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May 01, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

… ....... ....MAROONS TO T K "ri FIRST BIG TEN WIN Five Mishaps to Gain 4 Knowles Help Wolverines to 3 Decision; Hurls Well. ILLINOIS GAME CARDEDI Fraternities Plan Entertainment in Conjunction With Union for…

… unimpressive fashion to Mich- igan's Varsity Baseball team yes- terday afternoon on Ferry Field when the Wolverines emerged on the negotiable end of a 4-3 count over Chicago in the renewal of the competition in…

…. Harvey Straub rap- ped a solid' single-ovfr short to score Hudson with the-second!, run. When Fish juggled Daniels' roller the Wolverine was safe and Straub gained second. Tipler overthrew first on…

May 02, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… Because of Rain; Nine to Play Two Seven Inning Tilts Today DRIVEFOR SUP PORT Holtzman and Kiegler Will Hurl hold down the visitors in the first rnI nufor Wolverines; Same a game. Davis, on the other hand…

… came The Wolverine squad of thirteen by Organizations; to Hold late this afternoon from the office players will entrain for Ann Arbor Tag Day Wednesday. of Colgate's graduate manager of .immediately…

May 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… ~?"i:4"?... i} $'"! .':i:; 't{...::i.}:i:6 D0FEAT BUCKEYES BY SCOREOF 13 TO5 Wolverines Chalk up Nineteenth Victory Over Ohio Team by Wide Margin. ROYSTON, LENFESTY WINI EDUCATIONAIMS hub 0111111 [t…

… field and will count a total of nin i Loop, 2 2 Opponents' Captain, Loses Points to 'Chubby' Hicks in Thrilling Match. (Sperial to The Daily) Holtzman Pitches for Wolverines and Allows Nine Hits in…

May 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… TAKES CLOSE 2-1 GAME IN MROON CAIMP . - - I Compton, Aided by Air-Ti Fielding,. Allows Chicago Only Four Hits. ght NO ERRORS FOR WOLVES Wolverines Get Nine Hits From Southpaw Knowles to Earn Two…

… Pitching. Tim Knowles handled the pitch- ing assignment for the Maroons and turned in a very creditable showing, holding the Wolverines1 to only nine hits. Last week Knowl- es proved a perfect question mark…

… Hammer, Wolverine net ace, (BY Assoiatd Press) Calm and dispassionate in con- :signed according to the order in o'clock. From Friday on, with the routed Olsen to the tune 6-0, 6-2. DALLAS, Tex., May 6.-At…

May 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

… Outstanding Work on Fish Study. Emmons, Effinger, Miller Wil be Principal Speakers at Dinner. I Palo Picked to Turn Back Bats of Wolverines in Endeavor to Gain First Win. Iy Joe Russell Ir H~oping to improve…

…, will probably put the Wol- tom rung of the championship lad- der, while the Wolverines are strug- gling for recognition in the race to defend their 1929 title. Coach Fisher's 1930 edition with two, wins…

May 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

Wolverine Hits Scattered to Win by 5-1 Score. I MILLS MAKES HOME RUN Error in Ninth, Combined With Barrage of Hits, Sews up Game for Visitors. (By Joe Russell) Displaying a complete reversal of* form from…

… meant runs, which proved to be too much for a struggling band of Wolverines. Until the first half of the ninth inning the game look- ed to be a toss-up, but in their last turn at bat the invading club…

… vari- ety which might easily be called hits. The Wolverine infield showed signs of brilliance when they work- ed two double plays, one in the first when Tompkins caught Mill's sacrifice fly and tossed…

… ballroom of the drawn up by Kenneth M. Lloyd, Wolverine mentor, since his team Union. He is a graduate of the '32L, president of the Union; L. will travel to Minnesota for a meet law class of '99 and has a…

May 16, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

… the Wisconsin netmen yesterday on the Badgers' home courts by a nine to nothing score. Despite the apparently easy vic- tory which the score would indicate the Wolverines were hard pressed 'in most of…

May 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 163) • Page Image 1


…, Ill., May 16.-North- western made it two straight wins over Michigan by upsetting the Wolverine 6 to 5 in a well played game at Roycemore field in Evan- ston today. The Wildcats bunched their hits to…

