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September 04, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

….97 & up Briarwood Mall - AnnArbor, MI 48104 . 313/663-3106 *Full line of Supplies and Accessories *Authorized AppleTM Service Center Authorized Dealer *1985 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple and the Apple logo…

… are registered trademarks of Apple Computer. Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. and is being used with its expiespermissawn. Ani oi An nigthree ki d f eyeglass Ienst ode kin d…

… Michigan Student Assembly. Thirty students held a brief picket outside the laboratory of Elec- trical Engineering and Computer Science Prof. George Haddad in July after the awards were announced. Haddad…

…, whose $14.6 million project was the largest of the University's URI projects, will study methods of increasing the speed of computer microchips. Researchers happy "This is one of the best projects…

… on coe reaches virtual standstill Complete Computer Center is Ann Arbor's oldest and most experienced computer dealer. Located just two blocks from campus, we offer a full line of computer supplies…

…, accessories, peripherals and software. Our Service Department and Technical Support Department are fully equipped and trained to service all your computing needs. Come in and see what Complete Computer Center…

September 04, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 1) • Page Image 26

…. Changes wrack student publications By ROB EARLE The computerization of the Daily is only one of the changes that will also undergo changes. Under editor Seth Kluckoff, the Review, student publications are…

… has reared its ugly velcro head. The Daily is .. . getting computers. Sure, putting out the paper will be more efficient, %iicker, and the paper will probably have less mistakes and typos than in the…

…, sleepy, tense, people scream out now? "Oh, the beeping of the computers hurts y head, and where are the crackers for my brie?" Changes But changes are nothing new to the Daily. For exam- le, we used to…

… and progress stand side by side. A manual typewriter used as of this summer at the Daily fronts one of the Univer- sity's new phones. Computers will replace the antiquated typewriters this fall…

… to "do something towards foreign service is Asia." This year, she is taking prerequisites in political science and Chinese. She usually studies with other students because they can share ideas. Apples

…, is like comparing apples and oranges. Study pressures, competition, and direction after graduation are part of any students' academic life. But dif- ferent concentrations influence these factors…

… differently. In math and science classes, tests are usually multiple choice. With every seat in a large lecture hall filled during an exam, the most efficient way to grade is by computer. Grading based on the…

… said there are some engineering majors entering. other areas like business, law and medicine. Within engineering, some prospects are brighter than others-electrical and computing engineers are doing…

September 15, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

… hurt academic image BusiNEss Questions About Computing at U-M? A .... s"s - , - - We Have Answers! Come to- An Introduction to Computing Resources on Campus Wednesday, September 17, 3:00-5:00pm Rackham…

… MBA's,have helped improve students' scores by as much as 250 points!! IBM-PC version in 5 diskettes. Apple lie version also available. Price: $99.95 (Includes postage). See your local dealer or contact…

… help get you through college. And help you pay for it. Because unlike college. they're surprisingly affordable. Calculators Audio, AN Equipment Banking FOR COMPUTER TERMINALS! Heres on ideal, famous…

… with Touch Tonesor Pulse dialing. Automatic redial key. Automatic computer sign-on. Automatic screen on/off. Typewriter style keyboard. Full ASCII characters. 40.80 character line selectable. Four…

September 24, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 15) • Page Image 7

… that you can dramat- tion, the stiffer the competition. But don't despair. 17 ically change the course of E - _ Apple® has two ways to make sure the competition eats your dust. Just take part in a…

… five minute demonstration of the Macintoshr personal computer. You'll see how Macintosh can History Biology And whatever else you maybe studying. Macintosh and aTrek bike. Both will do more than help…

September 30, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

… Satur- day. -ii Dil 4 7ji -541 5j7 0 LOST & FOUND FOR SALE FOR SALE PERSONAL CHEAP COMPUTER TERMINALS- 15 Bucks per month including modem. Call 761- 6100 NOW or stop by 334 S. State between…

…***** Colorful Soviet Posters 663-9762 20-30% OFF IBM, Apple, Commodore soft- ware. Call Automation Link, 747-9000. DRAWING TABLE, Armchair, Coffee Table great cond. Prices negot. 995-0862. LOFT- 5 Ft. Tall…

September 29, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…A Page 6- The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 29, 1986 1 1 IWi 711I44 (TP(To7 LOST & FOUND FOR SALE FOR RENT PERSONAL HELP WANTED MUSICAL CHEAP COMPUTER TERMINALS- 15 Bucks per…

… teardrop leather thing on it. Was lost on Commuter lot or Central campus. Call Lau- ren. 763-8217. FOR SALE *****PROPAGANDA***** Colorful Soviet Posters 663-9762 20-30% OFF IBM,.Apple, Commodore soft- ware…

September 19, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…'s easier to hide." Helmut Osorio, an LSA junior said that, he has never had a problem with security while bringing alcohol into the stadium. "We usually take apple cider spiked with alcohol to the games…

… Engineering and Computer Science Building on North Campus. The EECS building opened for classes this month. N CampuCRISP atdds convenience " Our U of M Bean Bag "Maxey Chair" offers soft (but rugged), form…

