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November 26, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 59) • Page Image 5

… these storebought programs. Most of the coursework will utilize the Apple Macintosh computer, and students will be taught to use such programs as MacWrite, MacPaint, and MacPascal, Galler said. The class…

computer lets you work faster, smarter and more creatively The Apple' External Disk Drive gives you the power to store and access information faster And the ImageWriter"'printer lets you print out crisp…

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 26, 1985 -Page 5 COMPUTERS New course takes a different look at computing By EVE BECKER In continuing its push for computer education, the University has…

… established a new computer literacy course which will start experimen- tally winter term. This course, Introduction to Com- puter Systems (CS 181), will differ from other existing computer courses since it will…

… not place its emphasis on programming, but rather on under- standing computer systems and the impact of the computer in our society. In CS 181 students will examine issues such as morality and ethics in…

computing, the history of computers, software packages, and the effect of computers on industry. Chess is The class is intended for students, mainly freshmen, who have had no background in computers. EECS…

… to all students with little background in computers. Galler hopes that after a year, half of the in- coming freshmen will take the com- puter literacy course. GALLER SAID the course is "not going to…

… make experts out of people," but rather it will give students an idea of how computers work. 1 breeze mnachine He won the World Correspondence Chess Championship in 1968. He sen- sed Hitech was destined…

April 02, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 144) • Page Image 5

… around longer than Apple and has had 11 consecutive profitable years. He said ACT started out in the software business and it is software that sells machines. Ann Arbor's Authorized healer Apple Computer

… SOCIETY'* Ann Arbor, MI 48104 996-0001 COMPUTER RENTALS We offer a full selection of computers, printers, modems, _ _ _ _terminals and hard drives B.. including IBM, COMPAQ, and W APPLE products. Short and…

COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, April 2, 1985 Page 5 Arbornet offers A2 information and interaction By SCOTT JOHNSTON In his- book Megatrends, John Naisbitt states: "The new source of…

… power is not money in the hands of a few but information in the hands of the many." In Ann Arbor, Network Technologies'International is offering a computer network that will provide an affordable…

… executive at Network Technologies, said the strength of Ar- bornet would be in its subscribers., A HOME computer, modem, and communications software are all that is necessary to connect to Arbornet. The…

… market that requires massive computer resources. With this low price, Arbornet hopes to attract a large market in Ann Arbor. Electronic mail through Arbornet provides users with the ability to send…

… messages via computer to other sub- scribers. Such a system could sup- plement the regular local postal ser- vice, with the advantage of immediate delivery. Another option is the Arbornet Party program…

…, which simulates a 'party-line'. With the Party program several users could carry on a com- puter conversation hosted by Arbornet. Computer conferencing is another service offered by Arbornet. In a con…

…- ferencing situation, users can partake in discussions about subjects as varied as Macintosh technical questions or opinions of current movies. Conferen- By ROB FRANK Seeking to extend its success with Apple

… also seeking for the first time, consortiums with sof- tware manufacturers. The consortiums allow students, faculty and staff members to purchase computer equipment at rates lower than average retail…

February 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

… or Kiosk notice the numbers of fliers at- tached that were composed on a com- puter. Chances are good that most were made on one machine - the Apple Macintosh. As computers become more com- monplace at…

… lot of people are buying them for course work, and others as a graduation present to themselves," said Virginia Geren, the supervisor of University Photo Services, which orders the computers. FOR APPLE

…. Nor is Apple alone in offering bargain prices to entice the potentially lucrative college market. Zenith has also been selling its personal computer to University faculty, staff, and students at a…

… popular (computer)," Dillingham said. "We also carry another line, but with the discount prices, (the Zenith) computers are the most attractive package for students." Since the start of the Apple deal…

… store sells fewer Apple computers than the other four locations. He also said his East Lansing store suffered comparatively low Apple sales because of a similar program at Michigan State University…

…. Although Ulrich's is not directly af- fected by the discounts because they do not sell Apple computers, store manager Tom Musser says he is op- posed to the practice in principle. "It is not an appropriate…

March 05, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

… Group Reprinted with Permission GET IN TOUCH KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING SUBSCRIBE NOW to Ann Arbor's I I Si Author7ed Dealer i Apple Computer Dealer is offering you special savings on all Macintosh software…

COMPUTERS "The Michigan Daily Computer comp English dept. aims to use word processing Tuesday, March 5, 1985 Page 5 By JERRY MARKON The word processing phenomenon will enhance the English…

… department's curriculum next fall as two sections of English 125 students will get special ac- pss to the Zenith micro-computers recently installed in the Undergraduate Library. The English Composition Board…

… marked in the time schedule. The committee is already training TAs in word processing, he added, at the Micro-Computer Center in the School of Education. Hormston said the project has two primary goals: to…

… the wrinkles in this process is- an organization called The Association of Computer Engineers and Scientists (ACES). FOUNDED ONLY a year-and-a-half ago, the group offers a number of ser- vices enabling…

… students to get better aquainted with the EECS department, said ACES chairman Allen Falcon, a junior computer science major. As part of the effort to increase com- munication between facully and students…

… foster more familiarity, especially for someone interested in in- dependent study," Falcon said. On Wednesday, ACES will sponsor a Pre-Computer Science and Engineering Night at the Michigan Unior. For…

… companies With computer science and computer engineering interviews on campus. "By working on the (recruiting) committee, I'll be able to learn more about inter- views," said group member Diane Feller, a…

… junior computer science major. Right now the only problem facing ACES is how to get more people in- volved in the organization, Falcon said. Meetings are held every other Wed- nesday night. Any computer

… science or engineering student may attend. Typesetting & out if computers can encourage better writing." IN ANALYZING the problems of freshman writers, Hormston outlined what he called the "think and write…

February 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 116) • Page Image 5

COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, February 19, 1985 Page 5 Students, staff take shine to Apol computers By ROB FRANK While it might seem that the Apple Macintosh and I.B.M. P.C. are the onlyr…

… Chalk Talk: MTS Sigfiles & Editor Initfiles, 12:10-1 p.m., 1011 NUBS. Ann Arbor's I Authorized ealer Apple Computer Dealer is offering you special savings on I all Macintosh'Wsoftware in stock. 10% off…

computers in sight, the University's College of Engineering is working to bring another machine to the forefront - at least in the minds of its own students. The machine is the Apollo DN300. Described by…

