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November 01, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Fears of Editorial Freedom C I I. P Sit igau :4Iaitg BRIGHT Another sunny and fair day. High's in the low 50s. A Io 1. XCI, No. 51 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 1, 1980 Ten Cents Eight Pages Break an egg Iranian: Release a matter of 'time' Students in contest I By MARK SCHUMACKx A group of engineers took times out yesterday from the labors of, calculus and physics to drop e...…

November 01, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…N 4 Page 2-Saturday, November 1, 1980-The Michigan Daily f Mondale shakes the hands of EMU students after a campaign speech in Ypsilanti yesterday. Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS Mondale woos Ypsilanti voters By JULIE SELBST Special to the Daily YrPSILANTI-Vice President Walter Mondale, addressing a crowd con- siting primarily of college students, wooed voters yesterday in a last-ditch effort to secure the state's 21 electoral college vote...…

November 01, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, November 1, 1980-Page 3 ...;........................:...................v'.v.v ....... :. . . ..:. ..{n. . . ..r . .:.:. . .. ~ . .~.,':} v"vv" Prof says review process itself can hurt programs By MAURA CARRY I Reviews of various University academic programs are necessary to ensure they are up-to-date and serve a valuable function to the University. But reviews focused primarily on possible program discontinuan...…

November 01, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…PI I { . ..OPIN ION 4Page Saturday, November 1, 1980 The Michigan Doily Has the University overreacted to Tisch? Robert Tisch has a good idea; he just went too far with it. The University has responded to Tisch's tax cut plan in a similarly extreme manner. Since when does a transparent propaganda cam- paign qualify as "voter education"? CONCERNS OF University officials that the popular tax cut plan would hurt the Univer- sity are valid. Worr...…

November 01, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 51) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 1,1980-Page 5 'Poll vaulting Reagan camp boasts of strength Ar Photo THIS MURAL, containing two female nudes, was finally unveiled in an air terminal in Peking after the artist, Yuan Yunshen, refused to paint panties on the nudes. Chinese dropdemands that artist paint pantties CHICAGO (AP)-Ronald Reagan's strategists, polling the nation daily, think they may wind up with 300 to 320 electoral votes Tuesday...…

November 01, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

…" 6-Saturday, October 1,{1980-The Michigan Daily I-I If you find your name and addressW in today's Michigan Daily classified Stanley Kubrick's page 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY "l ;!" I" FRIDEIY -- -- YOU WIN 2001: TWO FREE TICKETS A Space Odyssey 13131 I .a to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. APOCALYPSE NOW!I THlE_13th His hangus are Hilarious "ft Harold'Maud-e No Contest To Enter! Just look through today's Classified Ads...…

November 01, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 51) • Page Image 7

…SP ORT a The Michigan Daily Saturday, November 1, 1980 Page7 ThE W RUNNIM&6 GAME HAs EBfEN If~4 14161 6LAR. 74E LAST FE-W WEEK<S. THEw KEY mit OPAt CAME AGAIN4ST IND IANA WILL LIE IN *hE iHioSIsis AtMLtIIY Z0 sTo, ThI WOLVEJRIr!S O !S MI6 Ala U ~b HOOSIERS SEEK REVENGE FOR LAST SECOND LOSS Indiana wary of Carter's heroics ED WARDS w RIC] ' k r j t' .. S, f/ , a, IIw By ALAN FANGER BLOOMINGTON-Nobody, but nobody in this out-of-the-wa...…

November 01, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 51) • Page Image 8

…RTS Page 8 Saturday, November 1, 1980 The Michigan Daily Talking Hea By MARK DIGITON For those of you who don't know already, Talking Heads have found their groove. Both on their new album, Remain in Light, and in their ap- pearance at Masonic Auditorium, Talking Heads proved their facility in mixing an idiosyncratic vision of African rhythms, modern funk, and post-glitter technology into a sound that is a surprisingly logical extension from...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

