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March 10, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 109) • Page Image 10

computers, you'll get a rebate for up to half the suggested retail price of the Apple peripherals you add on - so you'll save up to $800. Ask for (details today where computers are sold on campus. a 6 d…

Apple Pays Half ('nmniitinr Resource Center It a - -mv--I I- -- I ... . pi …

March 10, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 109) • Page Image 16

… is the NeXT computer, which was designed by Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computer. The University is one of just a few to have this computer. . In a demonstration, Henry Flurry, associate director of…

… her BMA with computer science because "music is a very risky thing." She sees it as a way to sup- port herself through graduate school, although "LSA grades suffer before music grades." But not all…

… actors like to dabble because they can use a bit of everything," Wilcox said. "Any class you take, conceivably, you'll get something out of it." Computers have become commonplace in the lives of many…

… With this came a computer center unlike any other on campus. The computers, Macintosh SE's, are no different than any other computers, but they are attached to keyboards *and sound equipment. A student…

… can play a tune on the keyboard, and save it on a computer disk. A com- pleted score can then be printed out. The computer center has 11 stations which can be programed separately, but also mixed into a…

… dance concert at the Power Center last month, where, for the first time, dance performances were integrated with video production. Besides the live dancers on stage, live and computer-generated images…

… it from the front , as an audience would, and from the top and sides. By dragging a mouse, the user can create a series of steps for a dancer, which the computer will save. Music for dancers and spoken…

… lines for actors can be recorded using keyboards and microphones hooked into the computer, Flurry said, and all can be combined so that the "dancer" can move to music or the "actor" can move while…

… reciting lines. Past, present, future. Ancient in- struments, countless hours of prac- tice, computer choreography. Les- sons, auditions, performances. The story of the School of Music, like the lives of its…

March 16, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

… unnecessary lights and They also cond computers because of concern about on each other. W erratic pressure readings from one of flight deck, Dr..I three hydrogen tanks aboard the Coats' blood pre shuttle. The…

…- stricted-use pesticide," Wade said in an interview from Lansing. One processing company, Indian Summer Inc., said it would stop re- ceiving apples at its Belding, Mich., plant next week until it evaluates…

… the impact of the Alar scare. Alar is used to extend the storage life of apples and to give them a more appealing appearance and tex- ture. Concerns about its health ef- fects were first raised by the…

… present emotional climate "would send the wrong signal." Wade said that nationally, the chemical is used on about five per- cent of the apple crop. Part of the agency's consideration of what to do about…

… Alar involves estimating the extent of its use on the Michigan apple crop, which totals about 19 million bushels a year. Burton Cardwell, chief deputy di- rector of the agriculture department, said…

… department Director Paul Kindinger and other officials will meet with Gov. James Blanchard's staff today to discuss the Alar con- troversy. Laurie said use of the chemical on Michigan apples is negligible…

…, and a ban on the product would have little direct impact on the state's growers. However, public fears about the safety of apples will make it difficult for farmers to sell what's left of last year…

… concerned about whether it's safe to feed their babies Gerber apple juice and sauce. "Some of them are a little pan- icky," speaker Steve Poole said, adding that Gerber has not accepted Alar-treated apples

… since 1986. Indian Summer will stop receiv- ing Michigan apples at its Belding plant Tuesday for an indefinite period and will lay off nine of its 90 em- ployees there, saidFred Galyean, vice president of…

… operations. Indian Summer uses apples that are not treated with Alar in the apple juice it manufactures at Belding. Galyean said that of 140 samples of incoming apples over the last three years, only one…

March 16, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

… in Formal Gowns come to Conlin's! Now through March 31, when you buy selected Macintosh*SE or Macintosh II computers, you'll get a rebate for up to half the suggested retail price of the Apple

…' peripherals you add on -so you'll save up to $800. Ask for details today where computers are sold on campus. Apple Pays Half Computing Resource Center …

March 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…-4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 17, 1989 Apples pose no health threat 4 WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal health officials sought yesterday to calm growing public fear over the consumption…

… of apples by children, telling Congress that pesticide levels on apples pose no "imminent haz- ard" to pre-schoolers. Some senators said the uproar dver the use of the chemical Alar on apples and its…

… health effects on small children has produced an apple scare that threatens the industry from New York to Washington state. "The apple market is dead as a doornail right now across America," said Senator…

… Steven Symms (R- Idaho), whose family is in the apple business. Many apple growers and proces- sors say their apples are free of Alar, which has been linked to cancer in animal tests. Large numbers of -par…

…- epts are reported to have stopped giving apples to their children since a private environmental group said youngsters were especially at risk from the chemical because they eat rore apples an dapple…

… products than adults. School districts in Los Angeles, hicago, New York, San Francisco, Miami, and elsewhere have stopped providing apples in school cafeterias since the report by the natural Re- sources…

March 17, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 114) • Page Image 7

computer skills required. Understanding of and interest in coops is important. Salary ne- otiable. Three year commitment. Call 662- 4414. Hair Models needed. Contact Laky's Salon at 668-8812. JAPANESE TRAVEL…

…. Application deadline is March 17. Part-time Assistant for local market research co. Clerical duties, mcl. &pre- sentation materials, proofreadmg, genera of- fice support. Computer experience, esp…

