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April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…[ oi: l 1. . oJi. NuT. ANN AR~BOR1, MICH., WEDTNESDA Y, APR IL 1,1lI9003 No. 136 FENCING TOURNAMENT Norhwastern Girls in Ahletics -~ -Mo'eits ha 1itty Nsrtisvssi s't'tt~ AnnualExhibitisn Next Stuida- Ste'sit sseues's iiessis' its'ter i n it TslDecide Champnship of the isis1io itfour evstss only wert' University-Tumbling and runsositriothws'e situ ite ivlrs Gymnastic Events 1kudif e'o '01t t ildsto sut'sinit the stting, of seea creds'itblite Th...…

April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THEL UNIERSITY Ok" MICTHIGAN DAILY. TH llE U. Oi M. DAILY 1: iII '1 ilt~llll.' 111HIor adlC sprin be dno, wre Ile j-r~lllai asss Engraved EItctreda c o lot-Il 0 tnit tAnn Arbor tof itll i 'pal i t Ins ()joi l tan111otU?1 I 14il eavt 114. 1 1 Ir i Holie-Cim e ce SIilihd rlynIdasex~tg 8 irii lllntonlyh ' 'P 0' i II; 1111 elliH aiflil Nl UflCO <1 hecolev yara the Universit 4fdichoiagusfl. '11' aitt ItO d te +Iment I nvita= cmilpany JucII -ivli l'...…

April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIERSITY OV IMICHIGAN DAILY. Spring ITHE RIGHT THDINGS AND _ Spring NOUGH OAF THEM 5 1 *Is whnt keeps tlits store in ii , d..iiil wi iiithe young menOf tlT ~ i(,st. O rC(x iiit f Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishing M~adras, Cheviot, II enri ini int tn;rn Linen and Percale. thtlii e i torte to iii 2 or25c Wagner & Co. WADHAMS, RYAN &REIE, At the sgn of te ptereId utoablihcl 1881$$. 1(m;i ...…

April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. "r)Of one Af the best and most perfect fitting Customi Tr aE -lmade :shirts. We have a large assortment ini pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from 'ZION BR'A ND" $1.oo to $2.50 CUTTNG RVER CO 19 and iii J. G.BU 5, ~CUTTING, R VER& 0C1,Washington Street University Tea Rooms RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING {0MMRI AT PHIOTOGRAPHIERI. AT RENTSCHLER'S. 0. UNEMRTILS LOVELL'S Cor. ;Bain and Huron St. Phone 39,...…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…; v _ _ ° Y ' ' '. s5 - G ' I r" , " . ! - .. .. - e 71z n- G o ? _ . r I _ _ _ E F7C r- S~>i fY CD G cfq :5 e'Y -1 rt fD ft s c°r f. J. cn, m CO m !: _ - i. , -' m li , . c ',l, :r! r ' C'' t N t ..V V " r 1 M°' t--+ F- + F'? r-- .... '=f- r'° 4. M" M ^ -+ V f U ;. I .rte f rt 4 . v rV t^t v " z r-t Ft C 1- i v FHS r ' lUy'c, , ~ r "f. J, ~ _ ~ " tl % t+"t ~- ^ y .-. y ... J .. f J :, 'J. ' 'Yq . " _ J ,... 'f. . V !' "-" , ,,,. .", .'".. ,.....…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…I _ i ltFi"tITY (.) F Ilt IIAN DAILY. 2Y PDLIIC_ 40> L "r C +4 y, . . i i ' } f i T t ." THE U. OFNI. DAILY' ( 1' }illitl('7 l I s tilE't't 7«1 'il! i1 .illy lip t' i Jl' 50 ..'t ) IEngraved Cornmenc~e= IC CC W tCi1i2 +^i ',x'1 (111 -I i ') t°;1t')! I!t '!i1i14 1', :ii7 1 . ;7i'?1( : '"_'llfl 1r) I!4 i 4 a 13 1114 ) , it l'- 1 ,i f <s 111 ,1~ 1 t t Ir)'+r1i E I' 11,11\l l'1' il }( ;i}it 4 1 I stl?' 1('4 Tit- NV _ _.. II a iiie Io ~~i When 11i ...…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE U-NIVxEie'SITY OFi I(lllI(,.x N DAIL.Y. . K. ._ .e . °L- .X -- _ ._ 1 rn ,__ i., .\. If you wntto knlow alt? - suxa<ri r, x s .. ; . , ' .. ...., . m .. ., .. ;i: L .. PALACL PL- , 637. I' p^. _-..7 -ci. ~ -i. R. x. LL' CA YU ANE Ati , pwUnx stv So o. ba,_: S?.-w 1??. I ~I ?,1t r -. e. .. Gaso'iu La ips ', ;; 't -3ii 1 '< BliliaRdSEParlo,, s W. D S..PIPRf3(15 mn t .Ili AI;YXE<<IDt 1'03 F AvLY.\ ns EyesScintiicaly ittd a !' iiU SIt3 T'i 'I"...…

