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March 01, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 105) • Page Image 6


… Keesey, ver ers, wi ing g year uh tm aeostn ces arfto usrK esth ea th rdeeaetb ca se of h is w oefu l - Michigan's representatives in the hould extend the Wolverines N a r ae prourt, a fr meet were Richard…

…. Another LAFAYETTE, Id., Mar. i, 1930- will compete at Minneapolis March squad of gridiron aspirants busy in high jump and broad jump, is good Wolverine, Valentine. should win Purdue's colorful basketball…

… their champion and record-holder; Ev- give the Wolverine mentor a field house. And his 440 time miss- 1 ime an intercollegiate champion decisive victory over Northwestern erett Ferguson and Reuben Dep…

… Columbus Is Unimpressive. FOILS AND SABRE SLOW In one of the poorest fencing meets ever held in the Wolverine camp, the Michigan team defeated Ohio Wesleyan, 14 to 3, yesterday afternoon in the Intramural…

March 01, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 105) • Page Image 7

…. last spring and first game the Indians broke a tie is counted upon .to carry most of and slipped in three baskets to let f the hurling duties. Crizevsky is the. Wolverines down for their sec- another…

…, Trages- The Wolverines should leave the ser will work with the entire dia- floor as undisputed holders of sec- mond. squad, as Head Coach Ward and place in the Conference. Chi- Lambert will not assume his…

March 02, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… Association natators. The score was tied at 33 points apiece when the Wolverine medley trio took the mark for the final event. Wilcox, youthful C. A. A. star, gave his team victory when he beat Smith, Michigan…

… inches at the finish. Walaitis was off to a fast start in the40 yard sprint and won by a yard over Highland and Hosmer. The 150 yard backstroke went to Valentine of the Wolverines, who defeated Brown by a…

… GAIN CHAMPIO0NSHIP Wolverines Outplay Invading Cardinal Team to Hold Offensive Throughout 80 Minutes of Hard Play. MOORE LECTURE Dr. Max Peet, Professor' of 'ur- gery in the Medical school,. correct…

… long one to make the score 14 to 8 i favor of Illinois. From this point the Wolverines never seriously threat- en'ed to tie the score. Michigan's showing in the first half was largely due to Kanitz who…

… Illinois scoring until the last ten minutes of play when "Babe" Kamp sent the ball through the net four times from the side of the floor after passes from Kawal when the Wolverines tried to break up the…

…-11, thereby crushing the Wolverines' hopes of annexing another Big Ten title. By virtue of their win last night the Maize and Blue grapplers are scheduled to meet Wisconsin second place winners in the other…

…. Aldin- ger, a sophomore, wrestling in the 118 pound class, gave the Michigan team five points by gaining a fall over Shriman- Captain hewitt of the Wolverines won a decision over LaFavour in a fast match…

… the 148 pound class in order to face the new Purple hope, and the Wolverine won with a time advan- 4age of 5:35. Ray Parker gained a decision over Yarnell with a time advantage of 5:10. The second and…

March 04, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…, phisticated at a meeting sponsored i and Lovell tallied on a one-hand- by the Y. W. C. A. which will bring ed shot to make the Wolverines a noted stylist to address the fresh- only 10 points behind. Purdue came…

March 04, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 107) • Page Image 7

… Wesleyan, 4- 3, at the Intramural building last Friday, Michigan journeyed to Co- lumbus and won over the Buck- eyes, 10-7, in a close meet the fol- lowing day. Against Ohio State, several of the Wolverines

… turn defeated the Wolverine by the same occore. Friedman Stars.j Friedman proved to b the star of the Maize and -Blue in the final event, by taking all three of his bouts in the foils. He won two of…

… foils, lost to Fuchs and Jones.# * Coach Johnstone's Wolverines] have four victories and no defeats to their credit thus far this season, :ht' each match has been close. BROOKLYN - Reports f r o m…

… number to prove that the luck has all on one Iside. Good as the Indian's defense mayI have been, there is no question I that the Wolverines were suffering from a "cold" spell that would probably have…