May 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…- selves with merely criticizing our politicians" stated Professor Pol- t- 1 3I ] .E i a a 1 ,1 i 1 I i M !F I i , i ; . ,, l ;: , E f MICHIGAN GOLFERS, LOSE TO ILLINOIS, IAN BIG TEN MEET Wolverines Take…

…- gan team that took second with a score of 1,258. The individual title{ was won by Martin of Illinois who turned in a score of 305.j Hicks and Lenfesty were the out- standing golfers for the Wolverines

May 24, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…. Michigan entries qualified in trials were held. No Wolverines Property Is Damaged and One [ were entered in. the hurdles or the [ half mile. Four of Coach Farrell's PersonI lyInjure men turned in the best…

…- Big. Ten record in the high hurdles companied the tornado. Disrup- when he raced the 120 yardsd in tionOf t -14.7. Two Wolverines qualified in tion of communication made it im- the440ard dash when Edl…

May 29, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

… never had a chance, the Wolverines bunching their hits well, and taking advan- tage of the six costly Cincinnati errors to take the lead by five runs in the first inning and never being headed during the…

May 30, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…'s varsity nine handed them last Saturday at Madison, a band of determined Badger baseball players will, invade Ferry Field at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The Wolverine victory last week was a severe blow…

May 01, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

… hits, while Cap- tain Tompkins' home run and several long hits by Hudson and Superkd drove t h e Wolverine markers across the plate. Colgate remains here today for the second and final game of the series…

May 02, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… time the tennis squad trimmed the Michigan State net team, 12-0, in their first match of the season. GusKeigler, who pitched for the Wolverines, allowed only four hits, while his teammates got to Davis…

May 09, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

… Madison in a slugfest marked by "Larry Gould," second in i thrue home runs. mand on the recent Byrd anta Diffley, Wolverine catcher, ac- expedition, has the unique dis counted for one round trip, while tion…

… reserve Compton and MacNeal were the commander, but was give the Michigan pitchers, while the Michigan man by Comma Sommerfield hurled for the Wis- Richard Byrd as a wedding pri consin team. The Wolverines

May 23, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… in every event entered, the Wolverines are doped to win a second Big Ten title in the finals today. Eddie Tolan took first in both the 100 and the 220 yesterday. Trials were not held in the pole vault…

May 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…: Badgers Score 46 Points, Illini 39, to N Wolverines With 38; Strength in Events Deciding Factor. By J. Cullen Keznedy. DYCH E STADIUM, Evanston, Ill., May 23.- clads evened the count against Michigan here…

… tod at the hands of the Wolverines in the indoor titl by scoring heavily in the field events to topple the ence champions from their throne. The Badgen 4() points to take the title, while Illinois…

May 27, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

… Errors COLUMBUS, May 26. - (o) - Coach Ray Fisher's Wolverine baseball players sat back and bided their time out at the Ohio Stadium today, and when Ohio State had completed an after- noon of misplays, the…

May 30, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

… traditions, to urge them (Continued on, Page Two) Eddie Tolan Quali r s at Philadelphia Meet PHILADELPHIA, May 29. -(P)-- Eddie Tolan, bespectacled sprinter of the University of Michigan and sole Wolverine

… showers that drenched the courts. They will meet today in the final round. In the feature match of the day Ed Hammer, veteran Wolverine net star, was defeated by Dennison in a hotly contested match, 6-4, 4…

May 05, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 154) • Page Image 1


Wolverines nicked the Tokio pitcher for 13 hits and two passes, while St. Paul knocked four Michigan twirlers for five safeties and received 11 bases on balls. Each team was charged with eight errors. The fun…

May 07, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

… rivalry of the cinder paths when the Ilini encounter the Wolverine thinclads this afternoon on Ferry field in the only home ap- pearance of the Maize and Blue this season. The meet, which is one of the high…

… last night. Charlie Hoyt, the Wolverine men- tor, and Harry Gill, the tutor of the Illini, matched against each other again. These two Big Ten- coaches are among the foremost master minds of the track…

