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December 12, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 80) • Page Image 8

… clean quiet house near West Park. $160/mo. inc.util761-5768eves. 92C1212 COUZENS HALL Single Male Lease for sale. Call Jeff at7I-5819. 85C1212 * UNIVERSITY TOWERS COMPUTER BUSINESS PEOPLE. Share office…

… revelation 35 "-as apple pie" 39 Parts of ears 40 Wind: Comb. form 41 Literary collection 42 Extol 53 Reese of baseball 54 Pay, as a bill DOWN 1 Marred 2 Incident 3 Kicks 4 Arm bone 5 Ascot 6 Section of…

December 05, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…:}}:::::. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:v::: x.4::v :. ::". v:. ::n.:: ...: . .:....v .. ...r....:: v ::v..::. r:. :......... Computer backers harass reporter SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Teenage computer hackers seeking electronic revenge…

… official computer security systems and post their findings on com- puterized bulletin boards nationwide. "Most of these people traffic in illegal information - credit card numbers, dial-up access numbers…

… money for charities. However, he said, "If people weren't interested, we never would have started it." Bourgeois denim from American-style denim trousers to Chinese-designed "Apples" and "Teleweebs," the…

November 30, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

… solicit money," Miller added. Ann Arbor's Apple Dealer is offering you special savings on all Macintosh software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! -APPENINGS Protest ends peacefully Highlight…

… release of Antonio Navarro, Alfonso Lackie and Luis Chara, three leaders of the M-19 rebel movement. featuring: MICROSOFT. Basic Mulitplan and Chart Sargon II (computer chess) Transylvania (adventure…

…) _ :.,. .. Trivia nY-tA' MK;HQSOFT _. _ .. BASIC Dollars & Sense Learn ingCeriterLtd computer and software specialists 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center * 996-1616 4. ~v V4. " . . 4.. 4. 4. 4. x…

November 27, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… the delay to a malfunctioning computer program that had to be rewritten, and program director Richard Layman said that this caused the publication to miss several deadlines. AS A RESULT, he said, the…

… for husband-hunters are imagine one with a silly hat?; Pandas are quite fat; How about that?" wrote 9-year-old Shannon Wong-Lerner, who dined on bacon and eggs Saturday while the pandas enjoyed apples

November 16, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

… appropriations request includes an increase of $27 million just to keep pace with inflation, and another $18 million to improve salaries, instruc- tional equipment, the library system, the computer system, and…

… revenue in the private sector. "We don't want to fail, however, to give the state a chance to maintain a quality public institution," he said. "But if they don't,w e will." Ann Arbor's Apple Dealer is…

… offering you special savings on all Macintosh software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! featuring: MICROSOFT. BasicM Mulilan and Chart Sargon II (computer chess) Transylvania (adventure) Trivia…

… __ Dollars & Sense LearningCerterLtd.- computer and software specialists 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center " 996-1616 Cottage Inn Brings You Two Great Pizzas for One Low Price. Two 12" pizzas…

November 09, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

… 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 9, 1984 Fifteen Cents Fourteen Pages . r Ia Shapiro says code apples protesters By LAURIE DELATER University President Harold…

…) meeting today to a project proposed by two electrical and computer engineering professors. Profs. Theodore Birdsall and Kurt Metzger teamed up with researchers from the Massachussettes-based Wood- shole…

November 09, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 56) • Page Image 13

… Desk, Michigan Union. APPLICATIONS DUE NOVEMBER 16, 1984. Ann Arbor's Apple Dealer is offering you special savings on all Macintosh software in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! The Michigan Daily…

… should really rally around," said Levy. Shakey featuring: MICROSOFTe Basic Mulitplan and Chart Sargon|11 (computer chess) Transylvania (adventure) Trivia Dollars & Sense i S ri uM 'M' CO-CAPTAIN BREAKS…

… LEG IN PRACTICE James out for season Learn ingCenterLtd. computer and software specialists 381 N. Maple Rd., Maple Village Shopping Center 4 996-1616 Correction Michigan's latest basketball recruit is…

November 02, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 50) • Page Image 15

…- "Since the Reagan administration's MoTrivia is a trademark of MoCarron-Dial Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark icensed to Apple Computer, Inc paigning," she said. See COMMISSION, Page 22 20 Wiekend…