… JOSEPH L. ARNET . vt{,u. ;+,::. .... 777 power of the Michigan deflense. "Without a doubt the man-t for-man defense put up by the Wolverines was the best oppo-l s tion that Illinois has faced on its own…

… on the Maize and Blue Joseph, who graduated in. February, squad. played their last for Michigan. This quartet of experienced stars Wisconsin Grapplers along with Tommy Courtis and Will Face Wolverines

March 05, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

… BSEBALTA Coach 'Steve Farrell picked 17, lS I F hw N bbISUU L HD u v ILJ li Wolverine Varsity trackinen to rep- -rIr ~nirh~1ITIPfff EO f resent the Maize and Blue at the____ NTHSI______________ twentieth…

… year the iin the Intramural Sports Building....f. $.RThe Michigan quintet had to cope 27-24. Pennsylvania was consider- Wolverines are not conceded a The preliminary events will be held! with a difficult…

… team than the at Minneapolis, Minnesota proved tre . te ilhe 200 and placing second in the Wolverines upset the dope both at no mate for the Veenker-men and The entries50the gwirter mile{5o and 100 yard…

… sur- yer.Livingstone Oliver of Detroit their wins. prising the Wolverines and win- A orthwinte hos le ve h Ohio Wesleyan proved to be high- ning a 24-18 game. All members of the Varsity the srt r e ly…

… year, Minnesota 26-13, and tank suits. scholastic swimming circles for the Forward on the Wolverine quin- Iowa to Defend Title Chicago 29-16. These teams were Coach Matt Mann at g the past season, is one…

March 05, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… Purdue Relegates Wolverines to Fifth Position in the Conference. _ Intramnural News C LASSIFIET ADVEwrisING NOTICE Chapman, Truskowski Placed on Conference Team Selected by Michigan Coaches. CHAMPIONS…

… announced yes- terday. Joe Truskowski and Cap- tain Chapman were the Wolverines so honored after the termination of a long season of brilliant play. Truskowski was the scoring ace j of the Maize and Blue…

… (Purdue) I Pipgras, Zachary, Wells, Sherid andl guards. Heimadh returning, ,'the fight for INDIANA ENDS SCHEDULE By virtue of its decisive victory over the Wolverine quintet, the mighty Purdue cage team…

… point lead, the Wolverines continued their attack, but a dis- couragingly small number of their shots found the basket. fill. Captain Murphy, Harme- son, and Boots are regulars Oakland, Cal. who will…

… that the former This has been a big year, athlet- Wolverine star will be farmed out, ically speaking, down at Lafayette.-I possible to St. Paul in the American First the Four Riveters, colloborat…

March 06, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

Wolverine trackmen are expected to place in the upper bracket while several of the indi- viduals on the team may rank high in the various events. The Michi- gan squad will leave for the north- land at 9…

Wolverines did attempt will be made to evaluate Letts of Chicago and Goldsworthy Record of Both Cardinal not repeat in their defense of a the }merits of the entries in the va- of Wisconsin should place unless…

… and Wolverine. Conference championship, the ,rious events at the Big Ten idoor they elect to enter some of the string of wins they piled up over track meet to be held at Minnea- longer races instead…

… Farrell are slated Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverines. Both Michigan's title hopes in a meet defeated him in a 40 yard event tfor NortIwestern. the Badgers and ichigan were which was not deeided until the and Is…

…'s championship hockey team will not select next year's captain until shortly before the 1931 season, according to Coach Eddie Lowrey. This is the first time in years that a Wolverine team has not picked a leader…

March 06, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 109) • Page Image 7

… on the play of the various play- ers as merits were weighed by the coaches of these two teams.. 'omupkis Real Star. The coaches agree unanimously on the 'choice of the Wolverines, Tompkins as goalie…

… better men.1 The last two have been chosen as# altern1ates on the Wolverine men- tor's team and therefore, little can be said again~st the choice as the first selection was based solely on the .play…

