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December 18, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…r ' r i ,, } . A§R14W Aj VOL. VII. No. 62. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1896. Fo R PAGES-3 GENTS. p o (T iLID ® PRELIMINARY DEBATES. ht'communications, REGENTS' MEETI NG. T ~ijnn' MTalor Adelphi and Alpha Nu Societies Dear Sir- The artileeallIthe "Tapa- Business of Minor Importance l d Hodgnas~ pan IOX" whitasyou published re- Tsatd Hold Finals., o('('fle ((00 oi(' hr bythe Detroit TiZir~cEl AND i 1 - I buit, toily 'ather wh...…

December 17, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…1 VOL. VII. No. 61. ANN ARBOR, MCHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. O0 (DLIL D , O EXCELLENT RENDITION Regets' Monthy Meeting Senior Class Committees. Nothng uel beondthereglar PreielrrtS. W. Smith has appontedl 1I.e ljg [j0 fha lsGet ratrob routine busiess was one at the he--the torllowiiig ;Seniior cosonitees: the Choral Union. elts' mieeting yeteriday. An ,Ilioun1 .I Rcetion -s.H. ft. umphre, riiir- AND MPO TEe cal to ...…

December 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 60. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1896. Four, PAGES-3CTS ( ) E D, NEW DEBATINGz LEAGUE lOratorical Leaguie, bult because of the USE OF GYMNASIUMN, ,. T' I J..iiii ulber of oelriiinideil bateso that flits ~ To Be FormedL jgby the Leading would ocecaosioiift'e ideat, iWldropitei. Dne h aldu rtri Leadibngidth PladumFatr__aio The plan, ift' arrieti out, viii be ofrt ~enClee. icl~l.e "al t l fteisit-j te O hi al AND I...…

December 15, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…r 3DAY, DECEM BER 15, 189 . FOUR PA ES- CENTS. VOL. VIZ. No. 59. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUES @ W Ij~j @ ANUA BAL TODETROIT. and Asiatic powers have( their splendid HENRY THOMAS HEAL.D, '98 @ ~f JL1 ,~ 'NNUA BAL TOhouses. Thie ambuassador frona the LeadingY7 Tailor Paldu rtriyCm ittenited States alne lives ina 22-pl'Varsity Track Captain and f- ANteDal i oc ffrmtud5-I ltcDirector. P, DIPOTR Teanual all caluaittee,cont- t'fi Vocalictrack eamet...…

December 14, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 58. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1896. FouRt PAEs-3 CENTS. o J)ILD o GRADUATE CLUB MEETS. lexcept some one has said wen PRELIMINARY CONTESTS. - Johna Knox confinerei her ead and mij Delegate Chosen for the National Bobi un her heart, and therefore Alpha Nu and Adelphi Hold ha hefeetanJtb taovu siitNI RConvention. lo dnytinfevery0(1 liert ohngarlt."First Debates. ANDIM RTR The CGraduiate (i'l held a re-y Ihu'go Boned ...…

December 12, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 57. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. 0 jITlj )IN THE LECTURE COURSE.1 cton taken has only been taken with The Illinois Club (J3) IiL.ad1ateZIDem thl tlre eonitteI et tig of the llinois 1 Talrstntnvn-shl (-tetyafternoon JCaii '' io Bso ade'Smpoy O-ati ll (lisetsas ilroo. lsihrcll ties tuetWsq11 se~a it 4 i .m. in toon C. The eeting chstra Last Nighlt. nit re iw-lit isittnowsis the "hoor It I ti...…

December 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…he . f hAY, DECEMBER 11, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL.. VII. No. 56. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRII @ (D i D, BOSTON LADIES' ORCHESTRA Dr. Fowler e to Africa. CHRISTMAS WRINKLE Di. Fowler ,'Avwholo1:s heero for it-0 - ibeadlag 'Iailor A Most Excellent Program to Be (,rssII" ri',hi o ii ioeo otiste sa ubro Given Tonight. Bitllie liospit. l hs resigned to a-i Clever Drawilngs. (0 l 11 lel'. I C. IJiti-tzeli. the nenl\- -- - -__ AN D IMPORTER, 'I...…