… daughter. 6-10 hrs./wk. Prefer non-smoker w/ own transportation & references. Please call 769- 2875 SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE in Western Wayne and Downriver areas. Don't wait until June--Appl now. For DOWNRIVER…

March 20, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 115) • Page Image 7

… of the Apple' peripherals you add on - so you'll save up to $800. Ask for details today where computers are sold on campus. Apple Pays Half pp ayk i I …

… collection, payroll, training-su- pervision of house treasurers. Organizing and computer skills required. Understanding of and interest in coops is important. Salary ne- rotiable. Three year commitment. Call…

…? foa M.M. mn OFPIJPL CNECK 3. Get a nicefat check. * Now through March 31, when you buy selected MacintoshoSE or Macintosh I1 computers, you'll get a rebate for up to half the suggested retail price…

March 20, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 115) • Page Image 10

… Support Analysts For immediate consideration, please send your resume to Apple Computer, Inc., College Relations, Dept. MP, 20525 Mariani Ave., MS 39-A, Cupertino, CA 95014. Apple Computer has a corporate…

… commitment to the principle of diversity. In that spirit, we welcome applications from all individuals including women, minorities and disabled individuals. ©1989 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple, the Apple logo and…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…'ll get a rebate for up to half the suggested retail price of the Apple peripherals you add on -so you'll save up to $800. Ask for details today where computers are sold on campus. :0 EDITOFAAL STAFF…

…; " _ , ........ . y.,.. . ' - :; 1.Buy a Macintosh. '' 2.Add aperipheral. S ............ ..... 3 Get a nice fat check. Now through March 31, when you buy selected MacintoshRSE or Macintosh II computers, you…

…~arie wesaw Mark Shaman Cherie Curry Mark Swartz Kevin woodson Apple Pays Half News Staff: Laura Cohn, Diane Cook, Laura Counts, Marion Davis, Noah Finkel, Lisa Fromm, Alex Gordon, Stacey Gray, Tara Gruzen…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

… 994-1355. MACINTOSH COMPUTER w/Fan, external drive and priter. $1400/negotiable. Call 663- 5970, ask for Tony. MUSIC MAN BASS + PEAVEY 130w Amp. Great condition. $450 955-0484. PEAVEY GUITAR & AMP…

…). Responsibilities include book- keeping, debt collection, payroll, training-su- pervision of house treasurers. Organizing and computer skills required. Understanding of and interest in coops is important. Salary ne…

… -": Hamlet's last words 61 Raccoon's cousin 63 Of the ear 64 At the summit 65 Inspiring profound 9 Love apple 10 Saharan 11 N. Nigerian city 12 It follows printemps 13 Actor Beatty 21 "In God We Trust," e…

March 24, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 119) • Page Image 7

…. THANK YOU i PRESENT OR FORMER English 225 Stu- Wdents. Students needed to serve as subjects for a project examining the use of computers in writing. Experience using computers ,for writing required. $5…

… rapidly growing company. Icludes benefits. Apply in person at Kinko's, 540 E. Liberty. SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE in Western Wayne and Downriver areas. Don't wait until June --Appl now. For DOWNRIVER area Call…

March 30, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…, Apple, Zenith, Mi- students what's available and how to crosoft, and Claris will all be repre- go about purchasing a computer. sented today and tomorrow at the The company representatives will Fifth…

… Tedlock, SUNY, Buffalo, Rackham Amphitheatre, 2-5 pm. Computer companies hit trade show at Union BY BARRIE BERSON ogy and the hottest companies on "Hey, I know nothing about the market are bringing…

computers computers. Impress me." and software to the University to copThers.Impbehress d js show off their products. The exhibi- They'll all be there to do just tion is geared to show University that. IBM…

… Annual Computer Trade Show, offer prices and information on their sponsored by the Interfraternity various products, and they are pre- Council. parios er u s s and ve It is the age of computer technol…

… Comfort Inn) . ANN ARBOR U __ _ ______ __ " f " r ill: e a long hard look into your future... 313-973-1188 DIRECT DEPOSIT - ELECTRONIC FILING ALL RETURNS COMPUTER PREPARED Refund checks received…

…: Public Interest Research Groups - B 115 MLB, 7-9 pm. Peer Writing Tutors - 611 Church St. Computing Center, 7-11 pm. ECB trained. Northwalk - Sun-Thur, 9 pm-1 am. Call 763-WALK or stop by 3224 Bursley…

… "r::;r". On March 30th and 31st in the Michigan Union, the interfraternity council will sponsor it's fifth annual COMPUFAIR. This computer trade show is designed to bring to the Ann Arbor community…

…, the opportunity to investigate the latest computer hardware and software. If you are contemplating a purchase in the near future, for components or an entire system, you owe it to yourself to get the…

… best possible products from the finest in computer manufacturing. COMPUFAIR 1989 In the Michigan Union on thursday and friday. ~i L - A I…

March 31, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…: the Center for Afro- American and African Studies, the Women Studies Program, Program Computer ent re presentatives - 90 shoo ya in American Culture, Latino Stud- ies, and students from the Baker…

… are interested in joining the Apple team, please send a letter and resume to: Annie Studiernt Ran EDITORIAL STAFF: Editor in Chief News Editors Associate News Editor Opinion Page Editors Associate…

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