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May 30, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…. Snow 1 I Michigan Nine Closes Season WithSpartans Five Wolverine Regulars Will Play Last Game; Smick To Pitch Finale Fresh from a weekend double vic- tory over Purdue, the results of which clinched…

… the Wolverines third place in the Conference standings, Coach Ray Fisher's baseball tossers will ring down the curtain on their 1939 season when they meet Michigan State in a return game at East Lansing…

… today at 2:15 p.m. For five Wolverine regulars and one substitute the Spartan tilt will be the finale in Michigan livery. Capt. Walt Peckinpaugh, Danny Smick, Leo Beebe, Elmer Gedeon, Pete Lisgor and…

… will again be missing from the Michigan line- up. An aggravated sore throwing arm and a family wedding have combined to keep the Wolverine pepperpot at home in Gary, Ild As usual, the task of filling in…

… Barry's wildness and seven Michigan errors in the Wolverines' home opener to hang a 6-3 defeat on the Varsity, have compiled a record of 11 victories and seven losses for the year. In their last' four…

…'s matches are: Chi- cago 9; Northwestern 7; Michigan 51/; Minnesota 4; Illinois 4; Ohio State 3; Iowa 11/2; Wisconsin 2; Purdue 0. Sam Durst, Wolverine number six man, provided the upset of the day as he…

May 28, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

Wolverine Varsity net- men whitewashed the Duquesne Uni- versity netters, 9-0, yesterday at Pal- mer Field. Due to a sudden downpour the doubles matches were forced in- doors, and were played off in the In…

… the Michigan base- P >all team a 3-2 victory over Purdue c iere today and clinched at least a B Third-place position in the Big Ten g race for the Wolverines. R Gedeon and Peckinpaugh each col- p lected…

May 28, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 174) • Page Image 7

… heir to 443/4 points of this year's total which brought the. Wolverine trackmen their third con- secutive outdoor championship. After Ken complements this array of track power with his own freshman aces…

Wolverine history. Chuck Decker vaulted well over 13 feet last year while in high school, and did 13 feet 5 inches in the Junior AAU's. Despite sickness, he has shown up well in practice, and may be the…

… far in the lead for batting honrs with but one game to go. Much of Michigan's success in the Big Ten race which is in its final week and finds the Wolverines fight- ing for a first place tie after…

… boasts a .375 mark which leads the entire club. Pete Lisagor has been the only Wolverine to ap.- proximate Charlie's rwco-d with a .335 average. Coach Fisher marveis at the man- ner in which Pink drops his…

May 27, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

… regular turn. In The Majors Wolverine Smick Allows T Boilermakers .: Only Two Hits Triple Scores Tying Run In Ninth; Baily's Balk Gives Varsity Victory (Continued from Page 1) Nine Gains 5-2, Triumph…

… where he scored on Hearne's fly to Trosko. After the Wolverines had staged theirlast-inningbuprising,, Smick walked the first batter to face him in the ninth and then made his fourth error of the day to…

… considerably. s mine a 72 hole total, by which the Wolverine chances might be reck- oned, Loar scored 307 which includ- ed a 79 and 80, both of which are above his usual game. Capt. Bob Palmer placed third in…

… the individuals last year with a 313. In four matches this season he shot 306. Palmer has been the chief point getter for the Wolverines chalking up 10 wins against two losses and a tie in the number…

May 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… of the pressure that ac- companied their quest for the Big Ten baseball crown, the Wolverines open a two-game consolation series for third place with Purdue at Lafayette, Ind., this afternoon. The…

… both teams. fi.mick Hurls Opener As usual, Coach Ray Fisher will bank on Danny Smick and Jack Barry to take the mound in that order to gain the Wolverines a creditable spot in the final Conference stand…

…. Percival, Kidwell Mainstays Percival and Kidwell have been mainstays of the Wolverine squad in the singles matches for the past two years, with Percival alternating be- tween one and two spot this year, and…

… against Duquesne will mark the second meeting of the year for the two teams, with the Wolverines winning the first, 9-0. The match was played at the end of the Weir- men's spring trip, and the Pittsburgh…

