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June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…__. Summer ce ly One iidred nin e years of editorifreedom 'U' to divest tobacco stock Monday, June r19, 200( By Laura Deneau Daily Staff Reporter The University Board of Regents decided to divest the University's holdings of tobacco stocks on Friday. Recently, an Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, established by University President Lee Bollinger last September, recom- mended that the Regents sell all of the University's sto...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday,June_19,_2000 Wolff named dea o School of Music By Rachael Smith - Boylan beginning August 1. Daily Staff Reporter Wolff who completed her graduate work at the University, said, "I always After more than a year, the search for treasured my days (at the University). I a new dean for the School of Music has wanted to give something back." ended. Karen Wolff, previously dean of One of Wolff's goals for her upcom- ...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 19, 2000 - 3 Regents apprye 30M for Hill renovations By Josie Gingrich and Lisa Kovu Daily News Eidirs The Lnitr sty Board of Regents approved plans to improe Ii Auditorium, a retiure which will cost mow tian 530 million, on Tlursday at imontity mereting. fhr auditot riot was built in 1913 after Arthur ilr, donated S280,000t o fund its Con- structiton. Todav while many world-renowned musicians continue to pe...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…4 -- The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 19, 2000 Edited and managed by GEOFF GAGNON PETER CUNNIFFE students at the Editor in Chief JOSH WICKERHAM University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors & Ufnless othersis.e noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opnnon of/ir 420 Maynard Street maoriyn of the Dailys editoria boat-d. All other articles, lettersioo nd Ann Arbor, M\ 48109 cartoons do not necessaril sefleet the opinion of The :Vichi an aiDo. ...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 5

…Monday, June 19, 2000 - The Michigan Daily - 5 - Nike treats all Ovorkers like trash TO THE DAILY Don't think for a moment that Nike Corporation's games are only in the area of workers in Vietnam (where they have 12 facto- ries, according to and other third-world countries. Nike takes its "Money above all else" theology everywhere it goes. I was working for Nike and was on my way oSpain for a short-term assignment. In France, I ...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 6

…6,, The Michigan Dailv - Mondav. Jna 10 120( " i m rt rwQa lost & found automotive UM GRAD RING WANTED 1948-1952. CARS FROM $500 For listings & payment Bob 734/662-I t07. details call 1-800-319-3323 ext. 4494. for sale furniture' BUY FORECLOSED HOMES from CRAFTMATIC recliner, $100 obo. 2 rust- $199/mo. 4% down, four listings and colored Lazy Boys, loveseat & 84" couch payment details 1-800-719-3001 ex. h884 (earth-colorcd) $500 abo 734/426-5...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 7

…DRUGS Continued from Page 1 Department of Education. "We didn't want to hold up people who were eligible for aid but were confused by the question or thought it didn't apply to them" "This law will deter people from using drugs" said Angela Flood, spokeswoman for US. Rep. Mark Souder (R-Ind.) who introduced the bill. " It will make people responsible for their actions." U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has been opposed to the law since it was ...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 8

…"The Genius" returns Ray Charles will ibeat Pine Knob this Tisda; catch him while yoi ill in. The night time is lefinitely the riht ilm michigandaily.con /Arts a ^r k { ,s h r . ... ' r > '" . MONDAY, 8 JUNE 19, 2000 Art-rock survivor keeps music real By Christian Hoard Daily Arts Wrter Lou Reed State Theater June 15, 2000 With big-name dinosaur acts like Steely Dan and the Who making the rounds this summer, it might be easy to forget a...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 10

