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May 29, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…Aah.Aftm--A .Whr lt~~ ~a of9 aIV* VOL. IX, No. 178. ANN ARiBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MAY 29, 18 99. THREE CENTS. LARG ( Osborne, IDetrsit, cond;*\Wodrum, L.AR'GE CRO W ~D GOIJNG Ann Arbor, third-heilit, 9 feet . G. H W ILD D T T-AFTarter ie biycle-Nnmely, G HS. Mt. H.lem dns; Bittoit Tine,V TO WISCONSIN GAME ATD OT TOMORROW AFE-S.;0:52A-5H Dod, eti. XWill announce that we have now NOON. One nile-Naammcly Alt.(Ciemi- received our Spring and Sum...…

May 29, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…9,,, 0 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Suday eceptd) dring the College yea. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. lon~re: The tland Precss, Hening Block. Both Phoon t47, MANAGING EDtTOR. F. ENEaLAD, '0t L. B3USINESS MANAGER. 0. . ILHANso.'55L. EDITORIS. Athletic Edit, P. W. Jons, '5, T. It. Woono, '115 L. A. H. MDogoALL, '1 E G.0D. HeoNaca 'at . J. B. WO, 't0, C. L. Nao, '99, C. D. COOL, '9, L. J.MoaTOOMca,'t, W. D. HItcY, 'OM, A....…

May 29, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…THE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.. 3 PATEN LEA HERSEXCLUSIVE SHAPES. CLOTH OR LEATHER TOPS, SOLE AGENTS (HANAN SHOES.) o ODSrMIO'S. 1.) 119 SO. MAIN ST. AXICRIGAN C ±~CREIADSYIH TIOIG "The Niagara AFalTYLISRoAIte."G CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effert January 29, 1899. Mail ad Express ............. 47 P. M. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 585 Past Easterns..............9 43" Atiantic Express............7 45 A. M. Detroit Nigzht Express.......…

May 29, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

… THE: U\ IVE'ESITTY OF ,IICHIGAN DAILY 4 TIlL LNIVEIiS1TY OF MICH1GA2~ DAILY 1yANNUAL SIR[FSALE ! VISITING CARIDS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN- Ini their resp~ective izes, in ANNUAL 'SUIIt lT SALE! ~Annual Shirt Sale! a: All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch SCheviots at .......$2.00 N " 1.75 Silk BosomiBody and M Cuffs to match........... 1.37 < l11.5"achas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 i)n4 1.50 Cheviots, 1 pi. Cuffs 1.00 -" 75c Machas-no Cuffs .50 ion Percales, 2 Col...…

May 27, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…9hrUt Oo(_9 9111 _ VOL. IX, No. 177. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MIAY 27, 1899. THREE CENTS. MT. CLEMENS LEADS meeting voed a strong recumrnesea- STOMACH REMOVED. G._HWIL_._C tion to the common conci to donate _ G. H W 3 U ins 13 Points in the 3icile Races, a ite for a homeopathi college. Dificut Operation Performed at Tiheiprelisminaries il the 100, 220 the Hospital. Will announce that we have now and 440 yard ashesancdiali the MICHIGAN LEADS...…

May 27, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Pablished Daily (Sandays excepted) daring the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. i1Fit;Ee The Inlaed Preta, 1Hcnnieg Black. Bath Phoesee1lay Teat of Peltosa water motor, AV.T. Cooper. Deoigna of refrigeration plant, J. L. Hortli. Deign of a treet railwray power planit, W. L. Miggett. Teat of Foos gaa engiele, C. H. Weideman). M3ANAGING EDITOR. Medics Defeat the Lits. F.ENELAsuRe, '01 L. The '02...…

May 27, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3t HJDBAD THE NEW TAILORHID, BRAND9110 E.WashingtonSt f f. Nf N-f*f....f.....f.......... .f.a.~ .4.. 4.. .4 . ..444.44.4f.... ..d 4444444444444++4.4 IWiURIAN CENTRAL Its Time to bgi to The o "The Niagara Falls Route" B cu u sin North Bicyce Que tion.Tendes a kor CENTRAL STANDARD3 TIME _' fresh goods a Takng Effect Janary 29, 899. Yo will Fid alth Lades at all hours 001NG0EAT. at Mail al Epress ................…

