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February 28, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…, 21 To 18, With ClosingRally Petoskey Sinks Winning Basket; Eveland Heads Wolverine Scoring Minnesota staged a last-half rally to tie the score at 18 all, before Mich- igan got its lone field goal of…

… cards for Leading Role In Play, Minnesota to win. No matter how 'Tlree Times The Hour' badly the Wolverines played, the Go- phers were worse, except for their James Raymond, '33, will have the rally. With…

February 26, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

… turned the trick. After the Minne- sota team had turned in three deci- sive victories over the Wolverines, Michigan showed complete disre- 3pect by trouncing the mighty Go-, ;)hers, 3 to 1, and breaking a…

…'championship hopes tonight by con- )f graeantd httoeO urn the Wolverine netmen, 37 he previous game and the crowdh W to 33. stopped play for five minutes when M.ichigan held a two-point advan 3herf scored the first…

February 24, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… unofficially shatter the Conference record and come within seconds of the world mark, as the Wolverine swimmers administered a 58 to 17 drubbing to the Michigan State team at the Intramural Pool yesterday…

…'s hockey team as they take to the Arena ice here at 8 p. m. tonight to do battle with Minnesota's formidable sextet. The Wolverines still have a chance to tie for the Big Ten championship, it was made known…

… efficiency tonight. The Wolverine defense will be strained to the utmost tonight. Chapman, Gabler, and Jewell will have a host of potential scorers to battle against, since almost every member of Minnesota…

Wolverines Hopes of regaining second place in the Conference standings hinges on the outcome of the coming week- end games in which the Wolverine quintet faces Purdue at Lafayette Saturday and Minnesota here…

February 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… Five Maroons Hold Michigan In First 12 Minutes Before Wolverines Open Up Small Crowd Sees 8th Big Ten Game House Resolution (;ivIe" Legislature Act Powcer (irver Banks To Comstock So Garner With…

… establish in fact whether this loan can be had." It did By JOHN THOMAS Chicago held Michigan for twelve minutes of the first half but from then on the Wolverines had things their own way and won easily, as…

February 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… and changed places with the Wolverines in the Conference' standings. The score was 36 to 35. During the first half it was Nick Kearns who aggravated the fans and players alike with inaccurate deci…

… until Iowa substituted Kotlow and Moffitt who produced the spark of victory and clearly outclassed Michigan. The Wolverines ran up a quick lead of 18 to 7 early in the first half and Iowa retaliated with…

February 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY )m the RESS BOX John Thomas Wolverines Sweep Hockey Series, Beat Wisconsin2 v Long John Schmieler Secret Vigl Kentucky Derby Mustang Turner * * * LONG JOHN SCHMIELER is quite…

… Seconds To Play To Win For Michigan Goal Keepers Star Wolverines Get Second Place In Conference With Two Victories By ALBERT H. NEWMAN Scoring a final goal with but 30 seconds to play in one of the closest…

February 14, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…'s inva- sion. The full distance was a mile and the Wolverine quartet led most of the way.. Although no points were awarded by the officials of the meet, the press scores gave Michigan a total of 40, a huge…

… satisfied with a simple victory the Wolverines kept the home team scoreless during the last 15 minutes of the game, making 13 points during the interum. The State cagers are wondering just how they happened…

… take the Conference title, and for that reason the Wolverine nata-* tors have been pointing for Friday's eet, although they swim against Chicago on the following night, Wolves Succumb To Late Goal In…

… Ferries was able to break loose from the forwards again and elude the defensemen to score the final goal of the game with -two minutes to play, winning the game for Tech. The Wolverines missed the services…

…; Jewell 26. Referee, Fox, Detroit, i 9Trestlers Lose Two Meets In Eastern Tour Michigan's wrestlers were easy prey for their eastern opponents on the recent Intersectional trip. The Wolverine grapplers…

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