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November 22, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…) 783-1033 Michigan Union - 663-7749 a There's a Sale on Macintosh Computers! ...and Just in Time for Finals--and the Holidays. Bundle #1 Macintosh Plus with Apple 800K floppy drive Imagewriter II…

… printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 30 $1,941 Take advantage of these low prices! # . , . Take immediate delivery! Take advantage of Apple's great financing program! Offer good only while these bundles…

… last! ,@",, Stop by the Hands-On Display, Ground Floor, Michigan Union Bundle #2 Macintosh Plus with Apple 20M SCSI drive Imagewriter II printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 70 $ 2,133 Bundle #3…

… Friday, January 20 or stop by the CRC, third floor School of Ed., anytime 9-5 Great1 I t I I ik-- - term papers.Great tems. ,_ 3 3 i i . l tt{-it4ltG . . I' To buy a Macintosh computer to help with…

… your writing, ask your parents to do some writing. On an Apple Student Loan-to-Own application, that is. If they qualify for the loan, they'll receive a check in a few weeks-and you'll have a Macintosh…

… on your desk soon after that. So stop by and pick up an application. Do it now; before the term's over. Apple's Student Loan-to-Own Program !2 t - 4 id …

November 21, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

… details about the case. - Micah Schmit - There's a Sale on Macintosh Computers! ...and Just in Time for Finals--and the Holidays. Bundle #1 Macintosh Plus with Apple 800K floppy drive Imagewriter II…

… by the CRC, third floor School of Ed., anytime 9-5 Great 1 erI 7 ~1 -- a . . " *. To buy a Macintosh" computer to help with your writing, ask your parents to do some writing. On an Apple Student…

… low prices! . r . . Take immediate delivery! Take advantage of Apple's great financing program! Offer good only while these bundles last! Stop by the Hands-On Display, Ground Floor, Michigan Union…

… Bundle #2 Macintosh Plus with Apple 20M SCSI drive Imagewriter II printer Microsoft Word Quantity left: 70 $ 2,133 _I Bundle #4 Macintosh SE with 20M internal SCSI dr Standard keyboard Imagewriter II…

… after that. So stop by and pick up an application. Do it now, before the term's over. ' r Apple's Student Loan-to-Own Program -vim; t …

November 18, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

… WANTED $5/hr transcribe tape for psych3papers 663- 0861 or mess. for Charlie 996-2396 *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perierice and knowledge of Apple and IBM computers

…. New brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message. CAN YOU BUY Jeeps Cars, 4x4's seized in d pg raids for under $s 00…

….0? Call for facts today. 602-837-3401. Ext. 762. COhMPAQ Portable Comnter- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769-5705. COMPUTERS, IBM & clones printers, etc. Good prices & service. Call 741…

…-9341. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help Leam/use computers. Will train. Reliability a must. Morning hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763-6770. DELIVERY DRIVERS WANTED Hourly…

… I LOVE ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MODELS/ACTORS WANTED for TV & rint work. M/F. No experience…

November 17, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Computerland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Act Now! SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT Join PIRGIM…

…-0557 or 996-9368. Please leave a massage. FOR SALE '19 OLDS OMEGA. New brakes, tires, muff. relatable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message…

…- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! LOVE TO DANCE? U of M Wolveretees kickline tryouts workshop Sat. Nov.19 9AM-12 Tryouts Sun. Nov. 20 9AM-12 Anderson Room…

… news- paper. If interested in challenging yet re- warding career, phone Bill Speer e~ditor of the Alpena News 1 (800) 448-0254. GOOD PAY to type in names and addresses on an IBM computer. Call 995…

… hone: 662-8622 pg HELP WANTED $5/hr transcribe tape for psych papers 663- 0861 or mess. for Charlie 99- 6. *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and knowledge of…

…. Kreye. 769-0666. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Leam/use computers. Will train. Reliability a must. Moming hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763-6770. ROUTE…

November 16, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 50) • Page Image 6

… brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156 eves. APPLE 2C PC for sale. $750 or best. 996- 9457 anytime and leave message. COMPAQ Portable Computer- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769…

Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Corputerland, 1898 W. Stadium,' Ann Arbor, MI 48103. *DISPLAY* Act Now! SAVE OUR ENVIRONMENT…

… ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MASS MEETING for volunteers to help w/ auction to raise $ for A2…

… away with completely 42 Computer adjunct 45 Uninterested 46 Sound 47 Batter, in Bonn 4 Business abbr. 49 Impiety 52 Negative contraction 55 TLC dispensers 57 Part of a sentence 59 Wicked 3 Proficient 4…

….KAPLAN EDUCATONALENTER L THE WORLD'S LEADING TEST PREP ORGANIZATION Call 662-3149 today! 203 E. Hoover " Ann Arbor HELP WANTED *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and knowledge of…

… time. Call 747-7044. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Learnuse computers.eWill train. Relability a must. Morning hours available. $4.10/hr. Call Deb- bie 763…

November 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

… knowledge of Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Computerland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. *DISPLAY* Act Now! SAVE OUR…

… '79 OLDS OMEGA. New brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156, eves. **DISPLAY COMPAQ Portable Computer- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769-5705. Computers, IBM & clones, printers, etc…

… for more info about us. I LOVE ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quadaround-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MASS MEETING for volunteers to help w…

… rpom. Af- temoons- dishwasher, cleanup personnel for catering kitchen. Call 761-2525 for appoint- ment. **display** *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and…

… DELIVERY SERVICE needs drivers with cars and people to answer the phone. Part time. Call 747-7044. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Leam/use computers. Will train…

November 14, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 48) • Page Image 6

… with sales ex- perience and knowledge of Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Com uterland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, M48103. A…

…-New Brakes, Tires, Muff. Reliable, $500/Rest 482-2156 Eves. COMPAQ Portable Computer- 2 Drives mint cond. w/ software: $800 call769-5705. Computers, IBM & clones, printers, etc. ,Goodprices & service. Call 747…

… work, cashier. Mid-day - cashier, dining room. Af- teroons- dishwasher, cleanup personnel for catering kitchen. Call 761 -2525 for appoint- ment. *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone…

…. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quad around-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! KIMMY AND AMES, I'm sorry but, I love you guys! Talk about the two best SHNA buddies…

November 11, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 47) • Page Image 6

…. Af- ternoons- dishwasher, cleanup personnel for catering kitchen. Call 761-2525 for appoint- ment. *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and knowledge of Apple

… Portable Computer- 2 Drives mint cond. w/ software: $800 call 769-5705. Computers, IBM & clones, printers, etc. Good prces & service. Call 747-9400. FOR SALE 2B- ball tix for Yugoslavia 11/16 Grambling 12…

… and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Cor uterland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, MI48103. A.M. SNOWPLOW SERVICE needs ener- getic…

November 10, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 46) • Page Image 5

… the American electorate, Michael Dukakis had swiped our baseball, eaten our apple pie, and smacked our mother, all in one shot. And, Tuesday night, they made their choice. But though they'll see George…

…- If good math grades are important '. try the Kemeny! to you.. The Computer Software Series (Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Probability, Discrete Math, Statistics and Algebra) was developed by math…

… professors at Dartmouth College. Used at hundreds of major universities, the software is designed to help students gain a better understanding of math concepts by using the computer. These best-selling Kurtz…

November 01, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

… the University, which began coming in late this summer, have been limited to Apple Macintosh software. The viruses have caused problems with computer start-up and laserwriter printing, said Phil…

… between the two the most of them. Computer virus infects campus THE LIST What's happening in Ann Arbor today Speakers SOLIDARITY: "Revolution in Nicaragua" - Gary Ruchwargerand Susan Lebell, Guild House…

… country. This fall, how- ever, dreaded viruses have attacked computers in Ann Arbor. University computer consultants are noting the arrival of "computer viruses" - programs which are de- signed to attack…

computer storage de- vices, installing themselves within other applications. The viruses wreak havoc at pre- scribed times upon all programs with which they can come in contact. Similar to organic viruses…

…, less than one percent of the floppy disks in the Computing Resource Center (CRC) are infected, said Jim Sullivan, a manager in the Public Facilities division of center. . Reports of computer viruses at…

… infected disk to a t°f f 5 f 4 fat '-j< Y J 2 '3Gr 1" r ~ 41', /e clean disk without trouble, although he warned that there is a risk in- volved when one inserts an infected disk into a computer at the…

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