May 27, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OGE MJCHlGAI' DAILY. i ENRAING!, WVE ENGRAVE VISITING CARDS - FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In their respective sizes, in CORK~cr- ST=TZES. lPlates wiii be kept by' os for oor pa- I rolse, onless we are reqoest- edl to return saine. Ysiir Namne toil Copper lahte and 100) cards, $1-50. Eery Settior wiii want themt in HAVE YOU READ D/avid Harlin, Mr. Dooley, Aylwiii,' Whleit Kniighthloodlwas. in Flower. WE HAVE THIEMV. SHEEHAN ...…

May 26, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, NO. 176. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1899. THREE CENTS. IN4TERSCHOLASTIC MEET. Society 1anqet. SOCIETY NEWS. G. IL Co The Alpha Nu and Adephi liter. --___ 6. *.W LD U .Yougsters Hare Commenced to ary scieties wiii hold a joint baniuet joint Meeting Arrive. Monday evening, May 29, at ILaig- tE~5ll- t-luoiN Willannonce hat e ha e nw The second annual Mihiga n ter- sefrshi.Tat ilb ie recivedanourceStringe av tiier cisinoewxiih iei ...…

May 26, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY r TH5NVRIYOFMCIA AL Pubished Daily (Sndays excepted) daig the College year. at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN I)wxce: The Iland Pess, eeing Block. Both Phone, 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ElNGLARD, '1 L. lUSINESS MANAGER. o. H.IlANoS,.1L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, P. W. JES, '99, T. R. WeOODaW,0L. A.f. MefOeALL,'1 E GD. IHiccocree01 E. J. B. WOO, '0, C. L. NLES,99, C. D. COOL,99, L . 2M9ONTGaeRY, 10, W. D. Ilccey, '...…

May 26, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…Wr-7 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ii f N neckwear we aim to give you the best on the market. We like to hear our customers say "SEE THAT TIE, bought + it of you a year ago. Just as good to-day as when bought." That is neckwear satisfaction. That is the kind of neck- wear we sell. Always the best and latest shapes, and the GOODSPEED label means quality of the highest. You are always sure when buying our ties that there is nothing in the...…

May 26, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVYERSITY OF MI1CHIGAN DAILY. AV ~ANNUAL SHIRT SALE AnnuAal Shirt Sale! (w All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch SCheviots at .... ..$200 M"1.75 Silk Bosom Body and H Cuffs to match .......1.37 r1.75 Machas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 S 1.50 Cheviots, 1Ihr. Cuffs 1.00 z 75c Machas-no Cuffs .500 75c Percales, 2 Collars and 1 fir. Cuffs.......... .50 JOS. W. KOLLAUF, Foreign and1( Fine Domestic Woolens. 2114 East Washinsgtont St., ne ar 5th Ave ANN ARBOR...…

May 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… U1.o( 94 PaiIl VOL. IX, No. 175. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1899. THREE CENTS. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you...…

May 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…w THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4.0ofut.pIcdtm. Published Daily (Sandays excepted) daring the College year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrrOS: The Inland Press, Hteaning Black. Bath Phaaney4. MANAGING EDITOR.. F. ENGELHARDo, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. B. BAso. '00 L: EDITORS. Athletic Editar, P. W. Joase, '99, T. R. WOnOOW, '0S L. A. B. McDacaALL,'St E G. D. HUDNUTT. 'St I. J. B. WaO, '0S, C. L. NILE. '99, CD. CanL,9 L. J. MoavaON,,'I...…

May 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 IIF you want exclusive shapes, and not the styles the rabble wear, here is where you get I them. We make it a point to furnish gentlemen's hats of high quality, such as Knox and Stetson's-not imitations that can be sold at 50 cents and up-Thus insuring you exclus- ive shapes and styles that you will not meet every time you look around-Hats that are not common, and -worn by every-one regardless of age, sex ...…