March 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…, leaders can amass, as first places appear to be fairly evenly distri- buted among the main contenders. Wolverines May Place. Michigan's chances to take any first places are slim, but the Wol-I verines…

… put may garner points. dustrial Revolution in the Pacific Eleven other Wolverines also made Area," at 4:15 today in the Natural the trip to try to break into the Science auditorium. The lectur.e is…

March 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… Russell. f t'he Eight scrappy Wolverine wrest- xcel- lers clawed their way to third only place in Western Conference mat were ratings last night by sending a which rful a e team hoedmagt- ama- powerful…

… outstanding younger i was announced. liberals of the present day. He has 3eaten Out. traveled widely abroad, where he of the Wolverines has been connected with post-war by a step in a reoryouth" movements…

… understanding between the time- of Wesleyan Guild. keepers and Referee Dickerson to go into an overtime period to de- cide the bout. In this time, how-, NOTED AS AUTHOR ever the veteran Wolverine ran up1 an…

… fifth in Jail Cells. Wolverine win. ..:+.. last f ork Highland Park, .Two-Year Title Holder, Is Downed in Sixth Interscholastic -Co'test. t. un- the Few ary, t 8 um 'ant by ion Tes~ °ard bort nd, r…

March 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 113) • Page Image 7

… MAKESHOIN Sentman, Capt. McDermont and Cave, Are .Considered Outstanding. FORMER ACE I Veteran Big Le WOLVERINE HURLI PROMISED BRIGHT aguers See Many Potentialities in Bill McAfee. Latest indications from…

… and scribes to sit up and prominent part in the special tknoi events of the Ilinois relay carnival Although it is doubtful whether when approxinately 800 athletes the ex-Wolverine ace will remain fromn…

…-season slump. 'wolverines meet Ohio State at Co- CLINNIN IS CHAIMAN The Wolverines finished at the long lumbus with the odds decidedlyf against them but again found that (s1ccial t The Daily) Sthey could rise to…

… victory 112 pounders to the heavyweights nual Michigan Night banquet over the Illini than that of the have been provided and diamond sponsored by the Detroit Alpinni j Wolverines were expected to end medals…

March 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 114) • Page Image 7

… SERVICE to the spot under the Wolverines(Da 10 21Es iet in the final standings. '2 Strange as it may seem, Ohio M NOTICE State, whose victory was gained l WE BUY USED CLOTHING over Minnesota, was the only…

March 13, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

… teams and four individual entries will make up the Wolverine contingent. Mueller pulled a fine sprint on the last turn to win by a yard over Dalton Seymour yesterday for the fourth place on the mile relay…

… anchor Both of the IVichigan relay teams are expected to give competition for any aspirants for relay honors In the individual events the Wolverine entries will be made up of Pottle in the pole vault…

Wolverines in the all-conferene meet Fiiday and Saturday in Chicago. All of . these men have been fencing as number one men throughout the entire season in the foils, epees. and sabre respectively. In view of…

… the records of the? Wolverine sw rdsmen picked to at- tend this meet, Gordon probably has the lest chance of winning a Big Ten title. This Maize and Blue fencer has not been defeated so far !this season…

…, Captain of the Wolverine Con- in the three Big Ten meets on the ference champion swimming team, Michigan schedule thus far. who will swim in the 220-yard free Gordon also has the advantage style event in…

… total of 71 1-2 points to 32 1-2 made by the Wolverine youngsters. This se-' cond meet of the year brought out the fact that as a team the Wol- verines are only mediocre, but there are several outstanding…

… time' of 5.4 sec. Egleston brought the fourth place to the Wolverines in 5.6 sec. being nosed out by John- son and Lausche. The 40 yard high hurdles which were run in the fastI time of 5.5 sec. went to…

… JohnsonI while Egleston the Michigan hurdle! artist won third place with 5.6 sec. Eknovich one of the most out-f standing men on the Wolverine squad for several years took the two long sprints in fast time…

March 14, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…'s Work. The Wolverines won from North- I the University hospital where her U elie residenzt'ork. condtionwasrepotedas fir.Under the reorganization, which western in dual competition, 40-35, itns a p te au…

