September 06, 2001
(vol. 111, iss. 138)
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… cigarettes. Some- times they're not 18 years and they're surprised when we ask for ID." See POLICE, Page 7A New computers, software at computing sites By Shannon Pettypiece Daily Staff Reporter While…
… construction has created an eyesore out- side many University buildings, inside, the sight is much more appealing thanks to the newest additions to campus computing sites, including flat-screened monitors, new…
… computers and new software. While upgrades can be found in several loca- tions, the most visible changes are in the Fish- bowl where the older model iMacs and Dell computers have been replaced with black Dell…
… Pentium IVs and flat panel display Macintosh computers. "The aesthetic appeal alone makes for a brighter Fishbowl," said LSA senior Will Ster- burg. "I have to be honest with you, it is taking a little…
…- intosh computers. Additionally, 30 new comput- ers were replaced in Rescomp sites, 20 at the School of Education Building and 77 at the School of Social Work, said Gregory Dumont, interim manager of Campus…
… Computing Sites. These new computers are used to replace older computers that have reached their warranty peri- od of three years, Dumont added. "We're on a cycle, we try and do a third over a three…
…-year period," said Dumont. "We only try to keep a computer in the site during its warranty period, which is three-years. All of them worked, but they were out of warranty." The University worked with account…
… represen- tatives from Apple and Dell to select the perfect …