May 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. EN .GRAVING WE ENGRAVE VISITING CARDS -FOR- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In their respective sizes, in Plates will be kept by us for our pa- trons, unless we are request- ed to return saime. Your Name on Copper Plate and 100 Cards, $1.50. Every Senior will want them in sending out their invitations. HAVE YOU READ David Harurm, Mr. Dooley,, Aylwin,' When Knighthood was in Flower. WE HAVE THEM. SHEEHAN & CO. BOOKSE...…

May 24, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 174. ANN ARIBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1899. THEE CENTS ATHLETIC MATTERS. Entries for Meet. Interscholastic Meet. If lD Pfl The following men have ee The Michigan Interscholastic meet G. ii W I L ~U. The 'Varsity had the fastest pra- entere by Michigan in the coming whilh will be held here Saturday tire of the year yesterday afterneon. intercollegiate meet to be held at promises to be at big affair. There The infield played a ...…

May 24, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 174) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Suadays excepted)l duriag the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'tFetre: The Inland Press, IHenning Block. Both Phones 047. MIANAGING EDITOR. F. EoNGELHARaD, '01 L. BaUSINEssSS OANAGER. 0.IH. ObAeS. '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, P. W. JOuESt, '09, T. R. WOOaDtOW,'00L. A.tHtEcDoehALL,'tt E G. D.tbHUNeT. '0tE. J. B. Woo, '00, C. L. NILES, '99, C. bD. COOt., '99, L. J. MOTtoeaEco...…

May 24, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

…THE U I VERRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE Ufff f~1NIVERSITY ff MICHINf DAILY. 3NfN++++~ff+4 AND FANCY SOX ARE SWELL A t $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00. ~ XFRDS o~r~~MI T FO:A SOLE AGENTS HAAN SHOES." =_--++4+411944 S0.4444MAIN ST.4444+ "The Niagara FalE ot~ CORRECT ANDI STYLISH TAILORING. E CENTRAL STANIDARI) TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Rail ad Express . ........ 475P. N. Y.& Boston Special .......4158" Fast Eastern ...............…

May 24, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 174) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. } All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch Cheviots at............. $2.00 Cuf omatch ............1.37 WE ENGRAVE H' . " 1.75 Machias, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 1.50 Cheviots, 1 pr. Cuffs 1.00 VISITING CARDS % :9 5 Machias-no Cuffs .50 75 Percales, 2 Collars - --FOR.-s, andl1pr. Cuffs.........50 i0S3 W. KOLLAUF, Foreign and Fine Domestic Woolens. 214 East Washington St., near 5th Ave AZNN ARBOR. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN '~fW AA...…

May 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…mw Am6wdftww) 'b'"w> -A,, 6W r A-.A VOL. IX, No. 173, VO.IN.18ANN ARBIOR, MICi., TUESDAY IMAY 2, l(899. TIhEE CENTS ATHLETIC MATTERS. into shanpe in time for the lig meet, Banquet to Co. A. ________especially the litter, who lias recent- A Ibanqluet wvas givenu to Co. A aind S H W IL[) C Ohaly been ill. tie Ann Arbor sildic rI ot the His- 6ur H. ILDwitCOood scelebratedteirce at Dual Tennis Meet. jano Aercanwar ini the urmory Will announc...…

May 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 173) • Page Image 2

…2 FPulshed Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'OFFrvcE: The Inlaed FPre.IHening Bitch. Both Phoest 17. MIANAGING EDITOR. F. IoENGLIARD, 1It L. BUSINESS MIANAGER. I0. II. HoeS. O L. EDITORtS. Atlettic Editor, P. W. JOES,'9, T. Ii, Woelao, 0t L. A. IH. McDoccce.L, 'It5E G. D. flceoeo'01 EtI. J. IB. Weo), '0, C. L. NIE-, 99, C.D. COOL, '99, L.J. MONTOcoeoeea,'IO,'WX. 0. ICeKEY, '00oM, A. G. BenowN,. '...…

May 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY.OF ,MICHIGAN 'DAILY. 3 JIJLDI2BRAND,9 HE FNFW TAILOR, 11F. Washington St. MIGtIIGIIN 6[NTRJIL Its Time toeit In N~ngarnlooks up.the The Corner Candy Store, I CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express .. ........3 41 P.l0. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 58" Fast Eastern ................943" Atlantic Espreon ............ 1. 45 A. SX. Detroit Night Express........ 5 55i Grand Rapids Express ..........…