May 25, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

… student swallow fish; No Emily Post drank from a dish. At noon I saw no shooting stars. No horrid green men came from Mars. No empty "P. Bell" Friday night; No Phi Bete hid his key for spite. The Wolverines

May 23, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… knocked in two runs with a brace of timely singles, his second hit tying the score for the Wolverines in the ninth. Michigan's game-winning tally was pushed across in the tenth when Mike Sofiak and Walt…

… lifting a fly to right- field to score Sofiak. The Wolverines jumped off to an early lead in the third when Leo Beebe opened the inning with a single, advanced to second on Smick's bunt, and scored on…

May 23, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…-base. Running in at full speed, Pink speared the ball off his shoe-tops, turned two complete summersaults, but held on to the ball. Sixth Victory The victory gave the Wolverines a Conference record of six wins…

… wound up its regular dual meet schedule here on the shortend of an 11/-61/ score. This gives the Wolverines their fourth loss of the season in 14 years. Two weeks ago, it was a sub-parI 68 by Capt. Roy…

… Is Medalist Medal honors on the Wolverine squad went to number one man Jack Emery who put together a 37 and a 36 for a one over par 73, that only won enough holes to net the Michi- gan ace a half point…

May 23, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

… fourth institute. In the four institutes, 28 college teach- ers are being trained this year. Leads Band Wolverine Co-Op To Consolidate Rather Than Expand Next Year Prof. William D. Revelli will lead the…

… executive board. Next year will be a period of con- solidation, rather than expansion, for the Michigan Wolverine Student Co- operative, Inc., according to John Scheibe, '42M, newly elected president of the…

May 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… without in-g volving Britain too far in eastern Europe. -" Golfers Upset 1 Hoosier Foure Wolverines Take Morningl And Afternoon Matchesa By WOODY BLOCKt Michigan's golfers, building up ac strong lead in the…

… round, the Wolverine duo of Pal- mer and Tom Tussing took three points away from Jack Mueller and Frank Penning who had scores of 79 and 80. Tussing turned in the sec- ond best Michigan card with a 73…

…. Jack Emery's 74 and Fred Dannen- felser's 79 were good enough to add two points to the Wolverine total in the morning foursomes. Indianla captain Walt Cisco shot a 78 and his partner Pete Grant a 77 to…

… symphony of its four motors, were 17 men, the first to cross the Advances To Conference Title With 643/4 Points - " 1 i 1 Wolverines Score In 14 Events And Set New MichiganHigh Score Watson Wins…

… presenting Charley Hoyt with an "M" blanket on his last appearance as Michigan track coach. Outside of this fitting tribute, the Wolverines showed no mercy as they won 7 events in rolling up 641/4 points. It…

May 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… put mark. f 2 ft. 11/2 in. he set last year and e has surpassed Arlie Mucks' 23- 'ear-old record of 15 ft. 2 in. in the iscus. Warren Breidenbach, sensational wolverine sophomore, is expected to ead a…

…-shot possibilities yesterday afternoon, as the Wolverine baseball team coupled some more faulty fielding and baserunning to Pitcher Danny Smick's wildness in handing Minnesota 5-4 victory. The defeat catapulted the…

… Charlie Pink a moment later, Boerner romped home with the second Gopher run. The Wolverines immediately turned on a bunting attack in their half of of the first and before the inning was over, had tied" the…

May 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

… Ferry Field today at 4:00 p.m. In spite of a bad spill in the Michi- ;an Normal game at Ypsilanti earlier this week, the veteran Danny Smick is expected to take the mound to keep the Wolverines' pennant…

May 16, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…7,MAY 16, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMEE Wolverine Nine Tied By Ypsi; Linksmen Lose To Illinois C"}--- Varsity Uses Five Pitchers In 5-5 Draw 12-Inning Game Is Called Because Of…

… favored to win had he not hurt his knee, and Don Canham, who took second in- Netters Seek Tenth Victory Of Season Seeking their tenth win of the year, and their fourth in succession, the Wolverine netmen…

