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March 01, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… at all for the more experienced Wolverines. Badger Defense Weak. While Michigan's tight defense Was limiting the Cardinals to only four field goals, all of them coming in the final period, the Badger…

… guards were having a hard time in holding the Maize and Blue scorers from dropping in more points, the Wolverine leader especially bother- ing them with his numerous tries at under-the-basket shots. If Dan…

…, which was in-' creased to 22-9 shortly after the start of the second half. From that' time on the Wolverine subs enter- ed the game, but had no more trouble than Michigan's regulars . had had previously…

March 01, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

… ,Title ves. Chuck De~aker, Michigan" starI qu'a rter-miler, ivho has been push- itg lid Russell of late _n the i440. event, Finishing a close :second to the Wolverine captain in the Chi- ca go meet…

… floor last night, judging from Michigan's st andard. The Cardinal court team was ,limited to one baked potato, one clip of tea, and two :arnall :dices -ol toast. The Wolverines were better, fced. A fruit…

… f e n c i n. g mcet between ,Michigan, Chicago, and Northwestern presages any- thing, the Wolverines should be f a- verites to make, a bid for the con- ference sword titles. The Wolves, a f te, r…

…-thatch, emerged vic- torious by a 13 to 4score. Next Sat- urda y afternoon the Wolverines will cross blades with the strong' Cadillac Athletic Club team of De- troit. Among the Detroiters. who twill apo ear in the…

… .wider; C margin than the WlTcats did the. 'Northwestern aggreion holds an edge over the Maize and Blue t ank; team. The Evanston splashers. havee a better balanced combination than. the Wolverines can…

… Club in Detroit, G ,V ~NE~STYLIES NEW FABRICS N )F^Y 9CO R.LOR. S NEW PATTERNS / ntries Oenred Fo'ul -Shootinrg fo6r Wolverine varsity, is entered in the pole vault as a representative of the…

March 02, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

… athletes who amassed a total of 311 points to win the team trophy. The outstanding performance of the entire meet was turned in by Don Renwick, the Wolverine sprinting ace, in capturing the 60- yard dash…

….3 seconds. John Pottle, former captain of the Wolverines, competing as a representative of the Cadillac Ath- letic Club, established a new pole valut record by clearing the bar at 13 feet, one and one…

March 02, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

… Style, Expected to Make Points. Having done with their only home appearance of the season with the exception of the National Intercol- legiates the Wolverine swimmers will encounter the well…

… the Maize and Blue. In spite of the dopesters predictions the Wolverines, in the role of the under dog, have a good chance to give the Purple tank men a set- back. Michigan has a host of out- standing…

…. Wolverines. GCarg nfHixnT hAfter their 24 to 8 defeat of the George of Phoenix can hit and Ohio State wrestlers last week-end the Reds need hitters so the trans- the Maize and Blue team is back in action…

…. Competing against him will be Hawley Egleston of the Wolverines, and Etnyre of Illinois, both rated as excellent hurdlers. Woolsey Favored. In the mile, Woolsey of the Illini is conceded the best chance. He…

…. ISITORS fo BRING VETERAN ICE TEAM Wolverine Pucksters Drill for ciasA"~basketballc ;ues to < a Pair of Crucial Matches This Week-end. and the balance of seven are ca ed to be finished this year. TI…

March 03, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

… his am out against the Northfnen vice in the Ann Arbor matches id each time the team turned in victory. Minnesota was deeply umiliated while the Wolverines on their second straight Big Ten tIle. Gophers…

… Howell, Michigan distance star, should run into plenty of competi- tion 1\ the two-mile event of the trian air when he meets such runners as Lien of Illinois and Fallen of O.S.U. WOLVERINE SWIMM FOR…

…. Under-recent Big Ten rulings the aquatic mentors were restricted as to the size of their teams so that they can now carry only twelve men. Coach Matt Mann has sent the three Wolverine divers, Degen- er…

