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December 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…, there's a good chance you'll be bringing home something else. Better grades. © 1985 Apple Computer. Inc. Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh is a…

COMPUTERS INTER VIEW: DOUGLAS VAN HOUWELING Turning fees into technology Editors note: Daily reporter Jerry Markon and News Editor Thomas Miller met with University Vice Provost for Information…

… Technology Douglas Van Houweling last week to talk about the mandatory computer fee and other computing activities around campus. Here is the first of two excerpts from that interview that will appear on the…

… the public forums - that the University of Michigan is really behind other universities in terms of computing. VH: I think it's important for me to put that in perspective. We're behind the very best…

…. The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 10, 1985 - Page 5 i. " Lighten up your Christmas - vacation with a Ax¢ * computer game from SOFTWARE EXCHANGE It makes a great gift I.} Discount Computer Software…

… instructor may extend these IDs. They cannot be extended beyond 31 December 1985. Pick up a RENEWAL FORM: At your departmental office or At the Computing Center's Business Office on North Campus, Monday…

…-0088 You just got a C+ in Post- War Foreign Policy. You just got a B- in Communications Law You just got an F+ in Advanced Physics An F+? Boy, you could use some help. From a Macintosh" personal computer. A…

December 03, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

… that? All you get are thorns in your fingers and dirty hands. Instead, ask for a Holiday Bundle from Apple@ -- a MacintoshTM computer and ImagewriterTM II Printer. Macintosh"' is helping people…

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 3, 1985-- Page 5 COMPUTERS Fron Richmond, Va. (AP) - Ar- chaeologists are turning to Space Age technology to help them unlock Stone Age secrets…

… revolutionized the work ar- chaeologists do," said Sylvia Gaines, associate anthropology professor at Arizona State University in Tempe. Virginia's Department of Highways and Transportation uses a computer to…

computer to tell us what's there," he said. ARCHAEOLOGISTS also use comput- ers as electronic draftsman, creating maps from coordinates fed into the machine, according to Marley Brown, director of…

… archaeological excavation at Colonial Williamsburg. digs to databases Archaeologists turn more to computers Some archaeologists share infor- mation by trading disks, but only on a regional basis. The…

… "could sell the information to pot hun- ters who go to a site and dig up pots, ornaments and jewelry, and then sell them for megabucks," she said. Computer archaeology is not limited to the United States…

…. Archaeologists from five countries working at Carthage in Tunis used computers to reduce the confusion of communicating in five languages, Gaines said. COMPUTERS were also used to examine the relation of Britain…

…'s Stonehenge to celestial events, to studey Neolithic houses along the Danube River and to explore sites in Mexico. Archaeologists' increased use of computers prompted Gaines to create "Advances in Computer

… offers seminars on computers to professionals. AT VIRGINIA Commonwealth University in Richmond, ar- chaeological research lab director Dan Mouer links a video camera to a computer to record pictures of ar…

…- tifacts at excavation sites. Mouer said he can send the digitized gray-scale images, similar to photocopies, to other ar- chaeologists for consultation. Computers also cut the tedium of some chores, the…

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