…- The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 19, 2000 New 'Shaft' either a tough, cool cat or a cop out By Christopher Cousino machine" but a determined man role to put the fear of God into crimi- tailsharts Writer bent on getting the job done. nals everywhere, in this case the streets And that job is for the New of Harlem and the Bronx. And the Who's the black private dick that's a York Police Department. ;character of Shaft seems a perfect sex machi...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 19, 2000 - 11 '1Story' showS id's path to rock stardom majority of the compilation is dedicated to songs wl'inen in the early '90ls before Kid Rock becamse a household name. Mucih ofthte musicott "The History of Rock" represents experimecntal periods daring Kid Rock's career. As suc, they vary widely in style, from the Beastie orine's dark vision translates horribly Boy-inspired rap of "3 Sheets to the Per...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 19, 2000 QAMES Continued from Page 10 developer Yu Suzuki ("Virtua Fighter"). "Shenmue" is basically the closest a game has ever been to real life. You control Ryo and explore Japan and China with him. All the scenery is accurate, everyone you meet is doing something, there are weather changes, and even smaller things like the option to play old Sega hits in arcades. Everything is accessible and detailed...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 13

… The softer side Go online for the Searrs Cup fimril Standing;s. Isports SftPAwtolmoaORft'T'S MONDAY 1 JUNE 19, 2000 PROSAGASQ Byaha a a l) en tlchasmn duldreamu etl So St s maeu InIhrlidar it's 9(1 95 eery day and it ta tatll. I like going to tre base- hul l rowst On itiis div, Benson p1layed bcfcore a \V dneay 'afrernoon crosed if 4885, us thre Nasitors played iS'- first ol rlrrec- gaitte series against tH a lrrishr...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 14

…'14 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 19, 2000 MO N D AY Continued from Page 13 But for Michigan fans, these playoffs have been a change. The Lakers' Glen Rice starred on the 1989 national title team and either he or Rose will be the first Wolverine to play a significant role on a NBA title winning team since Cazzie Russell and the New York Knicks won it all in 1970. This season also marks the first time in Rose's NBA career that play- tag ...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 15

… exas prep tailback ooses Michigan It's \ery early in the football recruiting season with si ning day still over seven months away, but Michigan may have just inked one of its top recruits for the 2005 class. -Texas high school running back standout David Underwood, who will be a senior next year at Madisonville h School, averted pressure to stay state and chose the Wolverines Friday. The 6-0, 220 pound back recently wowed onlookers at Texas A...…

June 19, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 16

…I .1 :i' + x;;n7a' v a 3a ywy,: 2 # t aT ry az.; k^' x d. low- mik t I k I I I 4 I w ur n p IA . 1 .r. u . ' w _ J : ...,fie 5,;z" x '+x' 'I vi U S I Ikl I.I c Room%, Almm MK- No MERMI u M&M t TH m ff l E f'1 k akY F1 WE i Ink HU E I u :; v i pp.. awn 9% m a It al! 0 F fil I CH I GAN -arffii i a :'Oi'h W E AT S I in I R ItS u 5 1 AN"' HAT"AT THE Hsu u LOWEST …

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…2?eirkaituDalg 2. 2000 One Ann reel nin re rr is nr' p ifrt-!re-lrm i --l-I ............. Monday. June 1 iasarmic'hantrai1ar cnm Gas prices at record high By Rachel Green Daily Staff Reporter Summer driving has always been a great source of relaxation and a symbol of freedom for the young and the restless, but this summer the price of those little land cruises is on the rise. The recent decision by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting ...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 12 2000 Want to fill you YgU IT positios? Help u tfllthis position. W ashtenaw : ..: Community College has. responded to the need for skilled IT workers by offer- ing 17 newor revised certifi- cates and degrees in a vari- ety of computer and infor- mation technologies. You can do your part by Instructor becoming a part-time job- In t uc o share, or full-time instructor in one of WCC's IT pro- grams. Instr...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday June 12 2000 Safety remains an important issue during summer By Ginnefer Cox Daily Staff Reporter Although the University is home to less students during the spring and summer terms, the issue of campus safety remains a concern. Students taking classes over the summer, orientation students and summer program participants may not be aware of campus safety or measures taken to ensure the safety of people on campus. T...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 12, 2000 Edited and managed by GEOFF GAGNON PETER CUNNIFFE students at the g Editor in Chief JOSH WICKERHAM University of Michigan ' Editorial Page Editors 0 tnless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the 420 Maynard Street majoritr of the Dailys editorial board. 411/other articles, lettersand Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 cartoons do not necessarihr reflect the opinion of The Michigan Dailv ...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 5

