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November 11, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 44) • Page Image 5

… Ball, which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday at the IM Building, may be purchased until Friday on the Diag, and at Uni- versity Hall and the League. Late permission will be granted to all…

… -bequeathed to all those sup- posedly doomed - and that is that you send any extra saws you may have in your possession to cell number four, city jail. FINDS HAVEN-Peanut, squirrel rescued from a cat, sits on…

… back of a friend, Bullet, with Patricia Wolfram of Buffalo, N.Y. She bought the squirrel from its rescuer for a quarter. Folk Dancing Club To Meet Today at WAB In response to student demand a new Coed…

November 30, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

… are on sale at the International Center, Union, League and Diag. THE PRICE of admission will be exchanged for stage money with which daring students can gamble in the true Monte Carlo fashion. Gambling…

… university plumber fore- man Donald E. Robinson. They weren't able to record where they laid their pipes. Consequently, he said, "every time a squirrel runs down a drain and clogs it up, the plumbers have to…

November 01, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 52) • Page Image 7

… sell; $750. 665- 4896. 47N I0 1970 TRIUMPH TRc-R 650cc., under 3000 mi., ex. cond., call Eric at 662- 7335 after 6 p.m. 4NI9 LOST AND FOuND LOST: Black puppy near Diag. White markings on chest and three…

… with red' lin- ing. If found gall 769-7683 or 769-7656. AE FOUND: Large golden dog resembles golden retriever, wearing flea collar. friendly, good squirrel-chaser. Call 764-2680 or 764-0782 noon-5 p…

November 03, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

… MUSICAL MDSE., LOST AND FOUND RADIOS, REPAIRS FOUND: grey tiger-stripe kitten, Huron KLH Model 24 STEREO/FM TUNER. and Ingalls. 769-7847. AC Perfect cond. almost 1 yr. old. $235. LOST: Black puppy near Diag

…, 3 biks. from Diag. Call Mark, 668-7195. 25Y53 GRAD GIRL wanted for modern 4-man apt. 610 S. Forest. $75/mo. Call Bev- erly or Janet. 761-5605. 24Y52 4th MAN WANTED for 4-man, two- bedroom modern apt…

… dog resembles golden retriever, wearing flea collar, friendly, good squirrel-chaser. Call 764-2680 or 764-0782 noon-5 p.m. AD21 FOUND: white puppy near Liberty Wednesday p.m. Call 663-0228. AA FOUND…

November 11, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

… occupational safety officer William) Joy. Of course there are risks. There are risks every time one gets away from man's paranoid and ultra-sterile world to explore nature. The squirrels on campus could bite and…

… the young Pahlavi. -Nate Windman Editor World Student Times November 5 rj The World Student Times is affiliated with the Unification Church. pave the Diag. No, on second thought, the cracks in the…

… pavement could collect debrisw of host organisms. Glass would be a bet- ter choice; it is pleasantly sterile: We could have fountains of' cleansing fluid to help rid the" Diag of disease - a veritable…

November 23, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

… with new carpeting. Five minute walk to Diag. Susan, 995-5897. dC1123 For couple or single grad; large bedroom with fireplace in quaint 9-room house to share with couple. Oak dining rm, laundry; 10 mm…

… information call 885-4638 or 372-6842. 60M1121 Flute Lessons, reasonable rates, location negotiable, Call Maretha at 668-0497.56M1124 Male roommate needed. $145.00/month plus utilities. 12 minute walk to diag

… -, former indepen- dent South African country 57 Squirrel furs 59 German article 60 Crowns 61 Besmirch 62 Soak 63 On the ball 64 " and the Man" DOWN 1 Spring 2 Type of quiz 3 Cure-alls 4 Site of Patna and…

November 22, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

… being sold to the unsuspecting masses for $2 in the Diag and the Fishbowl. This must be stopped. Join FUDGE in calling for a recall of the Gargoyle. Protest this offensive, affronting, buttery manifesto…

…. For example, he discusses his sexuality: "I don't know if I have sexual magnetism or animal magnetism, though sometimes I'll find a squirrel stuck to my forehead." He even touches on the subject of…

November 27, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…. Premier Ladislav Adamec became the first top official in 20 years to share a platform with by Noelle Vance Daily Government Reporter A lonely squirrel, clutching a nut unobtrusively by the side of a shanty…

…, watched the last dried leaves whisk across the Diag Wednesday afternoon. The students had gone home. By 5 p.m., Ann Arbor was a de- serted town. The few students in front of the Union stood by duffel bags…

November 29, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 44) • Page Image 14