… singles and doubles matehes, the Wolverines do not expect too hard a fight in today's match. In first spot for the Kalamazoo team is Marion' Shane, Michigan Intercollegiate Singles Champion. Shane won the…

Wolverines num- ber one team last year, as well as win- ning the Michigan Intercollegiate doubles championship. doors, are unlikely to be in shape to battle Capt. Bob Diefenthaler of Illi- nois. Jake Townsend…

…'s Walter Mehl, collegiate record holder in that event, figured to double in the mile, the Wolverine distance ace should carry home the mail. In the mile, Michigan can do no worse than last year when none of…

May 13, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

… launched a 13 hit attack on big Danny Smick to take a 9-5 victory{ over the Wolverines in the opener of the all-important twin bill between the two schools. Today Coach Ray Fisher will stake his chances on…

… Michigan victory would return the Wolverines to second place with a crucial fight against the league lead- ing Purdue nine looming two weeks hence. Smick, who turned in brilliant per- formances in pitching…

May 12, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

… crest of a six-game win- ning streak and with Conference title hopes at the highest peak in three years, Coach Ray Fisher's hustling Wolverines will meet Indiana, de- fending Big Ten Champs, in the first…

May 12, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

… Jampel 4570 evenings. 657 dozens and dozens of LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 t~f, .hic J State Street on the Campus Wolverine 11 Newly Appointed CAA Head Senior…

May 09, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

… the Appala- chian Operators Association operates under the unit rule. Wolverines Face Kalamazoo Nine Smick To Pitch As Team Seeks SixthStraight Win By NORM MILLER Coach Ray Fisher's high riding…

Wolverines will be after their sixth straight victory when they play host to Western State Teachers College here today at 4:00 p.m. It will be the last non-Conference home game of the season for the Varsity…

… form for the impending Big Ten battles, Coach Fisher will use Danny Smick and Jack Barry in today's tilt with the Teachers. The Wolverine mentor's plans call for the veteran Smick to start and work for…

May 09, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TAIRES Golfers Dr Varsity Loses Second Match At Notre Dame News F Palmer Leads Wolverine FORTUNA' Linksmen; Sheehan's 69 Publicat Downs Emery, 3 To 0…

… and sr scores of the season. It wasi Capt. Tom Sheehan of Notre Dame, select group with a one under par 69, defeated Jack Churchill D Emery of the Wolverines 3 to 0 this faces who d afternoon. Sammy…

… with an effec- tive curve, which is the only thing he R lacks now." Before coming to Ann Arbor in By February, Vukas literally burned up CharleyI his little Pennsylvania town with his Wolverine t fire…

Wolverine coach's tutelage. From him second present indications, he should de- not a fluke, velop into a dependable starter be- too. Perry fore the 1940 Big Ten race gets under this event way. been since last…

… the last four clubs that have come to call en the Wolverines. And Smick, Barry & Co. don't expect to be .anding out any plums today, either. Coach Charlie Maher's charges have broken even in the six…

May 07, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…, Jack Barry followed Danny Smick's example by holding the highly regarded Illinois batsmen to three scattered hits, and the resulting 4-1 victory put the Wolverines in a challenging position in the Big…

… s silent junior ace then ruin hopes by.striking out danger MccConnell. The Wolverines found ou very outset that they werei soft afternoon as Al Gran Wallie Roettger's soph star down in order for two…

May 06, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…:15 p.m. following the In- diana track meet which will start at 2 p.m.- Wolverines in a contending position in the Conference race for the first time in three years. Today Coach Ray Fisher will pin his…

… brader discre- tion to the President would result in "an alliance with the British." Track Opener With Hoosiers Set For To1eday Wolverines Are Favored To Overcome Indiana; Meet Starts At 2 P.M.j By DICK…

May 05, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… the Wolverines play host to Illinois on Ferry Field this afternoon. The game, which is the first of a two-game series, will begin at 4:05 p.m. and admission is free to students presenting identification…

