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May 31, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…:Ijc I . of Al. WiiiIn. VOL. V.. No. 172. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. SEXTON FOOLEDT~ HEM. PLUCKY "BILLY" HOLMyES CAUGHT WITH A SPLIT FINGER. How It Happened -How Blooming- ston Slugged the Ball-Shields Great Throw from Center Field- D. A. C. Park Has Seen Cornell Downed Twine Within a Year. Y(,stercday a. couple of b~g spieials carried tih' crowd over the' Michigan Central to Detcoit to sec thall'varsit...…

May 29, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…tt* I'- Vow V. No. 1 t 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. fl VL V No 171 UNVERITY F MCHIANWEDNSDA, MY 29 185. RICETHRE CNTS "VARSITY IS IN SHAPE. THE TEAM WILL PUT UP A STRONG GAME. The Cornell Team and Their Rec- ord- Priest Will Occupy the Box- Seats Are to be Free at the Game -The Yellow and Blue Umbrella Will Cut a Great Figure at Detroit. Michriganand Coriiell xwilHagil scoat in atDecoratioii Day l...…

May 28, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…IPI.' ofAt VOL . NO. 170.: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. PlANS BEING CO PLTEID If It Had Happened Here-Ohl TRACK IIEP 1TRESEN TATIYES PEE OUR WINDOW ! FOR TE GAE WIH CONELL The studnts at. Chicago ] mr sty WILL LEAVE FOR CHICAGO NEXT AT DETROIT THURSDAY. attor the gameiiil ith Michigan gave FRIDAY MORNING. Michigan Wlil Be in Goad Shape to vett hi vriwn ltlliSome ~U. Pt . Students May Gc H R M Ye Meet N nOu ...…

May 27, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…Of Vow. V. No. 169. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. GAME WITH HARVARD. MANAGER BAIRD ARRANGED FOR ONE IN BOSTON. 'Varsity Football TeamWill Meet Harvard Probably Nov. 2 or 9 Next- May Meet Pennsylvania Also-Easy to Get Games for Next Year. Football Manager Charles Baird re- turned home Satorday night from a week's visit among the big eastern universties where lhe had gone to ar- range a football game for nex...…

May 24, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…VOL V. No. 16. UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895. PR~icE-THREE CENTS. A. VERY CLOSE SCORE. a n d left this, worning for Itloit. Eol- liwing is the some. MICIIIGAN. MICHIGAN DID NOT WIN WITH- A.B. R. IH. 0. A. N Csts-.r f _-- 51 t3i50 00 OUJT AHARD STRUGGLE. I 2e i. ----4 0 3 0 322 \btisi - 4 0 2 '0 3 0 h_____--telli., ----- 4 0 0. 1 20 'Iietsidt'. f.------- 53 0 0 1 1 0 Dieans.Makes Two Errors-Condon lues bee-sos, 2t__-4 .0 0 4 13 ...…

May 24, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…tt of A TURDAY, MAY 24, 1895. PRICE--THREE CENTS. VOL. V. No. 168. UNIVERSITY OF MICH3IGAN, S. i A WELL D~ESERVED IJONOli JUDGE COOLEY'S BUST. UN- VEILED YESTERDAY. Appropriate Addresses by Mr. R. J. Barr. Dean' Knowlton, Pres. Angell and 'Win B. Hnornblower- Music by Prof. Stanley and the Glee Club. Yesterday afte1110011 Ill 0s11101or2111021 v eiling ;land prc seroloico I X12121i ;e c the bust o sog fu Lo Co.oely. to the 120ni1212sity, n...…

May 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…I " dlp iw Voil, V. No. 166. UNIVERSITY OF MICHI[GAN, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 189. PRICE-THE E CENTS. ANOTHER .VICTORY. MINNESOTA PROVED AN EASY VICTIM FOR MICHIGAN. Sexton Was Too Much for Minne- sota's Batters-Condon Did Great "WOik Behind'the Bat-Deans and Shields Led the Batting. Michigan tird consecutive 'game ystcrelay by defating tiem Ui- versity f Minnesota witb a sore of 16 ie 4. Wasget was pounded foi twenty hits, all but two Mic...…

