubonic plague have to do with the U.S. involvement in El Salvador? Nothing, really - unless you have a feeling for metaphor. A man tosses a dead squirrel. The United States - or, more…
… specifically, Ronald Reagan - tosses El Salvadoran refugees (who are essentially dead squirrels the moment they return to their ravaged coun- try). THERE WAS ANOTHER story that ap- peared a few days later. This…
…, that transportation and human resources are valuable, that devoting billions to defense is wrong. The man with bubonic plague was still clear in my memory. He tossed a dead squirrel. Ronald Reagan tosses…
… from the library. It is easy to stand around the Diag or Dooley's complaining about these issues. It is just as …