… mammal around. (Besides that preacher dude on the Diag. I'd take a squirrel over him any day.) I know that they bother you. Tell me that you don't have a Sarah strange story fea- Rubin turing a psycho…

… ==I -W V V V V UF 7U Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine - 4B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend, etc. Magazine - Thursday, November 29, 2001 SQUIRRELS IN THE MIST The Michigan ELITE ENTERTAINMENT…

… of days that looked cold but weren 't, not to wear a sweater and my wool coat. So I'm frying, all hot and dis- gruntled, when out of the blue a rabid squirrel dives in front of me, in some suicidal…

… attempt for atten- tion. This is all the incentive I need to start my by-now-banal squirrel dia- tribe. Mali suggests that I make the whining into a column. And I can't tell if she's serious or if she just…

… wants to avoid the inevitable. Fran nods vehemently reaffirming my suspicion that the two are conspiring against me; I think that they think that a good ole' squirrel-bashing col- umn will extirpate my…

… angst, clear- ing my conversational horizon from stories about rodents who eat nuts. But I won't be satisfied until I achieve vengeance. Come on. Agree with me, here. Squirrels are the most terrible…

…- squirrel. You jC o haven't lived in , An Arbor long Flairenough if you haven't had at least one close-encounter-of-the- squirrel-kind. The most striking characteristic of the squirrels on campus is their…

… rela- tive size. I come from a nearby small town in Michigan, and our squirrel population isn't nearly as over- weight. The squirrels in my town live in trees. They jump and run on the phone wires and…

… all of the other typ- ical squirrel behavior that looks like it'd be fun to try if I was 3 inches tall. Here, in Ann Arbor, the squirrels are always on the ground. Why? Because they're freaking obese…

…. You have to do a double-take to see if it's a cat or a squirrel walking with you to class. They've lost their aero- dynamic powers and they're too fat to ascend, so they stagnate in the grass. This…

November 30, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 42) • Page Image 6

…., I and 2 bdrm. apts. avail. on central campus, Lg. well-maintained units within mins. of the diag and N. campus bus stops!! Prices start at $395/mo. with a 1 mo. security deposit! Call Danat6634101 x24…

…, with "out" 41 Bikini top 44 MLK title 46 Cessna home 47 Objects of a squirrel's quest 48 Local thoroughfare 51 Show that you know 52 "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" channel 53 Fireplace remains 55 Rope…

November 29, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

… - and I'm not sure he ever got a ques- tion wrong. I also saw Tim on the Diag in the freez- ing cold for about a week in April, hand- ing out quarter sheets and asking people to vote for him in the MSA…

…, "Those who stay will be champions." I cannot help but think of Tim standing out onthe Diag, embodying those immortal words - a Michigan man, through and through. Jeremy Borowitz Prblic Policyjunior MSA…

… progressive? Furthermore, does a differ- ence in animals (Snow White's squirrels, bluebirds and bunnies vs. Giselle's "rats, flies, cockroaches and pigeons") matter when the activity is the same? Giselle is…

November 23, 2010 (vol. 121, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

… PUS WAT ER ING O L ES BTB, Charley's owners aim to lure townie crowd with new venture A squirrel poses for a photo on the Diag yesterday. According to Prof. Philip Myers, Ann Arbor squirrels get too…

…-mail interview. She added that not all buildings on campus have See RECYCLING, Page 3 Ann Arbor's pets: Why campus is nuts for squirrels DINING NEAR CAMPUS North Quad has had mixed impact, State St eateries say…

… Expert: Squirrels' strange behavior due to too much human interaction By VERONICA MENALDI Daily StaffReporter Though most students were probably reaching for umbrellas and raincoats during yesterday…

…'s torrential downpour, according to Ecology and Evolutionary Biol- ogy Prof. Philip Myers, they should have been looking at the squirrels. "Next time you're out in a rain storm, watch the squirrels," said Myers…

… in Ann Arbor has become a source of fascination for both stu- dents and visitors to the city. And according to Myers and squirrel enthusiasts at the University, their chubby looks and friendly demean…

…- or are largely due to the increased human interaction they experi- ence around campus. The city's squirrels have grown accustomed to the rich source of food humans provide them, which to an extent…

… increases their chanc- es of winter survival, Myers said. He added that humans' behav- ior toward the squirrels affects WEATHER HI: 41 TOMORROW LO: 36 Student influx still not enough to offset CVS…

… much food from all their human interaction. their reproductive patterns as well. Squirrels have two breeding periods; one in the fall and one in the spring. When resources are scarce, they will only…

… breed dur- ing one period. But given their abundant source of food, Myers said Ann Arbor squirrels probably breed during both periods. However, Myers said the townie squirrels consequently act a little…