December 10, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ti Al6i I f 1 VOL. VII. NO. 535. ANN ARBOR, MICHIIGAN, THIUROSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1S96, FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. FO-UR P AGES-3 CENTS.f @ (D L , © WHAT IS CONSCIENE Leadjig ailor Philosophical Society IDiscussed' It Last Nighlt. 4 A.ND IMPORTER,. 'flo ' lloolilool c,1S'oie tp'mo -tEi1dny ill 1001121 t 1 1 . I01. Th FULL UNBESSSUITS A SPECIALTY, '0011of ilt'1110 0. n'W] per 13 110)0 Io. 14, Prof. st0111oo', of the ' BOSTON LADIES' ORCLIIISTRA S...…

December 09, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…Vol.. VII. No. 54. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1896. Four PAGES-a CENTS. l l / Ij~jD O THE FOOTBALL MANAGER. wort by Mliss Aie Brown 'bfb of Ihe THINK WVE HAVE ENOUGH. - i rrofy of Mliei'. JT~dnn ol VWard W. Hughes Re-elected at on College Stang Farmers' Clubs Against Increased IJ.i UJ J I at Ng t's Meeting. Ii view of the (.ollecion of coo'ge Appropriation. - -DIM OR1R,011l ."11110' i(o11fCor 1Q01 by Prof. lVai'd11( uIlnfe, I'...…

December 08, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…A AAL of DAY, DECEMBER 8, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. Vol,. VII. No. 5 3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUES 0® LD L D , @p FERBERT IS '97 CAPTAIN.iTh Lecture o Tuberculosis. LTRR OK RQIE lescn ftie seris of lectures L -AYWOKRQIE Leading Tailor The Popular "Dutch" Elected at on "Nu-lei andl Nclein 'Therap" In the Six Year Combined Liter- Yesterday's Aeeting. wl dlierd m0t vni y ary-ILaw Course. AND i±YrUL.L t t tihe Varsity foobll lueting last of thl...…

December 07, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…lhc . o , ' . 11a b. VOL. VII. No. 52. ANNoARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1896. FOUR PANES-3 CENTS. T O (D 1JL S.D , UNION LEAGUE ORATOR.I University Chess Club Engineering Society. Thie chess club will meet tonight, for Prof. C. E. Greene reatiia valuable Leading' aifor Michigan's Representative ChOs- the first time lhis year, at 7 pt. u. in paper before the Enlginering Soiety j~j 1 en by the Faculty. te Engineerinsg library. The ...…

December 05, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…'AlkL ul Jme V oL. V11. No. 51. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER -, 1896. FOUR PAGS-3 CEN1tTS. (TII IjJ @ CHICAGO CONFERENCE. 1coti'teeeach (.Anal w e( Ledig ailor C f ontifluatRin of thle iscussionl of et111 e'. f<id the Proposd Rules ai d cpi i± fccl le R.'1 l V11 FULL IHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. hoe plaed oiil gec1Iecle illwir ii i iced c11 r iiimieiaite eie l ccI f l c a111 I NO, 2 E, WASHNGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. cci eel lote 1 al...…

December 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…i y i \ ' E ; 1 r 4f VoTi. VII. No. 54. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER -1, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. i 7 TN IL1.W DY @ tiII[CAGO CONFERENCE. Leading Tailor Rllles Prop)osedl for the Recru1a-j fln f ollo... 5 :1 h-2~ c AND IMYPORTER. BULL OWES SUITS A SPECIALTY. NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN, ~Rob Roy Lstcs.We hae i i lk # oes ' s t50 cents o c.01'' We hav o m plete line of pel'] ooeo made by Solon Palbe of New York. 0 PAL...…

December 03, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. : No . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1896. FoVE PAGES-3 CENTS. (i)f'i. Z,~ CHICAGO CONFERENCE. the timue limit of m toh lt ot ___I_____D toceosetito ole' yeoi. '. l110 ls otte Rules Proposed for the Reo-ula- for the reasoni o t he roteroti 1eaPQ1 ail or Iiin~ it) d to sns'ort'aifstsu. ' Lion of Colleoe Athletics. cthti tit( :(,A'ND IDM PORTER 0.Le )ot~silotittit'tilrt i :liclil''toittite FULL U HESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. ...…