… versity attendance, except such as nessed the greatest growth in Mich- find Ault, Wolverine captain, en- had been previously dropped for a igan's history. He was born in 1875 deavoring to lower his mark of…

…, in succession, as the Wolverines ficulty in properly budgeting their Hiawatha academy, University of won in 1927 1928 and 1929 No time. Chicago, the University of Texas other school has ever been able…

March 14, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

… ................ Michigan 1929 ................ Michigan r NATATORS ENTRAIN FOR BIG TEN MEET Squad of Fifteen Varsity Men Accompany Coach Mann to Northwestern. ''I CONTEST BEGINS TODAY Fifteen Wolverine Varsity nata- tors…

… , I '" i f Walker, veteran Wolverine swim- mer, will also defend his Big Ten championship in the 40 yard sprint and swim in the 100 yard free style. The other two Maize and Blue en- tries in the 100…

March 14, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 116) • Page Image 7

… Lowered i dIU VL Three Wolverines 'Are byFreshmenThincladsi']I" Imr .Favored in Mat Meet lMS Charlie Hoyt, freshman track (Continued From Page 6) me'rW"keUg n eeon!-standing this season. Stepson of…

… ons it is a tossup whether ldcats' individual stars will em through on top, or x the Wolverines' fast all- eam possesses enough pow-' th ir %i of l.Ican ) i1 t x i i .i l 'I c r. im er townsbey, i U…

March 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…, were Captain of the Michigan swim- close behind with nine Wolverines ming team, who won his heat in, and a relay quartet qualifying for the 440 yard swim and also in the ti te finals tomorrow ,night. As…

…:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon the 300 yard medley relay when the when fire gutted the residence. The Wolverine trio trailed both Wiscon- interior was completely destroyed sin and Minnesota in the first…

… the Wolverine entry was or- of the big upsets of the meet so far. In his first match Gorcion was defeated by Gross of Illinois 5 to 4 in a closely contested bout which was hard fought all the way. Buck…

March 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

… their feats, Coach Cliff .Keen's Wolverine .mat- again this season. And. what is, men will turn their attention to more unusual innthis sport, both I the National collegiate meet at of these competitors…

… weapons, ty, the Wolverine tankmen who sur- while Dowsett may place in the vived the initial contests will swim first three in the epee. again today in the finals. A bitter battle is predicted with…

… kagc q) -i inacnt illuul ~i ! 'a ul 1 r i 1r v I-'1 showing which the Wolverines make in the Conference meet end-' ing tonight, but there are four men who are almost certain to go. Cap~- tain Hewitt…

March 16, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

… , 100 , an d P ma Oi A ir1 URIIC II1 TO p IAVf2='2 0 yard free style eycnts, he was . l1oltI~nfo ~,I1e.Cn play. ed the title, "Pandit" which is com- I One Speaker Opposes. Wolverines jour frst prates…

… chairman afford a link betee'n the brew- diminutive Wolverine captain out- Missouri's mile relay team show- gypsy girl, who is obliged to con- of the dance committee. The date ery and distillery and the…

… 175 Wolverine speed artist in the Con- seniors of the Law school has clos- Ipound crown. In the heavyweight erence meet at Five Yangste Steamers ed and there will be a general saler r si class Burdick…

… the sponsored, the Liberal Studentse B300 yard dash. The Wolverine chine gun and rifle fire by Chinese the form of a summons to the union of the Unitarian church. The BY DETROIT FIRE sophomore's showing…

Wolverine quartet captured piano.1 the 160, yard relay by several yards This band comes here' for this over6Wisconsin, while Northwest- function only after extended ne- ern took third. Bob Howlett of…

Wolverines won the 440 most crowded spots in the metro- yard event for the third year in a politan dancing world. Johnson row only-after a thrilling duel with and his band have played in At- Wilson of…

March 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 119) • Page Image 7

… f T )AS SCHEDULE. Relay;. VJ Finals (F~~id WOODARD PLACES THIRD entry gave Kelly a good battle, but could not break the Wolverine's Although Cliff Keen's Wolverine string of wins. grapplers…