… price to University faculty of $5,000, roughly half the original retail price. Plus, engineering officials have given each of its faculty a $5,000 allowance to purchase computer equipment. Because the…

… University has a working relationship with Apollo through the college's Computer Aided Engineering N9etwork (CAEN), ordering the machines is as simple as making a phone call. DESPITE THE computer's popularity…

… with programmers, Bob Krause, of the North Campus computer center doubts' the Apollo will pose serious competition for the user frien- dly P.C. and Macintosh Like the Macintosh, the Apollo utilizes a…

…- ming. Apollo takes advantage of three languages: Fortran, Pascal, and C. Spreadsheet offer users variety and flexibility Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH This Apollo computer in an East Engineering lab is…

… equipped with a color monitor. Apollo computers are becoming increasingly popular among the faculty and students of the College of Engineering. By SCOTT JOHNSTON and LEO SHARKEY With computers turning up in…

… big fancy, electronic, calculator," said Wiltse Carpenter, a former employee of Complete Computer Center in Ann Ar- bor. For all practical purposes, that definition fits well. FIRST conceived by a group…

… graphs to database management, in addition to basic accounting. Like an accounting spreadsheet, a computer spreadsheet can be thought of as a large piece of papet divided up in- to rows and columns with…

March 26, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 138) • Page Image 5

… full selection of computers,I modems, printers, terminals and hard * drives including IBM, COMPAQ, and APPLE products. E Shortand long term rates available. Full service and quick replacement of…

COMPUTER OWNERS CLASSES Beginning to Advanced come down and sign up! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY CHELSEA, SOFTWARE 334 S. State St. ANN ARBOR Ann Arbor's Apple Dealer is offering you special savings on all…

COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, March 26, 1985 Page 5 Special computers aid the visually By SCOTT JOHSTON and LEO SHARKEY Many technical advances have been made to remove barriers for…

… handicapped people. In many areas changes such as low curbs or braille control panels on elevators are easily seen. Now progress is being made in bringing the computer to the handicapped students. Here at the…

… University, the Computing Center is involved in assembling various pieces of specialized equipment into a workstation for the visually-impaired. , GORDON BRESEDEN of the Computing Center Staff is coordinating…

… the efforts to build this workstation. Breseden, who himself is legally blind, began working on the idea as an independent project and was later hired by the Computing Center to further develop the…

…'x2 5 monitor. In the case of totally blind users, the Computer Center has available a Cybertalker attached to a terminal. The impaired Cybertalker is a Votrax-based synthesizer. The Cyber- talker…

…'s voice quality is remarkably good, though it soun- ds as if it had a thick Norwegian accent. The Cyber is currently installed in the Union computing station in the consultant's office. AT PRESENT, all of…

… the various equipment is not available in one location. The Computing Center plans to have the Cyber and the large monitor with PC-LENS sof- tware integrated with a Zenith Z-150. The workstation will be…

… available at NUBS computing station in a few weeks. After initial testing and evaluation the Computing center will move the workstation to the 4th floor of the Undergraduate Library. The Computing Center…

November 19, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…? All you get are thorns in your fingers and dirty hands. Instead, ask for a Holiday Bundle from Apple@ -- a MacintoshTM computer and ImagewriterTM II Printer. MacintoshTM is helping people everywhere…

…Page 5 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 19, 1985 COMPUTERS Greek police shoot boy, violent rioting results Computer conference lets students enter their views ATHENS, Greece (AP…

… government, students around campus have banded together to express their views. But, instead of rallies and public forums, these students are using computers to communicate. Though computer conferencing has…

… been around for a few years, Univer- sity students have usually shied away from participating in the conferences simply because their computer time was allotted for course work. SINCE SEPTEMBER, however…

…, the University has offered every student $50 worth of computing time per term on the University computer system, MTS. Dubbed request ac- counts, they have allowed the establishment of an MTS computer

… about a con- ference by, of, and for students," said James Heaton one of the conference organizers. WHEN THE University obtained another computer for MTS and decided to let students have the "free…

…" computer time, the concept of a student conference took shape. MEET: STUDENTS currently has Once you get in (MEET:STUDENTS), it's really worth it. You can't stop - you get addicted. -James Heaton…

… spectrum of com- munication...about 10 percent (of the users) are not computer science and engineering people," Anderson said. A lot of the problem, Bernstein said, is due to the fact that many people are…

… afraid of computers. "The stigma that computers are just for math and computer science students is crap," Bernstein said. "(Computers) can be used to build bonds between people." ANOTHER PROBLEM with…

… getting non-science majors involved, is that to obtain a request account, a student has to trek up to the North Campus Computing Center. "It's hard to get students up to Nor- th Campus," said Jimi Lee…

November 12, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

… Center, the University expects to install 150 Apple Macintosh computers in residence halls by January. The terminals will be distributed between all halls except Betsy Bar- bour and Helen Newberry. All the…

COMPUTERS Dorms moving from parties to computers The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 12, 1985 - Page 5 Budget mekdnrma goes on WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress' deadlines for action on separate budget…

…, University residence halls have primarily been associated with such activities as eating, sleeping, and partying. Computing, as a rule, rarely popped into a person's mind - until now, perhaps. Backed by a…

… had a few terminals available for student use, a lone Decwriter or Ontel terminal has never really qualified as "computing for the masses." According to Jeff Ogden, associate director of the Computing

… Macintoshs will be linked to MTS, the University's central computer system, Ogden said. The Computing Center has discussed having a computer program in the residence halls for several years, said Ogden. "It…

…'s been an ongoing discussion to try to find space," he said. When the University committed itself to installing 1,500 computers campus wide in two and a half years, "the whole (residence hall) project…

… became more real." BUT THE plan to put the workstations in the halls goes beyond just turning the computers on and let- ting the students in, said Marvin Par- nes, assistant director of housing. "We…

…'re trying to expose all studen- ts, from liberal arts to engineering, to how computers can help them," Par- nes said. "We're looking further down the line." In order to help gauge student con- cerns over the…

… project, the housing ,division and the Computing Center distributed several thousand surveys to students in residence halls asking them what kind of programs and training they'd like to see made available…

… student in- put, but it's not that easy. There's no central place we can go to get that feedback." Since the beginning of the fall term, Mosher-Jordan has set up a pilot computer program to experiment with…

March 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…. Braille processing ^"*'-aress A computerized representation of Braille characters appears on the screen as Sally Hering enters data into a new com- puter system last month at the Hadley School for the Blind…