…'s computer Multple hoic, bu you Orde Mc~lviTM Today "After all these years, every 2 years tiessoth cunysom tr Exciting Multiple choice, but you Order McTrivi d something happens to my body system, her opponent…

October 21, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 40) • Page Image 7

… INTERVIEW SYSTEMS DESIGN PROGRAMMERS Microsoft Corporation develops the leading edge in microcomputer systems software. Our BASIC is world renowned. Our XENIX and MS-DOS operating systems have computer

… Systems, Word Processing, Interactive Systems, Graphics and more. Our OEM customer base is a Who's Who of the hardware business(IBM, Apple, Radio Shack, Intel, Tektronix). As new systems like the IBM PC and…

…&D become part of the computers of the future. Microsoft provides the best systems programming work environment " all the high-level hardware (DEC-20, PDP 11, VAX, tUN 68000 machines) and software development…

October 13, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

… SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, Macintosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck, odd sizes. Largest supply in area…

… MARKETING RESEARCH FIRM. Some typing required; computer terminal experience helpful. Part-time hours; day and evening flexibility necessary. $3.50/hour. Call 973-9033 during business hours. 45H1014 WANTED…

October 12, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 32) • Page Image 8

… up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, M*cIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 33*S. State. cBtc, USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck, odd sizes. Largest supply in area. Wmels…

… INTERVIEWERS FOR MARKETING RESEARCH FIRM. Some typing required; computer terminal experience helpful. Part-time hours; day and evening flexibility necessary. $3.50/hour. Call 973-9033 during business hours. 45H…

October 11, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

…Paint. "" Orders must be prepaid with check or money order sent to: Pen and Palette Box 1005 Cary, N.C. 27611 The Macintosh and MacPaint are trademarks licen- sed to Apple Computer, Inc. 1OF1011 SIGMA KAPPA-THE NEW…

… bedroom fur- nished apt. with heat & water incl. $340. call 663-3050. 23B1017 DISdOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, MacIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S State. cBtc USE TIRES $10…

… & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light :truck, odd sizes. Largest supply in area. Wheyls, $5 & up/973-1693. cBtc APPLE WRITER II-Word Processing Program for Apple1II's. Still in unopened package. Retail…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

… 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. OOB1010 IS IT TRUE you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get the facts today! Call 1-312-742- 1142 Ext. 1137-A. 71B1009 APPLE WRITER…

… order sent t: Pen an Palette Box 1005 Cary, N.C. 27611 The Macintosh and MacPaint are trademarks licen- sed to Apple Computer, Inc. 10F1011 SIGMA KAPPA-THE NEW SORORITY ON CAM- PUS OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES IN…

… & water incl. $340. call 663-3050. 23B1017 DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, MacIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USEDtTIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup…

… II-Word Processing Program for Apple II's. Still in unopened package. Retail $135.00 will take $75.00. Chris M. 761-5960. 04B1011 IS IT TRUE you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get…

October 09, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

… order sent to: Pen and Palette Box 1005 Cary, N.C. 27611 The Macintosh and MacPaint are trademarks licen- sed to Apple Computer, Inc. O1F1011 SIGMA KAPPA-THE NEW SORORITY ON CAM- PUS OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES…

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 9, 1984 A FORSA.LE. DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, MacIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES…

… Theater, because you have just won two free tickets to their Midnight movies! Drop by the Daily offices to pick them up. dB1009 APPLE WRITER Ii-Word Processing Program for Apple II's. Still in unopened…

… SLINGERLAND Drums, 2 Zilgian Cymbols, 1 high hat, 12 yrs. $550. 663-6477. Leave message. 99B1010 MIYATA 15 Speed bike, Blue 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. OOB1010 IS IT TRUE you can buyjeeps…

October 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…-312-742- 1142 Ext. 1137-A. . 71B1009 DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, Macintosh, etc. Call 996-0001 Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck…

… Drums, 2 Zilgian Cymbols, 1 high hat, 12 yrs. $550.663-6477. Leave message. 99B1010 MIYATA 15 Speed bike, Blue 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. 001B1010 FOR RENT CAMPUS AREA…

October 05, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… Motor Company, "Computer Control of Automobile Engines," 3:30-5 p.m., 107 Aerospace Engineering Building; P.F. Zweifel, "Non-linear Plasma Waves," 3:45 p.m., White Auditorium, Cooley Building; Billy Frye…