April 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…ro'IIT?- NI~Iii.TITY 017'MICHIGAN IDAILY. a -1+ . JG..h u:r '. ~:.. 7 .. .. . . a ' . . t ... .. ._a . _. y a . .. a]. s. u . u . .. .. . .. . _ . .'4 .~. . Y ] j ~. i. _. . . _ .. . .._ :1'J aIt ,( tLC N WS~IL 1>U IIN O[ 6 . II -I IR [ ~I -, . :t '. ( , d\p. .'~ciMc '3itJ at.' v , T c.P^, ) . Fresh Strawberries iVT lt - 11)«i. A ll t tat i lt rt itl t \i i ALKNS' PHARMACY, 324 S. State St. Bailey & E~dmunds FS H N ETS FOR DIOCORATINUi. 121 Ea...…

April 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…_^ t v 1CQ.,7r kS 'C^f r ' c:1 4Tri :1 Y y d ! _ is1: 1 t " y F S '1 f. r{ -. F"j i 4 '_7 l ' w7 F, I V y-, f"rt ;;,, jy rr .,;; :.3A- i, F t-. c fY. p .: 5. ti E " : A N ] 1101, AMI.. 11.. API'I l 1 TRACK , IEN OUT ThrowRS HBtaiolo1 iilrkeThan Ever--C.0 C .to Rac 010, 111 ii I likr 1 _11111 ii iii ikr W , 11141 .Ii 10 11 c; I'1(1( 11 Il111 .- 01,11 Ii l ici1; 1( or ls d l 1 111 t I l 11 1 11\(, f u ,1 1 '' :li 11(1 t ii v l11ld Ikl lil_ S -j1...…

April 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…THlE UNIVEhiSI LY (i i 1'Iiht:=N DAILY. i a lly alS' . illIi l( l lIl G I .". Ii 108 E. Wash. St. 'ITHE U. OiF NM. DIY EARLE, 91. i1'I(N (9 ' Ix (91 'SiN*A tl' LElITOIRiS, ,1. li'<ct r,'a . Aseig imt lEdiltr I. '-R LN iix 1 11"! SUIN(Tipch"I urieQ of the U of NJ lyHy is woo fw t1 e £r)oewe you; :01, I tler': _r)[II III t3 [i 1 ' it1t+C: , ul' . 22112 L CSC, hnn(ieol I'i flt The !Io- befor£' y 11. Ul., ,r E nn:: ;, rl tr) the iirc ;l 1). I.i. o...…

April 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…Itt tN ij~ y ol Utl ttNi ",6 a *r ',9 S i 7ACKET? ,A BRAN' Price 1o clC it '.i ..: ...l c..2.. s> rt f. % : TUTTLE 338 S. Statec ':ALLtN THE ', SkfY BP DAN tLI. TAKtTh e~DREn~. <I I INti IA N~ tat: 0tt'ttt Oto 1? 1 C CAN YOU DANCL? ~ no can learn In u OC. mr ii at tic Unix rsttx Sit ix tit tt:lttCtc4 State Street, ~tttti ax att~. xVect x- .ax cx ettinys. 'xc ~ A ~~ ~%' T1 1W F C K a a a i - t '. ,.t' T5O HE A ieN alloey' to thecetL ox r writec...…

