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September 05, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 137) • Page Image 44

… University's infrastructure. The commission reported that the University needs to upgrade its building wiring and also increase computer network. bandwidth. The University's exter- nal connectivity must also…

… a large campus. connect more classrooms to its computer network and implement undergraduate requirements to fur- ther knowledge of information tech- nology. A concentration in "multimedia studies…

… veggies and fruit and skim milk, 2% milk, 50% milk, orange juice, apple juice, and water. If you I CAMPUS INFORMATION CENTERS For the av'swers to alL our ~ cestows: 764-INFO http…

September 06, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

… cigarettes. Some- times they're not 18 years and they're surprised when we ask for ID." See POLICE, Page 7A New computers, software at computing sites By Shannon Pettypiece Daily Staff Reporter While…

… construction has created an eyesore out- side many University buildings, inside, the sight is much more appealing thanks to the newest additions to campus computing sites, including flat-screened monitors, new…

computers and new software. While upgrades can be found in several loca- tions, the most visible changes are in the Fish- bowl where the older model iMacs and Dell computers have been replaced with black Dell…

… Pentium IVs and flat panel display Macintosh computers. "The aesthetic appeal alone makes for a brighter Fishbowl," said LSA senior Will Ster- burg. "I have to be honest with you, it is taking a little…

…- intosh computers. Additionally, 30 new comput- ers were replaced in Rescomp sites, 20 at the School of Education Building and 77 at the School of Social Work, said Gregory Dumont, interim manager of Campus…

Computing Sites. These new computers are used to replace older computers that have reached their warranty peri- od of three years, Dumont added. "We're on a cycle, we try and do a third over a three…

…-year period," said Dumont. "We only try to keep a computer in the site during its warranty period, which is three-years. All of them worked, but they were out of warranty." The University worked with account…

… represen- tatives from Apple and Dell to select the perfect …

September 27, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

… condition. Runs well. Call 528-1437. comput ACTIVE COLOR LAPTOPS, $379, accessories, parts, memory, IBM factory rebuilt, warranty, & internet ready. 662-7193. HIGH SPEED INTERENT for multiple computers

…. Wireless or hardwired. Commlink, 734-368-5955. LAPTOP DEALS: Refurbished brand name laptops for as low as $299 + shipping, w/ 30 day warranty. Visit: THREE 1.2 GHZ computers. 12x CD…

…, Small lower level 2 bdrm duplex, w/ hardwood floors, new appl., detached garage. 20 min.. to Ann Arbor. $800/mo. 734-498-8241 evenings. LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdrm. apt. on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 Mn…

September 28, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 154) • Page Image 6

…, parts, memory, IBM factory rebuilt, warranty, & internet ready. 662-7193. HIGH SPEED INTERENT for multiple computers. Wireless or hardwired. Commlink, 734-368-5955. LAPTOP DEALS: Refurbished brand name…

… laptops for as low as $299 + shipping, w/ 30 day warranty. Visit: THREE 1.2 GHZ computers. 12x CD burner. DVD. 256 MB of memory. (248) 361-8842. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. We are showing a…

… CHELSEA, Small lower level 2 bdrm duplex, w/ hardwood floors, new appl., detached garage. 20 min.. to Ann Arbor. $800/mo. 734-498-8241 evenings. LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdrm. apt. on S. State, Near UM bus…

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