September 09, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

… Press and subscribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times I Apples has two ways to make sure the competition eats your dust. Just take part in a five minute demonstration of the Macintosh…

…" personal computer., You'll see how Macintosh can History Biology And whatever else you maybe studying. Macintosh and aTrek bike. Both will do more than help you get ahead. Both will take you anywhere you…

September 24, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 15) • Page Image 6

…0 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 24, 1986 [I 1l 7IC4C-AF0'I7 =4q LOST & FOUND FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL CHEAP COMPUTER TERMINALS- 15 Bucks per month including…

… ************************************ ***CARPET CLEARANCE SALE. EVERY CARPET MUST BE SOLD. CALL 663- 3889. PRICE 20-30% OFF IBM, Apple, Commodore soft- ware. Call Automation Link, 747-9000. APPLE ][E W/EVERYTHING 128K Print- erJVC Box w/ 4 speaks…

September 26, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 26, 1986 Dj 7It4-Cij71 1 LOST & FOUND FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL CHEAP COMPUTER TERMINALS- 15 Bucks per month including modem. Call…

… 20-30% OFF IBM, Apple, Commodore soft- ware. Call Automation Link, 747-9000. BROWN COUCH w/2 matching chairs $ ta- bles. $350 for set. 483-4913, after 6 p.m. 1OFT- 5 Ft. Tall, Qucensize, Ladder. 663…

September 25, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

…Page 6- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 25, 1986 4 Dil 7j4f4U 4O(7 i I, LOST & FOUND FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL HELP WANTED HELP WANTED CHEAP COMPUTER TERMINALS- 15…

… BE SOLD. CALL 663- 20-30% OFF IBM, Apple, Commodore soft- ware. Call Automation Link, 747-9000. BROWN COUCH w/2 matching chairs $ ta- bles. $350 for set. 483-4913, after 6 p.m. COLOR TV, SAILBD…

September 23, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

COMPUTER TERMINALS- 15 Bucks per month including modem. Call 761- 6100 NOW or stop by 334 S. State between 3 and 6pm. daily. KEYS FOUND- Arboretum Metal Ring, Leather holder. Call C. Cohen. 763-0176. LOST…

…: BLACK AND TAN GERMAN SHEPHERD. Last seen in the Diag. 663- 2329 or 761-5676. LOST: JAPANESE JADE CHARM- if found please contact Vivi 763-2703. REWARD!! FOR SALE 20-30% OFF IBM, Apple, Commodore soft…

…. Please appl in person at the manager's office, 911 North University. 764-0446. THE MICHIGAN DAILY FINANCE DEPT. needs 2 people. Work-study preferable. Call The Michigan Daily, 764-0560; ask for Re- becca…

September 22, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

… improve students' scores by as much as 250 points!! IBM-PC version in 5 diskettes. Apple le version also available. Price: $99.95 (Includes postage). See your local dealer or contact: /C ' Comwell systems…

… candidates Get one at the Computing Center's Business Office on North Campus or the Microcomputer Education Center, 3113 School of Education Building Information Technology Division profits saying "anybody…

September 29, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…-Soc Res on Appl Issues of Aging, lec, disc, coffee, 3 Tropmen, "Public policy Opinion & the Elderly, " 1:10-3 pm, 219 Soc Work Ctr Bldg, 1015E. Huron. Tae Kwon Do Club-Practice, beginners welcome, 7 pm…

…, CCRB Martial Arts Rm. 665-7399. CEW-Women Stdt Network, lec, M Jackson, "Jour- ney through Education, " noon-1:30 pm, CEW, 350 S Thayer. 763-7080. CRLT-Workshop, K. Zinn, "The Use of Personal Computers

… as Aids to Instruction," 7-9 pm, 225 Angell. 764-0505. Guild House Writers Series-Readings by J Johnson & S Legget, 8 pm, 802 Monroe. 662-5189. Computing Ctr-Courses, "Visual (Full-Screen) Edit- ing…

… Others' Personal Crises," 9 am-3:30 pm, Mich Rms C & D. 762-3200. *HRD-Workshop, "Telephone Communications," 1- 4:30 pm, HRD Ctr, 1111 Kipke Dr. 764-7410. Computing Ctr-Course, "Using Patterns with the MTS…

…-Brown bag, S Cole, "Disability & Sexuality, " noon, So Lee Hall, Med Sci II. Computing Ctr-Course, "Survey of Text Processing on MTS," 3-5 pm, 1013 NUBS. 747-2424. Career Ping & Plcmt-Lecs, "The Medical…

…. 1. Reg begins 8 am, Rackham lobby. Computing Ctr-Course, "Using Patterns with the MTS File Editor" (2nd session), 7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS. 747-2424. Career Ping & Plcmt-Work sessions, "Introductory Practice…

…, 7:30 pm, 138 CAB. Computing Ctr-Courses, "Getting Started with the Michigan Terminal System" (2nd session), 8 am- noon, 1013 NUBS; "Basic Concepts of Local Area Networks," 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 4003 SEB…

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