April 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…U? OttO 'tIff. N flY. - ) { Noy' - , . f. ._ rd , , .i ^t f ^ . -. n ;,: .? r .: 0. t^r t; , c r r,6",. " 5 . _ _, ° p' 0000 A " ' ' ._ t . i > "+''" l f . "1 { \ 000 / i I "{:t ... , :i4 ' ;'t. ., , y . 4 "= t l /IJIV. ' , l _' O/I+ IJ , o' ' T' r F. r 0 s w. P O9O . .OC&) < ."~0 t,- Q a .") . f ro. :v v ' '",,0 AT LOVI- I_' S ( or. :t CORNER %zoT0I4 :. ..:n frOm 8 a. ott. to 8. P.r. TERRIBLE Teai, Coffee, Chocolates, i~e Lamps11f1I~t o RA110...…

April 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…1 , A' h f .:i. 1 ,: s_$ ' i+ S e:3 4 i , :c t F 7 r "t gar. XIII. NN l~l, ICI. S tI -i y Al) 1. 1 2 No. I THE POWERS LECTURE Cyne 02, for Conres - -- '111, ii ci i1 c(i o :1r t ALarge Audience Were Well Plfer-e o t' inst 'i '11 t tamed by Leland T. Pwers Last 1Ii iiiii ndilni'i to411 in ii I~rss Evening in University Hall i111:11 'iLong i of th iil ivini ursinltii - - distict i f Mr ILow-iiwas jtupersun I t nt iin th ia iill hi s liiiiil ii 1...…

April 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…FIRE UNIVERSITY OF~ MICHIGAN DAILY. THlE U. OF M. DAILY Spring Enter I aza teltos mtte- af Ann Arbof Springhed_________________ excepted)._________ MANAGING EDITOR, 'Ill-122 re-sf114ill finer LEI. IHOUSTO. 03 C0111lete 111.'of BSINESS fIANAUFR. R CEB. JIUSTJN, 0-, EDITORS, Athletic XI)ic--tiK. Wlton, 0C4t Assignmentl Editor GENERAL NEWS i TilltPn Aritor.'Will.bBafont05 it Ail. it. i'will b fu nd Mr'1s, 10$ Fak .f a k'~ E'. «WashIItnoi . _r(Ie ...…

April 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…j VIESTS e [ y - FANCY Itn<? orie and q ..;:ty r 'Irt" -11 1, e t',._, ... r 7 f1 ' ' tu( 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE UNir.IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If yu wnt t knw IWe carry a complete line of what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- Sadr son ask to see Sa.. paau *Urinlary a ysi S m art Olaf hes I ccriizetttfi tlt 1 est "approvedal _IEBERZBACII N9IMPUFATERSA Lindensdmiit[ &Apfel 112 AN&SONIMO T RE RS I i II2 S.Main St and 342 ...…

April 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…T ITE UNIVERSITY OF MICHTIGAN DAILY. . . . e 47= ,, , -1- . r - y .,s o e -ya ..W..L_ .- . .".a.ti~ -,.n., t . .._ 9 <... d ." . K \.._ .. .. .. .._,,_ ,..A k V> .... x~~t.s" . ;: ruR ~. i~EVI~XLAY ITflN 8 BO[I60.. III &MfIIN 8IR[[1 U i i i i A! i i a1! T 7 ' QU G RENTSCHILEIR, ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's Fresh PHOTOGRAIPHERt. AT RENTSCHLER'S. aeclr Pit trawberiesCr. Main andi Huron St.j Phone 389. 3 rings. A Other Clleges CALENDAR j...…

April 05, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Q.^ ." ! r ° --' '°' . . 7. , ' tv. ""' , °-- _- _ --' r 's :^' G r _ : ,. W f J. , jr r G -' ' v ,-'' "", -', O 7"s "' r- - - ! :f.' a. .__. - 1 ,^ w.. f .- 1 .:. " '/ f ,r - t .-' f==. ,... ,_ _- I_ -fir 'J. .,, _. 1. _ _ -. 'f: 'I. I. V .--. :/: ... 1. J f _ 7 ' _ '_ r . . . . ^, J. .r .. r ' - _ .., J.> . .... '-'s - .._.. ~ / f 'l. '_ n .+ "" ~ ...." r f, _J-. ;., ' : , ,r. w: . _- ; ! - V J - ,w -w F-t i- .i . ,. { -r ,e, l e i. r " 'r-,...…

