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November 18, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

… pref. 665-5942. Female needs housing with the same. A.S.A.P. Call 665-0050 after 5PM. MALE WANTED to share 4 person apt. 4 min. from campus. Nice & cheap. 747-6592. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE 11+ Computer 64K…

…. Flexible day or evening hours. 80 wpm. 668-8898. WORDSTAR- People for word processsing w/computer editing skills needed on a part-., time, on-call basis. Call Kathy Jones, 994-" 9060. WORK-STUDY STUDENT for…

….48 1 3.12 15.36 g ' 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. 5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 19.20 " ADETSE I understand that this advertising request will be processed in accordance with The Michigan Daily…

November 17, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

… share 4 person apt. 4 min. from campus. Nice & cheap. 747-6592. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE H+ Computer 64K, Disk drive RF modulator, language card, Epson Mk-$U printer. Includes incredible amount of soft- I…

… interested, Please comed to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard and complete an application by November 19. TYPIST NEEDED. Flexible day or evening hours. 80 wpm. 668-8898. WORDSTAR- People for word processsing w/compute

….36. 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. 5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 1920 I Ia I understand that this advertising request will be processed in accordance with The Michigan Daily's standard Classified…

November 13, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

…-5912. ROOMMATES 4 1 BR of 2 BR apt. Winter Term. Church St. Park/Heat/H20-Femalepref. 665-5942. Female needs housing with the same. A.S.A.P. Call1665-0050 after 5PM. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE HI+ Computer 64K, Disk…

… COMMUNICATOR Part-time telemarketer needed at Network Technologies Interna- tional Incorporated, a growing computer so ftware comany. This position offers experience in both sales and marketing. Possible op…

… to work independentl in small business setting, WE WANT YOUClTom Roberts at 428- 8300. WORDSTAR- People for word rocesssing w/computer editing skills neededon a p art- time, on-call basis. Call Kathy…

….84 1.52 7. Personal 16. Tickets W 3 5.28 7.20 9.36 9.84 11.52 S 8 Cupid's Helper 17. Roommates J 4 7.04 9.60 12.48 13.12 15.36 ' 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. 5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 19.20 I I…

November 12, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 50) • Page Image 6

…. Church St. Park/Heat/H2O-Female pref. 665-5942. COMPUTER MDSE..4 APPLE II+ Computer 64K, Disk drive RF modulator, language card Epson Mk-80 rinter. Includes over $3 0 in software. 1400. Call 764…

….20 9.36 9.84 11.52 ; 8. Cupid's Helper 17. Roommates J 4 7.04 9.60 12.48 13.12 15.36 i 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse.5 880 2 16 14 92 I understand that this advertising request will be processed…

November 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 48) • Page Image 7

… Sch Ed. Register: 764-0505. Computer Vision Res Lab-Sem, I Sethi, "Temporal Seg- mentation of Image Sequences, "5 pm, 3427 EECS Bldg. Cognitive Sci & Machine Intelligence-Colloq, R Hogarth, "Risk…

… " (For women & men), 7:30 pm, Canterbury House, 218 N Division St. 475-1453, 761-9475. Computing Ctr-Course, B Blue, "Introduction to Tell-A- Graf (3rd sess), 7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS. Register: 747- 2424. Career…

…, Rackham Lee Hall. WEDNESDAY November 12 *AAFC-The Trip, 7 pm & Easy Rider, 8:45 pm, MLB 3. 769-7787. Sch Art-Panel disc, "Computer Graphics Enter a Brave New World," 7 pm, Chrysler Aud. *Mus Art-Lec, N…

…, Hillel Aud, 1429 Hill St. 663-3336. Sch Music-Recital, String students, 8 pm, Recital Hall. Mech Engr & Appl Mech-Sem, R Viskanta, "Freezing/ Melting, "4 pm, 2281 GG Brown Lab. Mich Gay Union-Soc/disc grp…

… Controlling Osteoporosis," 7:30 pm, M-CARE Hlth Ctr, Plymouth, 9398 Lilley Rd. Register: 459-0820. Undergrad Math Club-Lee, C Simon, "Dynamics and Chaos, "4 pm, 3212 Angell Hall. 769-0064. Computing Ctr…

…, U-M-DBN, 160 COB; U-M-F, Univ Ctr Kiva. Women/Univ Fac-Mtg, R Dunkle & E Dixon, "Micro- computers for Women, ", 6:30 pm (*Buffet dinner), Conf Rm, Mich League. iVDgg A v Guild House Camp Ministry…

November 03, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 43) • Page Image 8

… Waiting for the Apples, an anthology of poetry and prose, a speaker at writing con - ferences and schools and has taught poetry classes for several years. She has been published in literary magazines and…

… Graeco-Roman Survival of the Booth ofAnubis, "noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm. Computer Vision Res Lab-Sem, L Maloney, "Color Cor- rection Algorithms in Human Vision," 5 pm, 3427 EECS Bldg. Microcomputer Ed Ctr…

…- form: Two Routes to School Improvement, "4:30-6 pm, Tribute Rm, Sch Ed. 747-2444. Computing Ctr-Course, P Smith & TEXTEDIT Consul, "Writing and Customizing TEXTEDIT Macros," 3-5 pm; "Monday Language…

… Ping & Plcmt-Lec, "Choosing Your Major," 4:10 pm, 25 Angell Hall. Computing Ctr-Course, B Blue, "Introduction to Tell-A- Graf, "7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS. Register: 747-2424. *U-M-Flint-Documen film fest…

…-4726. Mech Engr & Appl Mech-Lec, A Kerstein, "Pair-Ex- change Model of Turbulent Premixed Flame Propaga- tion,"4 pm (coffee: 3:45 pm), 2281 GG Brown Lab. Mich Gay Union-Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild Hse, 802…

… & Plcmt-Disc, "Resumes for a Technical Position," 4:10 pm, 3200 SAB. Lec, "The Business School Application Process," 4:10 pm, MLB Lec Rm 1. Computing Ctr-Course. P Smith, & TEXTEDIT Consul. THURSDAY…

… Internships"; Library tour, 4:10 pm, 3200 SAB. Computing Ctr-Course, A Palms, "Basic Concepts of Local Area Networks, " 1-5 pm, 4003 SEB; B Blue, "In- troduction to Tell-A-Graf (2nd sess)," 7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS…

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