…. Varsity Needs Sweep With an even record in their only two Conference games played, the Wolverines need a sweep of this se- ries to keep up with the leaders and rate serious title consideration. A split will…

May 05, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…R , fiL: ~ T $9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TH1REI Wolverine Varsity Nine Tackles Illinois Here This Afternoon Smick Agaiii Receives Call In Crucial Test Injury Jinx Keeps Two Illinois…

… for three years and the Wolverine heavyweight's 57-second victory in his opening professional encounter last Tuesday night has only added kindling to the fire of controversy.- Many suspicions have been…

… Percival, John Kidwell, Sam Durst, Ed Morris and Howard Bacon. Wildcats First Opponents Northwestern will be the first team the Wolverines will meet. The match was originally scheduled to be played tomorrow…

… weeks ago when the president, chauf- fuer, secretary and treasurer, Forest "Butch" Jordan, Wolverine* gridder and wrestler, decided that he could be a savior to Ann Arbor mothers and their children and at…

… root this afternoon when the Wolverines meet Illinois here. The reason for Lou's perplexity is the fact that both Pete Lisagor and Ernie Cavallo, rival second-basemen, are products of Weintraub's coach…

May 04, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

… , By LARRY ALLEN Led by their Captain, Roy Nelson, who shot a blazing sub-par 68 on the University Course yesterday af- ternoon, the Michigan State golf team chalked up a 10-8 win over the Wolverines to…

May 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

… prepared-1 ness. Barry Pitches NineTo 7.0 Win At Kalamazoo' Western State Teachers . Garner Only Four Hits As Wolverines Get 12 By HERB LEV KALAMAZOO, May 2.-(Special to The Daily)-Western State Teachers…

Wolverines' most. de- pendable pitcher on the southern trip, was back in top form after me- diocre performances in his last two starts, as he walked but one Bronco, while striking out six. The one pass Jack…

… change of pace. Two of the hits he allowed were pop doubles on which shoe-string catch attempts by Wolverine outfielders just missed- lire while a third was a scratch in- field bingle. No two of the…

… in four trips. Fred Trosko, Leo Beebe, and Charley Pink, also contributed two hits apiece t'the Wolverine attack. The Broncos had trouble with Pink all afternoon, speedy Charley pilfering four bases…

… after beating out two bunts. The Wolverines were held in check for the first two innings by a stocky right-hander named Harry Bailey, (Continued on Page 3) Italy Retains Colonial Aim, EhrmannSays Dewey…

May 03, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

… sacrifices by Bill Steppon and Beebe netted anotherscore: In the ninth, the Wolverines topped off the day's work when singles by Ged- eon, Smick and Beebe and a bobble by center fielder Fred Nyman, were com…

… The Daily) - It took Michigan's Don Siegel only 57 seconds tonight to show Detroit fistic fans that he is a force to be reckoned with in the heavyweight fight picture. The giant Wolverine gridiron star…

… SCORES Philadelphia 6, Chicago 1. New York 8, Cincinnati 7. St. Louis 2, Boston 1. Pittsburgh 3, Brooklyn 2. Is. Varsity Seeks Eighth.. Straight Triunmph Here Balanced Wolverine Squad Holds Edge Over…

… year the boys from East Lan-' sing are without the services of Ed Flowers and Tom Brand, the two mainstays of the team that beat the Wolverines in their meeting last year. Meanwhile, the Michigan squad…

… record of one win and one defeat already marked up in the record book, the Wolverine netmen turn their efforts towards Columbus, Ohio, where this weekend they will face Northwesternj and Ohio State on…

May 02, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… Western State Teacher's College; 15-2'/2. The Wolverine onslaught was led by number two man Jim Loar whose 74 was good for three points in the individual play, and together with Jack Emery's- 76, picked up…

… (Continued on Page 3) Predicts Medical Advance DETROIT, May 1.- (R-Dr. Hugh Cabot of the Mayo Clinic at Roches- Rookie Hurler Stops Hurons In 12-5 Win Wolverine Batsmen Come From Behind To Win; Play…

