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November 01, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…Friday November 1, 2002 @2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 41 One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom TODAYS The morning will begin with snow showers, a 42 going into the,7 afternoon and clearing for Tomorrow: Saturday. 44/a1 - Iii I 1 1 I:I I:; 1 1 ;:;:; :;::1;i 1 ; :; i:: 1 1 !!;1 i: ! 1: 1 1 Ilia y m E M I I ,I I Robberies continue to plague West Quad By Jeremy Bekowltz Daily Staff Re...…

November 04, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…Monday Novembe~r 42002iy .2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 42 One-Aundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom Weather TODAY: Partly cloudy in the morning with clouds dis- "48 sipating in the LOW, afternoon, mak- ing way for sun- Tomrrew: n.www.michigandaiycom Candidates campaign at pre-game tailgates By Tomislav Ladika and Louie Meizilish Daily Staff Reporters Politics mixed with football as Michigan's political cand...…

November 05, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

… Tuesday November 5, 2002 @9002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 43 One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom Evening show- ers will roll in as the afternoon progresses and will continue tomorrow. :a 4 Lf~~38 4&irow now -------------- 111111111110111111111 Michigan State fires football head coach By Jae Smith Daily Sports Editor Michigan State football coach Bobby Williams said after Saturda...…

November 06, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…Weather Wednesday November ,2 2 @2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan One-hundred-twelve years ofeditordalfreedom Cloudy throughout the day with a 20 percent chance of rain and winds reaching 13 mph. 47 Tomorrow- Vol. CXIII, No. 44 www~michigandaily corn / Granholm victorrus, despite Democratic losses bi U.S. Senate By Louie Meizlish and Jordan Schrader Daily Staff Reporters DETROIT - State Attorney General Jennifer Granholm ...…

November 07, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…WTaDher TODAY: November 7, 2002 ©2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 45 One-hundred-twelve years of editorlfreedom Cloudy in the morning with skies partially clearing throughout the afternoon. 9~48 LoW- 39 Tomorrow.- 64141 www.mnichigandaily. corn Race for Newman wins second term, unclea while fellow Republican Richner is would1 Repubi leading for the second open seat Rep state r By Megan Hayes was h( Daily Staff...…

November 08, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…Weather Friday , November 8, 2002 ©2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 46 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom Partly cloudy and warm throughout the day, becoming mostly cloudy into the evening hours. 63 OW 6 Tomorrow. -------- - ------------ ; ;I: : ;I I i 1: : IiIII ill I ill I ::: ; 1:1 NI 111 gli; iii :: : :: 1 1111 1 1 g. m i: :l! I w vritin .1St r3 = m University institutes ...…

November 11, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…Weathex TODAY Monday NV 11ri , 2002 @2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 47 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom Cloudy in the morning, with rain showers in the afternoon and turning partly sunny in the early evening. Tomorrow: 46/34 www.michigandailycom - --------------- W M"Ww NBA players respond to M' sanctions By Seth Klempner Daily Sports Writer The Michigan Athletic Department announced Thursday t...…

November 12, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…©2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 48 TODAY One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom Rain storms are expected in the morning. Skies are expected to clear by the afternoon. 46 Tomorrow, www.mkchigandailycom Iraq leaders denounce U.N. resolution BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Iraqi lawmak- ers denounced a tough, new U.N. resolution on weapons inspections yesterday as dis- honest, provocative and worthy of rejection - de...…

November 13, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…eather Wednesday November 13, 2002 02002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 49 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom TODAYR Mostly cloudy throughout the day with a 20 percent chance of precipitation. Expect show- ers tomorrow. 48 ~40 Tomorrow: wwwmihigandaily. corn Freshman class numbers By Megan Hayes Daily Staff Reporter Although freshman enrollment has decreased significantly this year, total student body e...…

November 14, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

….a a e Thursday November 14, 2002 ©2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 50 One-hundred-twelve years of editoriadfreedom Showers throughout the night with light rain continuing through the night. Tomorrow.- 3i25i wwwmihigandaily. corn loll IBM - RON iii I NOR -- I I mol NONNI I i i I l! I I I I I I I I I I !;:!; I :; 1: mom m Saddam agrees to comply with UN. UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Claiming Iraq was seeking the "p...…