… much of an advantage over the other. The Wolverine hopes rest on the performances of their crack stars, while the Wild- cats base their aspirations of tak- ing the dual meet title on their well…

…-balanced squad, which boasts strength in every event. Both Michigan and Northwestern have taken the measure of the Min- nesota natators by wide majorities, with the Wolverines outscoring the common foe by a wider…

March 05, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

… 44 to 31. Johnny Schmeiler, Wolverine, set a new National intercollegiate record in the 220-yard free style race with the time of 2:15.1, lowering that of 2:16 held' by Osborne of Yale. After dropping…

… the 400-yard relay event to the Wildcat team of Troup, Debenham, Highland, and Wilcox, the Wolverines retal- iated by taking three firsts and two seconds in the next three events. Captain Miller paced…

… four forwards. However Minensota' rose to the occasion with a series of poke-checks that did not allow Michigan many open shots at the net. The Wolverines saw the fastest skating sextet in the history of…

March 06, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… juggled his team so that four forwards and one defenseman were playing for the Wolverines but they could not score. MacInnis again stood out with his speed and continued aggres- siveness. Goalie Clausen had…

Wolverine grap- plers to come through with victor- ies. The Maize and Blue leader, Big Ten title holder in the 165-pound division, took the decision over Voliva, his strongest conference competitor, in the 65…

… setbacks of the evening occured in the 135-pound match which marked Blair Thomas' first loss of the year. Eddie Belshaw took the decision over the Wolverine star, who was runnerup for the United States…

March 06, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…- ward of the Wolverine cagers, and Hank Weiss, flashy guard, will play their last games in a Maize and Blue uniform a- gainst the Buck- eyes. Both o f these tmen will be concluding brilli- ant careers o n…

… three of his bouts. The Wolverines cleaned up the epee matches with a 4 to 0 score. Johnstone's men won the sabers, 3 to 1. De Tuscan, former Michigan fencing mentor, captured the lone bout for the Cad…

… 2; De Stefano, Wolverine captain, defeated Sa- vich in the next bout, 5 to 4;and De Stefano defeated de Tuscan, 5 and 4. Sixteen Remain. NEW BROOKLYN MANAGER GIVES ADVICE TO ROOKIES DANIEILS SELECTE…

…1 Cappon Names Wolverine Ca tain to Center Post; Weiss at Guard on Second Team. Norm Daniels, captain of t Varsity basketball team, and o of the leading contenders for co ference scoring honors, was…

… division, with playotf po- sitions assured to both. Starting the season at the bottom of the heap, Sprague Cleghorn has final- ly brought his Montreal Maroon sextet into third place and they. Wolverine

March 08, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… ,:..... . u..S:. G PL 11 Unemployed Battle at Ford Factory, WOLVERINE CAGERS DOWN OHIO 3 7J IN FINAL CONTEST~ Deferred Rushing Norm Daniels, Closing Career, Again Leads Quintet in Scoring. CHARITY…

…, Michigan's Varsity cagers closed their season with a 30-27 win over Ohio State last night at Yost Field House. While both teams were able to sink a dozen field goals apiece, it was the Wolverines' de- cided…

…, but the Wolverine leader was forced to bow to Conrad, of the Buckeyes, for the evening's high point total. The burly Scarlet and Gray tipoff man managed to elude Garner, the Michigan. center, to hang up…

Wolverine lineup through most of the game, with Ricketts and Allen both breaking into the scoring column with sensa- tional baskets. Conrad Is Ohio Star. With Hank Weiss and Ivy Wil- liamson both doing a nice…

March 10, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…" L FOR ALL-BIG TEN Wolverine Captain Gets Berth; Williamson, Weiss, Eveland Receive Mention. Norm Daniels, captain of Mich- igan's 1931-32 basketball quintet, was the unanimous choice of the conference…

…. Ed Russell, Wolverine leader, should have no trouble In lowering the 440 mark, in fact, his chief task will probably be to lower it more than does Ivan Fuqua, Indiana flash. Hornbostel of Indiana has…