May 23, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 173) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WE ENGRAVE; VISITING CARDS - FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In their resp~ective sizes, in CCRR CT= P'lates will lie kept lbytie for our pa- tronis, unless whe ore request- edi 1(1returntsainie. Yonur -Nam n Copper Plnte andi 100 Cards, 81.530. Every Senior wiletant them ini sending eoit their invitationis. HAVE YOU READ David iHrnm, Mr. 1Dooley, Aylwin, or, Wheit Knighthood was in Flower. WE HAVE THEM. SHEEHAN &...…

May 22, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IA, No. 172. JM6N 1 Ilk> ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MAY 22, 1899. THREE CENTS. F A FAST' MEET. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. ...…

May 22, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

… 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Pbished 0aily (Sondysexcceptd) drig the Cllege .ytaat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, taste:nx The Inlad Pes, Henig Block. Bth thoes 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENaE'aso, '01 L. HUSINESS MANAGER. . IH.(loo, '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic eito, P. W. dba, '9, T.tH. Wconow,'00 L. Af. DoaALL,'t E . D. llcooc . '01 . J. B. Woo, '0, C. L. NeL.'t, C. D. COO,'t, L. J. MNTGooEooYo,'00, W. 0. Hteaoo,'00M, A . Booto, '. 'PThebctip...…

May 22, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…w- . THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IF you want exclusive shapes, and not the styles the rabble wear, here is where you get them. We make it a point to furnish gentlemen's hats of high quality, such as Knox and Stetson's-not imitations that can be sold at 50 cents and up-Thus insuring you exclus- ive shapes and styles that you will not meet every time you look around-Hats that are not common, and worn by every-one regardless of age, sex...…

May 22, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…w 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ENGAVNGAUZLSHIR[ SALE ! WE ENGRAVE VISITING CARDS .. - FOR -f_ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - " In their respective sires, ino ANNUAL SHIRT SALE! wAnua Shirt Sale! r n All $2.:0 A nden-oi'6Scotchl S Clheviots it .... . .. $2.00 u"1.75 Silk Boom tiBody Gni Cuffs ti match............1 37 1.75 Michas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 1.50 Chieviots, t pr. Cuffs 1.00) t 75c 1Maclis-o Cuffs .50 75cTh Percales, 2 Cellars n and I1 ...…

May 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…w_ jo he o .4 Pai1 4 VOL. IX, No. 171. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1899. THREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO, Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom-' ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We; carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. ...…

May 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dring the College yeae. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'bwavuE: The Inland Pecss, Hening Block. Bth Phoe 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENELAD, 01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. . H. liANS 00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editr, P. W. oes, '5, T. . Woeeae, '00 L. A. H. MDOALL, '01 E G. D. HeeNee.'0O E. J. B. WOO, ', C. L. NLE, '5, C. D. COOL, '9, L. J.Eoeeeou av...…

May 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE VNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 mm mmmm HILDEBR-AND, tHI NEW TAILOR, WsingtonS. " The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAi, STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. 'latllaod Expres........57 P.m1S. NY.& Boston Special....... 4 58 " Fast Eastern ..............9 432 Atlantic Expres...........7 45 A. M Detroit Night Expresa ....... 5 55" Grand iRapids Express .......11 10 MalI&Express. .......8 40 A.M. Bost . N. Y. A Chicago .......... 1 Fas...…

May 20, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN9 DAILY. ENGRAVING! WE ENGRAVE VISITING CARDS - FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In their respective sizes, in OORRECTZ ST-YILES. Plates will be kept by us for our pa- trons, unless we are request- ed to return same. Your Name on Copper Plate and 100 Cards, 81.50. Every Senior will want them in sending out their invitations. HAVE YOU READ David Harum, Mr. Dooley, Askovin, or, When Knighthood was in Flower. WE HAVE THEM. SH...…

May 19, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…-"wp- jzhr Tt" of r o o VOL. IX, No. 170. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1899. THREE CENTS. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in. the city. We i...…