…. Miscellaneous Yom Kippur Services - Reform Service, 6:45 p.m., Hillel; Conservative Service, 6:45 p.m., Michigan Union Ballroom; Orthodox service, 6:30 p.m., Hillel. Apple Harvest Weekend - Orchard visits…

…? Because no other event on this planet offers you these-boffo attractions... Details on special "college pricing" that can save you hundreds of dollars on a "total performance" Zenith computer A chance to…

…-SHIRT with any hands-on demonstration of a Zenith computer I 'C, ' ' ' ' ' If you're into.computers, free T-shirts, and a good time, don't miss this exciting event. Memorize these details: Zenith Data…

October 05, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

…/ Pen and Palette Box 1005 Cary, N.C. 27511 TM Macintosh and MacPaint are trademarks licen- sed to Apple Computer, Inc. 02F1010 WAYNE STAPLETON-Get it together and come on down to the Daily! You have just…

…. 99B1010 . IVIIYATA 15 Speed bike, Blue 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. - QOB1010 J.,UDEE DERUBEIS-Rubys are 'red, the color of joy, and you should be happy today! You have just !kwon…

… DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, MacIntosh; etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc v ,USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck, odd sizes. Largest supply…

September 28, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

… MTSIONTEL visual editing. 249500 IBM and MacINTOSH software at 20 % off list price. We offer a large selection of hardware and software for IBM PC compatibles, Apple computers, and MTS. For all your computer

… could be the loudest. YOUR VALUABLE POSSESSIONS NEED Your boat, home computer, camera, jewelry, antiques, guns, and other prized personal possessions " may not be adequately covered by your Homeowners…

… enrollment up at medical schools FARM BUREAU' INSURANCE GROUPI MARK WELLIVER 5095 Saline Rd.-Ann Arbor, MI Phone: 663-3141 DAM COMPUTERS "You'll swear by us" STUDENT / STAFF SPECIALS RCA TERMINAL -with…

… PRINTER - 120 characters per second printer accepts single sheets or continuous forms. Completely compatible with all software for the IBM PC and PC compatibles, including graphics. Models for Apple

computers also available. 32900 COLUMBIA MPC COMPUTER - with dual floppies, 128K memory, graphics, serial and parallel interfaces, and a $3000 software package. Software available to use this computer for…

September 26, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

… compatibles, including graphics. Models for Apple computers also available. 32900 COLUMBIA MPC COMPUTER -- with dual floppies. 1 28K memory, graphics, serial …

… will- carry nuclear warheads. Engin. school issues photo I.D. By ALYSSA FIRST In an effort to clamp down on studen- ts who show false identification cards to use computers at the College of Engineering…

… use computers in the Chrysler Center, the Undergraduate Library, East Engineering and the Dow Buildings, said Robert Patrick, associate security supervisor for the safety department. FORMERLY students…

… other students who want to use the special computers, said Mary Robertson, a senior who sits on the college's student council. "I've heard of people giving away their ID cards and a lot of people doing…

… LSA stuff on the engineering com- puters," Robertson said. "THE PROBLEM was brought up in engineering council and photo IDs were seen as the best solution," she ad- ded. Use of engineering computers is…

… supposed to be there could be denying access to an engineering student who has paid a fee to use the computers," Phillips said. SEVERAL students said the college failed to notify them about getting a new…

… Development - Phillip Tobias, "The Kalahari Bushmen and the Changing Size of Modern Human Beings," 4:10 p.m., Rackham. Computer Center - "Intro to File Editor," 12:10 p.m., 1011 NUBS; "In- tro to Taxis part 1…

… Organizations Development Center - Workshop, "One for All and All for One: Team Building" 4 p.m. & 7 p.m., Union. Microcomputer Education Center - Workshop, Intro to Macintosh Per- sonal Computer, 9 a.m., Word…

…- cident. A story in yesterday's Daily in- correctly stated that those facts were confirmed by Ann Arbor police. s In a barrel because of debts? LOOK FOR WORK IN DAM COMPUTERS "You'll swear by us" STUDENT…

September 23, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

… aculty, and other groups in- University to vote against i computers poperty taxes to their December, 1981 levels-substantially lower than current rates-unless voters backed a tax increase in a special…

… University officers to campaign against it. The University will spend an un- Just when you thought it was safe to go to the library to escape the advance of computer technology by settling into a chair and…