….......-r...- -m--- ----..... ... SAnn Arbor' s 1 1 l o rsAuthorized Iealer 1 1 Apple Computer Dealer is! I i offering you specialsavings on 1 1 all Macintosh software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! I…

… software specialists AppleComputerjnc. 1 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center * 996-1616 1 only a minimum amount of computer training if they've already used the firm's software. Other companies…

…, a business school junior, said the classes were a good idea, "because they make us more marketable." %/% Sibwdn& to Tkie W4iekigas DaI4 764-0558 COMPUTER SERVICE Commodore, Osborne, Apple, Atari…

COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, March 19, 1985 Page 5 Programs minunimze spelling errors v By ROB FRANK Feeling chained to your dictionary? Is your thesaurus your best friend when ever…

… in Winnetka, Illinois. The new system produces 400 Braille characters a second and can produce 100 pages in the time it takes a Braille typist to produce one page. C pany gives money for 'U' compute

… By JENNIFER MATUJA The need for computer literate University graduates has risen so much in the last few years that one company iswilling to pay for student's training. Though they don't really pay for…

…. ACCORDING to business Prof. James Wheeler, Coopers and Lybrand, like many other companes, is utilizing computers much more than in the past, amplifying the need for better training at the university level…

…. "Companies are interested in greater computer .expertise," Wheeler said. They want college graduates to have more exposure to computers." The program, which started last fall on a $20,000 grant from Coopers…

… students to real quality software packages that are the actual packages used in the real world." A student who has never taken a computer course will not be at a disad- vantage, Wheeler said, because the…

July 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 29) • Page Image 11

… strong computers made by Apple or Zenith at engineering students, access to com in computering, while most were ac- low cost from the University's micro- puters may be a "bargain" but it is cepted - but…

… unacceptable," said Li, a member of At the airport, Li said Taiwan remains the "greatest ob- China's powerful Communist Party Politburo Standing stacle" to better U.S.-Chinese relations. Computers will soon…

… formally approved the plan, Business and engineering students authorize the computing centers and Pauses to refresh they unanimously supported the idea will also have to pay more for their find that there…

… aren't enough people when Van Houweling introduced it at computing, paying $50 more in fees on campus trained touse them. Roberto Goizueta. chairman of the Coca-Cola Co., sips a soft drink at the the…

… said that his and more people ar learning how to us of 'Classic' Coke. ould set up "clusters of 25-50 com- plan is the most inexpensive way for computers before coming to the puters around campus," Van…

… students to have access to computers. University. In addition, he said the S Houweling said. According to Van Houweling, only School of Literature, Science, and the Where these clusters would be private…

… universities are planning Arts would be expanding its computer located, he said, hasn't been decided projects on the same scale as the classes. yet, but he envisions them scattered University, and they require…

… students Billy Frye, the University's vice AUCKLAND, New Zealand (UPI) vessel wer caused by "externally at- in dormitories and libraries around to buy computers. president for academic affairs, Prime…

… such as Angell Hall. each, with some as expensive as any mandatory computer classes for environmental flagship "a major "The explosions, two of them, CURRENTLY, the University has $10,000, he said…

…. University students. criminal act" yesterday and said his blew an 8-foot hole in the hull on the 250 stations available to students for "Our society is changing rapidly," "Computer literacy is a short…

April 23, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 162) • Page Image 5

…'s Authorwed Dealer 1I Apple Computer Dealer is offering you special savings on I TM1 all Macintosh software in stock. 1 10% off when you buy 2 or more! i 1 (with this ad) I featuring: 1 I MICROSOFT Basic…

…I Sargon II (computer chess) I1 Transylvania (adventure)-I Trivia Dollars & Sense LearningCenterLtd. Mocintosh is otrade- computer and software specialists AppleComputerne . 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village…

COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, April 23, 1985 Page 5 v Comedian finds humor in the computer biz NEW YORK (UPI) - Not everybody takes seriously the onslaught into our lives of the…

… omnipresent personal com- puter. Some believe the heavy burden of computers can be lightened with a touch of glee. Comedian Billiam (yes, -that is his real name) Coronel is one of "those people. He uses the…

… foibles of the ,computer industry as the basis for his humor. Because of that, some of his jokes are funnier if you have some knowledge of computers. Fortunately, part of his audience fits neatly into that…

… category. Coronel "writes an electronic humor magazine called Comedy By Wire available to subscribers of the computer service . called The Source. THE SOURCE is one of several databases that are geared to…

… the broad consumer market. It allows customers to do everything on their computers from booking airline tickets to having '"conversations" with people all over 'the world. You can read the wire ser…

…- vices, newspapers, magazines and material written especially for the ser- vice by a variety of specialists. "I bought a computer to organize my act, my mailing lists, and my jokes. A little later, I got…

… High Tech arena this month with the World's first truly disposable computer. Called Real, Real Good News, it will come standard with a keyboard you can chew on and a monitor in either medium or fine…

… Coronel. He even picks on the pope: "Pope John Paul II brought a Radio Shack Model 100 (a popular portable computer) with a modem (a device that allows computer connection over phone lines.) 'I've been…

December 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…, there's a good chance you'll be bringing home something else. Better grades. © 1985 Apple Computer. Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh is a…

COMPUTERS INTER VIEW: DOUGLAS VAN HOUWELING Turning fees into technology Editors note: Daily reporter Jerry Markon and News Editor Thomas Miller met with University Vice Provost for Information…

… Technology Douglas Van Houweling last week to talk about the mandatory computer fee and other computing activities around campus. Here is the first of two excerpts from that interview that will appear on the…

… the public forums - that the University of Michigan is really behind other universities in terms of computing. VH: I think it's important for me to put that in perspective. We're behind the very best…

…. The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 10, 1985 - Page 5 i. " Lighten up your Christmas - vacation with a Ax¢ * computer game from SOFTWARE EXCHANGE It makes a great gift I.} Discount Computer Software…

… instructor may extend these IDs. They cannot be extended beyond 31 December 1985. Pick up a RENEWAL FORM: At your departmental office or At the Computing Center's Business Office on North Campus, Monday…

…-0088 You just got a C+ in Post- War Foreign Policy. You just got a B- in Communications Law You just got an F+ in Advanced Physics An F+? Boy, you could use some help. From a Macintosh" personal computer. A…

April 09, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 150) • Page Image 5