… strong teams on the track and on the field, but this year the Illini do not boast toge strength of former years and the Wolverines have been handicapped by injur- ies and poor weather conditions. Harry…

May 08, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

… points apiece late in the afternoon, the Wolverines came through with triumphs in the 220-yard low hur- dies, the half-mile run, the discus throw, and the hammer throw to sew up first place. The Maize and…

…'s festivities. Hawley Egleston, Wolverine tim- ber topper, managed to win both of the hurdle events with fast times. He was the easy winner in the high hurdle event, -which he took with a time of :14.8 to tie the…

… exceptionally fast time of :48:4 to tie the Michi- gan mark set by Haff way back in 1913. De~aker also ran a nice race to take second place a step ahead of Christinsen of Illinois. Booker Brooks, giant Wolverine

… nine blows and a 5 to 1 victory over the Maroons in a* Western Conference baseball game., The. Wolverines bunched three singles, a pair of walks, and an er- ror for three runs in the first in- ning, and…

… McNeal held the Maroons helpless except in the fifth when, a single and a double scored their only run. It was Michigan's second straight victory. The Wolverines wasted no time in getting onto Henshaw…

May 13, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

… the Wolverines in another clash on Feiry Field Saturday. It will be up to Harley McNeal to keep the Maize and Blie nine battling for the Big Ten ieadiership in this afternoon's game. MeNeal has already…

… afternoon he should be able to'tame the Bucks. While the Wolverines have not been hitting as well as they :should, they have made their hits count for runs in the only two Confer- ence clashes in which they…

… effort to get as much bat- ting power as possible in the top part of the Wolverine batting or- der, Coach Ray Fisher has made another of his numerous shifts in the batting order. Avon Artz, who swings from…

May 14, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

… -. - _________________________ OHIO STATE BEATS ICHIGAN NINE, 8-4 IN TENSESTRUGGLE Steady Pitching and Hitting of Wrigley, State Pitcher, Wins for Buckeyes. TO PLAY AGAIN TODAY Wolverines Tie Score in Last Half of Eighth Inning But…

… they had combinled two hits, one a fluke triple, with an' error and a wild pitch to even the count. It remained for Harley Mc- Neal, the Wolverine moundsman, to retire the Buckeyes in their half of the…

… the ninth. The Wolverines made a valiant effort to even the count again in the ninth. Manuel came through with a solid hit to left field, went to second on McNeal's infield out, and scored when pinch…

…- mediately under the care of the ship's surgeon. 'BI TENNIS TEAM BEATS ADRIAN, 9-0 Wolverines Show Superiority by Winning Most Matches, 6-0. (Special t oThe Daily) ADRIAN, Mich., May 13.-Michi- gan's 'B…

…' tennis team scored a slam over the Adrian Varsity here today, 9-0. The Wolverines won most of their matches With a 6-0 score, so complete was their superiority. SUMMARIES Singles: Nifen (M) defeated Den…

May 15, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…-run rally in the sevenths in- ning, the Wolverines came from be- hind to win, 7 to 5. Wistert in the third inning after "Lefty" McKay had faded in his first Big Ten start of the season, with three…

… meet was the only one that the Wolverines have lost all year. Captain Jack Lenfesty won all of the points the Maize and Blue squad secured, by taking 2 1-2 points from Berry while Bob Kep- ler, star…

May 17, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

… balanced strength of the Wolverines. 'ummaries Sorenson (WS) d. Ryan (M) 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 Laevin (WS) d. Bob Clarke (M) P- 2_c 'Q P0 i At the same meeting Harry R, T. Brown, Charles M. Rush, Geor and Kenneth…

May 18, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…- tival program opening tonight. 1 MICHIGANNN4 - 3-1 Wolverines Fail to Make Best of Chances; Gene Braendle Stars at Plate. By Guy M. Whipple, jr. YPSILANTI, May 17.-While the Michigan nine was throwing…

… Ypsilanti field. A momentary mental relapse on the part of Ken Manuel, Wolverine first baseman, when he argued a close play at first and watched two runners cross the plate, was partly responsible for the…

… Michigan could not recover.. The other Ypsilanti run came in the eighth when Michaelis doubled and scored on Christy's safety. Gene Braendle ran away with the Wolverine hitting honors, smash- ing out three…