…LTES OTH EDTO *Nothing wrong with Napster TO THE DAILY: I see nothing wrong with the use of napster. In fact, many of the bands I listen to make mp3's available from their websites and encourage the user to go buy the *CD after listening. Personally. I appreciate being able to listen to music before I give money to a record company that fixes their prices. Any band" that is only mak- ing music for the money that it brings in is not a band tha...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 12, 2000 lost &found automotive I Ni GRA RXIiN( NG 1 ) 148-192. '51(9 1FROil50 ' :r1, lm lpa cll ItI 4 1i -IiI I }1 ;( I I} lhI' t, ?-1 W7 551 "i (h ia S rrc ltcIn 9 'he rin Ir.Ckich.950) c~~r \ . Ip . shc(I Steilinn" 19899 ' I 1 ti St1)1/NI ,XAIIFRI'!!! 11()I (I 'n'ni ctrl1rl ((jin 9'' 15,000 C ll N9h\ 29 318 4 2 I;11,3 ht:ho 911 97 9CS I n 1(o 411l rechan ( ill is il bo.ciniinlnrll "1'1IS 99 I/.(iifi/!~...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 12, 2000 -- 7 Qnline entreprenusip m n students onthe rise By Ahmed Hamid Dally Stift Reporter teenage entrepreneurship is on tite rise and Ihopeful youngsters are holting to cstahlish a pres- ence online. According to the research firm Cotsputer Economics, over the next five years this trend will lead to a drastic change itt the demo gr cse of Internet etntrepreneurs. WOur research showvs that over the next ...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 8

…Improvisation, man... Legendary drummer Roy Haynes leads his trio featuring John PatitucCi and Danil AMONDAY, Perez this Friday at the Bird of Paradise. JUNE 12, 2000 /Arts '60 Seconds' of silly summer fun By Christopher Cousino Daily Arts Writer 60 seconds. The time it takes to spend 20 bucks filling your gas tank? The time it takes Nicolas Cage and company to steal your car? The time it takes to forget this movie? Yes, "G...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 12, 2000 - 9 Food, folks and Italian-style fun at Genitti's 'Blues' By Jaimie Winkler Daiy Arts Writer When was the last time you were harassed by the bride's brother at a big Italian wedding? Genitti's Hole-in-the- Wall gives you a good tongue lashing and some fine Italian sausage. Good Italian food and funny people are hard to come by, but Genitti's has both. The restaurant offers a traditional seven-course...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 10

…The Daily Show Go online to see how The Michigan Daily's IN softball team (the Daily Show) did in the second round of the playotts. t treA cla S"F RtwT MONDAY JUNE 12, 2000 1 Harris qualifies for U.S. Open at Pebble Beach By Albert Kim Daily Sports Writer The eyes of the entire golfing world will be focused on Pebble Beach this weekend as the U.S. Open gets under way. But, recent Michigan graduate Michael; Harris ...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 12, 2000 - 11 llinois Ihires Self to Devils defeat Stars 2-1, *place Kruger e A l f xx7" cm Ofn e 19 k W'Vill c~A iu LaJL4i1Iy LqI CHAMPAIGN (AP) - Bill Self, who lcd Tulsa to the quarterfinals of lhe NCAA tournament, was hired Friday as Illinois' new basketball oach. Self, who led the Golden urricane to a 74-27 record in three sons, takes over an Illini program returns all of its starters and key "ubs a...…