… Ault led the Wolverines in y veing at the Ltramliural apps scoring with eight points Bob- SprtK building.aaPp by Walker amassed six points IPhSim Kap by taking second in both the 40 Coach Sauer…

…:50, while Ward qf Purdue gave Wolverines overshadowed thei i: him even less competition in the the individual events. semi-finals, losing with an advan- Six or seven Wolverines will rep tage of 8:10. La…

March 19, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

…'s trial.a 17 Men to Swim. r Of the team swimming tonight, Walker, Walaitis, Smith, Ault, Hos- mer, Hubley, Ladd and McCaffree are members of the Wolverine Var-; sity team. Schmieler, Chase, Mor-- gan…

… record of 16:52. of last year in winning the title. It- Walker, Waiaitis, Smith, and Hos- ( was not believed by Intramural of- mer are members of the Wolverine I ficials that Engleman's Rocketsj 160 yaid…

March 19, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 120) • Page Image 7

… Varsity grams; Eight Newcomers Re- two mile relay team that goes to 'M' While Two Others Are ceive Freshman Numerals. Cleveland Saturday and also ascer-c Given AMA's tained who the two Wolverine en- _Ge…

… __ s PROSPECTS ARE STRONG tries would be for the half mile { KEEN STARTS TRAINING event at Ithaca on the sames day against Coach t:ack Moakley's 4 Robert Gordon, '30E, was elected squad. Ten Wolverine

March 20, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 121) • Page Image 6

… Mankowski from the pitch- ing staff. from the squad last season. The group includes Magnabosco at the receiving end Balay at the initial sack, Jaros at second base. Bur- Wolverines will comprise the best…

… Warne, another Big Ten ttoc oldest athletic rivalries which the trackman from Northwestern Uni- and Wolverines boast, and in the nine- versity, staged a great pole vault- J teen times which the two teams…

… annals, Coach Matt Mann is drilling his Varsity mermen daily in order to insure against a medi- ocre closing drive jeopardizing the highly successful season in the tank for the Wolverine cause. The…

…Mei o1J ances can be taken as any criterion the Wolverines should finish well n league, while Lu Blue at first hind the bat is the ororner of Wes- icn gthe "iconced AgainsteYel d Oscar Mellilo at second…

… the runner-up. fer the Wolverines plenty of oppo- sition in their effort to complete the regular dual meet season with- out a reverse. The Badger paddlers have survived the season to date with only a…

…, Shaffter, Chizek, and! Lange which holds along with Chi- cago A. A. the national record for, the 160-yard free style relay. When the Wolverine 200 yard free style combine of Hosmer, Walaitis, Walker, and…

… Smith, holder of the mark at that distance, and the, Badgers meet the Wolverines will hold a slight edge. In the 100 yard free style num- ber Chizek and Lange will make things interesting for the Wolver…

March 21, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 122) • Page Image 7

…Back has Wolverine baseball team last year On fth Fo ufedr one:akhsI has been released by the Chicago O eO Al Simmons, Mule Haas,. and Bing ~ -- White Sex< to the Seattle Club of! Miller, his regular trio…

…, Intramuiral building, 8 p. mn. Midigan Sw.immers Break Relay Record (Coufinutd From Pagc6) IIosmer wvas the sixth Wolverine -who aided in equalling the 600 ,yard record. The 400 .yard relay standard which the…

Wolverines al- §o endeavored to break on 'Thurs- day night is now unofficially 'held by the Chicago A. A. with a time of -31~37.6.. Michigan was clocked in 3:39.2 for the 400 yard distance. Neither the C. A. A…

March 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…. to al moningpaprs Tursdy. The decease of Professor Van TYale, Williams, and several ther Prey For Flashy Wolverine Tyne has caused University. offi- + r'n colleges have already polled their Tank…

