February 25, 1917
(vol. 27, iss. 100)
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… is shown by the extremely cordial comment that the recent action of the board in control and the entry of the Wolverine track team i the Illinois relay games has caused among Big Nine officials and…
… newspapers. Min- nesota and Ohio States, staunch friends of Michigan, were expected to' look upon the probable return of the Wolverines with favor. The action of some of the other colleges, however, was…
…, in an editorial on the entrance of the Wolverine track team in the Illinois indoor meet, says: "By voting to allow Michigan to com- pete in the Illinois relay carnival on March 3, the faculty…
… representatives on the conference board -showed that they, at least, would probably not an- tagonize the return of the Wolverines to the Big Nine. The old wound is healing, it seems. This is pleasing to all who…
… to Michi- gan should she. return. But at the same time, the return of Michigan is so extremely advisable that we sould not demand that the Wolverines pros- trate themselves before us and beg to be…
…, com- peting in the armory on March 3. Prof. Thomas F. Moran, chairman of the conference governing board, ex- pressed himself as pleased at the ac- tion of the Michigan board. He said that the Wolverines…