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April 30, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… ; mus aaync bak.promisehsbadfBdelity, obedi--T lro ence, and also to follow him wherever n a Fre p t bn Iher sband Beticrs Hammer-Throw he may go!'" goes to Africa and forgets to give Of Former Wolverine

Wolverines' hopes of victory as the Spartans scored three runs on threej j hits to win, 5 to 1, yesterday at Ferry Field. Art Patchin and Francis Wistert gave up 11 hits to the invaders while their mates were…

April 25, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

… Wins Battle With Ypsilanti 12-4 Maize-And-Blue Team Re- taliates For Defeat Dur- ing Spring Vacation Braendle, Petoskey Each Score Three Nine Runs Scored During Fifth And Sixth Innings By Wolverines By…

… Ypsilanti, 12-4. The contest was staged on Ferry Field yesterday afternoon. Two pitchers, Mo ; and Quinlan were required to stem the tide of Wolverine hits: Patchin, Coach Fish- er's sophomore right…

…. Infield play in general was ragged throughout the game in both outfits. Thel Ypsilaniti out~ffit committed five ciors, while Michigan accounted for four. The Wolverines, however, man- aged to space their…

April 20, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…. Any group interested in combining Wolverines Bat Out 7-3 Victory Over Hillsdale Good Pitching And Timely Hitting Gives Michigan Win In Opening Game HILLSDALE, April 19. - Timely hitting in three…

… innings gave the Michigan baseball team a 7 to 3 vic- tory over Hillsdale in the first offi- cial game of the season for the Wolverines here this afternoon. The Maize-and-Blue made their nine hits and the…

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