… agency sponsored by The Fresh Air society of Metro Detroit since 1 903 1 Ann Arbor's Authorized Dealer I I I Apple Computer Dealer is I i offering you specialsavingson I 1 all Macintoshssoftware in stock…

COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, April 9, 1985 Page 5 NUCLEAR AWARENESS GAMES WANT ED Contest offers programer p nes By PATRICK HAGGOOD How would you like to take $100 home with you after…

…, Part I, 3:30 - 5 p.m., 165 Bus. Admin. Wednesday Lecture: Computing for Poets, Part II, 3:30 - 5 p.m., 165 Bus. Admin. Thursday Lecture: Teleconferencing in MTS, Part II, 3:30 - 5 p.m., 171 Bus. Admin…

computers in local energy presentations. There were some difficulties with this, however. For one, there are very few programs on the market at all that are even remotely related to nuclear energy. And of…

compute for the user important infor- mation about nuclear energy, or even an arcade shoot-em-up that uses an educational theme. "We don't want to discourage arcade- like entries, we would in fact very much…

… graphically pleasing asahe merits, which of course could oily add to the programs consideration at the judging." THE JUDGES will includean energy engineer, a University professor, and a local computer

…- ts know? Contest entries must be writ- ten in BASIC, to allow customizability for different displays and age groups. The program must be written to run on the IBM PC or Apple II series microcomputers…

… CAMPS Bunk Counselors * Specialists in Waterfront, Crafts, Nature, Photography, Video, Computers, Horseback Riding, Song Lead- ing " R.O.P.E.S. Course Instructors " Trip Leaders " Unit Super- visors…

…. I 1 10% off when you buy 2 or more! I (with this ad) I I featuring: 1 I MICROSOFT& Basicaj I Mulitplan and Chart4I Sargon II (computer chess) I Transylyania (adventure)__ I Trivia-1 1 Dollars & Sense…

… ___ 11 Lezvning~ nter~td.,Macintosh satrade-1 Leanin~ erter td.~citossa~mark registered t computer and software specialists A Onputernc 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center " 996-1616 I *1…

December 03, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

… that? All you get are thorns in your fingers and dirty hands. Instead, ask for a Holiday Bundle from Apple@ -- a MacintoshTM computer and ImagewriterTM II Printer. Macintosh"' is helping people…

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 3, 1985-- Page 5 COMPUTERS Fron Richmond, Va. (AP) - Ar- chaeologists are turning to Space Age technology to help them unlock Stone Age secrets…

… revolutionized the work ar- chaeologists do," said Sylvia Gaines, associate anthropology professor at Arizona State University in Tempe. Virginia's Department of Highways and Transportation uses a computer to…

computer to tell us what's there," he said. ARCHAEOLOGISTS also use comput- ers as electronic draftsman, creating maps from coordinates fed into the machine, according to Marley Brown, director of…

… archaeological excavation at Colonial Williamsburg. digs to databases Archaeologists turn more to computers Some archaeologists share infor- mation by trading disks, but only on a regional basis. The…

… "could sell the information to pot hun- ters who go to a site and dig up pots, ornaments and jewelry, and then sell them for megabucks," she said. Computer archaeology is not limited to the United States…

…. Archaeologists from five countries working at Carthage in Tunis used computers to reduce the confusion of communicating in five languages, Gaines said. COMPUTERS were also used to examine the relation of Britain…

…'s Stonehenge to celestial events, to studey Neolithic houses along the Danube River and to explore sites in Mexico. Archaeologists' increased use of computers prompted Gaines to create "Advances in Computer

… offers seminars on computers to professionals. AT VIRGINIA Commonwealth University in Richmond, ar- chaeological research lab director Dan Mouer links a video camera to a computer to record pictures of ar…

…- tifacts at excavation sites. Mouer said he can send the digitized gray-scale images, similar to photocopies, to other ar- chaeologists for consultation. Computers also cut the tedium of some chores, the…

October 29, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 39) • Page Image 5

… ______________________________________________________ I COMPUTER PREPARATION PROGRAMS for the GRETM GMAT LSATTM SATTM ACTM available on AppleM IBM,TM Commodore," Atari,TM and TRS-80,TM computers at savings from list prices WWU T - K I'"T T TM - ^1 01…

… snmrter, quicker and more creatively The good news is. with NIacintosh you dont have to know anything about computers to nse one. The better news don t 0 have to know anything about white out. either…

…, shot during the event, is in critical condition. COMPUTERS Three colleges form artificial intelligence lab By ROB EARLE A new laboratory at the University will bring together workers in many fields…

… psychologists do their work or to help computer scientists do their work, but to have psychologists and computer scientists say, 'Hey, we're interested in the same problem, let's work together on this," Olson…

… said. EXAMPLES OF that are already in progress Olson said - "For example, computer vision," - in which com- puter scientists and visual psychologists work together to build machines that can receive and…

…, at least in the forseeable future, that human thought is going to be replaced by computing," Olson said, "but com- puting can really help human thought." CSMIL will be aided by a new Xerox STAR…

computer system. An $819,000 grant from the Xerox Corporation grant to the three colleges involved in CSMIL paid for the new computer system, which Olson said should be installed in about a week and a half…

…. "That equipment is going to be used in large part to help some research in the areas of developing computer tools for people who are doing very hard tasks," Olson said. The grant will also provide a…

… state- of-the-art office system for the CSMIL staff and artificial intelligence sof- tware that will aid in developing ad- vanced word-processing software and computer-based engineering design tools…

… University of Michigan Medical Center -77e Soure of Ewtlenc,- DriI~a fur EIIAvunsa I i C= I = ! -- = ! = ! ---A I ! ! = I i = ! E ! - -1 IF I I~f OWNEVE WWI 71 The Leading Edge Model"D" PersonalComputer

July 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…" analyst. In a story on the University's plan to make computers accessible to all students, it said that students can buy computers low cost from the Univer- sity's computer education center. Students can…

… only get information on where to get the computers at the en- ter. Students must by the computers from the U-Cellar. In Thursday's Daily, an article on Page 1 said Jennifer Faigel, a mem- ber of the rape…

… Room. Films Ann Arbor Summer Festival - Singing a Joy in any Language, 6 p.m., Power Center. Michigan Theater Foundation - Days of Heaven, 7 & 9p.m., Michigan Theater. Speakers - Computing Center…

… Institutions," 7 p.m., Lawyers' Club Lounge. Miscellaneous Microcomputer Education Center - workshops, "Microsoft Multiplan for IBM-FC Compatibles,"; "Microsoft Word for the Apple Macintosh," 1 p.m., 3113 School…