… of the Univer-b ally. The Wolverine natators were at no Williams 'Shows Results. : time hard pressed for first honors, sity and state. TO DECIDE TRADITIONS Of 606 students who voted in the PLAN FUNERAL…

March 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

…- °r and Wood of the Wolverines ver the 75 yard distance. In the 0 yard low hurdles Michigan tands a better chance to gain oints, with Potter and Wood op- osing Siegel of Cornell. Cornell nas a trio of…

… lives E~eaProve Har Worker.Kao Aldinger, while not of the caliber agers to win the campus honors. Let F of the othcr two Wolverines, is a Philbin has taught this year's crew lightweight who has shown…

…-cam- second. pus tournament, and while most of Behind the bat the Yankees are them have a great deal to learn,ASK FO*K1I" TE !strong. Bill Dickey will do most of about the mat game, the Wolverine the…

March 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

… evening five Wolverine wit~Cif Mray ehi~ One Half Point Over Taur{ Promising Ring Card;,eev hncaswllseato rne in the 40 dvah atteInvitational Civeland A. C.It ThatMraywl aesm o Kappa Epsilon. Hina…

… Conference and ennyy veni. .- mp~o f h?*5 tT"rr the fraternity indoor track( mieet- next Tuesday night looms as one of ment this year. will accompany five Wolverines in mea3<s.t p erformers to eve car , thiigs…

March 23, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 124) • Page Image 7

… seriously hinde the best of the opposition in the matter of scoring goals. Reid at center, and Crossmar and Sindles at wings are also out- standing players who are expecter to bolster the Wolverines' scorinf…

March 26, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…. Russell by M. Vil- the state is the college mascot, the, dxa,,, acre, chairman of the Assembly of ( wolverine; others nearly extinct People's Delegates that approved ;are the martin, fisher, lynx, beaver…

March 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

… strong teams entered and should press the Wolverines for first honors. Strong Breaststroke Entries. Ted Moles, Princeton ace and in- tercollegiate record holder, will have to outswim a fast field in order…

Wolverine Wrestlers BaseallCanidaes ontnueWaterman gymnasium available courts will also be demanded be-; Indoor Batting Sessions; for this sport. Today a large per- yond their capacity. Handball ap- to…

… combine while the last of the trio is a mat- are high among the Wolverine dia- time. pleasure, keen competition, and an who has been showing grea mond clan for play early next week The regulations which are…

Wolverine mentor. Deprived of !IC L high school basketball team at a and Blue gained last season in fin- the services of two promising soph- 1meeting of the lettermen held Wed- ishing the meet as runners up…

… ficient promise to bear considera- sibilities of developing a team time another captain will be elect- of the Wolverine entries, Hewitt, tion, but when play begins in ear- to wear the Maize and Blue against…

…- fending, Wolverines. +sions. of New York or Chicago. i nial champions. In the outfield Captain Harvey --- --- - (Continued on P'age 9) Associated Press Photo - Garnet Ault (left) of Michigan, George Kojac…

March 30, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…Columbia. Romeo and Juliet" opens for a not as yet been disclosed. The Wolverines took the lead in j four night's run. Construction to Begin June 1. to he tf T'Ilt the point scoring at the very start The production…

…. Several times du- tively behind Al Schwartz of North- afternoone for a committee room foin the match twestern. In the 440 yard free style and full dress rehearsals are sched- space ing the Wolverine entry…

… Capt Ault of the Wolverines at tled for tomorrow night and Tues- the student Executive council} nearly had his opponent's should- Capt. day night. Costumes for the entire which is composed of the depart…

…' dents and the student organization ve of West Virginia, but lost to! Wolverines Battle Wildcats. out in the dancing class held twice will be effected. s Robbins of Missouri by a referee's It now became…

… of two seconds. between Michigan and Northwest- cast have attended a fencing and Michigan placed fifth in team ern, the Wolverines pitting their broad-sword class twice a week in gducted directly from…

… the Wildcat's captain, ansentt of the several fights connect the lobby desk with the M. won its third straight national Al Schwartz. The Wolverines had resentation of the a t Student officesE g team…

