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December 03, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

… "Our society will be changed by com- Education-is equipped with TRS 80s, puters in a fundamental way," he said. Atari and Apple computers. While the Computers can exchange information, kids experiment on…

…Page 2-Friday, December 3, 1982-The Michigan Daily 'U' teaches kids how to operate computers By AMY KORMAN Next, Andre tells the children to pun- No one can dispute that today is the ch in any…

… characters or command they age of computers, and the University is want so they can discover what the preparing for it in a unique way- computer can do. teaching children to run the machines. Andre teaches the…

… how to understand the computer. And capable of interacting with the com- third, they can explore on their own, puter," Andre said. "The computer is without examples, to exercise their like a set of…

… blocks, or a puzzle. It's no creativity." less important." "While (the computer's) purpose is He added, "It wouldn't surprise me if not to resolve social issues," Andre most of these kids knew more about…

… said, "the computer will demonstrate microcomputers than their parents at the adaptability of people as did Gut- the end of the program." tenbuerg's printing press." The center-based in the School of…

…- hyis structions on how to modify it. This allows them to discover "the enormous flexibility of computers," he said. optim istic i firset artifiial heart implant (Continued from Page 1) and the plastic…

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