March 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 126) • Page Image 5

COMPUTERS . . .~ . Page 5 The Michigan Daily TuesdayMarch 12, 1985 Page 5 Let your Mac talk back! By DONALD SCHMID For most persons, the Macintosh per- sonal computer from Apple com…

… service. You either found yourself a very knowledgable pal or found yourself all alone in the world of computing, with Apple and IBM owners snickering at yoL he way down to their machine specific computer

… and user advice in the operation and planning of The Michigan Union. r's' I Ann Arbor's 1 PAuthorized Dealer Apple Computer Dealer is offering you special savings on 1 I 1 all Macintoshsoftware in…

… user types in somewhere the correct spelling of the word as it and Eastern would appear in a document. Then, the Still, Smoot computer a voice ne of two things to change othTalker pronounces the i. n…

computer owner, Robin Warner, who like many others couldn't find these answers, decided to create a place where people could get this kind of information locally. Hence, Chelsea Software was born. Chelsea…

… Software is an exclusively Commodore computer center. Last Friday and Saturday saw its grand opening in the office where Armstrong software operates during the week. Warner, who operates the store with a…

computer, priced only eight dollars less than a popular discount house's price. Chelsea price also includes invaluable technical help after the purchase, though. OnT item, those hard-to-find Indus drives…

… prior to that opening. Therefore, many regular customers of Chelsea's were on hand to help celebrate. The customers of Chelsea seem to believe in making the store an integral part of their computing needs…

… people really get to know that we're out here, we will be able to offer more services, most importantly longer store hours. I am also looking forward to offering computer classes for people interested in…

…. Conventional &,Telecomnunicaions1ypesetti. 210 Nickels Arcade, Mon -Frl. &8. Sat 12 3 - 78 Daily Photo by DAN HABIB Robin Warner, one of the owners of Chelsea Software, shows off one of the Commodore computers

April 16, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 156) • Page Image 5

… Sargon 11(computer chess) 1 1 Transylvania (adventure) 1 ITrivia , .. - I i ~~Dollars & Senser-1 LearningCenterLtd. Macntosh is trode- mar ter eto computer and software specialists AppleComputer.Ino. 1 1 1…

COMPUTERS the Michigan Daily Software pirates' Tuesday, April 16, 1985 plunder 'U' Page 5 (Continues from Page 1) bootleg copy is made for every one legally purchased. A MECHANISM for catching…

… big computing company in Detroit as well as a dozen other people in the Ann Arbor area," he said. He said he frequently contacts friends at other universities to get software which he guesses may be…

… IApple Computer Dealer is I offeringyouspecialsavingson 1 all MacintioshTM software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! I 1 (with this ad)-1 I1 featuring: MICROSOFT® Basic j 1 Mulitplan and Chart 1…

… photograph cap- tion incorrectly said that English teaching assistant Kasia Kietlinska was still involved with Poland's Solidarity movement. i _ i COMPUTER RENTALS We offer a full selection of computers

…, printers, modems, terminals and hard drives including IBM, COMPAQ, and APPL-E products. Every TI calculator comes with one extra number. i . U.. I S. SNS * U n..rrt-" .ww Short and long term rates…

September 12, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

… community of technical innovators and venture capitalists, is characterized in part by what some wryly call Apple Computer's "fruit- juice-and-Friday-back-rub work ethic." But the defense side traditionally…

…. 6 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Computer accessibility As part of an effort to increase computer accessibility to…

… is to increase the number of workstations from 225 to 2,000 by 1988. The University's goal is to have computer workstations available within five minutes of every student on campus. The -mere fact that…

… the goal exists illustrates a commitment from the University to increase computer literacy and retain the University's leadership position in the field of information technology. The compulsory charge…

… limited because the personal computer revolution has progressed to the point that many students have already pur- chased computers. Also, it seems conceivable that some students would be able to purchase…

… com- puters adequate for their needs for the same amount of money that they pay in fees to system. the Unviersity The importance of computer literacy cannot be overstated. While computers have long…

… use of statistics and information sharing through computer technology. By 1988, the number of Univer- sity workstations should amount to one terminal for every 15 students. Only private universities are…

… students but is particularly con- siderate of female residents as the computers will be safely accessible 24 hours a day. In making its commitment to ex- panding computer accessibility, the University is…

…., the area's second largest military contractor. "We don't have the creative energy of the personal computer industry. We're old- fashioned. You put in eight hours of hard work a day and you get paid well…

…." Silicon Valley's commercial side has produced Computer Professionals for social Responsibility, an organization that argues rising military funding for new technology is counterproductive and will hurt the…

January 25, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

… of (the nomination) and delighted about it" in a statement released yesterday. lAnn Arbor's Authorized Dealer 1 1 Apple Computer Dealer is 1 I I Soffering you special savings on all Macintosh…

…St Phone994-1357 - t. COMPUTER RENTALS We offer a full selection of computers, printers, modems, terminals and hard drives including IBM, COMPAQ, and APPLE products. Short and long term rates available…

…Tsoftware in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! S (with this ad)yI I featuring:II MICR SOFT® Basic a 1 Mulitpian and Chart j Sargon II (computer chess) Transylvania (adventure) 1 Triyia - . Dollars & Sense…

…TI LearningCenterLtd. I mark registered to computer and software specialists Appecomputerinc. 1 1 1 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center " 996-1616 Dalston ... named to federal task force PSN…

… motivated people can succeed. The risk in this approach is high, but the rewards are greater. ROLM. We create an atmosphere for success. The rest is up to you. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE…

… hardware, software, and customer-ori- ented skills in the areas of product support, computer-controlled business communica- tions systems, and the most advanced rugged environment computer systems in the…

September 06, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

… said. THE COMPUTING Center has already used the Apple and Zenith machines as workstations in the Union computing center and at NUBS. "We don't want to end up with a broad mixture of terminals," Emery…

… (Continued from Page 1) and faculty could only access one .computer at the University, the UM :system. The new computer, UB, will include all the new request accounts. The UB computer, an Amdahl 470 V/8-B, is…

… not quite as sophisticated as the UM computer, an Amdahl 5860-M, abut Marks stressed that $50 of com- puter access on the UB system is equal to $50 on the UM system. At this time, the new request ac…

computer access on campus. et computer accounts EMERY SAID the Computing Cen- ter is going to increase the number of terminals available to help cope with the expected boost in users. New terminal stations…