March 01, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 105) • Page Image 6

…. teRe TAI10S Dof 21-13. The Wolverine wrestlerso ,; Starting 'off at gained three falls, and two dime the very begin- decisions. Ncrth western gained one Mi ning of the con- fall, one decision, and took…

… Boilermakers Defeat Minnesota Wolves in place of Stoddard in the i tie by Wisconsin. The only minia- to Tie With Wolverines 175-pound class again threw his PIP ture player of the Wolverine quar- for Third…

…. This loss pushes Min- Wolverines, succumbed to the tac- good lecting 4 points nesota down nearer the Wolverines tics of Garrigan of Northwestern, mont apiece. Wickham, and the Boilermakers and gives the…

… also loD--sided. There will be but thrce athletic events on the card for the Wolverine teams and all of them come Saturday night, only one being held here in Ann Arbe':. Coach George Veenker will take…

March 01, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 105) • Page Image 7

… and Grounds quintet held the Hospital Stores aggregation to a lone free throw, winning 13-1.4 SO AD 10TO flEPflI'' Pitching Staff Is Outstanding Weakness of 1931 Wolverine Nine; Veterans Back. , When…

… CONTESTS ON WEEK'S CARD Wolverines Have Good Chance to Place in Track Meet. (Continued From Page 6) strong enough to make the meet very interesting. Ohio State has lost to the Hoos- iers already and Chicago…

… is not rated as good as the Wolverines by most experts. Iowa on the other hand, is a power to be reckoned with and has aspirations for col- iii:g the title this year. Purdue. (Northwestern, and…

March 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

… Michigan's outer garden, saw con- siderable service on the mound as a relief hurler, in which role he proved most effective. Even though the Wolverine star made a good appearance as a pitcher, Coach Fisher…

… to Date Points field post, although several other to First Place Laurels men with the squad may get the job. Fred Eichrodt, former Cleve- for Wolverines. land gardner, is one of those with - - ~- the…

Wolverines as a team to be feared in the Conference meet that will be held on March 13 and 14 in Chi- cago. Coach Keen's chances to turn out a team that would cut any ice in the final Conference competition…

… MICHICAN OUWNTET TAKE S SHORT HE ST Wolverines Will Meet Hoosier Squad Again Saturday at Bloomington. Michigan"* Varsity b a s k e t b a 11 team was given its reward for so decisively trouncing the Badgers…

… Indiana the Wolverine five let their oppo- nents down, 34-22, in a fast game. This week's encounter should prove to be about the same kind of an j affair with both teams stacking up much the same as before…

March 07, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAT mDA T MARCH- ', 193? Wolverines Lead Qualifiers in Big Ten Track Meet SEV EN WlERINIS EARN RIH T To RMUN IN FNALSTONCT Tolan, Russell, Campbell, Egles- ton and…

Wolverines placed one or more men in every event. Eddie Tolan, Michigan's best nml in the dashes, copped his favorite event, beating out Captain Blil Henke of Wisconsin, when the 3aC- ger man pulled a tendon…

…- iary gym, according to Coach Johnstone. The meet was origin - ally announced for last night. The Wolverine team including Friedman, Gordon, and Lovell, foils; Gordon, DeStefano, Bow- land, sabres; and…

… ...........Massy Michigan faces one of its most crucial tests of the season tonight when the Wolverines battie Indiana on the Bloomington court. The Maize and Blue hopes of landing in second place rest on the…

… Monday, the Wolverines will have to leap both Indiana andt Chicago to stay in the race and enter a three-way tie for second place. At half-time in the first meeting between Indiana and Michigan the…

… several entries in the1 field events to be held Saturday: up the Wolverine point total. H enke, th e B adger star, pulled t e t d n n h l g w i r n n- the tendon in his leg while irunning Coach flsher Sends…

… preliminaries, the Wolverines are cause of the prevalence of fraterni- confidence chiefly in Compton and counting upon Austin and the re- ty init-iations this week, Coach Ray Tompkins, although Presby, Mac- lay…