April 05, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…I-VON MEO + ,a l %=' -- i " -.., !! ,, T d . . r- tV (#2 ' v7 q "' Ci® s s3CA 0 ' /, _ t [.. r. ' t({{ , . S - - , >r ':r. 1 Y:..'. ... ... f " _ -1 Q:a. Ff .. .1 f j ZAP ....... <K; 2 v ® :: ;. ,..., TIC . _ .r ,.. f _ v r _ .- f, i - _ .- v U rv y N feti rl !. V E j I f J W f 1. " . J .-. "J 7 w-. f _ -c I ..- .. ._ .. ., _ .2 S -" , -- H; _ . . . ,._ C2 S "-4 - b :.p i .. ti _.. G: 1 _i e 1 ,a Yr.{ r5 S i - . r 1_. _.. 5 - . ... .;y r . ._....…

April 05, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ENOUGH OF THEM i Iswha kee s ti tort= i ic(. Shirtsrte hih the~ l h "rtstill I OI r () it t i Suts, Overcoats Hats, Caps, and al1 the Fxclusi ve Patterns in ne1-stMe'sFun h. __Linen and Pcrcale. t t i ti 1 1o lo RACKET 4, B$RAND W gner & Co Ttwo 11(10 and (ark Tip. 7' *tti S. NV. BUR4CH1FIELD ATILETIu ALMANtAC r _4 :For 19031 (Othier Citliees S '' i t i Il t 1 t l~c tlt i{ t ll : t . . 3 : ;i{ ;l 't t'l~ li '....…

April 05, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…1'Ii:9t;\ZIPI; Si '' 1 F iIc fI(AN DU~LY. t Fx pret yeffcts ill xiord and Chviot vavcsfrom f,$100. to $25 "ZION BRAND'' J. 6. BUSS,11,gr. CU TIN ,"R'V'-" CO99Washington Street -.. Uwniversity Tea Rooms IiENTSC HL~IO, ARTISTIC FRAMING 10. M, MARTINa'a" AT PHOTOGRAPHER.. AT LENTCHLERHS FUNERAL L OVIELL'S Cor. Main and Huron Ste. Phone 389. 3 rings. DIRECTOR CORNER STORE. Office 209 S. 4th Axe. PIhx ox 99.Rest- Open'from 8 a. m, to8. P. M. I CIIU...…

April 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…5 b-ri Ma No. 141l WHOLLY UNWARRANTED T'he Attack of Preident Jordan U~on 'Gregory and Coach Yost was Aholutely Without Foundation 'rle tttftittlilttack 10011Gll _ Jordan of Leland tli tatford''withli' Iirtifssiotl of te ' higati reprocia lre" lis jtlyto'a roed tighoest indignation of diwestideit btdy. i'tesi 'ent Joratn said: "I have thet' )1'tlllseiotl iof te' liti Can represnttative tit tils meeting to sicis word. As oawtlIafter NWaier -Cba...…

April 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. T itE U. OF M. DAILY1 Ktha,; a att' tio Engravedr itSpr oi i i m It itt1)ttiiut t asittddcethttn ra i I I I I U U I U U I I I' .II O t t o o y Ie t 'o ' mb y t ei I I 1 . l - C m e n c e ~^ MANAGING EDIITOR, idl i il t ______such._______________ 1114' 1I11 1' o ' ;411I.1i ilttiN ty,. j'-t t Blt IUSINEiSS IAN\AGEIS ,(lli l o 1s' I i )'i ma 1 IlilT 4':111 li' i4Iti' 0 t 1:I14!II(! u re lgI tvillg is lot1 Athlett...…

April 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D)AILY. _1 i4- Qa 7 Jr 'K"- r .I If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- son ask to see Stein=s Blocli SmIa rt Clot 1he s Lin sdhlitf & ApteI We carry a complete tone or Standard Apparatuss for Qua litative and Quasstitttise U iIn ar y A n alyi A(tsis .l(II'tins ntle nesl ut-) 105551 an gid i jr lcissi 1nletinds. EBERBACH &ISON, TERSuRA; 112 S. Main St and 342 5. State St. ,......ti.- -. . --...…