May 22, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…je 1. of CV s " Ob s VOL. V. No. 163. FOUR RECORDS BROKEN. SHOT PUT, HAMMER THROW, HURDLES AND BROAD JUMP. 196 Gets 2S Points. '96 L Gets 19, and '98 15- F. M.1.-Hall, '96 L Breaks the Record for Shot Put and Hammer Throw, LeClaire Martin, 'SB L, the Running Broad Jump, and Stuart, '96, the 120 Yards Hurdle. (913' W2'i iii iu~ct:ti'e tlt,':.'iti 7 UNIVERSITY OF INLCI-IIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,'1895. PRICE-TH-REE :CE NT$. (1111cut, t.hlyd...…

May 21, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…je . o AL VOL. V.. No. 164. UNIVERSITY OF M.ICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 189. PRICE-THRlEE CENTS. AINNUAL FIELD DAY 'It- Stuart, 'Pit; .. 1.' It; 1-.IF. ____C_(ary, '(08; L. M-artiu, (Pw L; I.t.ll. THIS AFTERNOON PROMPTLY IltultilTS011, '1) AM. AT THREE O'CLOCK. Shot putatH. Maulha~l, W. H. 'T'Il i on's1, 'd .Itutrhli.:'lau, 'P37; .1. Entries for the Various Events- : LoI' thy; J. . Ilap<1, ' I' P Officers of the Meet-Cold andt Silver Medals...…

May 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…je . o VOL., V. No. 163- UNIVERSITY OF ,11ICHIGA . MONNDAY, MAY 20, 1895. PRICE-THREE GENTS. VOL.'V.No.1t3.U~iER~TY O MIHIGN. MNDA, MY 20 185. RICETHRE CNTS MAY FESTIVAL WAS ' A BRILLIANT SUCCESS PROGRAMS PERFECTLY T, REN- DERED TO LARGE AUDIENCES. UNIVERSITY HALL CROWDEDAT EACH ENTERTAINMENT. All Was Appreciation and Applause From 4,000 Auditors-Detals of the _Programs tn- ' dered Saturday. The aigl rowdlof Ilite(oleinfg oi- c('rt of th...…

May 18, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…je . of 4i VOL V. No. 162. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN]V S XPUR DA Y.I MAY 18. 18935. PRICE-THREE CENTS. i A BRILLIANT OPENING. SECOND MAY FESTIVAL BEGAN WITH FLATTERING PROSPECTS. ThelConcert Rendered by PultOr- _chestra,_Choral, Union and:Emin- F ent Soloists-Miss> Stewart and Rieger Seemed to Ibe the] Favor- ites-The Programs for Today. It is safe to say that University hail never before held such a multitude of people as assembled there ...…

May 17, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…/qW i Aym n ":'?. RACE-T REF, CENTS. }.-- VOL. V. No. 161. VOL. V. o. 1111.UNIVERSITY OF MIiCIIGAN. FRIDAY. NMAY F17. ItfETIECNS A. SYMPHONY TONIGHT. _____ THE MAY FESTIVAL WILL BE WELL ATTENDED. Miss Stein, Miss Stewart, Mr.I Clark and Mr. Rieger Will Sing- Season- Ticket Holders Should Get Tickets for the Organ Recital. The Slay Festival opeis with I symphony concert flitss-evsiing. The prograteifollows: Orerature, Anacreones------- -(...…

May 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…bCe tofI ,ialn VOL. V. NO. 160. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. THUTRSDAY, MAY 16, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. '5CASTALJAN OUT. Between this and tle oter story i THlE APP1ROPIJATION BILL. q EOR WINDOW a lle.o o~lIl u-ctTHEJiPUBLICATION ONE OF THE tir]," bey G. IR. Barker; "A Se.81(11' COMMITTEE HAS DECIDED ON BEST EVER ISSUED. bty Ilaylnond W'eiks; " Starligl." tb y $80,000 FOR THE UNIVERSITY. TBBMYB Pictues, Sories Biogaphicl Itrettat A. Iloyles. an...…