March 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

… champion as that is awarded on a basis of dual meet competition. University Open U Ar Course Will Not Be Jntil Officials Make anouncement. I Eddie Tolan, Veteran Wolverine sprinter and former holder of…

… session with North- western here last night to end the season with a smashing 12 to 5 vic- tory. The Wolverines opened the meet by winning eight of the nine events with the foils. In the epee and sabre…

…'s last Maize and Blue quintet will finish the race in a tie for second place. The Wolverines are heavy favor- ites to win the game tomorrow, as the Maroons are far down in the rankings, and with Minnesota…

…, both teams playing a stellar brand of basketball. In- diana controlled the ball most of the encounter through its tipoff plays. The Wolverines took advantage of all breaks and played with cool and deadly…

March 10, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 112) • Page Image 7

… easy 53 to 22 vic- tory. Raike Holds Edge. The Wolverine splashers are well versed in all departments. They have earned their victories by gain- ing points in all swimming events. They have held their…

… Title Meet to Enter strong Team. (Continued from Page 6) the Wolverine delegation next Sat- urday also. T u r n e r deserves considerable praise for the way he stuck to Dale Letts, the Chicago half…

… good chances. In the 155- pound bout either Parker or Wilson will be called upon to carry on the colors of the Wolverines. -Either Reif or Dougovito, prob- ably the latter, will take over the duties of…

…'s initial gym season has been a great success, even though the scoring column shows no wins. Considering the teams that the Wolverines have encountered this year, Illinois appears to have the strongest squad…

March 11, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 113) • Page Image 7

… and was the Wol- verine's high scorer, with 93 points. He was the keyman in Michigan's offense and his shooting was con-! sistently effective. He succeeded a great center in Bob Chapman, 1930 Wolverine

… leader, but shaped up well by comparision. He is a junior and will captain t h e Wolverines next year. Fesler, playing h i Tst season, Yeceivect six first team votes but was not mention- ed by the other…

… and Meyers, and Holm will help the in- be easil removed in the co ield problem. much practice. Gus Mancuso, Jimmy Wilson, and An addition to the siugg Gonzales will take care of the the Wolverine roster…

… may be rnrl Rnrt t teams makes it more than likely catching burden. Mancuso is ra-i oped in -astman, who has re that the Wolverines will be hard pidly improving since his debut in heavier this…

… give the fcan be counted upon to steady the! game full of hits anytime it Wolverine hopes a severe jolt if Cardinals' rookie fingers. erence to a pitchers' battle, their men come through in their best…

March 12, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

… LEAGUET TO GO TO RAYS Wolverine Track Squad Leaves for Champaign To rw;v Lineup Indefini . :A contingent of Michigan track * estars will leave Ann Arbor tomor- - row morning at 9:30 bound for Champaign…

…'to put in their bid for honor positions at the annual Uni- versity of Illinois Rey Carnival which will be held there Gaturday. Although the definite entries for the Wolverines have not been an- nounced as…

… t F 1 l tunity again. to try a shot all over What golfer wouldn't?" GYM TEAM ExDRILLS FR0 BIG TEN MEET Neither Coach Nor Team Ex.pect WOLVERINE SOUAD EXPECTEDTO JIN Wildcats Have Largest Number…

… mainly composed of sophomores and they recently suf- fered a crushing defeat at the hands ofthe powerful Wolverine aggregation under the tutelage of Coach Matt Mann. Michigan, with only 12 men en- tered…

… Half. IWho will carry the colors of the .ee u Wolverines into both the diving The Maize and Blue will put the iand 50-yard free style events in the final touches on their first season i Western…

March 13, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

… gymnasti BIG " TE FENCERS placing of Eknovich by Mueller as teamicianlea itya i y mata 5o.iori WILL START MEET leadoff man on the mile relayo le Cest5 will end quartet. Mueller has been showingl Wolverines

… Have Good Chance a fine renewal of form in the time the firstrWolverine gym team into to Finish Well uptList. trials of late and will get his big a Western Conference gymnastic lp on Lopportunity to make…

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