… letting your eyes dive into an old leather-bound book, the UGLi replaces its lounge chairs and tables with Michigan Terminal System computers. Forget pop machines and candy dispensers, in a high tech world…

computer facility for general student use would be a good trade off for the lounge, especially considering the Michigan Union's new food places and study area. Though it is not yet known how much the project…

… will cost or which computers will be in stalled, Norden estimates there will be at least 40 or 45 Zenith Z150's as well as a large number of MTS terminals. One of the few flaws in the idea is that it was…

…'s 1 IHEMCRAB APPLE National Wildlife Refuge in Williamson County, Ill. used to be the Sangamon dump-a disposal site for a local electrical com- pany. It is now the federal site listed as most hazardous…

September 22, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 15) • Page Image 6

… Unaccompanied performance Norse god Tumult Computer input Grow weary Short jacket Pause River or sea "-- Sylphides" .10 it 112 113 i mia s a t s s s s - .o< 1 - : Cheating: Little risk, little guilt See…

… Arbor. Michigan -.Friday. March23. 1984 e'e Cen Twlv ePges .B Apple Bound Cager s gon , oust touhXavier n NYT --- 5 & 7 15 j 97-1 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 32 . 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 51 52 153 E 54 55 33…

September 19, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…, "Fortran-77 Programming Language II," 7:00-8:00 p.m., Nat. Sci. Auditorium. CAEN Evening Training Session - Richard Phillips, "The Apple Lisa and Macintosh," 7:00 p.m., Carrol Auditorium, Chrysler Center…

…Sable River, 7:30 p.m., NCRB Conference Room. Undergraduate Tappan Association - Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Rm. 3302, East Engineering. Miscellaneous Computing Center - Laboratory introduction to Ontel Terminal, 1…

September 12, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 6) • Page Image 8

… JEWISH Religious School seeking Jr. High teacher of history and Bible for Sat. a.m. program. Call 994-4261 or 665-4744. 60H0915 IMMEDIATE OPENING for daytime waitress. Full or part time. Apple in person at…

… details. 24 hrs. 48H0914 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER-% time, 7-10/hr. upperclass or grad student, work experience preferred. 996-0684 evenings and weekends. 38H0915 PIZZA MAKERS, counter help, and pizza drivers…

… - computer 46 Sulfur: Comb. form 49 Crowded, as at a sale 51 Bangkok baby- sitter 55 Part of the ship's bow 56 Mrs. Shakespeare and others 57 Sabot's relative 58 Berra of baseball 59 European blackbird 60…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… freeze was a positive See IN-STATE, Page 11 r Apple deal sours local r By DAVID VANKER Looking for a cheap way to join the 1computer age? A deal between the University and Apple computers to provide…

…'s Microcom- puter Education Center, an office in the education school where potential pur- chasers can try out the Apples and learn how they work. To discourage resale of the bargain computers outside the…

….' - Nancy Reding Apple computer dealer etailers Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale and the University of Chicago. "They're the trend-setters," Dixon remarked. "They're the universities that will be…

… developing a lot of the sof- tware (for the introduced Macintosh)," she said. Consequently students, staff mem- bers, and faculty get a good deal on computers. And Apple sets up ties in a good market. The plan…

… seemed to benefit everyones- except for private computer dealers. THE UNIVERSITY'S arrangement with Apple has not met with much ap- proval in Ann Arbor's private sector. Many retailers charge that the…

… never intended to destroy retail outlets with its offer to the universities. On the contrary, she said, "By getting the computers out to colleges we ac- tually thought it would enhance See APPLE, Page 13…

Apple Computers, Inc. Under the plan, the University is allowed to offer four computer models - the Apple Macin- tosh, Lisa, Hie, and III - at a generous discount. Faculty, staff, and students can get a…

…, manager of Inacomp, the retailer that won the right to serve as the official distributor of the Apple systems sold by the University, said Apple is simply trying to condition computer-users to its products…

… to Ed Fleckenstein, president of Technavest Corp., a local computer retailer, Apple needs to secure a larger share of the market. And, he said, "They'll give (the com- puters) away to get it." AMONG…

computers to students, staff, and faculty at generous discounts has made everyone happy - except the retailers who seem to have lost their market. OVER 1,000 orders have been received at the University…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… be similar to the Computer Aided Engineering Network developed by the engineering college in conjunction with Apple computers. Students in that school have also paid a $100 surcharge added to tuition…