… number at this time. To receive the account, a student must bring a valid student I.D. and a second I.D. bearing a photo to special tables set up at the Computing Center, on North Campus and the Union Com…

October 15, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

… CHRIS GRASSO The University may soon expand its sales of computer software, a move that has upset some local retailers. Since January 1984, the University has offered Apple and Zenith com- puters, plus…

… educational discount in buying computers and its tax-exempt status as unfair advantages. When Apple Macintosh sales first began, prospective buyers could also purchase their computers through the Inacomp…

…. Three years ago, the department began to receive temporary funding from LSA and other units within the University to bring more writers to campus for day or week-long visits. COMPUTERS 'IT'may e3 By…

… limited software for these machines, to students, faculty, and staff at discounts of up to 50 percent off the retail price. IBM computers were added to the list just this past September. "All we're trying…

Computer Center in Ann Ar- bor. The practice has since been discontinued, Marks said. Negotiations between retailers and the University over the local in- volvement are continuing at this time, but no…

… a safe haven elsewhere. (Continued from Page 1) COMPUTERS will also control the building's temperature as well as fire, electricity, and security systems. It is the first hospital to have a com…

… requirements to: Editorial Positions Mr. K. Bratton, Personnel GALE RESEARCH CO. Penobscot Building Detroit, MI 48226 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Jointly Operated by the Computing Center and the School of…

May 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

… contest, 3-1 against New Orleans (42-26) at the South I Regionals in Starkville, Mississipp COMPUTER RENTALS We offer a full selection of computers, printers, modems, terminals and hard drives including IBM…

…, COMPAQ, and a APPLE products. Short and long term rates available. CALL US TODAY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW RENTAL RATES TERMINALS .39month Full service and quick replacement of inoperative equipment…

June 13, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

… provision taxes ordinary earnings Investors have been trying to duplicate the feat of those be - salaries, wages, and dividends - at a higher rate than who were quick to back high-flying firms like Apple dish…

… capital earned through an increase in the value of stock. Computer, and made killings when the stock was first sold etny This is already the case, but the Reagan plan would to the public. But while capital…

… Proponents of the tax break argue it is needed to of new capitalists hoping to back the next Apple. ople stimulate investment, particularly in young, innovative Less than one fifth of the new venture capital…

February 15, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 113) • Page Image 10

… Attendance:.15,450 Thompson ...two clutch Paskets Boilermakers burn Wisconsin, 6 7-52 Ann Arbor's Apple Dealer is offering you special savings on all Macintosh software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or…

… points in the final six minutes. 4 featuring: MICROSOFT® Basic Mulitplan and Chart Sargon II (computer chess) Transylvania (adventure) Associated Press Guard Stew Robinson of Indiana comes up with a…

… steal from Ohio State's Ronnie Stokes. Ohio State went on to win, 72-63. OSU flogs fading Hoosiers, 72-63 4 i,--, ~ - Trivia I BASIC FI ' Dollars & Sense ~MLearningCenterLtd. computer and software…

… " " Specialist Counselors in Arts and Crafts, Waterfront and Small crafts, Campcraft - Nature, Tripping and ROPES course, Sports, Horseback Riding, Drama & Dance, Photography, Computers - " Unit and Specialist…

computer techniques to solve problems. Applicants must possess a minimum ofa bachelors degree which included 24 semester hours of mathe- matics or math-related coursework plus 3 years of professional…

October 22, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 22, 1985 -Page 3 COMPUTERS Plan to increase MTS access By PHILIP CHIDEL Installation of work stations in campus residence halls will soon give students better…

… access to the Michigan terminal system, University officials said last night. Douglas Van Houweling, the University's vice provost for information technology, talked about plans for in- creased computer

… accessibility at the public forum, "Students and Computers at The University of Michigan." VAN HOUWELING sasid that the objective of the plan was not only to respect the value of student time, but also to…

… maintain the University's reputation as a leader. The plan is also meant to improve education and to obtain the greatest value per dollar spent. Staring next week, Apple Laser printers, Macintoshes and…

… Zenith computers will be installed in the East Quad, Bursley, Couzens, and West Quad libraries. If that is suc- cessful, more will be installed in other residence halls, ac- cording to Jeff Ogden…

…, associate director of the computing center. In Fletcher, Vera Baits, Couzens, Stockwell, and Oxford Housings, small Macintosh clusters of two to four stations are to be installed. Larger clusters - (12…

…-February. IN ADDITION to the new computers, the present facilities around campus are being renovated. The Un- dergraduate Library now has 25 new Macintoshes on the fourth floor. The Ontel terminals have been…

… are expected to be available to students. WITH THE increased number of work stations, there will be virtually no need for a student to purchase his own personal computer Van Houweling said. For those…

… studen- ts who already have their own computers, he said that they "would come out best in the whole deal." Van Houweling said these students would be able to en- joy the same advantages of other students…

… yet to reach a decision. Now available are student request accounts which give students "free" computing time on MTS. The accounts are open to all students and can be used for any academic purpose…

October 03, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

… where there is cut-throat competition. IBM and the other companies desperately need a smooth Christ- mas season. Surely, IBM cannot afford to lose the University for its pesonal computers. Neither Apple

… California, Berkeley instituted a boycott of IBM per- sonal computers because of that company's operations in Africa. According to a- representative at the Investor Responsibility Research Center, this will…

…-tech development is not automatically salutory. South Africa's pass-book system operates with the use of IBM mainframe computers. True, IBM no longer sells directly to the apartheid government, but the fact remains…

computer use. Students cannot simply abandon their tools to protest corporate in- volvement in South Africa. Never- theless, they are able to hit IBM at its most vulnerable spot. Recent months have seen IBM…

… cancel production of the PCjr; Ap- ple lay off a fifth of its workers and close half its plants; Wang shut its factories for two weeks and all the personal computer companies face a disappointing market…

… or Zenith, which are sold through the University, operate in South Africa. Indeed, Michigan-based Zenith's personal computer is IBM compatible and less expensive than IBM'S. The University has also…

computers will do nothing to salve anyone's conscience since so many American companies do the same or worse as IBM. Rather the boycott of IBM is a temporary and opportunist measure to hasten apartheid…

September 26, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 16) • Page Image 7

…! (with this ad) Stop by INACOMP Computer Center this Saturday and you'll save 25% on every computer and printer accessory in our store. Including: ribbons, disks, . books and magazines, surge protectors…

