March 13, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 120) • Page Image 1
… R. E. JOLLY & CO., bar whichi is peculiarly bushisn std litwmssaleusreo tmec-NteDumnut21fl ssue; 308 So. State Stree. differs naterially frustm time fust of celence of the three Wolverines ettor…
… R. E. JOLLY & CO., bar whichi is peculiarly bushisn std litwmssaleusreo tmec-NteDumnut21fl ssue; 308 So. State Stree. differs naterially frustm time fust of celence of the three Wolverines ettor…
…- Hold Wolverines Closer lie letures in French offered by the test - Son nenchein Second Than Last Year miemibers of the 5reith dearmet and Balcmb Third of the 5T.'ivtersit.iThese lectures are ni ~t fr te…
… Iowan: "Mctlugin anti Maididock, otldfotbitall stars at Michigan, will help coiach the Wolverine team iiext tall." The Senioirs at ('ornell are coinsid- tring a titan bty which tach class will pledlge…
…he Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1904. No. 117 frIICU6AN DEBATERS. REPUBLICANS BUSY. RECORD WILL STAND. ALUfINUS WINS HONORS. Wolverine Orators are Preparing for…
…METI oughly tModern. Ilan Wolverines Train Hard to Get Into Condition for Cornell and Syracuse Contests. 1\iiciiigan roxoers xx-ii dxy thi fir lst sptas iti cmptitNion 'at I rda ight i the xaiiiili ii i x mee…
…The ichi an Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S 9ffRI) Y, MAfRC H 26, 1910 No. 024. Vol. XX. CORNELL PROMISES TO TEST MICHIGAN'S BEST Ithacans Hope to Avenge East for Syracuse De- feat in Dual Meet Tonight-Wolverines…
…Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRJ DAY, 1I NRCf Ii, 1911 Vol, XXI. WOLVERINES FACE f ENi~t "C al~t1E l1.,\)[ 'raa TERRIFIC STRUGGLE a I2 (r111(1t i 1ti ilt[t Ini Splendid Spirits, Prepared Pi[ct is a…
… it It t i'T heta In t' uset h I N TONGHTS BG IIEE t ii~n i ii tt}I 1 ihm'nn I'ntldtx, .Nnil1 ()h 'i o Ii ni N) i (I t at o)II tnfnilefti foeInn h' nd \\ a Every Atom of Wolverine Strength Will Have To…
…Vo.XX.ANN AII: :iI, 'I IIIGlAN 'I ISI) LL .\l'I 111218, liii Vol. XXI. SIX MICHIGAN IYEN JLD)(i tlIRs I' 1:( )C i 1 N' , ?E I N N. WILL lD T Wolverines Willc Relay Team toI Class Oppc HORNER IS…
… the Michigan team is only a few weeks off. During spring vacation, which begins April 5, the Wolverines will.invade the South- land, and unless the weather breaks ,in the near future, there will be no…
… Everlasting Yea." The evening meet- ing will be a questionnaire, NEW YORK ALUMNI TO FACE QUAKER GRADS IN CONTEST. NEW YORK, March 19.-Michi- gan will attempt again to demonstrate that the Wolverines are…
…- the quality of many of the Michigan e men in actual competition will be in tested for the first time then, Syra- is cuse will have a big handicap over re the Wolverines and only stellar work depending…
… the Wolverines will attempt to retrieve last year's battles with them. The Pennsy games will be held during commencement week again and the only regrettable feature is that Cor- nell will be here for a…
… mid-week game. To Test Merit of Team. The schedule will prove a real test for the merits of the team, which is starting in with brilliant prospects. If the Wolverines can clean up the ma- jority of…
… Wolverines. During the absence of the Varsity athletes, the freshmen will be cocks of the walk in Waterman gym, and all the rubbing privileges will be extended to them in preparation for their meet with the…
… of Wolverine Victory. "JIMIE" CRAIG 1 BACK IN FORM Entraining with fourteen athletes in the top of good condition, and instill- ed with the confidence of victory. Trainer Farrell seemed far from blue…
… of the Wolverines Is con- fident of victory, but acknowledges that his squad will be fortunate to bet- ter the efforts of their antagonists by more than eight points. On the face of the two statements…
… White of Mich- igan. Cook had it all his way in the pole WOLVERINE EDITOR 15 CHOSEN. Italler undi McCormick Will Manage Summer Paper. Louis Haller, '14L, and Malcolm Mc- Cormick, '15, will be the…
… managing ed- itor and business manager respective- ly of The Wolverine during the com- ing summer school session. The ap- pointments were made by the board of control of student publications at a meeting…
…. Reason, the remarkable vic- tory of the Wolverines over the Syra- cuse Orangemen last night, as com- plete a vindication of the. defeats ad- ministered to Michigan in past years on the home track of the…
… over Syracuse, according to those followers of Wolverine track athletics who are in a position to know the ins and outs of the padded track game. With practically the same material that composed Michigan…
… year, and though the chances look bright for a Michigan victory, Trainer Farrell is not going to let the men rest on their oars, nor will he let the men overwork themselves. When Wolverines meet Ithacans…
… *WOLVERINE IN HARMONY FS Michigan Glee and Mandolin Clubs 1Will ,Join IWVisconsin Orgaization For Concert, LAST PUBLIC APPEARANCE TOGE THER WAS HELD IN 1908 Arrinigerments for Long Western Trip lhAaIe Been…