… BOOKSTORE Apple deal sours local computer business Main Store: 549 East University Electronics Showroom: 1110 South University Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313)662-3201 s (Continued from Page 1) lbusiness…

… Fadden, wider use and ownership of computer benefits retailers as well as the Apple company. "It's a very wise move to get com- puters into everybody's hands," he said. "I think it's good for everybody…

…The Michigan Daily-- Thursday, September 6, 1984 - Page 13 00 Business students to pay $100 fee for computers By THOMAS HRACH Business students will enter the computer age this term with a new…

computer network for the business school, similar to the one already in use by the engineering school. But new technology doesn't come cheap, so the aspiring businessmen will be charged an additional $100…

September 06, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 1) • Page Image 18

… NEED A IBM * APPLE * COMPAQ COMPUTER? RENT NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! We rent and sell several kinds of terminals, printers, modems, and personal computers. Come and visit our office at 749 Airport Blvd…

… graduate schools, computer center, an atomic ac- a research library. Instead of 500 lecture you have six per class. Only t countries can afford graduate e said. In the United States however, Heise said…

July 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 23) • Page Image 9

… some of Comden and Green's best songs, their other accomplishments are worth noting. For instance, before Frank Sinatra recently revived his career with his tribute to the Big Apple, he sang about "New…

… and a computer to speck of light corresponds exactly to a coordinate the special effectsstar in the sky. The planets, which are The second thing you'll notice when bigger, brighter, and move around in…

July 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

… engineering college in conjunction with Apple computers, for which students have a $100 surcharge added to their tuition bills each term. Burroughs hopes to have the system in place this fall and fully…

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday. July 10. 1984 - paqe 3 Business students fac $10 om uefe By THOMAS HRACH Business students will enter the computer age this fall with a new computer network for the…

… business school, and the new system will be paid for by charging business students an additional $100 per term. "You just can't turn around without having to use a computer in the business world," said…

… Gilbert Whitaker, dean of the School of Business Ad- ministration. "After graduation our students will have a leg up to the power of computers." THE SYSTEM will involve equipment supplied by the Burroughs…

… Corporation, and will link students, faculty and staff in the most ambitious computer familiarity project of any business school in the coun- try, Whitaker said. The new system, he said, is necessary for the…

… University to stay competitive with 'You just can't turn around without having to use a computer in the business world.' - Gilbert Whitaker business school dean the more prestigious business schools. The…

… system will link a number of new microcomputers and also provide users access to the University's central com- puters. The project will be similar to the Computer Aided Engineering Network developed by the…

… using a computer in the business world." Burroughs will send seven representatives to the campus for the first year of the system's operation to help work out logistical problems and train faculty and…

… dormitor) Crawford said he is considering making the fa( specialty housing, possibly for computer science me The temporary housing of seminar participants may become permanent, according to Ann Walt business…

June 19, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 14

… of other, already- developed high-tech centers. Barbara Kraus, a spokeswomen for Apple Computer, said her company probably would never locate a research or manufacturing facility in Michigan. Apple

… ridiculous sequence com- like organ dirge comes on loud, to paring microphotography of computer, hammer in the point. Like the rest of chips with satellite photographs of the film, it's a breathtaking scene…

Computer is located just outside San Francisco in the area known as Silicon.Valley. "THERE IS a certain kind of at- mosphere in Silicon Valley," she said. "We have a very experienced work for- ce. Stanford…

…-tech companies to get tegether8, ekeha geides',an; frm "a new company in the same community. She said Apple would not want to give up the advantage of their current location to move to the Midwest. If Michigan…

June 15, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

… provide a suite of offices so that of small personal computers like the Apple Lisa and Science and Engineering division professors may have office hours on central campus the Apollo computer. Engineering…

… quietly. Merger to create stronger computer dept By ANDREW ERIKSEN and LSA. will remain the same - only the course numoers will LSA students majoring in computer science will Administrators in both…

… engineering computer network this fall as a stronger computer science program at the Univer- tives will be different," said Pollack. result of the merger of two University departments, sity. THE DEPARTMENT is…

… changing slowly to limit according to an LSA dean. THE NEW department will have two divisions: the number of problems for its students. "If the course requires the use of the engineering Computer Science and…