… Election guide inside today Ninety-One Years DREARY of Increasing cloudiness with ___ ~it gat ~E~iI~a chance of showers. High Editorial Freedom today in the 50s, low to- night around 40. Vol XCI No,2 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor Michigan-Sunday, November 2, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Plus Suppement feasts on miscues, 35-0 win "WE GOT SOME quick scores and the game was pretty much ours," Wolverine coach Bo Schembechler s...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…IN BRIEF Carter outlines proposals for hoped-for second term ABILENE, Texas (AP)-President national health insurance program Carter, in what was billed as a major Carter promised in his 1976 campaign. speech, laid out his plans and priorities The only other domestic goal the yesterday for a hoped-for second term. president mentioned was ratification of In the domestic area, Carter said he the Equal Rights Amendment. hopes "to lead the economi...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 2, 1980-Page 3 APA THY NOT NECESSARIL Y TRIUMPHANT Student groups lure members By DOUG BRICE *Although student apathy is a topic of myuch debate, officials at the In- tramural Sports program, the Michigan Student Assembly, and other orgamzations say student participation has-increased in some areas. Rochelle Bast, assistant director of the University's Intramural sports program, said -the number of teams ...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…A OPINION 4 i i U age4 Sunday, November 2, 1980 The Michigan Daily IT huuwfQ but we choose Carter , TIMMY CARTER is hardly any- one s conception of an American fsidential ideal. His four years of at onalistewardship have been acked by indecision, contradiction, ind philosophical betrayal of 4rogressive ideals. He is, however, gur reluctant choice for re-election. In other circumstances we would ave been delighted to drop President C...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 2, 1980-Page 5 Iranian paper advocates release From AP and UPI On the eve of what could be the climax of Parliament's hostage debate, e official newspaper of Iran's har- line fundamentalists recommended yesterday that the 52 captives be released before the U.S. elections. Without speculating on when the hostages would be released, Tehran Radio announced that the occupied U.S. Embassy would be opened to "pub...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

…4 - g ARTS ___ I9og 6 Sunday, November 2, 1980 The Michigan Daily 7oody s latest: An unsensual ob session By OWEN GLEIBERMAN Over the last decade, Woody Allen, has created a public image that spilled over into his movies, transforming his mealy mug into America's neurotic national monument. By now, it's not worth making distinctions between his ov- and off-screen personalities; they've merged into a single, mythic identity. Allen's Jewish...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 7

…'U' SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA A ghoulish performance The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 2, 1980-Page 7 The Conseiato Rstaurant Cordially Invites You To Dine With Us Tonight THE CONSERVATORY FEATURES: -'1 off the price of pitchers -50C off the price of coffee drinks -10% off your food bill from 4-5:30 -Music & Meal Deal By ED PRINCE Hill Auditorium was the place to be on Friday, October 31 for everybody whp is anybody at the University of Mi higan...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 8

… If you find your name and address1 in today's Michigan Doily classified Stanley Kubrick's page YOU WIN 2001: TWO FREE TICKETS A Space Odyssey THE 13th -a- to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. APOCALYPSE NOW! His ham s are Hilarius HamldiMaudu SHOWING OCT.31 & NOV. 1 1 aISALI F OLKDANING onS unUay, Nov. 2a ,Hillel, 1429 Hill St. 12-1 p.m. for beginner and 1-3 p.m., open dancing. cF1102 PLAY PINBALL AND WIN!!. Have games in your...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 2, 1980-Pageq Anderson, Reagan ahead in mock student elections From United Press International Mock elections and informal polls in colleges, high schools and junior highs show many of the nation's youth leaning toward John Anderson and Ronald Reagan. In the Northeast, Anderson tends to come out tops in college polls, with ,President Carter second and Reagan third. In the South, a college trend puts Reagan...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 10

…4 PRTS The Michigan Daily Sunday, November 2,1980 Page 10 Gi nnesota whips Gopher icers sweep ser Wolverines, 5-2 Blue record slips stead of mounting an offensive charge. By GREG DeGULIS When Michigan was at full strength, it Special to the Daily was able to skate with Minnesota. But MINNEAPOLIS-The f r equent this rarely occurred. Minnesota scored public address announcement, "Min- on two power play opportunities, in- nesota at full stren...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 2, 1980-Page 11 ATTENTION COLLEGE SENIORS NCAA ROUNDUP 'Bama, UCLA fal from. JACKSON, Miss. (AP)-Sophomore. Dana Moore kicked two second-half *ield goals and the Mississippi State Bulldogs rode an inspired defense to a 6-3 upset of top-ranked Alabama yesterday, ending college football's longest winning streak at 28. The Crimson Tide waged a desperation drive to rescue victory in the- waning moments, movin...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 12