November 15, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…Friday November 15, 2002 @2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 51 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom TODA, Thunderstorn~ in the morning with skies partly ; 38 cloudy in theLW:2 afternoon, LO.2 becoming clear Tomorrow: by evening. ?2i26 www~mkchigandaily~com Webber rep asks judge to drop charges By Steve Jackson Daily Sports Editor Chris Webber's attorney, Steven Fishman, accused prosecutors Wednes- day of ...…

November 18, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…Weather Monday November 18, 2002 @2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 52 One-hundred-twelve years of editorilfreedom TOA: Mostly cloudy throughout the day with the possibility of rain or snow in the evening hours. All4 LOW*- 37 Tomorrow.- 47,33 ----------- DPS looks into recent incidents on campus By Jeremy Berkowitz Daily Staff Reporter Amicus brief asks Supreme Court to clarify role of r...…

November 19, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…Tuesday November 19,2002 02002 The Michigan Daily S Ann Arbor, Michigan One-hundred-twelve years ofeditornalfreedom TODAY: Light rain in the morning with partly sunny F 49 skies in the LOW; 38 afternoon becoming Tomorrow.- cloudy again in 4",Jl3 the evening. wvwmichigandailycom Vol. CXIII, No. 53 CIA: Bin Laden tape authentic WASHINGTON (AP) - The new audio- tape of Osama bin Laden is an authentic, unedited and recent recording of the...…

November 20, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…w Wednesday Novemberi20 2002 ©2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 54 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditonalfreedom TODAY: Cloudy throughout the daytime hours with light rain beginning after dark. Tomorrow: 46132. wwwmihigandaily~com Transition process begins for candidates By Louie Melzlbsh Daily Staff Reporter Just two weeks after the Nov. 5 gen- eral elections, transition efforts are heavily underway at both the n...…

November 21, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…___ -weather I November 21, 2002 02002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXllI, No. 54 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom TODAY: Mostly cloudy in the day with after- noon rain and snow showers going into the night and early tomorrow morn- ing. g ~46 -35, Tomorroiw. wwwmichigandai y. cons I= ---------- At home Co cast, AT&T acquisition causes controversy, fears By Shabina S. Khatri Daily Staff Reporter Amidst critic...…

November 22, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…~WftakImr Friday November 22, 2002 .2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 56 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom F si a TODAY: Rain and norning. rH : 37 snow show-LO rs, wind and 2W9 ain in the Tomorrow: fternoon. 41/1i Ohio State lags in final day of battle By Erin Saylor Daily Staff Reporter Every drop of blood counts as the annual Blood Battle enters its final hours today. On the l...…

November 25, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

….nw.AV+w r E Monday November 25, 2002 .2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 57 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom TODAY: Snow show- ers in the morning, cloudy with winds from the northwest in the after- noon. LOW: 26 Temorrow- 37I1 9 Postgame eruption Columbus rhots after OSU's wn By Joe Smith Daily Sports Editor "We didn't start the fire." That's what some Ohio State stu- dents wer...…

November 26, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tuesday November 26, 2002 .2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 57 One-hundred-twelve years of editoriallfreedom TODAY: Skies expected to remain cloudy during the day, with a chance of rain showers. LO:25 Tomorrow: wwwmichigandaily~com ---------- - - --- "Jill ------------ Thousands laundered by 'U' employee Barbara O'Donnell arraigned yesterday for charges of embezzlement and enterprising By Jeremy Berk...…

November 27, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…Rumeatbe Wednesday November 27, 2002 @2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 58 One-hundred-twelve years of editorilfreedom TODAY: "hunderstorms T in the morning, partly cloudy becoming clear by evening. fl:84 xP .57 Tomorrow- www~michigandaily corn M ==Mmww mmffmm llll gillillilleimmmommi - - i I - ---- Haddad to appeal denial of asylum DETROIT (AP) - The attorney for the detained co-founder of an Islamic charity...…

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