June 12, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 12


June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

… UiI £ibiran &zig One hundred nine years of editorialfreedomv wPREEM~n9RMMmMEitTT MMRMm EM~mmEMlMR donday, June 5, 2000 f s f x l Iospital may lose jobs y Sara Fedewa )ail Staff Reporter Tension has arisen among members f the University community after an rticle that appeared in the Ann Arbor flews suggested that 350 positions may e cut from the University Hospital taff. This cut would be part of an ttempt to slash ...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…- i ne Michigan Daily - Monday, June 5, 2000 University to hold tobacco comments session RL By Laura Deneau Daily Staff Reporter The public comments session on the issue of divestment of the University's tobacco stocks will be held on June 15 rather than May 19 as originally sched- uled, in the Regents' Room of the Fleming Administration Building. According to a press release, divest- ing in tobacco stocks has been an issue at the University...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 5, 2000 - 3 IBM donates $117,000 for Media Union computers By Stephen Daniel Burlingame For the Daily The University announced last week that IBM donated appr xniately Si 17,000 in computer equipment to the Media Union on North Campus earlier this year. The equipmren was used to set up a new Faculty Studio and additional funds are currently being used to replace the trairing room. While equipment tn the new F...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…4 The Mighigan Daily - Monday, June 5, 2000 Edited and managed by GEOFF GAGNON PETER CUNNIFFE students at the Editor in Chief JOsH WICKERHAM University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors 420 Manad tUnless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion af the 420 Maynard Street majority of the Dailyb editorial board. All other articles, letters and Ann Arbor, MI 48109 cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Dai...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 5

…LETTERS TO THE EDITOR #'apster steals from artists TO THE DAILY: In response to "Napster's fall won't be the end of MP3 apping" (5/30/00) it solutely amazes me that the Michigan Daily, creators of intellectual property, would encourage users to "keep down- loading MP3s and let the record companies bleed." Do artists and record com- panies that market and nurture these artists not deserve to be compensated? What if it was your money that was b...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 5, 2000 for sale frrn Ia ILI'Cd Hollc 11 AA. ?hlvluNIr. kie h, 9 0I 1I 11.I. XI 1111 (b ll1t 11 (01nc n o tat % ,, t ti m ,1 rd C vel r.C ii 11. 1!(X Ko11111 11 ti ICIIC I I 1)11(1) 11one an1m) !3I ORELOED 10NI: liomautomotive ____ _____________ 'x It II 1 IIIil' n ;AD iIDNTA ~'''' WWs '3 c (0 Ej > 1, f . ,! W0k .l 2).,II . 4 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Joyce. Nichols Lewis Ii 01 ( 01 Iii 1100 (,li...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 5, 2000 - 7-''0 MEDIA UNION #ontinued from Page 1 ~e hcginning of July. Meanwhile, an ad hoc committee of dcans and University administrators will run the Media Union while the University hunts for a permanent replacement. Paul Courant, assistant to the Provost, said that following O'Keefe's departure, the daily operations of the Media Union will continue to run smoothly. "From a student's perspective, all of...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 8

…Pop-punk's not dead Blink 182 comes to Pine Knob this Friday with Bad Religion and Fenix TX. What's my age again? Qije s MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2000 Alternative rock innovators return with new sounds By Jason Birchmeier Diy Arts Writer This weekend Detroit hosts the two bands primarily responsible for conceiv- ing the genre known as alternative rock: The Cure and Sonic Youth. Both of these bands spent the early to The Cure...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 10

…2 Live Crew Go online to read about Crew's exciting season which included a Big Ten championship and a fifth-place MONDAY finish at the NCAA Tournament. JUNE 5, 2000 /sports ood enough to dream David Parrish anticipates today draft, weighs pro options By Ryan C. Moloney uaily Sports Editor David Parrish is quick to keep his dis- tance. Yes, of course in his propensity for power-hitting - the Michigan Nine's senior catcher p...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 11

…Lakers beat Blazers 6 game seven LOS ANGELES (AP) - The Los Angeles Lakers saved their best for the very last. What was nearly one of the great- est collapses in NBA playoff history instead became one of the most unex- pected comebacks. The Lakers, on the verge of losing e straight games for the first time season, scored 15 consecutive points in the fourth quarter to erase a 15-point Portland lead and went on to beat the Trail Blazers 89-84 Su...…

June 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 12

…I 1JIVERSITy SPORTSWEAR m hi y Y 5 y. x i - Y V , ,.,, "*' ' S P . I I d : - 0- I ill I- ; k . i b " .; s t ,.. n F: t; A I x y ., i w ' [: k 1M1 k. R . ... ,., E K *IL I. COME SEE THE WORLDS LARGEST SELECTION OF UNIVERSITYOF MICHIGAN TI-SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, AND HATS AT THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST PRICES! …

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