April 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…ILL I : 1 !°IL i' 1 1 Y 01 IC IIC XN1DAIL Y. ,r. I , n r . .. r ,saI_:. ,. +...J: -I....]i i.i.s~r L c. __." 2 _. r., l,. . .I 'I& , -4m*Amu V y F 3 0~A-SK TO SEE OUR NE\\ SHAPL'S PURIThN tIO[ 60., III & MfiIN SJRftT Am_ RENTSCIILER, ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's Fresh 'HOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S.Waeclr Pit Sr vbrisCor. Main and Huron Sta.J Phone 389, 3 rings. ATecoo Pit At tit itbtfoinait IR-1.1tIIyAN 110.CALENDAR Atout'sod fointili...…

April 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…[ " 0 m mANMLAr 'IL us Me D RL0 Nt. 142 " PROF. PATTENGILL TALKS ANTN ARBOR~, IGH.. WEl)NES)< Y, APRIL . 1903 ilO Chariman of thte Board of Con- :orol Be Gives His Opiniono of the Presett 'rouble lit liii lii tei'1'ttilo'I st -ve21ilt- Ili &itill. if ( lttsit if Altlle- tiui a1d 5i~ PltI t'ii' o it stiy teoirdlilf'' I# riltsttituiiiit p)CPressiet-.Tii l-v,-Or of thi s I'i i ittttsiitrtili - t ile1! s111t i h Ittiiessl: t - Itt i itnelensipi li...…

April 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. - J S~~~ring ~~THEi UIi' (FE M. DAILY ight of tha lltogod stnding nteZliti'.]hti t t A r. 4t t lltl~tIle v.r>.5 0. I Engraved A 4 '~~~ ~.Cornmrence= r ;ttill.f I Ileom' tr-I 10i. trete aia et'i t intY'st a rcrrc. 'ils ,al ilit~ic o 11( t O uretnsand Ci rdislotU MA A IEDITOR , lIit it' u'l (tt eheeillito it ileeit h a rs an II t A gttttt1.tHOUS TON.'0,.t oi t c1llly ii'''i co ltis'. it' teit- i 4 111i:Th it 3~ ...…

April 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. *FURNESSIA"' 'THE RIGHT THINGS AND springENOUGH OF THEM I [chttkeeps)tlii soe illclove Sp in rtSil touih iththetliiun ir flref ii Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, anid llthe , Excluive atters innewest Men's Furnishing Pattrnsin11 rn1 hin cuieMadras, Cheviot, 1liii (f'0 ur t Linen and Percale. Ila i ,t ou ti e cur R Men i0 t liketohi iel d Ii I RACKET BRAND'a cciiiocst1n"t i ee SLfo5C Wagner & CO.,AHAM, RYAN...…

April 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…1111 2 NF LIlly OF M0ICHIGANLI AlLY. Oone of the best and most perfect fittin5 CI-tom- TRADE0 flade Sh-irts. We have a large assortment in pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from "LO N" $i.oo to $2.50 J.GBUSf~r.CUTTING, REVER ,& C io and III -0G@USfg. "iWsigtnSre University Tea Rooms RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING t 0 M. MARTIN.. AT PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER's. FUNERAL LOVELL'S Cr. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 39, 3 rings. DIRECTOR CORNER...…

April 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…VoL. VIII.J oF IF DAiLYG No. i14 ANN ARBIORMILLI., TI I'SI)AY, APRIL 9, 190:3 FRENCH LITERATURE Politico ntlt i n tu e t oltci i llt I.Mabilleau Gives Interesting Le-ainIIg 1ig1 as tit(, carius spr igelc- tos I art Itwrallg lar. t'spe 'ia l.e is tore Before Membrs of Cercle thils true of heItilSlests for lthe . I" Francais of the Univerity Alitan illood C l't'tltle1 (ht li ' _________ 'lrs. :a liei'c'iidra blet'tct liii' iiaall hl uesdattty ee...…

April 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THDE U. OF M. DAILY S Ir E~~ntered its e 1on- lasmttr1( itln IAbo I L r11- t 11. -;1.wros wih hl w , I 113(' tilr'1'U _ . _ (I ;3 ' -il l l f r l A 1(1i" 1, \ i1 w - 'It'al 1'f';ll' t)l1 i '7 'II i I, _ ? l ' i " t'1 Irt1 tip' "s 11ta11 0 11i II, 111 i o YOOLEN& EDITOROS, Athletics Asigmet Edito~r UEI/ERAL N EW5 81,1 11 l. II I o lo.'1, T . 1 (8 it r Engraved Cornmence= ment Invita= tions and Cards Our e g~1 ...…