… to give the Wolverines a safe margin over the visitors is seen when the unreliability of results in the short dashes and hurdles is considered. Five tallies that appeared to be easy for Michigan to win…
… cloud appears in the Wolverine horizon. Cap- tain Haff injured his leg in practice Thursday evening by straining a ten- don, but although the injury is bother- ing him, Trainer Farrell thinks he will be…
… able to participate in the 440. Outside of the injury to Michigan's leader, the members of the Wolverine squad are in the best of shape for the competition. The Cornell contingent is expected to arrive…
… more has the Michigan track am demonstrated that the 1913 squad about the best balanced aggregation athletes the Wolverine university s turned out in a great many years. Ad once again has Trainer "Steve…
…. Keppel of the American Association for Inter- national Conciliation, announcing the engagement. Mr. Angell will arrive at Ann Arbor on "The Wolverine" at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, and a large…
…." While in college he was a member of The Michigan Daily staff for two years, member of The Wolverine staff and associate editor of The Michigan- ensian. WANTED-College girl to spend about two hours latter…
… hall in the afternoon and evening. He will leave Ann Arbor Wednesday on .the Wolverine for Chicago. Ex-Congiressman Diekema, will ad- dress the menbers of the Union at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon. His…
… WILL OFFICIATE Michigan's freshmen will invade De- troit Saturday to compete on the track with a team representing the Detri.1 Y. M. C. A. Ralph Craig '11, Olympic champion, and former Wolverine cin- der…
… able to trav- erse the half mile distance in close to two minutes, so that the Wolverine college is sure of a representation at Pittsburg that will not perceptibly lower the standard set last year. C. G…
… contingent on the com- pletion of the Wolverine stadium, to be started this year, and the conse- quent ability of Michigan to handle the huge crowds of spectators and ath- letes. Until that time, Michigan will…
… rela- tions with the Wolverines, to Har- vard, just entering on a period of what is hoped shall be a friendly ath- letic intercourse. assistants to Weaver, '16E, lh trician. the cast at 4:.00 o…
…, other things being equal they will have the precedent, as it is extremely unlikely that the Wolverines will be able to get any practice on Ferry Field before the Easter trip. The hurling staff of Bell…
…'s teams than has Michigan. Harvard is tied with the Wolverines in the matter of misfortune in losing points, the cisterners and Michigan being each shy this year the men who won nine of their markers in the…
…. ' just what ruling of the West- ference the Chcago foil men allowed to meet the Wolverines estion, but the details of the ng of the dual match have all proved and the Michigan men rney to Chicago in two…
…'s track team left for Syra- dian. cuse last night to clash with the Or- 'ets the ange athletes in a dual meet in Arch- . great bold gym. The Wolverine party num- re, '14, bered seventeen, including fifteen…
… evenly matched. The Wolverine representatives were all in the pink of condition when Ann Arbor was left, and if nothing inter- feres before tomorrow night will be sure to perform to the top of their bent…
… in the relay was not the decid- ed man, to a disgraced family; a mark- ing factor in the meet. The Wolverine ed character. leader is of the belief that the suc- He places his university at the mer…
… the class Close Wolverine Each IN FA 9 I I w me0oft The Kohlers w Sewards in the V erman gymnasiur event will be call The most intere will probably cer come of the conte in the various ev( the…
… . Prove Mack &Co 6 V 5 ," -- it Wolffe rine {Dicers Will Be Named Leather Tip Qxfords our Price 5100 Managing editor and" business man- ager for the Wolverine, the summer student publiQation, will…
… events, Wednesdaiy, to give more-men a chance toqualify. The showing of the Michigan quartet In the Jittsbprg relays was not a dis- appointment to either Farrell or Haff. The Wolverine ex-captain and star…
… a victory in the duelling match with the University of Chicago team, 1 to 0, but lost the foiling contests by a 6 to 3 score. Captain Mattsson for the Wolverines gave a splendid exhi- bition in his…
… given to- night at the Union, and a dance to be held, March 20, in Barbour gym. SYRACUSE FOREGOES BIG MEET TO PREPARE FOR WOLVERINES Cancels Madison Square Garden Trip to Insure Best Shape against…
… for this occasion but with the Michigan meet looming up immediate- ly following, he reconsidered, prefer- ring to be in the best possible shape to receive the Wolverines. Curtiss, the Syracuse pole…
… Track Men Hold Hard Work- Outs in Preparation for Strong Wolverine9 Team COACH KEANE EXPECTS ONE OF HARDEST CONTESTS OF SEASON Bowser, Colored Sprinter and Main- stay of Aggregation, Should Make Excellent…