May 29, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… night, with Capt. Merle "Butch" Kremer on base in the tenth inning put the game on ice af- ter the Wolverines had rallied in the eighth to tie the score at 4-4. Smith Goes Route Burt Smith went the route…

May 27, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 173) • Page Image 6

… Loans up to $300 10th Year in Ann Arbor Ground Floor, Wolverine Building Phone 4000 201-203 S. Fourth Ave. R.W. Horn, Mgr. *This may be used as an irregular period provided there is no conflict with the…

May 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

… Michigan Wolverine Student Co- they have returned to school, note operative, Inc.: The date for payment holders who will return in Septem- of members' notes has been set ahead ber are urged to apply their…

… notes to May 28, 1938, and members may to this deposit.- obtain payment on that date or dur- The Wolverine will close on June on Aug. 19. Present memberships are applicable for use during the sum- mer…

May 25, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

… a great year, Bill Watson, Charlie oyt's "One Man. Track Team," last night was named to captain the Wolverine track team for next year. The selection of the big Saginaw athlete was made at the annual…

… track banquet held at the Union. He suc- ceeds the late Stevens Mason, Jr. as leader of the undefeated Wolverine track forces, Jack Green, Babylon, N.Y. was named to succeed Bill Bourke as man- ager. 24…

… paced the Wolverines to their second straight Conference out- door championship. His 52 feet 11% inches in the shot established another new Conference record. Among those introduced by Master of…

… Ceremonies Phil Diamond last night were past Wolverine captains Jack Campbell, Chuck DeBaker, Tom Eleerby and Bob Osgood. Other speakers included Doc Carpenter, team physician; Dr. May, veteran (Continued on…

May 25, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan Linksrnen Finish Third Behind Gophers, N Vildcatc Individual Title' Is Again Won By Richardson Palmer Leads Wolverines;: Barclay, One Shot More, Ties For Fifth Place…

… - three sopho- mores on the Wolverine outfit, fin- ished third among his teammates with of 317 and Tom Tussing, was foui'th three shots higher. Captain Al Karpinski proved to be the biggest…

… winner in the last two conference meets, was elected to lead the Michigan track team in the coming season. He is from Saginaw, Mich. Yates Defeats ui Ex- Wolverine Fischer Falls In British Tourney…

May 25, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

… Colby, Professor Howard Yale McClusky, and Profes- sor Willard C. Olson (chairman). C. S. Yoakum, Michigan Wolverine Student Co- operative, Inc.: The date for payment of members' notes has been set ahead…

Wolverine will close on June 10, then open again June 24 and close on Aug. 19. Present memberships are applicable for use during the sum- mer period, and special summer mem- berships are available at $1 for…

May 24, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

… ;ether rounds of 80 and 74-154. Bill Barclay, number one man on ,he Wolverine outfit was in fourth e place four shots higher than Evans. a Bill proved to be the master of the f first nine on the wooded…

… the second time he toured the lay- out. , Palmer In Fifth Place 'Bob Palmer was second low man among, the Wolverines, carding 80- 78-158. This placed him in a tie with Minnesota's Billy Cooper for the…

… last night at Toledo was cancelled because of wet grounds. The game may be played at a later date but no definite time has been set. would enable the Wolverines to end the season with an even .500 record…

… here the luck of the draw put the finishing touches on Wolverine hopes. Chicago, overwhelming favorite to retain the crown, was the Wolverine opponent in 4 first and one second round matches; The fact…

… up to aug- ment the team's prospects. Maroons Sure To Repeat Next year, however, liKe the one just past, will see the Wolverines fighting for third place. Chicago loses only Johnny Shostrum, their…

May 24, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 170) • Page Image 4

… were members of the life saving class dur- ing the winter season may obtain their emblems at Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Michigan Wolverine Student Co- operative, ;inc.: The date for payment of members…

Wolverine will close on June 10, then open again June 24 and close on Aug. 19. Present memberships are applicable for use during the sum- mer period, and special summer mem- berships are available at $1 for…

