November 29, 2005 (vol. 116, iss. 38) • Page Image 1
…-ins Near Campus WednesdayNov.23 to Sunday Nov.27 £ $20,000 worth of electronics and jewelry were stolen from 10 residences in the city of Ann Arbor 2 Stolen items include TVs,DVDs, laptops, an Apple iPoct a…
… night. Thieves had kicked in his locked bedroom door and stolen his desktop computer. To finish his homework for Monday, Sutton worked on a computer in the Shapiro Under- graduate Library until the early…
… theft at Sutton's house was part of a string of robberies and break-ins during the Thanksgiving weekend, when thieves stole televisions, DVD players, computers, a micro- wave and other valuables. The Ann…
… Kingsley Street, has a room- mate who lost a computer monitor, an iPod, a speaker and a digital camera. He blamed the break-ins on a lack of police patrols. "(The problem is the) police presence," he said…