… paces daily and expects to be in first-class shape for the Michigan meet. The encounter with the Wolverines is scheduled for March 13, the week following the New York event, and be- cause of the proximity…
… aggregation in the dashes, has been working out regularly, and is ex- pected to give an excellent account of himself against the dash men from the Wolverine camp when Coach Farrell conducts his charges here…
… the Michi- gan team, for the Wolverine aggrega- tion is reputedly strong in both the 880 and the mile and the Orange will have to concentrate its attack if it expects to check the western invaders…
…- pressive, but either Mixer or Dixon should let the Wolverine representa- tive who is entered in this event, know that he has been engaged in real com- petition before the struggle is over. If a short relay…
… year, ranking with Pennsyl- vania as the best in the east. In fact Michigan's decisive victories over the Cornell and Pennsylvania teams were the principal point upon which the Wolverines were awarded…
… Madison re Garden Track Acts as Handicap on Wolverines LRS IN 1,000-YARD NCE OF MEDLEY RELAY' ins Pointing Men for Meet Syracuse Saturday Night with the showing made by an relay teams at Madison rden in New…
… York Saturday ch Farrell has now turned >n to preparing for the Syr- . The Wolverines meet the next Saturday night in Syr- 's medley relay squad fin- 1, and the 4,000-yard team e Madison Square Garden…
… the Michigan Central, In the 40-yard dash Captain Smith, O'Brien and Lapsley will start for the Wolverines, with a possibility that Max Robinson may also figure in the event. Robinson and Burby will run…
… event is well cared for with this duo scheduled to represent the Wolverines. Waterbury and Berray will do the high jumping while Corbin may also perform in this event, in addition to. the hurdles. "Bo…
… destruc- tion of the Wolverines' championship hopes. Such a slip is unlikely in view of the showing which the Michigan team has made up to the present, and should the Maize and Blue gunmen ac- quit…
… you want LY"DON WOLVERINES ENTER iDES MOINES EVENT 1i" I A N lM EWELERS A N AR9 IYRM" da~ E E L R 'Y Popular Matinee Week March 15 Wednesday AK Nights&Sat. Mat. 25cRto $2.00 25c. to $1.00DERT 300…
… carnival are planning to feature the advent of the Wolverines into the western relays. Coach Farrell of the Michigan track squad has been select- ed as the referee, and will officiate in this capacity…
… Street Malcolm Block 'Iear in g Sale of Broken Sizes in as and Womens Shoes VERY CHEAP At the Sign of Satisfaction SIMONS SHOOTS 10 BULLS' EYES First Wolverine Who Makes Perfect Score; 919 Points against…
… of sufficient strength to stagger the Idaho forces, and unless the western team shows a brilliant reversal of form, the Wolverines should cop this last match with ease. The next high score for 10 shots…
… Wolverine shooters. The scores fol- low: F ACTORY, W. W. 11S E. Huron St. k HAT ST MAN N Proprietor Near Alienel I I- I.. Get Your CAD GOWN Fl MW -at- L I B E RTiY ST. IHigh Class Shoe Repairing…
… WOLVERINES SHOW FOUR PRODUCTIONS About 95 Directors, Cast, Chorus and Committeemen Leave Ann Lundgren's Candidates Look Good to Arbor April 11 Develop Into Stellar Base Pilferers ALUMNI TO ENTERTAIN TROUPE…
… given in as many cities, son's Wolverine team would prove to, namely, Toledo, Chicago, Detroit and be a holy nightmare for opposing, Saginaw. catchers. On the following evening, Monday, The coach was…
… the southern trip April 10, but the Wolverines will have a big section of rooters ,numbered among those attending the game, as the Ken- tucky club will be present en.masse. Arrangements have been made…
… new stadium at Berkeley, but the Wolverine authorties considered it impractical to send an aggregation of cinder path athletes to the coast this year. The students at Berkeley then raised $2,000 to…
…. Wagner, '16E; vice-presi- dent, Waldo R. ;hunt. '16, and Paul V. Ramsdell, '16; secretary-treasurer, Merle C. Doty, '18, P. C. Lovejoy, '16, and M. W. Welsh, '17. WOLVERINES MEET ILLINOIS TONIGHT…
…TUE MICHIGAN DAILY LiIi LII Y RACES rinters and Confer. Will Oppose Wolverines A IN 4-MIILE RELAY ery intercollegiate champion now nerican colleges, is entered in the ersity of Pennsylvania…
… country will be I present and the Wolverine represen- tatives will be up against the best in the world. Speiden, of Cornell, the fleet-footed miler on the Ithican squad, will com- pete, and if Michigan…
… of the early start should give the Wolverines a close match. Basketball, Grand Rapids H. S. vs. Ann Arbor H. S., Monday, 4 P. M. t your cap and gown w and avoid the rush. it for your cap and e have…
… Conference. Chicago, Wisconsin and Illinois have recently proved to be the three leading colleges in the con- ference, from an athletic point of view, and the Wolverines will see some of the best college track…