… differently than common squirrels due to their constant feeding and interaction with humans. "It makes them actin a less nat- ural way," Myers said. "However, it doesn't have any detrimental effects on their…

November 23, 2010 (vol. 121, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

… bin." Last Monday, Waste Manage- ment Services planned America SQUIRRELS From Page 1 ral conditions, it's reasonable for people to feed them. He said squir- rels, more than any kind of wild mammal, seem…

… more comfortable around humans. However, Myers said, there are some downsides to the constant attention given to the squirrels. "From our perspective, squir- rels can be pests sometimes and we encourage…

… part of campus culture partly due to the University's Squirrel Club that was founded a few years ago. Club founder and University alum Jason Colman said the group started as a late night dorm con…

…- versation and grew into a group full of squirrel enthusiasts. "First of all, it's fun." Col- man said. "Secondly, a lot of peo- ple enjoy feeding the squirrels because they miss their pets at home. The…

squirrels are the cam- pus pets and they are cute and fuzzy. It's also a stress reliever." He said the best way to feed and Recycles Day to educate members of the University community on the new system…

November 14, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

… another squirrel to feed. This is what happens on Sundays during good weather for members of the Squirrel Club, like myself. For no more than an hour, I take a hand- ful of peanuts into the Diag and for…

… you gave it. Fat squirrels, skinny squirrels, groups of squirrels, loner squirrels who would rather crouch in the bushes near the Chemistry Building than come onto the Diag proper - getting one of them…

… and a squirrel snaps its head around to look right at me, sitting up on its hind legs. ERIC I kneel, arm FERGUSON extended, as it approaches the peanut slowly but determinedly, loping through the chilly…

… November grass. I accidentally jerk my hand a little to the right, and the squirrel scampers back a few steps in exag- gerated alarm but is not deterred from its quest. It comes right up to me and takes the…

… from its mouth to between its front paws. With practiced precision, the squirrel systemati- cally removes the shell to get at the nutty goodness within, while I grab another peanut and go search for…

… while. Plus, you get to make squirrels happy! Apart from being fun, it can be good for your health to have a lei- sure activity, whether it's feeding squirrels, playing basketball, vol- unteering around…

… a bad mood when feeding a squirrel, with passersby looking at you with a combination of curiosity and won- der and a sleek, grey-furred animal with the fluffiest of tails chowing down on something…

… to try it for themselves. While doing it by yourself is fun, spreading the joy of squirreling with other people can be even more entertaining. There are many leisurely campus activities to try out. If…

… feeding the squirrels isn't your thing, that's fine. It'll mean more squirrels for me, and there's no shortage of other leisurely campus activities that one can partake in. But whether you're stressed out…

…, enjoy small animals or are just plain bored, squirrel feeding is an activity sure to brighten your day. -Eric Ferguson can be reached at I believe that the ability to make choices is a…

November 21, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

… Classified Sales Finance Passersby and onlookers watch a red-tailed hawk eat a squirrel on the Diag Tuesday. CRIME NOTES CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Cave…

November 15, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

… Jr., who knelt on the Diag for 21 hours to protest racism, also showed his support for divestment. While he clarified he did not see the resolution as anti-Israel, he also said he could not…

… suffers all of us suffer. … When I kneeled on that Diag in pain, I watched thousands of students walk past me. I ask you today to not be one of those people that walked past.” Tuesday morning, the…

… CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Julia Aseel Haidar @aseelxhaidar umich right now: the squirrels are fat, canada geese are out, morale is low alex @alexxandraaa4 umich memes liked my insta post i feel #famous…

November 30, 2017 (vol. 127, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

diag squirrel. I want to date a diag squirrel A Nobel Symposium WHAT: A panel will discuss the work of this year’s six Nobel Laureates affiliated with the University. WHO: The Center for the…

… and makes my day a little brighter seeing him bounce around the diag from student to student,” she wrote. Reggie’s presence on social media started earlier this year; he currently has 4…

November 15, 2019 (vol. 129, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

Diag. From the grandiose architecture to the towering trees, everything seemed special, even the legendary friendly squirrels. Now a junior, I still smile at the tiny, tree-dwelling rodents that…

… sounded, from fox lasagna to Pennsylvania possum pot pie and a dish featuring my friends in the Diag: squirrel in cream. Some communities have chosen to utilize this free and nutritious source of…

… yet, but occasionally I’ll see a squirrel who wasn’t so lucky. Each dead squirrel is a sad reminder of Michigan’s disastrous roadkill problem. I see it on my weekly drive to Ypsilanti to volunteer…

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