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December 03, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

… will only be available See JOBLESS, Page 2 Officials fear recalls will hurt 'U' At a press conference in the Chrysler Center yesterday, Steve Jobs (right) founder and president of Apple Computer Inc…

… doesn't mean that See OFFICIALS, Page 7 4'U, deal worth millions By NANCY GOTTESMAN Top executives from two major com- puter firms - including Steven Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Computer, Inc…

…. - came to North Campus yester- day to announce ah agreement to sell $8 million worth of computer equipment to the College of Engineering. The University will purchase some 800 computers from Apple and…

…., says students will soon use computers as routinely as they now use calculators. Engineering Dean James Duder- stadt sits to his right, and Apollo Computer Chairman William Poduska is pictured at the far…

… left. Computer firms kick of By JACKIE YOUNG As two Democratic state senators clean out their desks in Lansing and an- ti-tax group celebrate their victories in recent recall elections, University of…

… Apollo Computer, Inc. at what college officials say are "substantially reduced prices." Earlier this week, college officials said the purchase price would be somewhere between $4 million and $7 million…

… provided with a personal computer workstation, all integrated into a sophisticated communications net- work." Jobs said that the University's wide- scale use of the computer system will give his company a…

… chance to witness the interaction of a "large community of computer users" with the company's technology and that a great deal of computer software will be produced from the venture. "Individuals can do…

… gret things if you give them great tools," Jobs said. Among the advantages of the new computer system, Duderstadt said, is the opportunity for students to use elaborate computer graphics rather than…

… committing designs to paper first. He also said that "the companies' new state-of-the-art computer equipment will be incorporated into ongoing in- structional and research programs ranging from robotics and…

December 01, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… for the college to pay Apple Computers, Inc. and Apollo Computer between $4 million and $7 million to provide approximately 1,000 computers over the next two years. THE NEW system, which has been…

…'s general fund, private donations, and loans. Phillips said the college's Computer Policies Committee chose Apple and Apollo to supply the new system. He said a number of firms were in- vestigated prior to…

… academic program coor- ONCE BOTH sides agreed that autonomy from See CULS OFFICE, Page 5 a e r'1 v e d e n e Ty C J7 Engineering college set to expand computer network By THOMAS MILLER An agreement…

… between the College of Engineering and two major computer manufacturers could put microcom- puters on every engineering student's desk within a few years, officials in the college say. Plans currently call…

… operating since the beginning of the term, already had computer terminals located in East Engineering Building, the Chrysler Center, and the Dow Building. The million-dollar expansion, to be formally…

… announced at a press conference tomorrow, marks the college's plan to make the computer network the most sophisticated univer- sity system in the nation. Future expansions may provide each engineering student…

… that fee. AS THE system grows, officials said, students may eventually be offered the option to buy a computer. However, aerospace Prof. Richard Phillips, who is directing the project, said such plans…

… are still a long way off. "It's still too early to tell what the long term plans will be," he said. "We're just starting, but we'll be rapidly heading towards a computer in every room in a year and a…

…. Phillips said current plans to buy 1,000 computers from the firms over the next two years may change as prices fall. "Exactly what we'll be able to buy a year from now is hard to say," he said. FUNDS FOR the…

December 05, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…:}}:::::. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:v::: x.4::v :. ::". v:. ::n.:: ...: . .:....v .. ...r....:: v ::v..::. r:. :......... Computer backers harass reporter SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Teenage computer hackers seeking electronic revenge…

… official computer security systems and post their findings on com- puterized bulletin boards nationwide. "Most of these people traffic in illegal information - credit card numbers, dial-up access numbers…

… money for charities. However, he said, "If people weren't interested, we never would have started it." Bourgeois denim from American-style denim trousers to Chinese-designed "Apples" and "Teleweebs," the…

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