April 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- son ask to see 'IEVESTS -Stein= drt cS1art lathes ____________________ [fl~Sfl~htt Ap W'e carry a complhllete line of Standard Apparatusr for rdiD ry Dlx i A(,o iit" o i, I II I E E lRCH & SN, u PALACE AND PARISIAN LAST YEAR NVE (01 UP TIn L~11ry ~Eastr ISOUTHERN Tht~ hepiteI ;'"-c Preparations P N celve. Dmestc ti~l~l 1 You may have nieglectedl ...…

April 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MtICHIGANT DAILY. ru rian ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY CUStOli $3.50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $4.00 PURIThN 8fl0[ 60., III &teMfiIN SIR[[1 RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMINGI Windsor and Newton's Fresh PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENYSCHLER'S. vvater uolo r Paints Cor. Main and Huron Se. Phone 189, 3 rings. ~I Strawberries AT Physical Education CALENDAR (( At our- Soda fountain Y''sriay Aim Arbosrwaas visied eF IE svry day 1now. All tiem by Sevra...…

April 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…vam 1 OiF I '1 DAILY* V&..XIII. ANN ARBOR, LICI.,FRID)AY, APIRIL 10, I900~ TEAM[ STARTS TODAY 'et igan's Baseball Men Leasec Annual Western'Trip-0tloos Favora'be--liist Game Will hiCco {qr "1oeitc MIteittc' etic St ii M r. t'111 t ebticel' . io it li -t. Mr. i hwllutlL.I tfm ik r:1i en ti~n oii a i stet iii ci tic 'e ioti clt4 ic eta te it t ccii in mc t il i''iit n 1h ' t 'ci i' iii i' tc Iii ai'~d i t , o Ic. dst f c c at i (t heiii'iitii c ...…

April 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring A nnounceiuenl T lao ge stand moAo- eoAllll(0ei ltre of VOOLEMN THE U. OF M. DAILY En) c a0 xcvlro nittr tAranAro Slo)A DItco. Pubtolsedlodaily ;Moas eooooootlolooodurig the colleoge. yearot the UIioee--ts ot4-Michi- 00000. by the IMichoigan oDaily-NcoooPublishing Ccoralall 11c) MANAGING EDITOR, EARLE I. HOUSTON. '0:3. BUSINESS 0'lANAGER, ROSCOE B. IHUSTON, '04-L EDITORS, Athleics Jobert Ko. 1Waoltono, ...…

April 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…- - 'ME UNIVERSITY OFWIMCHGAN IDAILY. ,*FURNESSIA? THE RIGHT THINGS AND SpringENOUGH OF THEM rt Is what keeps this store in close touch xwih the iung mnfthe it Shi university. Our exhibit of 1Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the - / Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishing Madra, CheiotIs generoisand inteestig and MadraiiiCtiloiiii p o t e t icti Linen and Percale. itht.gie totne to thte nearer. Aen wilo like to be wellIIdessed RAC.(...…