…41 Big Blue whitewash:Wolve ,vers and defense key, die, but Corso, hit har Wolverines, coughed up th Andy Cannavino pounced o Michigan 44, giving the N possession on another crucia The scoring drive that fo long in comparison t ones-four plays. Quarter Hoosiers Butch First downs ....................... Rushing (att/yds) ............... Passing (comp/att/int).......... Passing yards ..................... Fumbles (no/lost) ................. ...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 13

… E Page 12 - Supplement to The Michigan Daily'Sunday; November 2, 1980 Commissioners Compiled by Debi Davis and John Spelich 0 0l 11 DETAI OF ANN ARBORT-YPSILANTI URBAN AREA SCIO ANN ARBOR e(DISTRICTS 5-15)- TOWNSHIP TOWNSHUP4M-1 Village of Barton Hills -1 < m \ U A BiVRRNrdD J oa T oad-4ISTRICT p TH U Goss Road 3 itsTRICT r- o C Jones Drive 2GssRao 6 8 GLACIER .,Y a w r - it JACKSON AN DI T T CHARLTO N t- = -N U f,' - ; Heights T O W N...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 14

…0 0 Page 2 -Supplement to The Michigan Daily - Sunday, November 2, 1980 Presidential Supplement to The Michigan Daily - Sunday, No Washtenaw County o candidates Candidates race for prose Abortion Civil Rigts Defense Spending Draft Energy Environment Elizabeth Schwartz is attacking the same record that incumbent Republican William Delhey is proudly defending in the race for prosecuting attorney. Democrat Schwartz said she decided to...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 15

… Page 1 0-Supplement to The Michigan Daily - Sunday, Regents: Nellie Varner and Stuart Hertzberg hope to make the University Board of Regents unanimously democratic, and they are challenging the only two Republicans on the board, incumbents David Laro and Deane Baker.J Hertzberg earned his bachelor's and law degrees at the University and £ currently lectures at the law school. The major problem facing the Univer- sity, Hertzberg says, is the...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 16

… ~ir0 lCD U)~ ~ 0 ~ CD ~0 0 ~ 0 ~1 ~ ~0~CD CD-CD ~CD 4.;CD '*1 CD -CDeq ° y Y /ody A'w '" ° [' R 'lmo-' -w".M~ - RFM / +7 Yy Ir d "° y -Q M EA 'AD :3 C 0 o °" "' 9 r.L m D S D 0 ~ <f*9~~w CL r b a °'.~CD a. a 9. 10 0m, -t 0 V) rD 0 CD I1 oa, v 0 . C g " a CCD C0) C-1 fb 0 (- t< 0 rJr a co ,o ED CD'"cUn*.~~~P : ) y a. f CCDo fC v a Xa = ~ 0 0..U.... Co CD~C<C~C CD~~0CD eq. a ..., a ...Oa!1e a.CD :r on co 0) CD :3 C* C e* a (I Q *- 0 Qt-C...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 17

… 0 S Page 8- Supplement to The Michigan Daily - Sunday, November 2, 1980 Ballot proposals: Status Quo The following are the main provisions of the state's tax structure that will be retained if the three property tax relief proposals on the ballot are defeated: " Property taxes, limited by the state Constitution to 50 mills, are collected and spent locally. The property tax rate is set in "mills" and is different in each area of the state. ...…

November 02, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 52) • Page Image 18