May 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… the result of last week's match when Dodge easily defeated the Wolverine captain. Bob Clarke dropped the only sin- gles match when he lost, 6-0, 6-4 to Telting, who showed to excellent advantage. Johnny…

… Roindel came back nice- ly afteri dropping the first set to t rim Fuller 1-6, 6-4, 6-2. The stocky Wolverine got his driving game go- ing in the last set. Snell perform- ed brilliantly to beat Pearlsten 6…

… they lost to the Wildcat duo of Fuller and Hailes, 8-6, 6-2. Fuller was a tower If strength in. the turning back of the Wolverines. Summaries Ryan (M) d. Dodge (NU), 6-4, 8-6. Telting (NU) d. Clarke (M…

May 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…. Michigan and Minnesota kept well ahead in team totals with respective scores of 624 and 625. James Reston, of Ilinois, followed Fischer with 155. Behind him came Ed Dayton, a Wolverine, who coin- piled a…

…, president of the Music school, Prof. Earl V. Moore, Prof. Albert Lockwood, Prof. A. H. White, Vice-t President Shirley Smith, Prof. Clar-. ence Johnston. PURDUE DEFEA TS WOLVERINES, 97e Mkcigan Pounds Out F…

Wolverine hurlers and finally pulled out a 9 to 7 victory The winning: FIFTEEN MICHICAN TRACKMEN QUALIFY, AT BIC TEN MEET Brooks Leads Discus Throw With Toss of 148 Feet; Also Gets Place in Shot. IRENWICK…

… stepped out in front of the field here today to qualify 16 men in the finals of the Conference track and field meet tomorrow. Michigan was second among the qualifiers with 15 men. Trailing the Wolverines in…

… Russell, Ben Glading, Harold Ellerby and Charles. DeBaker all came through to win their heats. The Wolverines placed at least one man in every event but the javelin throw. Don Renwick captured his heat in…

May 22, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… him out of the race and made it possible for Michigan to annext the Big Ten track title here today. The Wolverines ran up a total of 50% points as against Ohio State's 46% and Indiana's 43Y. The other…

May 25, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

Wolverines. The lone failure was recorded during the first meeting of these two teams this season, when they played a 3 to .3 tie in sixteen in- nings, oi Ferry Field, May 3. Michigan is somewhat bowed by a…

… field for the Wolverines this afternoon. Manuel, rDaniels, Waterbor, and Superke will comprise the infield with Braendle, Petoskey, and Wistert playing the f outfield. McNeal and Tompkins are i lated to…

May 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

… made just, to get, a glimpse of the man out to Walker, which the mayor New York's millions call "Jirny."I used on a European trip. MICHIGAN NINEIIS ICTOR OVER STATE IN WILD &-3 CAME Wolverines Squash…

… (Special to the Daily) EAST LANSING, May 25. - An outfit of nine fighting Wolverines stemmed a last-minute rallyby Michigfani State's diamond team here this afternoon to win out by a score of 4-3. McNeal was…

May 29, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… Grey end will close the 1932 season for Che Wolverines. In the first two-game series here earlier in the month, the teams qplit, with Ohio winning the first, 6 to 4, through the hitting and pitching…

… efforts of their star hurler, Lowell Wrigley. In the second, splendid relief hurling by Whitey Wistert enabled the Wolverines to win, 7 to 5. In the last two games against Michigan State and Chicago, Coach…

May 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

… Michigan Normal Loses By 85 To 41 Score; 11 Firsts Go To Wolverines By CHARLES BAIRD Led by Hawley Egleston and Willis Ward, who accounted for 10 and 16 points respectively, Michigan's track team overwhelmed…

… Michigan Normal yesterday afternoon on Ferry Field,, 85 to 41. Wolverine thinclads ran away with 11 of the 14 first places to easily es- tablish their superiority over the Hu- rons. The track events proved a…

…. Gillilan beat out his teammates Dam and Bacon in the discus, and Thornburg of the Wolverines edged out Schmiclcr in the javelin, The (Continued on Page 3)C Major Edwards Presented With ParentS To Get…