April 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…THE UTl'Mt t R i,-"OF MICIG~AN IAILY. >T' , !a f ., - t ' ' , ' . .. d ' 1 :y..U; f A ..t .'.".4 ° e., '1 ° . , ,'4 re , , s, sr C T IGR Y R O, ah University Tea Rooms ATI LOVI3LL'S CORNEA-' 5T0IRI. ipenfrom 8a.m. to 8.p. m Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, 10c La mps in 1 't I . illii ' I ( 55 IIENSC C'or. Main toildlHurio Ss. PhonyiS9O, 3 ings I Teetzel to Leave Ypsi ''t igh it, iat ; , ll il i iil i () 1i~ ;t~m ho t~tden itm iitha. 111NY CALE NDAR A...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Till OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNDSDAY, APRIL 22, 1903 No. 145 WOODROW WILSON hasisgoneitmai. Not Kasls, bit til, settins Vvaryin teeittitenft title Piincton President Spoke to a De- is iihettui1- tt w o srm tktes slos- ii hted Adience in University :InitilforP115th is toughttillpirit Ha11 Last Evein-Subject ;y "Ted. It is te)oldi"pitot Was "Patriotism' A lt-i-v iftt-stiiistime tier tgainlhe ititt ttititi iitititi lii ifeeli...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…TILE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring r1tt .r; il I m s EL I W 0i 0 ii f N1 .tG1 . W asA.&- S Sp ais Ong 's O ffcil 1 av"l( 1t~i 105E ash.St rPa119 Guide 1903 now ready ISHEEHAN & CO.l University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. THE U. OF1. D AILY N ii hewih hittii~tt tti EntenA__ox_________________m__tterat__Aln_ Arbor____ 4i iitsit titied ii It iltitc It.. 44i tt f EA 'lE I. Il iT uN. (P ti( P ;t - t li ti'nt i()li' i()lII e o 1*.t b t...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…for 2-ic THE UNIVERiSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spri gTHE RIGHT THINGSAND ENOUGH OF THEN T Suits, 0vercoats, Hats, Cap- anridaal tih7 Exciusive Patterns in new~est Men's Furnisig ~ [ Madras, Cheviot, It-siu. xclxx- -ini x s 4Il d -' 111) of justi 211 11'. Linen and Percale. I i -IvoI-- t hwci'r W agbon er & Coot A M RYi RLE <r ~ P [0LEOFF101AL [or 1903 Conxtainxs xa (compilete listiof Aie-- pieeList iofixChaxmpins.. Over13 itn-ofpmlwtAe- canxixdxf...…

April 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…'IIHE I' I1 i'i;,iTry 01r' ii'1lIIA N ii ILY' ^ ° . f ,;f one (i the hes and-,. t pe." ' ° nr r ftc.. v £i t t .JCstrxn . '¢ / TRA M,.Y , , r lade lo;^ ; .s i ts tWe ha"^ a' 4. "..+ e a :°.sor tment lo _ 9. . .J. f . ., , J ^1, i ,-,., "r, R e ty iI ~' tS .'+fO d 131., Ch yt /', Aves from 'my , L a . ,J r "".d '!''. $. L OOy ' r . ,, ,. ft $ . 5 0 . r, r1 * ,-~V'' .'T _ 'ZIO .8/A AD CU \G ~I2J~W~& i~ anr'- J' e . 0 rL.. + Y" ! ,s k,6 ...…

April 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…"Til Us. Or N AIY VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MIR., TILT1SDAY, APRIL. 23, 1903 No. 1461 INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET Will he Held Here May 22 and 23- Largen and Successful Meet An- ticipated--Hyde Park Will Send a Team 22c-c ccl Ic illrIt l{ :i uri is of-l h 1. :)1 of 11} sndliii- c s ic-c-s cale I h- Al ce)1l11 it ' ih lcontrol c is i c- 1. int heii liif 'li I ndci cl i ).l.t ,.F ii ld lii Ii ciclt i i-l. slic aI i ,pt illls ok nno i cll to h d ofeten ucli...…

April 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring Announcement T1] lamest5 and Glst Comle1te lisle5of WOOLEN~ ill Ann AT.oil bet 'foillil E. Wa'shingtonllfit,. Cr5111 sainls have 11551 taSken iln thei selec(tionllof ri11 stlit - TH~E U. OF M. DAILY Enee a eon-lx mer atAnnAro Pubilishiedldlily-(Mondas exesvpted), dlinlg the college year atsthisUnivesityllofiMichi-' Van, by the Michvligan Daily-NewsPblishinig Companiiy Ito), MANAGING EDITOR, EARLE I. HOU...…

April 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…OHIE -, >o~ ~ ~ 0' 1,I THE ULtVER61LTY -OF MICHt AN DAILY. If you want to know We carry a complet line of what smartly dressed ..i E men will wear this sea-. ~~lIAN Rll[TI son ask to see 7ri~ Appara Q h t~teus~ Bloch Urinary nalis1 S nari Iothes X.cordi.. to th e mos.t approvedan lindeosr~ i1SMain .5t ai PALACE AND PARISIAN --a e o Neglected get up-to-daite work, with lie least troiible to your- selves. Domestic finish a Ta pigSi specialty. M....…