May 19, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 170) • Page Image 2

…. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Published Daily (Snday excepted) drg th Cllege year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Owao: The Ilaed Pres, Healg Blck. Bth Phae tA7. MSANAGING EDITOR. F. ELsAo,'a1L. BUSINESS MANAGER. . . A,a,00SL. EDITORS. Athletic Editr, P. W. Jas, '5, T. . Woaa~w, '00 L. A. H. EcDaUALL,'l E G. D. HUDoUTT. 'at E. J. B. WO, '00, C. L. ILs, 'c, C. D. teaL, '9, L. J. Reorease, '0, W. . H...…

May 19, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

…w THE UNIVESITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 3 AND FANCY SOXARE SWELL.. iO i$1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00. + SOLE AGENTS "HANAN SHOES."D' 119 S0. MAIN ST. MIGtlIGflM GENTRRLI The NiagaraPails Route.' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express. ........3 47 P.m. N. Y. & Boston Special . 4 58 Fast Eastern .. ......... 103" Atlantic Express......................7 41 A. M. Detroit Nicht Express........ I 5 Grand Rapids Expre...…

May 19, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 170) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY EVANNUAL SHIRUTSALE ! i WE ENGRAVE VRY25 VISITING CARDSHE - FOR -"H LADIES AND GENTLEMENT-,N In their respective sizes, in ANNUAL SHIRT SALE! I Annual Shirt Sale! All $2.50 Anderson's Scotch Cheviots at ..............$2.00 " 1.75 Silk Bosom Body and Cuffs to match.......... 1.37 t " 1.75 Machas, 2 pr. Cuffs 1.37 1.50 Cheviots, 1 pr. Cuffs 1.00 75c Machas-no Cuffs .50 " 75c Percales, 2 Collars q and 1 pr. C...…

May 18, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…ii X-W h r o f VOL. IX, No. 169. ANN ARBOR, 3IICH., THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1899. THREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite...…

May 18, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…2 2 THE UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY PbihedDaily (Sundays ecepte)uring the Colleg yaroat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tettio: The inland Pees, Iening Block. Both Phese 17 MANAGING EDITOR. F.NEARDt~tt, '1L. BUSINESS MANAGER. to.. II Hoc.'O L. EDITORS. Athletic Edito, P. W. JONaS, '99, T. R. Wooow, '0L. A.l. EcDoaLL,'IO E t4.5D. HIcoeee'01tE. J. B. WooD, '00, C.'L.ILENS,. '99, C. D. COOt, '99, L. J. MOo'TaoMEae,'O0, W.I. IltosCEY, '0 M, A. tt...…

May 18, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F you want exclusive shapes, and not the styles the rabble wear, here is where you get them. We make it a point to furnish gentlemen's hats of high quality, such as Knox and Stetson's-not imitations that can be sold at 50 cents and up-Thus insuring you exclus- ive shapes and styles that you will not meet every time you look around-Hats that are not common, and worn by every-one regardless of age, sex or previo...…

May 18, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH1GAN DAILY ENGRAVING! WE ENGRAVE VISITING CARDS A FOR - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN l COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE SUMHOu'S 6010n 61 pr In their respective sizes, in CORR_17OT Plates will be kept by us for our pa- trons, unless we are request- ed to return saiue. Your Name on Copper Plate and 100 Cards, 81.50. Every Senior will want them in sending out their invitations. HAVE...…

May 17, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…. 4&Z 4u PaIlu VOL. IX, No. 168. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1899. THREE CENTS. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the hest fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invi...…

May 17, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 0lclDaly(S'nooyst ce ooptedo) olococg the. C.ollege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, I t' :I :Thl ilandoPressccRe.nin;oloBlock. Both Phoncs 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGctEHAR, '01 L. BiUSINESS MANAGER. 01.1cAS,'O L. EDITORS. Athletic Edtlo, P. W. JootS, '99, TI. B. Wcomowt, '00 L. A.1D.,McDoLGALL,'OO E (. D. IlNt T, cc1 01 E. J. B. Woo)o, TO, C.L. No.S, '1.), C.B. COO, 9 L.J.MloN'cOoooo.R'II . '1. It.H CKLY....…