May 04, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… the course and kept most of the scoring from low figures. Fischer, however, came in with scores of 71 and 74 to give the Wolverines two victories. In the morning doubles rounds, Fischer and Markham…

… one and one-half points to the Wolverine to- tal each. Reid held Dayton while Flynn kept Captain Jolly from mak- ing a clean sweep. The cold, wet weather played havoc with Northwestern as they bowed to…

… Michigan. Time after time shots were missed. The Wolverines did not seem to mind the cold as much, al- though Jolly and Dayton were in trouble for most of the round in the afternoon. War Drama Is -Approved…

May 06, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

… up somewhat, but a large, crowd is assured for the Wolverine's only home stand against Conference opponents. The meet will mark the, last local appearance of the Michigan squad this year. The Maize and…

… consideration. He threatens to give Keller a battle the entire distance. The Wolverines' strongest group is in the quarter-mile event. Captain DeBaker, Allen and Ellerby have all been clocked in less than 50…

May 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…- pionship it won last year. The Wolverines got to Whitey Wil- shere, Hoosier sophomore pitcher, for eleven hits, while Wistert and Patch- in held the local team to four blows. Score by innings: Michigan…

May 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

… points; and the rest of the Wolverine teani rounded up enough points to win tAe thirty-third W e s t e r n Conference track and field championships today at Dyche Stadium, Michigan scored 60%/2 points in…

May 25, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

… Larson of Minnesota when they started the final 36 holes today, but easily distanced the Gopher player. It remained for Ed Dayton to as- sure the Wolverines a second straight team title. With a 75 for his…

…-putted for a five. Michigan retained the team title with a 4-man total of 1,291, George David and. Cal Markham adding 332 and 343 to the team score. Min- nesota, which finished second to the Wolverines last…

…. Petoskey, Thor fore him. E. Powers, Robert Saltzstcin, The other Wolverine tally came in Grafton Sharp, Arend Vyn, the second when, after Petoskey had Francis M. Wistert. flied out, Diffley walked, Manuel…

May 02, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

… elected secretary-treasurer of the Interfraternity Council last night ,by the Judiciary Committee will not be divulged until the council meets to Varsity Wins Over State In Opener, 13-3 Wolverines' Hitting…

…'s hitting strength and Michigan State's poor fielding, accounted for the Wolverines' rout of the Spartans, 13 to 3, in the opening baseball game of the season here yesterday. So Coach Ray Fischer and his boys…

… innings. Four hits by Waterbor, Artz, Paulson and Regeczi, two walks and three er- rors accounted for seven Wolverine runs in the second inning. Those scor- ing were Paulson, Chapman, Patchin, Waterbor…

May 06, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

… Factor Artz, Oliver Each In First Dual Win -* Get Three Safetie Willis Ward, Although Off Wolverines Garner Eigl Form, Scores 10 Points;N. Blows From Two Illino Lamb, Hunt Star Pitchers A crippled Michigan…

… Illinois here yesterday ternoon at Ferry Field before a lar afternoon. crowd. It wasn't record-breaking first The Maize and Blue nine set do places that gave the Wolverines their the team rated as the best…

…, Wolverine all-around is 231 2T2him at the late; sacrificed him star, although definitely off form, was second. Ratterman, coming up ne: high-point man with a first in the With Captain Eddie Dayton and singled…

… was par rounds of 70, the Wolverine golf- Complete track, baseball and competing him "under wraps." ers completely routed a six-man Ili- golf summaries will be found on Cook Sets Record nois team…

… single match, lowed with a sacrifice, giving be who formerly ran for Illinois, had a each shooting a 75. The Wolverine runners a base. Then the Illini cate satisfactory time at the expense of sophomore ace…

…. Then the results of The Wolverine team will leave career, was characterized by a ha the field even. taed to ces i. Thursday for Columbus where they very fast ball will meet Ohio State on Friday in an…

May 09, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

… ninth inning but it didn't stay that way way long. Russ Oliver, Wolverine third sacker, stepped into a hard fast ball and sent it half way to Ypsi for an easy triple. A few sec-. onds later he came home…

… Wendt on base, Bob Packard, husky Ypsi catcher, connected for a circuit drive which didn't stop rolling until it reached the center of the Ferry' Field tennis courts. The Wolverines went scoreless until…