… associate dean Henry Pollack. "I see it as a welcome change," said Prof. Gideon benefits." THE COMPUTERS in the network consist mostly Frieder, who will be the chairman of the Computer There is a plan to…

… students began Prof. George Haddad, the current chairman of the - probably in East Engineering - and to offer paying the $100 fee last fall. electrical and computer engineering department, academic…

… counseling. Some professors will have to The computer and communication sciences depar- will be the chairman of the new department and its commute between North Campus and Central Cam- tment in LSA and the…

… Department of Electrical and electrical engineering division pus to teach classes and hold office hours. Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering THE NEW department will still offer an un- The new…

… department will eventually be moved will officially merge July 1 into the Department of dergraduate degree in computer science for LSA from East Engineering to North Campus when the Electrical Engineering and…

Computer Sciences students and an undergraduate degree in computer new engineering building is complete. The ground (EECS). The faculty will report to James Duder- engineering for engineering students. was…

May 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

… per minute fell on the east Beirut suburb. Five cease-fires were arranged and disregarded, Beirut radio said. 6 I 6 6 Apple computer sales are high at the 'U' By GREGORY HUTTON The University's own…

computer store has received over 1,000 orders for microcomputers from students and staff members. As part of a deal made with Apple Computers Inc., last winter the Univer- sity sells Apple's Lisa and…

…. "Apple expected about one-half the orders it did receive," Marks said. "They just opened a brand new factory to produce these computers." The deal is part of a growing relation- ship between the company…

… resale. Although the staff's time is spent primarily selling the computers, ac- cording to Marks, the computer center is more than just a store. In addition to having demonstrator models of the Apples that…

… and the University. Last fall, the College of Engineering purchased 800 computers at substantially reduced prices. The MacIntosh can be purchased from the Computer Education Center on the third floor…

… of the School of Education Building for about $1324- $1400 less than retail. A 20 percent down payment is required with the order. University officials are hoping that close ties with Apple will make…

… it easier for professors to purchase the equip- ment and use computers, while the company is hoping to tap into the huge market of college students. Two dozen colleges and universities have a similar…

… are for sale, the center offers courses in basic com- puter skills for those with "computer anxiety." The center is "open to the entire University community for all types of instruction," said Elaine…

… Cousins, an advisor of the center. "We operate to help students and faculty choose which programs are best for them, as well as which computers would best be suited to their needs." Member of the…

May 04, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

… project faced opposition from Peterson and Jeff Epton (D-Third Ward) because it may force established business such as Campus Jewelers to relocate. - Eric Mattson Worms steal Apples Seven Apple computers

…, display models of the computers sold by the School of Engineering, were stolen from the Micro Computing Education Center on April 12 or 13. There were no signs of forced entry, said Sgt. Harold Tinsey of…

… the Ann Ar- bor Police Department. He said a key may have been used to enter the room. The computers are valued at an- proximately $17,000, said University security officer Timothy Shannon. The display…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 10

…, beautiful rosewood. Plus new plush hardcase. $445 or best of- fer. 995-5454. cB0413 APPLE II-C starter systems $1199.00.90 day warran- ty. Computer Reruns (used computers bought and sold), Tues.-Fri. 1-7, Sat…

April 12, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 154) • Page Image 8

…I FOR SALE APPLE II-C starter systems $1199.00. 90 day warran- ty. Computer Reruns (used computers bought and sold), Tues.-Fri. 1-7, Sat. 10-5.994-4949 anytime. 44B0413 1975 SUZUKI 550. Good…

…. Call 662-6585. 93B0412 BEEN WITHOUT A computer long enough? For sale: 1 Atari 800 system with a disk drive, printer, software including word processing and games, plus many extras. $1250 but reasonable…

April 11, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 153) • Page Image 8

…, $375. Call 662-6585. 93B0412 APPLE II-C starter systems $1199.00. 90 day warran- ty. Computer Reruns (used computers bought and sold), Tues.-Fri. 1-7, Sat. 10-5. 994-4949 anytime. 44B0413 1975 SUZUKI 550…

…0 FOR SALE BEEN WITHOUT A computer long enough? For sale: 1 Atari 800 system with a disk drive, printer, software including word processingandgames, plus many extras. $1250 but reasonable offers…

April 10, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 152) • Page Image 8