…, printer stands, cables, covers and much more! IMIMPI INACOMP* computer centers Ann Arbor's Everything-You-Need Computer Store Plymouth Road Mal, 2765 Plymouth at Huron Parkway Open Saturdays 10-5 " Plenty…

… ink through a disposable cartridge, never touching the Besides Hewlett-Packard personal com- puters, the ThinkJet Printer is compatible with Macintosh®, Apple IIc and Apple IIe®, PCjr. COMPAQ® and…

May 17, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

… - BE A CAMP COUN- SELOR - topboys and girls camps. Positions still available: Waterfront (W.S.I.), Nature, Archery/ Riflery, Athletics, Computer, Tennis, Water Ski, Rocketry, Photography, Cano Tripper…

… 57 Do more bad thun good 59 TheDarlings' dog 61 Apple knife 63 Tony's "kin" 64 Cuvern 65 Ere or Huron 66 Resort on the Firth of Lorn 67 Wild cry, of yore 68 Golden - 69 Before house 70 Author Ayn 71…

April 16, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

Computer pirates elude the law By ROB FRANK Ask Joel to open his top desk drawer and what you see could be considered a small for- tune. A fortune not in cash but in bootleg com- puter software. If…

… of computer games for the Macintosh. Harvey, a former editor of the newsletter for the MacTechnics users group, noted that in a community such as the University, enforcem- ent of copyright laws become…

… well. "I have four versions of Macwrite that haven't been released yet," he said, referring to the word processing program developed by Apple Cor- poration. His most recent version, Macwrite 4.0, is not…

… expected to be in the stores until May. AMONG THE losers from the widespread copying of licensed software are local retailer who have already suffered from the Univer- sity's entry into the computer hardware…

January 30, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

…. $550 + utilities. Furnished, carpeted, 2 bathrooms. Available Sept. 1 for 1 year lease. No pets. David M. Copi 663-5609 cCtc COMPUTER BUSINESS PEOPLE. Share office space on State Street. $75-$250. Call…

… SUSIE'S CASUALS,Briarwood Mall, 663-7921 27H021 Beat the cold... Do your computer programs at home!I COMPUTER TERMINAL 2 RENTALS We also carry a full line of micro-computers, prig.- ters, and…

… peripherals for short and long rentals. RENT-A-BYTE, INC. 761-BYTE Ann Arbor r,* dJ04 WORDPROCESSING Accutype 761-500 Resumes, Papers, Repetitive Letters, Etc. C-119- COMMODORE COMPUTER DAY is Saturday4s…

… 33 Melodies for Ravi 35 Treated superficially 40 "An apple 41 This offers a run for the money 43 Scene 45 Gamin 47 Accessories for a sedan 48 52 53 54 55 56, 57 58 59 62 Let fly Consecrate Sov. press…

February 01, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…. Thank you for your cooperation." WALTER Pilditch, principal of Morgan Park High School, said studen- ts targeted by the $9,000 computerized calling system are not taking his advice lightly. "The students…

…Page 2 -'The Michigan Daily -- Friday, February 1, 1985 -- -----mm m mmm- -- mm- - - - 1 Ann Arbor's I 1 Authorzed Dealer I 1 1 Apple Computer Dealer is II offering you special savings on all…

… MacintoshW software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! I (with this ad) I MICROSOFT. Basic I Mulitplan and Chart i Sargon I11(computer chess) I 1 Transylvania (adventure) ' Trivia Dollars & SenseT 1…

… _________________ LearningCenterLtd. Macintosh is trade-1 1 mrark registered to 1 computer and software specialists A40ecomputerinc. 1 1 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center 996-1616 Principal taps tones to…

…, engineering and other professional opportunities exist for the following individuals: Electrical Engineers Mechanical Engineers Physicists Computer Scientists Software Development Engineers Chemical Engineers…

February 02, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

… Bob Nederlander. Many of those who attended were already familiar with computers. BUT FOR those who know little about them, Taetle said the fair offers a chan- ce to learn what computers can do because…

… "it's not that technically orien- ted." LSA sophomore Andrew Farah said he visited the fair specifically to learn morerabout the Apple Macintosh com- puter. The Apple company offers student special…

February 03, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…. - -- mmmmmmmmmmmq I COMPUTER RENTALS We offer a full selection of computers, printers, modems, terminals and hard drives including IBM, COMPAQ, and APPLE products. Is your computer syntax throwing a loop in your…

…," moderator, Glenn Lynn, 7:30 p.m. room 3105 Art & Architec- tur Building, North Campus. Computing Center - J. Sweeton, "Intro to MTS," 7 p.m., Room 2235, Angell Hall. Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences - Dr…

… Grading," 3:15 p.m., East Conferen- ce Room, Rackham. Computing Center - Lab, F. Hartman, "The Zenith 2-150 as an MTS ter- minal,"l':30 p.m., Room Z-150 NUBS. Neuroscience - Seminar. L Garvin…

October 16, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 30) • Page Image 7

… and more creatively And the beauty of Macintosh is, you don't have to know diddley about computers to use one. So if you're going to have a roommate, why not have one willing to help you with your…

… homework? c: h>qy; p +uinputrc~. h. A pY and ItheAppi le nti ;Lere gisteredi tatieiiiarks of Apple Cttlputer. Inc Macinntiei .a raaeinark 4 Mc\i~i nI aho~rxirM In. :uiis being use d 1 is e~prft55 ermision…

June 06, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

… House and a majority of the American Senate virtually ensured final ap- voted yesterday to ban bank loans and people," said House Speaker Thomas proval of some form of trade penalties computer sales to…

…-127, also would "Opposing apartheid in South Africa ministration official said. The com- ban new investments by U.S. firms in is as American as apple pie," Rep. puters are used by South African their South…

February 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

… education on the quality of facilities, he said. "Acquiring more computers doesn't mean the quality has improved." The second cause is the fact that colleges and universities are often unaware of what makes…

… Hall. International Center - Ecumenical Campus Center - Jeffrey Paige, "Myth and Reality in U.S.-Central America Policy," noon, International Center. Computing Center - "Editor Procedure Examples," 12…

… Expression and Infant Behavior Regulation", noon, Room 1000, 300 North Ingalls. Microcomputer Education Center - Leigh Daniels, "Using the Apple IlIe & Ic Micros with MTS", 4 p.m., Room 2346, School of…