May 22, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…, South Wing, Uni- versity Hall. All Students who will be on campus for the next three years may enter the competition to be conducted at the Mchigan Wolverine for the posi- tions of personnel manager…

…, purchas- ing agent and treasurer. One need not be a member of the present work- ing force to apply. Applications will be accepted at the Wolverine office, 209 South State Street, from May 20 to 30, during…

May 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… less than two innings un- der the Wolverine onslaught. Danny Smick and Leo Beebe led Michigan's attack with two bingles apiece. The Wolverines' defensive play was by far their best of season. For the…

… plate. Four Wolverine base-hits coupled with a pair of Mandjiak's own .bon- ers led to the hurler's downfall in the second frame. Leo Beebe, first man up, slapped a Texas leaguer, and counted Michigan…

… his Conference titles in these events. The Wolverines lived up to expecta- tions in all events and added a few surprises along the line to strength- en their title bid. Coach Charlie Hoyt's crew…

…. On the track, the Wolverines quali- (Continued on Page 3) Starr Tag Sale Begins Today, Proceeds TQ Help Educate Under-Privileged Boys The Starr Comonwealth opens its fund drive for under…

May 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

… with a college education- and a fast ball and curve. ,The elongated one who had hurled a no-hitter for the Wolverines against Hillsdale last year and who had been captain and center for the cage team…

Wolverines Qualify (Continued from Page 1) fied seven men in six events, the mile, two mile, and relay events had no preliminary round. Elmer aGedeon and Stan Kelley both came through in the 120 yard high…

… QUALIFIES Wolverine chances in this event, how- 120-yard high hurdie.: Elmer Ged ever, are virtually nil with such en- tariley Keilcy. tries as Ohio State's Harley Howells Shot put -Bill Watson, .Jake Town…

… roster is, to say the least, Last week in an interview over sta- tion WOSU in Columbus Snyder re- vealed just how he regards the high- powered Wolverine trio. "Those three boys would make Ohio State Big…

May 20, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DA ILY Colhen Defeats Riley For Only Wolverine Win Chicago Holds Big Lead After First Day's Play; Drawings Hurt Varsity By ART BALDAUF t EV A N STO N, I., a y 1 9.- Spei a here for the…

… annual three-day Con- ference match, fell by the wayside in five of the six singles divisions first round matches 1Played today. Henry Cohen, playing in the number five spot, was the only Wolverine to live…

May 20, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

… competition to be conducted at the Michigan Wolverine for the posi- tions of personnel manager, purchas- ing agent and treasurer. One need not be a member of the present working force to apply. Applications…

… will be accepted at the Wolverine office, 209 S. State St., from May 20 to 30, during meal hours. Academic Notices Abnormal Psychology 42 Clinic at Ypsilanti Hospital will be held Friday afternoon, May…

May 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… opponents. Notre Dame has won seven out of their 11 games so far this season. A battle of left-handers is the prospect for today. On the mound for the Wolverines will be Herm Fish- man, winner of Michigan…

…, responsible for four of the Irish wins this spring. With Mandjiak hailed as a particu- lar nemesis to left handed batters, a slightly revised line-up will take the field for the Wolverines. Freddie Trosko and…

May 18, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

… With 5-4 Win- Senator Phi Speaks Kappa To Phis 122 Wolverine Batterd Collect Ten Hits; Loose Fielding Responsible' For Defeat By HERBERT LEV Michigan Normal's baseball team avenged an earlier defeat…

…, when they took advantage of four Michigan er- rors, in addition to several other lapses in the field and on the base- paths, to eke out a 5-4 victory over the Wolverines, yesterday afternoon at Ferry…

… Field. In losing, the Wolverines proved once more that Martin "Rube" Zach- ar, Ypsi's ace pitcher, was no puzzle to them. The' Fishermen combed the Rube's offerings for 10 bingles, with each of the…

… regulars but Don Brewer sharing the total. Big Ed Andronik, who started on the mound for the Wolverines, hurled a much better game than the box score indicates. Ed allowed six hits in his seven inning tenure…

