February 27, 1975 (vol. 85, iss. 124) • Page Image 3
…, the Computer Registration Involving Student Partici- pation (CRISP) will replace the archaic Waterman-way beginning in April. With CRISP, students need only go to one location, Room 215 of the old…
… neighborhood of 1,500 students each day. The appearance of CRISP in Ann Arbor will put the Uni- versity among "perhaps a half dozen major universities with enrollments over 15,000" using the computer program…
… also featured for your meal," Brede- horst asserts. "In the area of beverages, the selection ranges from cold apple cider delivered locally, to chilled tomato juice, coffee and fine herb teas pre- pared…
… including banana-raisin and apple cina- mon." The food is only half the story, though. Bredehorst des- cribes the Vegetable Union, "as a showcase for local talent, with music performed by many dif- ferent…