…I FOR SALE APPLE II-C starter systems $1199.00.90 day warran- ty. Computer Reruns (used computers bought and sold), Tues.-Fri. 1-7, Sat. 10-5. 994-4949 anytime. 44B0413 1975 SUZUKI 550. Good…

…" by 22" MUST SELL 665-9219 40B0411 BEEN WITHOUT A computer long enough? For sale: 1 Atari 800 system with a disk drive, printer, software including word processing and games, plus many extras. $1250 but…

… have excellent verbal and written,. English skills. Some typing and/or computer ter- minal experience helpful. Part time hours, $3.50 to start. Must have own transportation. Call 973-0979 from 10a.m.4 p…

April 07, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

… only, 10- 6at 1204 Ferdon in Burns Park. Call 761-6885 for more info. 37B0407 BEEN WITHOUT A computer long enough? For sale: 1 Atari 800 system with a disk drive, printer, software including word…

… Below decks, 48 Presses earnestly 49 White sales 52 Took long steps 55 Kind of apple 60 Sunken fence 61 Tony or Oscar 63 Acknowledge 64 Maple genus 65 Fawned on 66 Grand slam 67 Egg on 68 Rundown 69…

April 06, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 149) • Page Image 2



April 05, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 148) • Page Image 10

… desired effect. The for- mer third-baseman also once took a dump on top of Joe Pepitone's birthday cake. Now that's ugly GRAND OPENING iW RiTE WAY ONE WEEK RT A ONLY CASH REGISTERS *COMPUTERS O LYOUR ONE…



April 03, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

… Star Wars technology that can beat the Russians, to build computers that are faster than those from Japan..." may need to be revised. "THE GREATER gift of education is understanding," Rhodes said, which…

… from Page 1) we're just here is when the machines break down, the varic But like anything else, you learn to roll departme with the punches," says Karunas. "IT'S L The record time for computers being…

… orderinga out of order was 24 hours, according to out of me Karunas. A computer hold up can throw do?" Kar off the entire CRISP schedule, he says, wanting tc because students have to return the kids some…

… following day for appointments. "It's ac Some students get pretty testy when want, wh their schedules don't work out, adds being abl Karunas. Comput "ONCE I had to call security to have spend hou a fellow…

…." Ulrichs Annual Inventory Sale Involving every item in our store except textbooks. Special prices on calculators, computers and computer products. Sale Ends Saturday, April 7th al I GRAND ONE WEEK ONLY…


… $508.00 %hnrn Intalliwritar SAVE O SOFTW MC DIS L ING EDGE BIG SEE uA Bi ALCOMPUTERN )N ALL coprowloN HARE 6 HARDWARE ONITORS - r SK DRIVES 5%/" Diskettes f or popular personal computers. SOFTWARE…

… & HARDWARE FOR A APPLE. ATARI0 i JACKIE YOUNG Arts/Magazine EditorE............MAREHODGES Associate Arts Editor............ STEVEN SUSSER Chief PhotographerU..............G MCMAHON Sports Editor…

April 01, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

… students at 2 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Films Classic Film Theater - Dragonslayer, 2:15 & 7 p.m., Excalibur, 4:30 & 9:15 p.m., Michigan Theater. Ann Arbor Film Co-op - The Apple Game, 7 p.m., MLB 4. Russian…

…," Michael Thewell, 7:30 p.m., MLB Lee. Rm. 2. Matthaei Botanical Gardens - "Trees and Shrubs of Ornamental Value in China," Shidong Zhao, noon, Rm. 139,1800N. Dixboro Rd. Computing Center - "Communications…

March 23, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 137) • Page Image 8

… climbing, computer, wrestling, waterski, sailing, land sports and drama. Call (215)887-9700 or write 407 Benson East, Jenkintown PA 19046. cH0330 PERSONAL SECRETARY to UM student. $4/hr, approx. 4 hrs every…

… Wagons of old 20 Arikara 21 Verde Natjonal Park 22 Kind of apple 23 Deluge 25 Building place 26 Form of chalcedony 27 Weaken, in a way, 31 "Get - on!" 33 Willow branch 34 Ear: Prefix 35 Logical 36 Radar…

… and return - once or twice weekly. 769-2823. 51H0323 SENIORS - GRADUATES work in Ann Arbor. Openings for computer science, computer engineer majors. Real time program development with the leader in…

March 14, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 129) • Page Image 6