October 02, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

… Organic Synthesis," 1300 Chem. CEW - Four-session workshops, "Step Before the Job Search," 7 p.m., 3505S. Thayer. CRLT - Workshop, Karl Sinn, "An Intro to Using Personal Computers in Teaching," 7 p…

… Watkins, "Communication Research Applied in Congress," noon, Marsh Seminar Rm., Frieze Bldg. Electrical and Computer Science - Vision Group Research Seminar, Debasish Mukherjee. "Expert Dydtem for Solder…

… working hours Contact Moby Benedict between 9 a.m. - 5p.m. at the IM Building 763-1313 g k ifi t 1 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS a - WHITE MARKET Fresh Apple Cider $2.69 Gal. Also Gal,& Ots. Fresh & Pure Orange or…

February 16, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

… of recommen- dation to: CDC Day Camp, 1611 West Minster Ann Arbor 48104. 97H0217 TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS for marketing re- search firm. Some typing required; computer ter- minal experience helpful. Part…

…: Abbr. Fabulous fur Cut in two Standard on the green Offer Snoop. V.I.P. in D.C. Courtroom statements Lhasa- Winter apple Former welfare agcy. Stadium sound Louis Quatorze Invitation init. Roosevelt bio…

… for double. Kosher kitchen call Howard 764-2661 82H0222 TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS for marketing re- search firm. Some typing required; computer ter- minal experience helpful. Part-time hours; day…

February 08, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…. HOWEVER, he added that group had nothing to do w cident. "None of the copying wa MSA and our computer wasr he said. "I don't think Steve wouldf cuse someone," but he added had not brought up this incid last…

… anticipated deficits but with different formulas. 4 Ann Arbor's Apple Dealer is offering you special savings on all Macintosh software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! Pedestrian hit Fifty…

… belonging at the School of Business Administration Library Wed- nesday evening. - Thomas Hrach _r -*Graduate up, ---------- Iq featuring: MICROSOFT. Basic Mulitplan and Chart Sargon II (computer chess…

… study at America's finest post-graduate schools. Learn ingzCenterLtd.' computer and software specialists 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center " 996-1616 A Variety of Careers Electrical Mechan…

… nical Industrial Computer Aeronautical Meteorological r 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 NO PURCHASE NECESSARY Bring in this ad for a free pair of leather-faced work gloves ($3.00 retail value) when you join our…

October 07, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…. 7694473 evenings. 48B1007 APPLE 11+, monitor, Epson printer, software and more. $1,200 or best offer. 971-8823. 27B1010 KAY STRING BASS ("Bertha"), excellent condition, new strings/bridge. 994-4872. 50B1007…

…-2823. 71H1008 PAID RESEARCH ASSISTANT (part-time, temporary) for research on computer programming. Some programming or psychology experience (eg. coursework) required. Leo Gugerty 764-0318 (day) 663-3537 (6…

… Circulation Department. Responsibilities would be filing, telephone work, and typing. Job requirements are typing 45 w.p.m. and some computer experience preferred. Working hours are 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. on…

…Ftc PERSONAL COMPUTERS for fun and profit. IBM to Commodore. Lots of software. Call 761-7400. 62F0108 4' 5 " .. SHARE TWO BEDROOM apartment on 'Geddes, Road in Albert Terrace, $179.00 month plus $2 40…

November 18, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… has dropped the cost of entering business," he explains. "Secondly, we just went through a recession and jobs are hard to find. Finally, we can't discount how valuable Steven Jobs was. He had Apple

Computers, a multi-million dollar corporation by the time he was 30. That's got to be some inspiration." But University students dabbling in en- trepreneurism insist the shot at making big bucks doesn't drive…

October 02, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…. $2300. 769-4473 evenings. 481B1007 FOR SALE APPLE 11+, monitor, Epson printer, software and more. $1,200 or best offer. 971-8823. 27B1010 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe '75 VEGA…

COMPUTERS for fun andprofit. IBM to Commodore. Lots of software. Call 761-7400. 62F0108 DON'T MISS ANYTHING. SAVE TOO. 15% off .on contact lens supplies at the Village Apothecary. 1112 S. University. cFtc 0…

August 02, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 44) • Page Image 6

… Theater 231 Candles, The Breakfast Club, and National Lam- Donner-directed opus which looks a lot like a bun- co dbJhHt;'hS2-e2s4Spoon's Vacation tell the story of a computer nerd ch of kids pretending to…

… 4, 7:30 performance; and some thugs are never supposed to make it in the big great Russian composers, including p.m. $2.50/single, $3.50/double. sent after him to steal a recording apple. Mich., 7…

October 08, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

… SPEAKERS - Excellent Condition, super loud, efficient, 12" woofer, 5/10 DB 30HZ enhancer. $300 pair, Firm. John 763-1680. 76BI009 DORM FRIDGE: Like new. $75. Steve at 665-7386 before 11p.m. 80B1010 APPLE 11…

… in the new Univ. Hospital October 13 & 15. Minimum wage paid. Call Pat or Anne 764-2220. 82H1011 PAID RESEARCH ASSISTANT (part-time, temporary) for research on computer programming. Some programming or…

…. Responsibilities would be filing, telephone work, and typing. Job requirements are typing 45 w.p.m. and some computer experience preferred. Working hours are 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday and 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. on…

October 04, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…1007 APPLE II+, monitor, Epson printer, software and more. $1,200 or best offer. 971-8823. 27B1010 WANTED TO RENT: Space to store furniture and furnishings from small 3-bedroom house. Call Marge 971…

…. FOREST 761-2680 cCtc PERSONAL COMPUTERS for fun and profit. IBM to Commodore. Lots of software. Call 761-7400. 62F0108 DON'T MISS ANYTHING. SAVE TOO. 15% off *on contact lens supplies at the Village…

… Circulation Department. Responsibilities would be filing, telephone work, and typing. Job requirements are typing 45 w.p.m. and some computer experience preferred. Working hours are 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. on…

November 25, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 58) • Page Image 6

… field. The fans also threw snowballs and apples into the crowd. The first upright from the goalpost was torn down within five minutes af- ter the end of the game. Police took it and brought if off the…

… - Computer spell checking. Fast. Efficient service. 455-8270/459-1136. cJ1211 FREE RESUME w/20-pg. paper or 20 coverletters EXECU-TOPS Word Processing 663-7158. cJtc HOME ROW TRANSCRIPTION/WORD PROCESSING 572…

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