May 15, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…Alt t r ry,. J e Fr t l i ---------------------- VOL. V. No. 1.59. U:Xl'V*,Ii"'USfTY OF AMIC"1110-AN, WEDNESDAY, NIAY 1,5), 180),5. T'l 1: RTCE-Tijm,,i,, G- -NTTS. Vos. 11.. l N". 1'.+._..rTY O 5(H O N.W DN SAYAY1,. mcmTl ti._~xae THlE HOUSE T1AtOCVS t-i' U"- P. VOTE CO 3i-21". Representative Watt !V eas the MoQtion--Rao!rosnthe Cci'4 lV'!)J Ubiects-The li-y i t (%i Yr Likely Co't $'>25,00,D a.n Law Li- 'irery 535,000, at-F C"'n Li t l...…

May 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…VO. V. No. 158. UNIVERSITY OF MVICIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. RIME. LILLIAN NiORPICA.BLTEMSWRNRP. SENIOR LAW CONTEST. SEE OUR WINDOW!g AMERICA'S GREATEST SINGER IN Lae rdyAtrh~m~t L. G. LONG SELECTED AS CLASS THE DAMNATION OF FAUST. Wisconsin, ORATOR FOR COMMENCEMENT. ___'THERE MAY BB Sketch of Mine. Nordica's Career- The western tills of the 'vatsty Seven Contestants Compete for 8O0METHING Invited to Sing in the Bayre...…

May 13, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…IJE U. off VOL V. No. 1517: UNIVERSITY OF MJ CHIGAN, -MONDAY, MAY 1, 1895:. pRScj-Tmrim CExiTS __ _ i , COLD DAY. FOR ILLINOIS. i'TECilS" HAVE A BANQUET MEN FROM CHAMPAIGN TOOK HOME BUT TWO RUNS. 5Vichgan Scored Eleven Times in Three Irnns-Errors Frequent, But the Game Wan Interesting- Visitors Were Outclassed. The cold and the vhd,_cue of the wind was largely re.sloolsile for tie large number of errors in Saturdays game. Although many, ...…

May 11, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…tt* At SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. PRICE-THRE~E CENTS. VoL. V. No. 156. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANI,. i MICHIGAN YS. ILLINOIS. GAME TO BE CALLED PROMPTLY AT 3:30 THIS AFTERNOON. Huff, of Dartmouth, Captains the Illinois Men. Who Have Improved Sinoe the Former Game With Us -U. of M Batting Order. This nafternoi itt3:31) th(e 'varsity) tealm will mieet the Unit:esity of Illi- niois nine. The visiting teaim is strop;i; this siiason, aost a sthartp c...…

May 10, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…VOL~. V. No. 155. UNIVERSITY OF 1\SIII [1 FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1895. PRICE-Ti-REE CENTS. ,GAN, -COMED)Y CLUB 'TONIGH T. Faculty Concert Last Night. DETROIT INTERESTED O''1l' oplollliY of lb faclty ("1110 1's THEY WILL PRESENT TWO WELL i t u pert iaeuo hal IN THE FUND FOR THE WOMEN'S KNOWN FARCES. ________ 0 Iiof t."-a w ai slon, for ti, GYM NASIUMV. It Will Be as a Benefit to the Worn-, i 1e hlll was comforootbly fllbcd las: en's Gymnasium and ...…

May 09, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…Ct , . laxln:. VOL. V. No. 1 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TI-IURSDAY, MAY 9, 1895. PRicE-THREE CENTS. WILL FURNISH FULL SUM. n all six oratois. As the cx'-cutisv CHICAGO ALUMNI PROVIDE FOR natve tttitemi, ot caiiibe imade until FIRST HONOR IN ORATOR 1. ltltL -iu rdyngt They Will Give the Medal and $75 TH-OROUGHLY AN ARTIST Annually-Third Year Laws Will Is Miss Gertrude Nay Stein, the Receive Consideration Tomorrow Contralto in the May Fe...…

