April 09, 1937
(vol. 47, iss. 139)
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….A.U. swimming championship received a setback in the opening events of the meet here tonight, when Ed Kirar, Wolverine junior, failed to show in the 100-yard free-style. Kirar, who had been figured for a high…
… more than offset, however, when Lake Shore A.C. of Chicago, the Wolverines' biggest rival for team rivals, received a setback in the low-board diving. Al Greene, favorite for the Chicago team, was nosed…
… Goodlander,' according to the announcement, "comes to her new position with the whole-hearted sup- port of the Board." Hoytmen Seek Coast Revenge For '35 Defeat Wolverines Hope To Top Golden Bears; S qu a d…
…'s Uni- versity of California cindermen in retribution for the 76-54 shellacking sustained by the Wolverines at the hands of the Golden Bears in 1935. The 1937 model of the Hoyt track machine, undefeated…
… so far this year, appears to have the edge on the Cali- fornians in balance and power. There is the chdnce that lack of outdoor work may tell on the Wolverines, however. The Bears fell victim to the…