December 07, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 78) • Page Image 3
…-tilled products of the the damp cold. - farm as Josephine and Everett VanHoy farm. Carefully and exact- Crates and pecks of the hand- s.F.'. ingly the seven kinds of apples, nurtured vendibles are piled and Van…
…Hoy begin loading Winesap the soil-covered beets, the carrots l - apples, giant sugar pears, home and the pears are ordered. Then the first sleepy-eyed shoppers be- .. r :- canned bread - and - butter pickles…
…, and tempting apple pie and banana morning at Ann Arbor Farmer's the VanHoys don't notice the bit- bread which she took from her Market. } ing 4 a.m. frost. Seventeen years oven only hours ago.a of early…
…, straightening a bag of Spy apples. sample in her mouth, th scent. "I can't buy dees squvash unless "The stories I could tell you ..:. hands down her verdict. - *+ In a far corner, near the enclosed I know is…
… tacked to the box ed, snaps Mrs. VanHoy, annoyed duet before she would buy it. Uon . reads: "Free Kittens." Few shop- that this woman should be ques- discovering one rpmaining butter- head, she computes…