May 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…tt* , . 1a ly. VoL. V. No. 153. UNIVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. A GREAT HOLLAND PIANIST. MAFTINUS SIEVEKING WILL AP- PEAR AT THE MAY FESTIVAL. Highly Praised by Musical Critics -His Compositions Played by the Lamoreaux Orchestra -Appreci- ated by Patti-At the World's Fair. Aniong oilier notabileiuii tins who aippear in Alln Aror during the May Festival, sue of the gratest is a Ilo- enee and is c rtainly a...…

May 07, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…-tIJE .,o..Waln VOL. V. No. 152. UNIVERSITY OF MVICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. EDD~Y, THE ORGANIST. A BRIEF SKETCH OF THIS EMI- NENT MUSICIAN. A PuPil of Dudley Buck, and of Haupt; Pronounced by the Latter. "The Peer of the Greatest Living Organists." Among 'thie artists of _world-wide m-putatiorb who figure in the Mlat Festival, Is Clarence Eddy, the esain- enst organist, born in Greenfleld, Mass., inst 23, 1851. Clarence...…

May 06, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…Of AW4M Vo. V. No. 151. PLAYED A PRETTY GAME. SATURDAY'S DEFEAT BY COR- NELL A BRILLIANT CONTEST. "VARSITY'S HARD TRIP AF- FECTED THEIR PLAYING. Score 2 to I-Pitchers' Battle Be- tween Priest and Sexton-Bril- liant PlayinE by Shields and Blooringston. What ',vso'aiiul to ho the lest con- teted gne ever plyth ot Pere lit id at Ithaca, N.0T.. took piatot'ato- srday, witn Mieligani wett dowvn be- fore Cornell by the core of 2 to 1. Althioughtdf...…

May 04, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…ti /* Of SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. VOL. V. No. '150. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MICHIGAN VICTORIOUS. JAMES H. MAYS SURPASSES HIMSELF IN ELOQUENCE AND WINS FIRST HONORS AT IOWA CITY. An Eloquent Oration on "Interna- tionalism"-Captured the Large Audience Immediately-Mr. Ingra- ham Responds to a Toast-The Speakers Return Tonight. Tie annual contest of the Northern Oratorical league held last night at Iowa City resuited in a spl...…

May 03, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…ti , t . 1a . VOL. V. PTO. 149. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. DEPEW ON COLLEGE MEN. WHAT COLLEGE MEN HAVE BE- FORE THEM TO PERFORM. A Large and Orderly Crowd-A Fine Talk-Coin's Financial School Re- ceives a Drubbing-President An- gall Introduced Him-Trilby Com- mended Strongly. At S o'clock yesterday afternoon Ui- versity 11ail1was crowdeci by aicaud- ience eager to hear Anerica's mot poplahr orator, Ca...…

May 02, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…I ti , ' . 1a lU. VOL. V. No. 1418. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1895. 'PRICE-THREE CENTS. MAY FESTIVAL NEXT. OUR ANNUAL FEAST OF MUSIC BUT TWO WEEKS OFF. The Course Includes Four Con- certs-Several Old Favorites to Be Here-'"Damnation of Faust" to be Sung. The recond annual Maytt rol iof ii, Tlrive-sIty Mirsiclil society is ro', lifttle lilore Ian two wet.s off, and it can safely b.! said 'hat lastrSyear's grfeat sue c swill l...…

May 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…~Ie ~. f l VOL. V. No. 147.. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 1 ;i OFF FOR IOWA CITY. MAYS: INGRAHAM. AND BROOKS LEFT AT 7:30 A. M., TODAY. The Chicago Alumni Will Give Them a Bouffe Luncheon-The Orators Get a Chance for Rest After Arriv- ing at Iowa City-Prof. Trueblood Starts Tomorrow Afternoon. The 7:30 train over the Michigan Central this morning bore our repre- sentatives on their way via Chicago to this year's Northern Orator...…

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