… S Page 6--Supplement to The Michigan Daily - Sunday, November 2, 1980 0 r c OCS ur choices Edited and managed by students at The University-of Michigan Vol. XCI, No. 52 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Daily endorsements represent a majority opinion of the Edi- torial Board. Our views on the presidential, contest and the Tisch tr tax-cut proposal can be found on p...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…4 Polling places close at 8 p.m. tonight Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom C, te Sir 43UU EItiIQ COO L Showers and cloudy skies clearing up' early today. Highs in the mid 50's. Vol. XCI, No. 53 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 4, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Eon'd com ethCREFUL pELIBEEAPS 1T$ CARTER. E lectio n d aOF THE.CANDPATES, TAL, I'5 REAGA TE AIW5S ISSUES, AND By LORENZO BENET a leadin...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…S Though you may be an Octogenarian, Hard to please, or perhaps vegetarian, The League has a meal That is sure to appeal At a price that is humanitarian. M.M. TeMchigan . Next to Hill Auditorium Located in the heart of the campus, it is the heart of the campus .. . Lunch 11:30 to 1:15 Dinner 5:00 to 7:15 SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR STUDENTS Send your League Limerick to: Manager, Michigan League 227 South Ingalls You will receive 2 free dinner ti...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 4, 1980-Page 3 CONFLICT INVOLVES UNIFICA TION CHURCH MEMBERS Groupthreatens MSA with suit Judiciary if the Assembly refuses togrant official could be repealed in the future if evidence surfaced reognition in its meeting tonight linking CARP with illegal or unethical practices. Considering an MBA? Visit with a representative from the SMU MBA Officials of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Pri...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…4 Page 4 Tuesday, November 4, 1980 The Michigan Daily Who ya gonna vote for?I I was thumbing through my tattered copy of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations the other day, looking for some pithy comments on voting. (You know Bartlett's-the student's faithful friend. It's that big blue book with the tissue- thin pages and gobs of quotes that are just per- fect for padding last-minute papers and making you look well-read.) JUST AS I had expected-...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Doily Tuesday, November 4, 1980 Page 5 Faculty artists join 'U' Music Society 'HOPSCO TCH' By JANE CARL November 2nd marked the first faculty artists concert ever to be held in conjunction with the University Musical Society at Rackham Auditorium. Said an excited Gail Rector, "This is the first time the University Musical Society has ever presented anything in connection with the School of Music. Usually, we present th...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…6 Campaign4 Barry Commoner, the Citizens Party 1980 presidential candidate, often opened his speeches with the following anecdote: "In Albuquerque," Commoner says, "a TV reporter started the interview by asking, 'Mr. Commoner, are you a serious candidate, or are you just running on the issues?"' The reporter's question is indicative of the manner in which the media have operate throughout this year's presidential campaign. There is little anal...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 7

…I The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 4, 1980-Page 7, .,9 ,ntrails '80 At no time was this more evident than at this summer's Republican National Conven- tion in Detroit. , For the overwhelming contingent of news gatherers (they outnumbered the delegates even to one), the convention was particularly lacking in "news" events. .The only breaking story was the mystery of the running mate selection. There was a considerable amount of scurryin...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Tuesday, November 4, 1980-The Michigan Daily If you find your name and address in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN IL 2001: TWO FREE TICKETS A Space Odyssey A 1 1 Dim j to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies* APOCALYPSE NOW! SHOW His hanops are Hilarious Harod. &Maude 'ING NOV. 7& 8 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter! Just look through todays Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their name...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 4, 1980-Page 9 CITY OF ANN ARBOR POLLING PLACES Reagan says unhappy Democrats to choose hun WARD PRECINCT LOCATION Ward One 1 Mary Street Polling Place 1 2 South Quad 1 3 West Quad 1 4 Michigan Union 1 5 Ann Arbor "Y" 1 6 Miller Manor 1 7 Community Center. 1 8 Community High School 1 9 Northside School 1 10 - Arrow Wood Hills Center 1 11 Mack School 1 12 Forsythe Jr. High School 1 13 Wines School 2 2 2 ...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 10

…SPORTS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, November 4, 1980 Page 10 BO TAKES TEAM TO THE MOVIES Reels reveal tenacious By ALAN FANGER Movies-a great way to relieve boredom. Everyone goes to the movies-young and old, rich and poor, liberal and con- servative-it has fast become one of the many fashionable trends of modern time. WHILE WE'RE on the subject of moviegoers, let's add another prominent group to our list: the Michigan football team. The Wolv...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 11

… The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, November 4, 1980-Page 11 Harriers run to success .,,, . . r v G .+ "' ^ Harriers look to NCAA's By JOHN FITZPATRICK A Daily Sports Analysis First of a two-partseries ich in talent and enthusiastic, the n's cross-country team is on the verge of completing one of its most suc- cessful years ever, with a chance to score well in the NCAA meet at Wichita, Kansas on November 24. The harriers' record thus far com- prise...…

November 04, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 53) • Page Image 12