December 02, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Vor.. VI No.' $-4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 186. Fo-R ]PAGS-3 CENTS 7T N IN TERE:STS OF ORATORY. Advisory Bord the sI ran(-e of ti- OUR SHARE 017 RECIPT1.S O . .s ( O Itt't0'ot'5 intHaivr d t'tivet in s_____ 1' li T , nr I Oratorical Association Holds an Ot lloi.(X(01ii10 Not Sufficient to Pt J's Ot of .'.J t irei i tt t i t v i tintl. Iet 1Ji.eeaciiirilg Mass Aetin(. sol tl ue t11o p llltO litrtn Debt. ANI~D IMYPORTER, ii'ii...…

December 01, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…Aw7mv ,y l , lot IRIM Y Y f 1 , . , , r . VOL. VII. No. ' . ANN ARBOR, MICITGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1896. FoullR PAGES- CENTS. o© (JiIL1D, O A AWELCOMlE GIF, 1 The MichiganAlumns Leading 1 ailor1othern lOratorical League I I'n(it d 11 lul illxvo tn CI i 1ortuinate. i'ii m le ,. 'eiii ii e FULL DRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY, iei ii ,imi i ii ,ii' II(, fa(I i miii r ND. 2 E. YIASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. I i I li 1111Cilii i' i 'C i i l'ii 'i...…

November 26, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…he . Qf I . W1ailjj. VOL.. VII. No. lq ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1896. EIGHT PAGES-5 CENTS. .. . _ _ _' _ As it means sif comiparing the SThanksgiving Day rivals, individually, statistics are useful. Below we give the weliht and lieiglit of the regular '(Shitrago players, and of all in the .Michigan squad taken on the Chbicago trip: ' CHICAGO. Positian Weight Height Hamll-B---RE 1685 6tel Boby (Cape - B--RT 13m :1 Toske...…

November 24, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…h e . 1 VOL,. VII. No. 4 - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. " I11 .. ]D O WRINKLE'S WRINKLES. Detroit; auditor, Miss Mary'13. Mumno. HUGHES' OFFICIAL LIST b ~ford, Detroit; directors, 1Mioo Francis ,Aj A New Collection of Wrinkle's C. Hundson and Mro. (4. U. tRobinson, Of the Men Who Will Be 'Taken "'ai orDetroit; Itrs. :.T.Sunderlaiol. Mrs. Leung~Old jobtes. j _Dio " N cttolto Chicag-o. ADIMPORTER. Wn...…

November 23, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…VOL. vii. NO. \ y,' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. (DJD, Leading Tailor AND IMIPORTER, FULL UHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY,' NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. 0 THAT COUGH $ will disappear if you try0 or Syr. of Tar and Wild0 Cherry. It comes in lac0 o bottles and tastes good. 0 0 PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S.!STATE ST THINGS: Worth Your Attention. Gent's Nullifier Slippers very choice. Gent's French Enameled Sh...…

November 21, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. s". ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBERt 21, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. W ..j 50 HOME SEASON ENDS. Inlander out Today. 1 OUR NEW CAPTAIN. The Inlander for ovemvber is out Lead ng T ilorLastGame to be Played with ton),. In general appearance it IS G. R F. Villa Elected to Succeed L a i gWittenberG Today. noceh he sonie io the last nonber. H1. M. Senter, Resigned. AN M O TE ,-- and its content, ae flly p to the r ~i~'oday the 'V...…

November 20, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 44. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, .DAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. FRI - 7 ___ l r i @ (ILD,~l Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER, ULL OWIS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN, *THAT COUGH will disappear if ysu try our Syr. of Tar and Wiled Cherry. It comes in 25-c bottles and tastes good. PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 FSTATE STd THINGS' WorthYour Attention. Gent's Nullitier Slippers v ery choice. Gent's French Enameled...…