…- ney to Columbus this afternoon in defense of their Big Ten champion- ship. The preliminaries are sched- uled for Friday with the finals set for Saturday. The Wolverines are expected to have little…

… outdid Miller in the dual meet here two weeks ago, the Wolverine leader has shown great improve- ment since. NOTICE All-baseball candidates report at Yost Field house any after, noon after 2 o'clock. Ray…

… Fisher, Baseball Coach.: A9NNOUNCE MATMEN, F BIGTEN MEET Douo vito, Stoddard, Helliwell, Wisnand Thomas Will Go With Squad. Captain Carl Dougovito will head a group of five Wolverine grapplers that wil…

March 11, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

… Opposition; Other Events Secure. Michigan, today, starts the de- fense of its Big Ten swimming ti- tle in the Buckeye pool at Colum- bus. The Wolverine splashers are the outstanding favorites and are expected…

… th Wolverine leader has shown great improvement and Mann looks to him for a victory. Dick Dege1e one of Michigan's Olympic possibilities, is favored to beat out last year's diving cham- pion, Lobdell…

…. Michigan's Varsity hockey sex- tet will turn into the last stretch of the 1932 season tonight when the Wolverines cross sticks with Chath- am there today. This is the second match of the season with the…

Wolverines will invade the Chicago field house tonighc bent on retaining the Big Ten in- door track title won last year. The Michigan contingent will enter the preliminaries as top-heavy favor- ites to repeat…

… contenders for the team title al- though several of them boast great individual stars. List Selected Last Night. "Chuck" Hoyt, Wolverine mentor, definitely announced last night the list of men who will make…

March 12, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

… the field of qualifiers entering the semi-finals of the Western Conference wrest- ling championsiips arLer yester- day's preliminary bouts. M\ichigan qualified four out of the five Wolverine matmen…

… Drysdale clipped seven-tenths of a second off the old 150-yard back- stroke record when he finished in 1:42.3 and the Wolverine medley relay team composed of Drysdale, Lemak and Kennedy set a mark of 3…

… placed four men and one team; Northwestern eight men and a relay team; Iowa three and one; Ohio two and one; Illinois one and one; Chicago, one inan, and Purdue, one.relay team. The Wolverines will have a…

… places ir liminary heats at the Univ of Chicago field house tonig Following the Wolverine: Ohio State with six places. ana, counted as Michigan's gest threat, was third witl Chicago, Illinois, and Iowa…

… four each. Wisconsin and MV sota placed three and Ngrthw and Purdue, one each. Starting with the first ever 60-yard dash in which they .1 three men, the Wolverines le parade all the way. Jack Car and Don…

March 13, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

… Williamson, the Wolverines' two guards, both were given places on the second team. Daniels Shifted to Center. The shift of Daniels from a for- ward to the center position was made in order to make room o n…

… and neck with the Wolverines until the last few mm- utes of play. Weiss and Williamson, Michigan's two guards, wee both conceded second team berths only after con- siderable deliberation. Hoffer of Ohio…

March 15, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…AY, MARCH 15, 1932 THE MICHIGAN DATLY A,,MA~~ 1,132T E MI H G N AL 111@4 rA IPJIJ I oli'll 11111111 Sextet TOMPKINS TO PLAY HIS FINALCONTEST Wolverines Will Seek First Win of Season Over Maroon…

…" Hoyt's Wolverine track team to come through in the finals of the Big Ten meet was a distinct disappointment to all who follow the fortunes of the Maize and Blue closely. However, there 1 c is much that…

… can be said to help ors must keep going for another The heavyweight title will be at alleviate the distress, two weeks drilling constantly for stake in the semi-finals as the First, the Wolverines were…

… the other divisions. he has played every minute ofev- ed with fireworks. Both boys are ever accomplished, indoors or out- The Wolverines, at Chicago last cry game. . ___ _ doors, and the fastest ruu in…

