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April 29, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

Wolverines did everything wrong. The usually steady infield fell com- pletely apart, the Michigan baserun- ners were caught napping off the sacks, and three Wolverine pitcers combined to walk seven and hit…

… able to bunch their blows enough to make them- count. After the Wolverines gained a 3-0 lead in the opening frame on Charley Pink's safe bunt, a pass to Mike Sofiak, and successive singles by Walt…

…. Kelley made a handsome recovery to take third place. The winning time was :55.1. With Leutritz, Davidson, Jester, and Schwarzkopf running in that order, the Wolverines acquitted them-' (Continued on Page 7…

… University golf course. The first foursome in doubles play will tee off at 8:30 a.m., with singles play beginning at approximately 12:45 p.m. The Wolverines, who defeated Ohio State in their first Conference…

April 28, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

… although he has but one victory to his credit, he has allowed less hits per inning than any, of his mtates,= and boasts the Wolverines' only shut-out perfor- mance, a four hit masterpiece against Maryland…

April 27, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

Wolverines, under the direc- tion of Ken Doherty in the absence of head coach Charley Hoyt, are en- tered in six relays and in seven in- dividual events. Capt. Bill Watson is the lone de- fending champion for…

… the Wolverines. Big Bill won the broad jump last year when he leaped 24 ft. 11%1/ in. after failing to beat his nemesis, Francis Ryan of Columbia, in the shot put by, a mere three inches. Watson and…

April 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

… order xas called. Michigan Nine Tops Hillsdale In Tenth, 5 To'1 Dobson, Bond Allow Six Hits As Wolverines Win Fifth Victory Of Year By HERB LEV HILLSDALE, April 25.-(Special to The Daily) -Big Danny Smick…

… big Danny laced one of pitcher Glen Sanford's fast pitches between first and second for a clean single, easily scoring the fleet Gedeon. Danny's blow was only a signal for the dormant Wolverine batting…

… score 5-1. Not Impressive Win The hurling duties for Michigan were evenly divided between Russ Dobson and Lyle Bond. Neither greatly nicreased his status on the Wolverine mound staff by his perfor-. mance…

…, yet both showed encouraging signs for the future. Between them the Wolverine right handers allowed only six hits, but (Continued on Page 3) FDR Submits Plan For Reorganization To Aid Democracy State…

April 23, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… and Sexton. After Step- pon's blow, which was one of the longest ever hit on the Buckeye field, Michigan was able to coast in behind Smick. The Wolverines merely add- ed insult to injury when in the…

… Danny per- formed his mound duties, was also responsible for the Wolverines' sec- and tally, which put them ahead for (Continued on Page 5) Teachers Meet Here Thursday Dean Edmonson To Speak To State…

… Brad Heyl, who was third in the indoor Conference meet. Dick Reising of Illinois,. capitaliz- ing on the absence of Elmer Gedeon, Wolverine hurdle champion, won both hurdle events from Stan Kel- ley…

…. After a slow start, Reising sped past Kelley to take the 120-yard highs in 14.8, and then came back to outdistance the Wolverine in the 220-yard lows in 23.8. Jack Leutritz, Michigan sopho- more, surged…

April 22, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

… in the past by Michigan despite the fact that he has ranked near the top of the Big Ten pitchers for the past two years, was in rare form today as he held the Wolverines to four hits, three of them of…

… Michigan defeat. All togeth- er, 10 Wolverines were left stranded on the base paths. Barry, who worked the first seven (Continued on Page 3) I -s -3-u 0 1-4 --0 ,--- Secretary Hearing Perkins Grants To…

April 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

… the mound chores in the Conference inaugural for both teams. For the Wolverines it wiil be slender Jack Barry, the soft-spok- en junior who has advanced from the relief role he held last season t the…

… Michigan Lineup The Wolverine lineup will be the same as the one which played through most of the spring trip. Leo Beebe will do the catching, hard-hitting Elmer Gedeon will be on first and Pete Lisagor…

…- h n aI g al At Champaign Squad Of 25 Is Chosen For Meet Tomorrow; Gedeon Misses Journey By DICK SIEBK The Wolverine track. team leaves late today for Champaign, Ill., where they will open the outdoor…

… campaign against Illinois tomorrow. Coach Charley Hoyt has named 25 men to make the trip. While the Wolverines are expected ,to polish off the Illini without too much trouble, just how well they will do…

April 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

… to The Daily)-The Wolverine golf team overwhelmed Ohio State yesterday at Columbus, 20-4 for its first Big Ten win of the 1939 season and fifth con- secutive victory. With but a single exception, Coach…

… Emery and Lynn Riess shared medal honors with 75 each. However, to Riess went the lion's share oj the glory for the Ypsilanti juni6r played two Buck- eyes as the Wolverines only carried a five man team…

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