November 19, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…VoL. VII. No. 43. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1896. FouR PAES-3 CENTS. 0 .)I L D , REGENTS' MONTHLY MEETING J. I'. Scripps. of Detroit, for the pre- Recital by Prof. S. H. Clark. -sentation of as. -alable collection ofPrfS.3.CakofteUirsy Lead i yg T iloap ost f te Tne ake U of Chicago. will give a dramatic read- 1 1 ~D. Benoeft of Jackso, for hlis gift of t11g of Shaespeare's "King Lea" in Wth1 Minor Matters. a fellowyshitpini ...…

November 18, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…iiI i i (t1 ni VOL. VIIL No. 42. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. o flJDD, o Leading Tailor AND IMVPORTER. FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. $THAT COUGH will disappear if you try our Syr. of Tar and Wild 0 Cherry. It comes in 25c0 0 bottles and tastes good. 0 PALMIER' S PHARMACY.0 j 46 S.!STATE ST.J 2THINGS: 2 Worth Your SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB J. DeFOREST RICHARDS ...…

November 17, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIE. No. 41. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1896. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. o TW I rrID ° THE J HOP FRATERNITIES tee. In ease this does not meet rosrt THE QUESTION PROTESTED. 0 ~ ~ -approval, a counter proposition, to be Le d n a l rTook No Action on Resoltions peetdt'5ca eh~i~n Chicago's Subject Not Acceptable / of Independents IS earnestly soliitd. to Michigan. AND IMPORTER. The (class ot '9s imet yesterday after- Jeffersonian and...…

November 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 40. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896. FOURs PAGES-3 CENTS. @ LI)IDo Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER, FULL UHLESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, PLENTY OF EXCITEMENT. critical points the 'varsity bracedt and MAROON DEFEATS PURPLE. kept their goal safe.,tbnt they did not Absence of Regular Players Made gain1 as they should. Clancy mode Our Thanksgiving Day Game a Close Score. try for a goal oil a (trot) kick, bo WllBuDcsie a Close ...…

November 14, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. NO. 39. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. (D IL D OBERLIN PLAYS TODAY. senators. she has the greatest nmer 98 Wins from High School. atT4, 9o college graduiates in the House of Niet-eiglt defeatedl the High 1.edig Tal rBest Home Game of the Season-- lteisesentattes. seliol at the fae gronidostra ingree and Duffy Pay. ddt ons to the Museum. afterooni by a sore of ait to nothing. AND IMPORTER.- Sea-s...…

November 13, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…00 luf DAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 38. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRI] r o WX T T D 9O A'THLETIC ASS'N. FINANCES.Traning r table 15weeks). 0 ~J ~ ______ endng and altering clothtes - - - - - j.jeiadina r[ ijo0 Report of Its Condition by Pres nietto'ttlttgpo- ident Prentiss. es rtteck accoutttt. ANDIM~PORT ER~. i t' ctrelt t tt iTe'nn 'tis ttccoutt........ *r - * rtttniriaiion regatrdtintg 1t-it" AileticiField o. F...…

November 12, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…VoL. VII. No. 37. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1896. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. @ WD IIJD , WILL SETTLE IT THIS YEAR. Protest Allowed. MINNESOTA WILL PROTEST. AManager pinger. of te high- Leading Tailor Michiganr Determined to Know sltool irons, presented at prtet to Does Not Think That Kicking Are Champions. the Athletic Board Tesuay tglil olSoudCut -I I P RT Rgiainrst the ttser-lass atne ttoutn A mu iivirn.'.ULU. 1f the championtshit...…

November 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…Von,. VII. No. 36. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1896. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. JT ~ ~~ CHICAGO ORCHESTRA. note ill securing Mri. High. aid lie1 NINETY-NINE DEFEATED. 7T- J ' ~ qO a.bitt'lettre rooli, t-iildoubltless tbe- Leading TailorFirst of Choral Union Concerts etaioilail witl ian ea.iar iiidieniiie. Ninety-Eighlt Wins the First In- Highly Successful. SoityPoraser-Class Game. AN M O TER.B T'lihe l'aing leagral iihlisaheenl, 1E A...…