May 17, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MI CHIGAN DAILY. 3 f+ fI++++++++++++++++++++ .................*+**+........ +**+++....*** *t4 +*.. AND FANCY SOX ARE SWELL Ins ~$1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $3.50, $.0 +SOLE AGENTS HANAN SHOES. gVUILL yd U~119 SO. MAIN ST. "4ITe ~NiaaaalsRoute. ECITYLISH TAILORING.1 EN £1 5. TAND.I) Dl)TIME Tking Effect Aag. 14, 1898- tlail a d Express . .........31 .M NY. Bs~toln Special.........4 585 Atlantic Fxpres............745 A. . D~etroit...…

May 17, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. S ,e i I Off I!ANNUAL SHIRT SALE ! The New Werner Edition -OF THE- Encyc ®oed ia Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Home, the Office, the Library. Nearly six feet of printed matter. (Eacs volume is 11 in, long; 9 in. wide; about 2 isches thick, sod weighs ahoot 5 pounds.) Can it all go intot your head? Not likely ! Better have the svork itself to refer to svhen in douht. The entire set of 'Thir...…

May 16, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 167. ANN ARBOR, 1IJICi., TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1899, TlREE CENTS WOMAN'S LEAGUE men who know the Czar well that he ALBION TODAY. G____.__LDO_ was really in earnest abot the mat -____ Peae Bsoitios Psse ata Met-te. But what I wanted tn say par- Michigan Will Trsj Conclusions With in edYesterdasy. great resnlts from this conference we Will announnee that we have nw The Woman's Leagoe held at meet- should iot be discourageud. It soll The ...…

May 16, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…2 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAI LY lit f- ~ itnitanticiacition tof athletics here, 4, 3 .4canl therefore M1r. Stagg alone can griit d(cide il the ultimoate wis- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the di 2nof 1li5poicy." College iear, at _________ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. GUY LIVINGSTONE, '93 L. *e'-n~r: T'liInlandttPtccs, atcccing Blocla. --__ BottPhocnen 107 Died in the Philippines. MANAGItNGO EDITORt. "Shdot througclithei'head...…

May 16, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 IIF you want exclusive shapes, and not the styles the rabble wear, here is where you get them. We make it a point to furnish gentlemen's hats of high quality, such as Knox and IStetson's-not imitations that can be sold at 50 cents and up--Thus insuring you exclus- ive shapes and styles that you will not meet every time you took around-Hats that are not common, and worn by every-one regardless of age, sex o...…

May 16, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SpeelalOffer! r The New Werner Edition1 -OF THE- COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE SuPrruu's Goldnti S6DotPG i Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Nome, the Office, the Library. GET YOU R ...... RG S FOR H"'T HE G A ME AT JOS. W1 KOLLAUF, Foreign and Fine Domestic Woolens. 214 East Washaington~ St., near 5th1Ave ANN ARBOR. W .BOOTHPRES. fT1 W. AROD 1ast 1 ieprey J. V. SHEAN. ad ic-paco oa...…

May 15, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…,dsb.jdm.--Al AIZ-\ whr D $Ulf> Ir at 0 VOL. IX, No. 1G6. G. H. WILD CO. Wilannioonce that wee have now1 rCeeed 001rSpring and(1Smmoer1 W(oolens. Our' stock for bhe icom- ing season is te largest wee ave ever sboswn, is exclusive and confined, in] botb foreignanad~ domestic goods, and is composed of tie best fabrics in every linle that can be obtained. We carry tihe largest linelo f Woolens in the city. We ilvit youl to call adc inspect the...…

May 15, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…2 lobiehed Daily (5ndaya ec'0r1]2 Irio!the22 Collge' yar. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA'. '2125 2The1inlnd Pres, Henn0ig Blot, Both P12125 1Ii HMAG~XING EDITOR. F. ECEoAttnoa, '01 L. IIUONES MANAGER. 0 II.I oANS,'0tL. EI)ITOS. Atheicl Editr,. F'. W. JNES, '9, T.uft. a'ooo, '00 L. AllRM20uo LL,'01 (. D. nllt 0001. '01 E. J. B. W002l2, ', C. 11. 19"'0 C1. 0.Coot., '0, L. J.MttoNTOMRYo,'0, W. 0. tICKEY, '0M A (G toan, '02. The uobcttiot 1rice1of ...…

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