… him for scores. Chapman's injury over his eye has partly healed and he will be back in early-season form. Wil-. liams will be at his best with sev- eral weeks of fast practice in back of him. Wolverine

March 16, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

… lFlI H U . i J K IT uu ' * See Victory Next Time.- Tuesday night at the Mendelssohn ment. Representative Beck, Pennsyl- J theatre as the affirmative i"- Wolverines Are l n )ressi ve. vania…

…'eat Representative Cooper (R.,Ohio) : with which to refute the arguments portion of her 1-anto -Gay off old "The -E.ets seem to have made con- of their Wolverine opponents. old debts to \tr~l strt: , x te con1…

March 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…URDAY, MARCH 19,1932 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Grid Candidates WOLVES ITO MEET STATE 1INTURNEY Seventeen Wolverine Grapplers to Take Part in A.A.U. I Tilt; M.S.C. Favored. Michigan's Varsity…

…Er Wolverine Track Team to Face Stiff Opposition in Last Encounter of Season. Coach Doherty, freshman track mentor, predicts a close meet for this afternoon when the yearling thinclads meet the Ililnois fresh…

March 25, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

… to take a part. Mihigan rules as the favorite in he'"300 yard medley event, with 'l bthwestern and Princeton slated to ive the Wolverines a hard bat- tle for top honors. In the 1500 meter swim, which…

…I will be held this afternoon, Mich- igan is assured of at least a few points. Three Wolverines have been Kentered in this event, with only two outsiders competing. These two visiting natators who will…

March 26, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…ARE CLOSE SECOND AS O'NE NATIONAL MARK. ANDU THREE MEETRE11CORDS FALL Cardinals Place Eight Men to Wolverines' Six; Clapp Sets New 1500-Meter Record; Degener Leads Divers By Sheldon C. Fullerton…

…, were waging a hot battle to stay ahead of the field. Following shortly on the heels of the Cardinals and Wolverines were Princeton and Northwestern, each of which placed four men in the finals. Navy…

… this event the Wolverine flash nosed out the sen- sational Walter Spence of Rutgers by three-fifths of a second. The other record to fall in yester- day's assault was shattered by Mer- ton Wilcox, of…

March 27, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… distances, but crossed up the Wolverines by tak- ing second and third places in the dash; second and third in the 440; and second and third in the hight hurdles. One of the biggest.surprises. wa the victory…

… point for Cincinnati. With the Wolverines trailing by seven points with only two events remaining to be run, Johnny Schmieler, who had already Stanford, 34.31; Fall st Stroke High 00060 VITO WINS 15…

… Stoddard, the only other Wolverine According to a statement last entry, was defeated in Te semi-fi- night by Jerry Hoag, manager nals by Blosser of Ohio University, of the Michigan theatre there but both…

March 31, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

… selection to Oscar Alm- quist, of St. Mary's. Outstanding in College Circles. Crossman has been one of the outstanding centers in college hockey circles since his first season on the Wolverine Varsity. 'The…

… minutes, and at 165 pounds Cook lost to Par- ker by a fall in three minutes and a ALL-AMERICAN HOCKEY PLAYER MICHIGAN ,QUINTET' CARDS SIX GAME S Wolverines Begin With Western State Teachers College…

… December 5. Michigan's Wolverine - basketball team will engage in six non-confer- ence games next season in addition to the Big Ten campaign on the, hardwood court, meeting four dif- ferent quintets…

…, there. Veterans Compose Nucleus for Golf Team; Fischer Out Although the weather up to this time has not permitted members of the Wolverine golf squad to do much playing, most of the prospec- tive niblic…

… 16, when the Wolverines will travel to Detroit for a match with the Detroit Coun- try club. Last season Trueblood's men administered a neat, and rather unexpected pasting to the Detroiters. A tentative…

… through to the finals of the tryouts. In a thrilling match which ran to two ovetrimes, the new Wolverine leader lost to Morrison of the University of Illinois by a three- point decision. Go West Young Man…

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