November 10, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…VOL VII. No. 35. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1896. FOUR PAES-3 CENTS. ® (D L.. , JUNIOR-SOPHOMORE GAME '99 Medic Election NAMED "MICIIGANENSJAN." Iit metitng of '00 1M class was- Leadng Tailor Will Bie Played at the Athletic held in the appr lecture room, of the Palladium, Castalian ad Res Field Today. ottehall bbliog yeteray at l11 Gstae in One. AN M OR E .orloek. Nearly evert member of the- * A'NDIPO TR (re atlprelmrations bar...…

November 09, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…gIJE I ~I! A.3Waiv. I t.VOL. VII. No. 34. ANN ARBOR, MICHIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 189. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. o (Jj)D~ Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER. FULL OWLS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO,. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST,- NEAR MAIN. 0 IF YOU LOST $ * an Election bet, better0 * let us supply your Cigars or Candy. PALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 46 S.ISTATE ST) GREAT SIHOE SALE 1Tiltauray, Nov. 7.w-'eill akeslothe fel- Islowigeur inprie. Nothim 511111up in price, bat the reduc...…

November 07, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…tc %I. of Al. Wai~jj kol VOL. VII. NO 33. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATtURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. o IflJDDL,o Leading Tailor AND IMYPORTER. FULL UIESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN, IF YOU LOST an Election bet, better0 $ let us supp~ly your Cigars 0 or Candy.0 *0 PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S.!STATE ST. 0 GREAT SHOE SALE Till S hoelsy. Nov. 7. woswilmakeethe fol- tl~owtcrintpice. .Notiue'mortlup in prite....…

November 06, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII., No 32. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 136. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. W~ _DMINNESOTA IS STRONG2'nltes ill and woghs 11 ponms. SCHOLARSHIP IN HISTORY. liHe llieed our earso on the St. Jln's Ledn alrShe Has a Very Strong and Ex tran New Yiork. Original WVork to lie Done in L U ii Talr perienced Line. Se i etis2 et ] I etltnes tsailItwzeigho 3pond. Northwestern History. AN1D IMPORTER, i to 0511 terorteoy of Halph 510 Tin' a ttrutfio...…

November 05, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…...r L s w _ - Vol,. VII. No. 31. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEHBER 5, 1°96. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. ITNDIL1D ® LEAVE FOR MINNEAPOLIS.] l eoneltite slodentsa not ofe to('01 TOASTMASTER ELECTED, Lea.Ailing 'J~il~or Varsity Off for the Decisive Game Jun 0ll taolgh 1( u rsmn lv otobeTi vWith Minnesota. ttlik'srs atrerethr Time Mkn hie AND IDTPORTER . 10iitt k~~t orellll'ptll ot rof tIt-fite Iloitirs. litt nevter- tt i.trtt n trest ttt o Iitii...…

November 04, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…VOL.. VII. NO. 30. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 189. FouRs PAGES-3 CENTS. @ (D JLID q MINNEAPOLIS IS CLEVER. iyl ha had for several eaosons: Fl-n UNIVERSITY CHESS CLUB. ton, ceter; Iinlayson 0a(d Hrding. Leadin Tailor Mcia' tof ons Fortifying Her Team Against gad;SihadPryo ign Prospects of an Intercollegiate Mihi'a' SrogPont. Senrett. eds; RXXoOdiwurtit. qarter; Tournament. *AND IMPORTER. 1'1 rl la eeaea ~mai ooiis and Bale. hif...…

November 03, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…tIjc4IL f AlW lip VOL. VII. No. 29. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. Qtr(TN I Li 1D 0 NO MORE DETROIT GAMES. by ihhemKatc a. nmore thanlolat at Pennsylvania's Increase. T'University tf 'ennoclsania opened Tl eading Tailo This Plan StronlySugeedby1 11r these cirennistancrsisi to with til argeotnuniher of suet 1 t hewwndcer-ed ant thait those wino lave MtcCale. in its history, 2SUTlt. It tos thought . 1(heel)mo...…

November 02, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…II aI. of Al. VoL. VII. No. 28. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1806. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. L® @ 'WON THE EASTERN GA ME. Hlogg Ferbert, Ilenninger, l'li and SUNDAY MASS MEETING. 7 C~aley. Mo-chigon 12. Lehighl 0. callng L alo Lehie 11Falled to Score on1 the Lillhi 'Unwe flotil poor 1>0 (""0Iton Rev. Graham Taylor Tells of the ,of ieu imit(1 by the etnltl,' whiei Metz From Michigan. 1 e ctry hefote ply «o isotttit- Soiletemns AND IMPORTE...…