…d Page 12-Tuesday, November 4, 1980-The Michigan Daily Mayor says tax hike will not exceed.inflation A By ELAINE RIDEOUT Ann Arbor Mayor Louis Belcher told citizens at last night's City Council meeting that the city is doing all it can to ease citizens' tax woes, and that the Tisch amendment and other ballot proposals are not the answer to tax relief. The day before the election, Belcher promised citizens that local taxes will not exceed th...…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…3:30 A.M. EDITION I 131k igan i:alu 3:30 A.M. EDITION Vol. XCI, No. 54 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 5, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages 1I I a Ronald Reagan will be the 40th president of the United States. President Carter, after losing the White House to Reagan in a startling landslide last night, conceded and promised his "full support and cooperation" in the transition to Republican rule....…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…I IE Page 2-Wednesday, November 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily MSA votes not to file suit against hazers By DAVID MEYER The Michigan Student Assembly voted last night not to file an inter- University law suit against the Michigan hockey players involved in last month's hazing of a freshman team member. The Assembly did, however, promise to work with state Rep. Perry Bullard in the possible development of legislation to outlaw hazing in Michigan....…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…i Reagan landslide surprises students S"Surprise" was the key word at election parties on Icampus last night. No matter which political party they supported, most students expressed surprise that President Carter lost so early and by so much. Many parties planned starting times later in the evening, but shortly after 8 p.m. it appeared that Ronald Reagan would be the 40th president of the United States. SPARSE CROWDS WERE reported at many do...…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…d OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, November 5, 1980 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Higgins I Vol. XCI, No. 54 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Will America survive? . ,i, . r . , 3.,J t j - i iR \ . < , ,. : ; -- : \ _\ 1 ' .4 ug~o1HE DA\W' IT'S A DIFFERENT America this m morning. Yesterday, the Democrats still con- t...…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…I ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, November 5, 1980 Page 5 Cleveland'sfinest:. Just another night By FRED SCHILL The problem with the Michael Stanley Band is that it sounds just like a legion of others. There is nothing particularly memorable about the band, nothing that distinguishes it from the scores of others trying to take advantage of the current heavy metal craze. This is not to suggest that the band is a bad one; this is merely st...…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…4 6-Wednesday, November 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily I I r _ If you find your name and address' in today's Michigan Daily classified .Kh E 06 . t 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To EnterI kk I page 2:y 2001: YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS A Space Odyssey EMMANUELLE x His au are Hilaris HarodfMaude41tA; a Iat:1I ma to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. APOCALYPSEI NOW! Just look through todoy's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. st...…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 5, 1980-Page 7 National results Dems narrowly retain control of House: lose Senate domination WASHINGTON (AP)-With Republican senatorial candidates riding high on the coattails of President-elect Ronald Reagan, the GOP made a strong bid to take control of the Senate last night. By only a thin margin, Democrats retained control of the House of Representatives. But their ranks were badly depleted as Repu...…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…SPORTS Wednesday, November 5, 1980a Page 8 Y wfreshmen the key - I M' DEFENSE GAINING RESPECT Cannavino f ar from pass-lye . i tackles. "Our defense is a young group, but it' is improving and one of the reasons for that improvement is the leadership of people like Andy," said Schembechler. Cannavino, linebacker Mel Owens and tackle Mike Trgovac are the seniors Schembechler counts on to provide guidance for the younger players on Michiga...…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

…State results Baker, Laro lead challengers in University Regent contests The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 5, 1980-Page 9 The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The Bush Program in Child Development and Social Policy Fall 1980 Public Lectures CURRENT ISSUES IN EDUCATION AND PUBLIC POLICY Schorling Auditorium, School of Education Thursdays at 4 p.m. Republican incumbents Deane Baker and David Laro were headed for victories early this morn...…

November 05, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Wednesday, November 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily County results_ County government officials fight close races to bitter end Minick still sheriff; prosecutor race close With 42 percent of the Washtenaw County vote in, incumbents for the offices of county clerk and register of deeds looked like projected winners. With punchcard ballots from Ypsilanti still being counted, county clerk Robert Harrison had garnered 53 percent of the vote ...…

November 06, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…I Ninety-One Years Of Editorial Freedom : '. Sit igau :4Iai j OVERCAST Increasing cloudiness this af- ternoon with warmer tem- peratures. High today in the low to mid 50s. Vol. XCI, No. 55 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 6, 1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages Pigeons poisoned By ELISA ISAACSON Dozens of campus pigeons were killed or disabled yesterday by chemical-saturated corn kernels spread throughout t...…

November 06, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…4 -Page 2-Thursday, November 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily MSA TO RELEASE RESULTS IN 3 WEEKS Course evaluations finished IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Prs and United Pres. International reports By ANN MARIE FAZIO The results of MSA course evalua- tions, completed by 7,500 LSA students -at registration last April, will be 'available to students by the third week "of November, according to Jim Lin- dsay, LSA Student Government vice- preside...…

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