… Rio! iRio I Archery, Arts & Crafts, Ca- noeing, Ceramics, Computers, Dance, Drama, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics. Overnight Camp- ing, Piano/Song Leader, Riding (English), Riflery, Sailing, Scu- ba, Swim…

… 180 East End Ave., NY, NY 10128 (212) 744-3421 Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Canoeing, Computers, Foot- ball, Golf, Karate, Lacrosse, Overnight Camping, Riding (English), Riflery, Sailing, Scuba, Shop…

… competition went, it was like the old apples and oranges platitude. Or, in the Michigras Battle of the Bands, more like comparing an apple, a pear, a peach, and a banana. The peach band won. They were called…

…. The guitarist does most of the singing. They were more rock and rollish from Next Window Please's pop, but still in the danceable vein. The apple band was the third place finisher. They were called The…

March 02, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

… reports agreeme Two Apple Macintosh computers, sell the which were being used as demonstrator models t models for students wishing to buy bers at su discounted computers from the Univer- O fficia sity, were…

… a There a few weeks before spring vacation, the case, wh computers were being used as demon- police sai strator models under the University's stolen. nt withApple Computers to Macintosh and several…

… serious campaign are Employment Minister John Rober- ts and party president Iona Cam- pagnolo. CONTACT: HALLE PARK 3505 Mayfield Road CLEVELAND, OHIO 44118 (216) 382-4000, Ext. 267 computers From staff…

… stolen Wednesday morning ter, how along with a computer printer, campus compute security officials said yesterday. demonstr The computerware, which security remain of officials say was valued at $6…

… & Crafts Assistants, Archery, Riflery, Computers, Rocketry, Photography, Radio, Drama, Dance, Gymnastics, and Pioneering. We are also seeking RN's at this time. French Woods Festival of the, Performing Arts…

…, Sports, Go-Carts and Computer TFEERNENEeAM34 OWNERDRECTRS SNCE 1%,H " e l n n t a p eeF E R N D A L E , N Y 1 2 7 3 4 - 9 7 1 2 Friday, March 2, 1984 Vol. XCIV-No. 119 (ISSN 0745-967X) The Michigan Daily…

March 02, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…/DOS has computer companies and others chomping at the bit. We design state-of-the-art system software. We need programmers to work on Operating Systems. Compil- ers (FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal, BASIC, C) Word…

… Processing, Data Base Management Sys- tems, Graphics and more. Our OEM customer base is a Who's Who of the hardware business (IBM, Apple, Radio Shack, Intel, Tektronix)..As new systems, like the IBM Personal…

Computer and new processors like the 68000o are developed, Microsoft's programmers get their hands on the machines before they go into production. So your hardware suggestions and software innovations dur…

…- ing R & D become part of the computers of the future. Microsoft provides the best sys- tems programming work environment. all the high-level hardware (DEC 2060, two 1170s, and ,VAX 11750 development…

… fifteen minutes away. We are looking for outstanding programmers-those with intel- ligence, drive, and a commit- ment to excellence. We want programmers who will advance The Standard in micro- computer

March 01, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

… at Alice Lloyd Hall. Computing Ctr. - Chalk Talk, CC Consulting Staff, "Handy Editor Pat- terns," 12:10 p.m., 1011 NUBS; Forrest Hartman, "Intro to Textforms II: How to Use Macros," 3:30 p.m.,,165 Bus…

… complete. UniVersit, 7 Health Service' Appl ic at ion Deadline March 12, 1984 ISN'T THAT. NERB's WIFE RUNNING AR~OUND WITH THAT HAMSTERp? C Eric Taylor-Andy Hill The Michigan Daily INDUSTRIAL…

February 29, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…. Computing Center-Bob Brill, "Fortran 77 in MTS, II," 3:30 p.m., room 165 Buss. Ad. Leigh Daniels, "'Using the Apple Microcomputer with MTS," 3:30 p.m., room 140 Bus. Ad. CRLT-Robert Kozma, "Using computer

… * Management " Computer Science Majors Software. Sales. At Cullinet it's a great combination. If your career choice is in the area of sales and marketing, and you want to put your B.S. or M.S. to work in an…

… Marketing Career so we encourage Marketing, Man- agement or Computer Science majors to visit our rep- resentatives when they are on campus. Contact your placement office for specific dates. If you are unable…

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