October 31, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…itt.,F L W ip VOL. VII. No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MVItURGA1N, SATruIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1896. SIX PAGES-3 CENTS. s'tunt red on last years team and tit for the two experienced ens Nho - - -s'ojsed (lie positon, would hae r " T AA e ..We('sirte 'arsity lat t son. teis - ' 't ts slailv lltNa''.i setles ell. ad is r Ysrog", i t aotl tic soolsn ile ilsd. tit i gt is 55 1iolls. I Inzitt. at 1',t ta(kls', is aissllierne nal. Ith iti Sieni isasilosa lrillai c us...…

October 30, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…c t e . a AAL. A, AL i ;IDA ', OCTOBER 34, 18 FouR P AGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 26. ANN ARBOR, 1l1ICHIGAN, FR @O W IL..DIA)j © -* EHIGH GAME. Hospital Circle of King's Daughters FOOTBALL NUAMER. Tttt ic re trondthtim-ticrsit - Lea 1 1g' ailor Iehigh Ien IetirE Even That many cltrtbe orgnintoioito hih Wrinkle Contains Many Excel- MichkanWil No Scre. o ogrtt hal f fod i inet oy. lent and 1arfe Cts. ANDE IDPORTER. 1'n o t iot leihlw 0- ttc"g...…

October 29, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…,j VOL. VII. No. 2J. VO . I . o 2 .A N N A R B O R , M ICH IG A N , T H U R SD A Y . O C TO B E R 29, 15 6. 1 o ut PA CY O -9 ( ENT S. o 7T-% U D 0 FRESHMEN ELECT OFFICERS. An Od Ladmark. ASSOCIATION IS STRONG. "T appallO 11oh." tilt tarift bu rr-oak Lecp~'Tailor Contest for Toastmlaster Remains tlout wneol of the library bulltilg. Enters Upon Its Seventh Year of j11Unsettled. 1111 of tilt' ldo tllulmllars ou1 tihe Successful Work. AN I PO T...…

October 28, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…Vot.. VII. No. 24. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1896t. FOUR PAGE-3 CENTS. U IL D , © CHORAL UNION SERIES. appea r in ~all of these. Negotiationo. A. L. C. ATIKINSON 7 are nrow p0eniding too' oerail celeboat gi mailo first Concert to Be Given by the 'ol ooloit.- Final airrailgeonrot will Elected Base Ball Manager for Leaiungt faorr. Chicago Orchestra. h mannaeent ater. cooo the Coming Year. AND IMPORTER'ilsie amngement oft tie, (...…

October 27, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 23. ANN ARBOR, MICHIIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBE4R 27, 1ISM FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. @ IL 1D , ® THE WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM. Yesterday's Line-Up ILEHIGH GAME AT 2 O'CLOCK -The practice yeoteril~ay sO dunle- Leading Tailor Details of the Work--The New Olteresing, and none of tae men wvere Sound Money Clubs to Parade Costume. tu teNosrt-teritdan at 4 Saturday. AN M OR E ,oi iloiaa. Blenme t Ia liot early- ...N1DI3:o1:i;Ea te p-i nor floor of il(e 0...…

October 26, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 22. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MON DAY, OCTOBER 26, 196. FouRs PAGES-3 CENTS. JT T ~~ PURDUE DEFEATED AT HOMIE Bennett....r .-....._Wb LOST THEIR FIRST GAME. _____ enhmarter....c. ..lumup (ar....I. g. ..t..libe-on T +cilj ' Tao r ichigan Shuts Out Hler Old- ..... l.f.... Wa 1I nr Detroit High School Wins from .Le~ lIg Time Rivals. lrtcli;iuiii. I. e.....MBarsthul the Freshmen. 4f f'leAND IMPORTERterte. _ Cteert ....._ .,'.r .... ii Th ...…