May 13, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

… Wins Each Wolverines Are Virtually Eliminated From Big 10 Title Race By Defeat By ARTHUR CARSTENS Ohio State's baseball team, held to one hit by "Whitey" Wistert in Fri- day's game, descended on Pitcher…

May 18, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… Defends Democracy Wins;Tennis Men Advance Wolverine Baseball Team .v Definitely Ousted From * Big Ten Race Winning Run Made In Ninth By Indiana Three Michigan Tennis Players Reach Quarter- Finals At…

…Chicago BLOOMINGTON, Ind., May 17. - -Associated Press Photo (Special) -The second place Indiana SEN. WILLIAM BORAH nine definitely erased the Wolverines * * as a contender 7or the Big Ten title here today, by pushing…

… game of the year, and struck out 12 Wolverine batters. He was hit hard by Michi- States True Liberty And gan, giving up 11 hits, but he had Free People Exist Only plenty of stuff in the pinches. In the…

… Must Preserve Integrity the winning run. "The integrity of constitutiona The Wolverines left tonight for La- government has never meant sc fayette where they will play Purdue much to the average man or…

… Democracy champions, with Minnesota. "Fascism, Naziism, Communism, Dan Kean, Joe Appelt, and Sam appealing to the forces of terror and Siegel are the Wolverine trio to re- fanaticism, have buried the individ…

May 20, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

… speed. Gustave Lutz, 68, 120 W. Williams St., became the third victim when he was struck by an automobile driven Michigan's Track Hopes Dashed As Willis Ward Is Injured 'Chicago Edges Out Wolverine

… loss was Michigan's third on successive days, the Wolverines hav- ing lost to Indiana, 10 to 9, Thurs- day, and to Purdue, 10 to 7, yesterday. Michigan took an early 5-2 lead over Illinois, and Wistert…

May 24, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…, a museum he has designed to contain casts of the best pieces of sculpture in the history of art. Michigan Gets Five In Ninth Beats Toledo Wolverines Win 5-3 In First Night Game; Held Scoreless 8…

… University, 5 to 3. The game was the_ first one ever played under arc lights by a Michi- gan nine. Five singles, coupled with two walks in the last inning, ended Lippincott's dominance over the Wolverine bats…

…-hitting for Wilson, drove in Chapman with the winning run, and Artz added another with a drive which scored Lerner: Wilson and Patchin worked on the mound for the Wolverines and be- tween them held Toledo to…

… outhit the Wolverines, failed to bunch their blows with the same effectiveness, scoring one run in the seventh and adding two more in the eighth. Patch- in held them scoreless in the final inning after…

May 27, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

… Minnesota, al- though" undefeated and untied, did not play Chicago or Michigan and stood a poor third in tournament play at' the Windy City. Appelt Stars Joe Appelt, playing his last match for the Wolverines

… genuine chal- lenge to the undefeated pair, but eventually lost, 06, 7-5, 4-6. Wistert Hurls And Bats/ Wolverines To Victory Roosevelt Presses Button And World's Fair Bursts Into Light CHICAGO, May 26.-(P…

May 04, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…, who had beaten him in the Big Ten com- petition. The new Wolverine leader took second places in the Indiana and Michigan State dual meets this year, behind teammates Ben Grady and Der Johnston, and won…

May 08, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

… States, Dean Grif- fin said most of them would come from this section of the country. Wolverines Outhit Opponents, 6 To 2 Patchin Allows One Safety And Whiffs 12 In Last Seven Frames TOLEDO, O., May 7…

…, the catcher, threw into center field, and scored" on a passed ball. Patchin went the remainder of the game for the Wolverines and pitched" excellent ball, allowing no runs, one, hit, and striking out 12…

… of its share of PWA funds. Governor Fitzgerald said he will "not interfere in any way" with the pas- sage of the bills, in spite of opinions that they may be unconstitutional. WOLVERINE ON APPROVED…

… LIST The Michigan Wolverine, co-opera- tive restaurant, has been placed on the list of restaurants approved by the City Health Department, it was announced yesterday. It was in- spected and approved…

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