May 17, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

… score of .171/2 to 91/2 in the first visit that the "Fighting Irish" have ever paid to Ann Arbor. The match was tied at 41/2 points at the conclusion of four-ball play in the morning but the Wolverines

May 13, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

… intensive play yesterday by taking an 8-1 trouncing from Coach Paul Benett's Northwestern squad. Hank Cohen was the only Wolverine to win in the singles, going three sets to down Mac7 Milne 3-6, 6-4, 6-2. The…

Wolverines are forced to for-1 go an expected day of rest today. Due to a schedule mixup the Wolver- ines must play Purdue today- at the same time that Northwestern meets Ohio State. The matches will be played…

… clouts-so handy in those nip and tuck affairs. Series Unpredictable Anyone who tries to dope Michi- gan's chances in this series is wast- ing his time. The Wolverines are that kind of a' ball club-in today…

…, c liaas, sa Fishman, p Kilmer or Dagenhard, p By ROY HEATh Only one thing bothers Michigan track coach Charlie Hoyt and it isn't Larry Snyder's Ohio State tracksters whom the Wolverines engage Satur…

May 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

… except students. PERSONALLOANS Up to $300 Personal Finance Co. 376 Offices 10th Year in Ann Arbor Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg. "01-203 S. FOURTH AVE. Phone 4000 RXV Hon, Mgr. I Y r rLORRO BY OOALL nM THE…

May 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

… their home schedule this weekend at the Palmer Field courts. The Wolverines are hosts at a tri- angular meet this weekend which will see both the Northwestern and Ohio State squads taking part with the…

… Weirmen. Today the Varsity plays Northwestern. Tomorrow Ohio State and the Wildcats clash, and Satur- day the Wolverines return to action against the Buckeyes. Game time today is 2 p.m. The return to action…

… championship Chicago squad. Crisler Ends Spring Practice Satur Wolverine grid ailments which and insufficient blocking out in front tors as past reputation m caused a chronic bogging down for f he runner on end…

… opponent and helps a better meal. hold up the morale of the home team.AA Shoddy tackling also played its part ARBORSPRINGSWATERC PAN in the mediocrity of the Wolverine Phone 8270 gridders. "Too much arm, not…

…, HELEN DROPS ONE GAME LONDON, May 1l.-(P)-Helen Wills dropped only one game today as she defeated Miss H. R. E. Bullen, 6-1, 6-0, in the third round. WM. B. AMSTUTZ 607 Wolverine Bldg. Phone 8946 rthe A…

May 11, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

… It Burt ca thank a pair of forgotten1 men in the Wolverine batting order for yesterday's win. With the bigr Michigan guns silenced, Leo Beebe and Pete Lisagor stepped out of hit- ting obscurity to…

… one, of the top-notch Wolverine performances of the year. Smith Is Effectivel Mixing up a good curve and anl effective fast ball, Smith left 11 off the enemy stranded on base, strck out six, and walked…

May 08, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

… BENJAMIN Indiana and one of her strong-arm sons, hefty Bill Smith, had too much on the ball for Michigan's baseball team yesterday as the Wolverines dropped their fifth Conference game of the season 4 to 1…

… and two were Michigan gifts. The Wolverines' only tally was the di- rect result of a Hoosier error in the second. Johnny Hobson dropped Danny Smick's terrific clout in cen- ter, and it fell for two…

… left, scoring Smith. Run number three crossed on Frank Filchok's infield out. Wolverine Attack Fizzles The Wolverines were still in a giv- ing mood in the fourth, and the Hoo- siers were gratefully…

… as Heldt scampered all the way home for the Hoosiers' last run. That was all-despit occasional rumblings by both teams-until the eighth. The Wolverines had all their power on tap that inning, but their…

… :C. Culver, Michigan. Distance: 23 feet 9 5/8inches. N.U. Golf Team MeetsVarsity Purple Faces Wolverines Here Tomorrow It'll be nip and tuck at the Uni- versity golf coursettomorrow when Nortnwestern…

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