October 24, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 21. ANN ARBOR, MCIIIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENSTS. @ UIDDW0, TUiEGAME TOI)AY. rnticet., arnnSale iat 25 (tos. GOOD MATRHES SCHIEDULED) lett all turn out and give the freshi- letroit High School WVill Give itu Ieit etjtst incite Consolation Final n ei Leadinlg Tailor 11 i~it 4<tpnh-1 elbrFnl n ei the Freshmen a Good Rub gl enn1neI;tehl. Finals 'Today. AND IM~PORTFERi-t ti-- --Adton h-Lbar, Y t'' I'lt(, all-l...…

October 23, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…the . a ' [DAY, OCTOBER 23, 1896. Foust PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 20. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FR] _ P'- ~ JHILOSOPIHICAL SOCIETY. Eu let i's itzeele 11 vi e'lrl' i-i' CONSOLATION FINALS TODAY - dent,1anti A. {O. Oh son seretary-rtand I l rof W11enle T Tells of the Scot- ''st'''iefely'0111t' Atkinson Defeats IRanney Easilyr 51010 iof Ti'm'crs ''enl''y 5(01111and Lec n air tislh Philosophical Societies. 1iidl in First Class Singles. A.ND IMP...…

October 22, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…g~c tI.,Or VOL. VII. No. 19. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, $11. Wai jj. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. o WILJD, o leadiing Tailor' AND IPRTER. "FULL UMILS SUITS ASPECIALTY, NO. 2 E. WASHNIGTON ST NEAR MAIN SWe have the Ann Arbor Agency fo these good. You 11 eind noth- log nicer. They come tn pound 4 and half pound packages t 60c apound, we hove Lownies' if you prefer them. Also the tonest #Ooolte Creams ont cea ound f C thot you e...…

October 21, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…Vol.. V I1. No. 18. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1896. FouRn PAGES-3 CENTS. Leadin*,,g ailor AND EIMP)R -,1 +0FULLUiHESS SIB A}S M~ALTY. N0.L?2 E. W-~1, S'i. S T. NE I bdIN. 4 -- 4! '4V 1/ ~ -4i- 15E at . reasonabile inn- i-n't alwa ys easy to get. Ior 25 cents we gi-ve-You 0 oni that we can wuarrant to 0 )e sati slactort. etter look at 'cm tiext time.' 0 P.&iMER'S PHAREAC;Y. 0 4S.STATE ST. Wte Will ;tNic ),distounit ot ten iic...…

October 20, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…the ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1896. FouRt PAGS-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 17. O® ITuIN .dj HERRICK THE CHAMPION. orabe (diy are: Second class singlesSIHSNORPEIET 'i Wi a ns 'Varsity M from Lamb inllnasAkinotn vs. wtiner oftt ipldvy- Reevs12Vtst>0 o i~acm Li1' First-Class Singles. Wafrretitet-t dubl rliminary "aenigr AND IDIF RT R, lAIst the ina~s in flesfi t cls-ile ati K ndvi Iase1 luanti Binn At 'i~~The Sen~i(55ior ('elilg hel...…

October 19, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…ghc tI. of 'DAY, OCTOBER 19, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 16. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MOB ("' )ILj..ID, MICHIGAN WIN ANOTHER superior training of Micigan began Engineering Society. - to I..-el and the Lake Fnrest line he- A, liege nnunber of stndents attend- Le d n alor Lake Forest Fails to S-,ore on the camne badly demoralizeil. The 'Vii dth etn o h ngneln 'Varsity.sity scored abont ,no fast as they could_ alk ntowii the fheld, an...…

October 17, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…~i1~ i. o 3.a I. Voti- VII. No. 15. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1896. Fouft PAGES-3 CENTS. CDIZL4jD @0 REGENTS' MEETING. oy and Oology J. r. Faig. intrue- FINALS IN SINGLES TODAY. foin li e litiairl l-ngineei-ng to take Lea ing TalorItes1o Interest Concerning the th1 fM.Vite;Abv 7 Herrick and Lamb Play for the arious Departmcnmts. (le Egineering Deprtment; S. 0G. 'arit AND-T ( oluh, . D..asitant to 0fi le hir in foe~i h to otran...…

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