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March 30, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

… run it shows Student G through any computer program to. members and I tabulate results." reportedly stuffe fraudulent, director Sbe thrown out pending further investigation ve proof that some…

… Dunaskiss refused to comment. Paul Howard, who wrote the pro- gram used for the computer that will tabulate the election results, claims that "the only massive 0I claims fraud would be made by the person who…

… test or refusing to enter a rehabilitation program," Mogdis said. Proposal A boosted No issue since mom and apple pie has attracted the almost incredible across-the-board support which seems to be…

February 10, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

… the Ann bor Computer Club at its weekly meeting, 7:30 in room 4108 of the Michigan Union . . . or, come and reason together as Mike Pievely of the Mich- igan Energy Commission speaks on "Creating a Law…

… days munching apples, 7,000-pound Marcella the Ele- phant will roam with giraffes and zebras at Cir- cus World in Florida. The oldest of the Ringling Brothers-Barnum and Bailey elephants, she danced end…

… BLANCHARD Resting from her labors for a moment, Pam Hunt sits before a stack of wide, heavily inked computer print-out sheets and >' f philosophizes. "Time stands still," she sayls n f th nncn most students…

October 19, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…- tions." The winner delivered a rendition of "Oh, Susannah" on his harmonica. Others sang the na- tional anthem, juggled apples, and recited poetry- presumably not all at once. Mimnaugh was asked "your 19…

… drummer for The Who was fined $120 yes- terday after he admitted maliciously damaging an airline ticket desk computer at a Scotland air- port. Keith Moon spent the night in a jolice cell after the scene at…

… a British Airways counter. The musician reportedly shouted, bawled and swore at the counter and punched a computer machine which then broke down. After the court case, Moon said he became angry after…

April 01, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…, that insinuated t h a t the hermit could be the remains of one Horace P. Schlochmeisterk, a choir director at the university in the early 1920's who was ~big 'U' supply of Boones Farm apple wine, and an…

… had been shorn, his ID card had been defaced and his five day supply of Boones Farm apple wine had been confiscated. Detective John Nosupdeass of the Ann Arbor Police calls the murder "brutal, heartless…

… to have been reluctant to discuss trade ne- gotiations with SGC, but relented when Koza showed him a computer program proving that China could not lose money on the deal. "It's amazing what that man…

… can do with a computer," Chou said. "Ie showed that SGC's GNP is growing faster than China's." An apparent snag in the talks came when the Chinese trade minister A Choo claimed that he had been swindled…

April 09, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… for elec- trical computer engineers on "The National Power Survey" at 170 Physics and Astronomy Bldg. Trial and error The reason Larry Page didn't, bother to appear at his arraignment Monday had nothing…

…, Mysterious food rip-off hits tU' hospital corridors By LOIS JOSIMOVICH The University Hospital is facing a unique food crisis that only a team of detectives could crack. Soft drinks, , apples, oranges, and…

September 18, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…BIG APPLE MONEY WOES See Editorial Page Y A~fr DaitP, LIKEABLE High 70-75 Low 60-65 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan…

… letter to Rhodes express- ing unanimous concern, the committee stated, "We plan to continue to scrutinize the op- eration of CRISP (Computer Registration Involving Student Participation). If marked im…

November 29, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…," Children's Psychiatric Hospital Aud., 10:15 a.m. Fruity flock DETROIT - A frtlit-filching flock of giant parakeets has invaded Detroit's east side, reportedly gobbling the fruit off neighborhood apple and…

… grading system we must realize pos- sible implications on every aspect of the college - including admission and composition." Computer Sciences Prof. Bernard Galler, a member of the college's Executive…

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