April 23, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…'.ITY: UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. :.rit- ARE COMING IN EVERN DAY S AS1T St U N\VSHPE 4 ...I wr - . Q .. R . l^: ! . ^^ . ' a .. . Y " . y .qgp - . r . r T f - >t J T :+ ol "!. f W Y . - Pcesh t1las L b rt t a il Ix L N, VINO . Wi r R PrnpC l*I 5 A it I VI cSIad? wo' }?E rcolor P E 3w AT 17111. 111 AN N Nil A l Dii (. of * t Atis -~t ttt -t Its. I N' Is I n. 1 t C' 1or tdli ,z I 1 S t tt 7 51 i 3 _ } 77t 1 13 w~t 72r_ { , I enni «, 111+,: L...…

April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…THI! Us. OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. AN N ARBOR, MICH., ltIDAY, APRIL 24, 1903 No. 147 FIRST HOME 'GAME Varsity Beat A. A. H. S. in an In- ter°esting Game-Training Table to be Started oldn 1111lit mI 15thle Hrst g-tinlis'of zslle tti 'ltill Ferry ildl and thei --': itt 1111 5 Ie ironss w lliforta1 goo tiie ll'TI-inieitty leitg 1111etoitswites. in1 ,' i l 31.Theituib itngythe fr t as m tjis li itop tilego I tlteifi poliag n, f 10 teas was aii lp t...…

April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring THE U. OE M. DAILY Etrda ceonfot-s atter at Ann Arblor A w~ n ft.. _____£ . n St. L. A. ELEI'bIIN. VT e aetion of S. IL. A..e'la'101'0 for Satluaot..jiApr' i t 10:15'tot tiotot I >: I the ier eat thLait'a'.tnt io ii-resaide't. ,....-Ciiiaa rn} II pr'ooi't-Zin to thesuet nol 'IlieItiroal tiiilmostEARLE 1. HOUSTON. '113. 1 ii'1rot oatrt ot't tollllteIfilto of lBUSINESS IlANAGFR, :Id 'a'Ioilus i antii a ir...…

April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…ow THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. RACKET BRANf R r'b xo N -i prt~ng- TH E RIGHT' THINGS AND, ENOUGH OF THEM Is what keeps this store in close Shirtsouch with the voting menof the~ Suits, Overcoats, Hiats, Caps, and all the Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishing Madrs, hevotIs generous-and iiteirestiing 'iid Mars, Cheiot I m up of just those thiiigs Linen and Percale. tii " tie 1(Iii0 i thaii ut10 itoneto h ewil lii " it iioiderate co...…

April 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MiICHIGAN DAILY. REYER e4 Concave Shoulder Effect, Form C ing = i ii Back, the High Close Fittig ___________ Collar, meed ium Peck lop Trousers 1.19-11E ah fo At Prices Ta Are Right. These are our strong points, THE NEW STORE. G. J. BUISS, Mgr, University Tea Rooms IIENTSCILER, (ARTISTIC FRAMING 10. M. MARTIN,., AT PHIOTOGIRAPHIER. AT IIEiNSCULLII S FUNERAL L OVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron Sts. Phone 359, 3 ringsa. DIRECTOR COR...…

April 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…TI"E Iis or NfDIY VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATU tDAY, APRIL 25, 1903 No. 1 48 FIRST BASEBALL GAME Victory Nlubtful, Yet an Unusually Close and Hard Gause to be Played-Lineup STANDIiNG.t(51' (LUBSt. ( , 1. i ; 1 !t t I 1 ',;t I I I i I 01140044..... ,llel go ... North westo1 a4(i1i44111 .7l 1N isoloi 111 Won loo t. 2r P4oo. D) The first of t11e liltee 111144'si1 s Leaigue -inles w~-il4be, lllli 40114-o11 P'eiy 1F1e(ld 4il(111411'he -tll))) ...…

April 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

…4k THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THlE U. OF M. DAILY MICHIGAN NOTES. Spring Fredt hAl),Pttbtottiit e 's Ann uu nnm * Pubitthed 61%(Modays exepted), durinog MANAGING EDITOR5, The i' biiiititthutrecita fthIei Schooli ut The largest Lind ost EARLE I. HOUTj81ON. 't3. fiuic nill t-iheii'g-i'tt ill (toy. Comptilete ilttiolflBUSINESS IANA(BOR, The Sg:Si._ I oinaot:l oot ti r tie il ROSCOE B. HIUSTON, '04 -L. . liiiiiibt latO t iibt itt t E uITtO ...…

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