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November 19, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

… been heralded as the nation's October as it whipped a Pennsylvania team that wouldn't be whipp Once again it was Harmon who pulled the Wolverines out of tl Limbo into which it had fallen. The Hoosier…

….m. today instead of the. usual 4:15 p.m. because of the faculty concert. American in the eyes of every of the 57,000 fans who watcher dog-eat-dog struggle. The Wolverines were behind once, and even then…

November 05, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

… Of 30,000 Watches Capitalize On Wolverine Fumbles For Michigan's First Defeat, 16-7 Illini Two Non - Partisans Win Positions As Rightists, Leftists Share Their Seats Charles Ross First To Receive…

… In Wolverine Upset Fritz Kreisler, world famous violin- ist, will return to Ann Arbor for the eleventh time tomorrow night to give the second Choral Union concert be- fore a capacity house at 8:30 p…

… from beginning to end-and turn in the upset of the year by winning 16-7. With Ralph Ehni's 44-yard average punts setting them back on their haunches early in the first quarter, the Wolverines never were…

… able to get back on the right track. Even Harmon, unable to get his usual .finef blocking, was held to a net gain of 72 yards from scrimmage in 18 tries. He scored the Wolverines' lone touchdown by…

…, who once played for Coach Bob Zuppke's fighting Iini and beat Michigan with a field goal, returned to his former ahna mater yesterday in a Wolverine uniform and made a valiant attempt to stem the tide…

November 26, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…THE M GCHIGADAIY PAGE Elevens To Battle Before 102,000 Today Wolverines' Marks Up For Approval ..,..... s s \9\ I e . Coach Oosterbaan Will Stress Speed In Michigan Cage Attack JACK KASLEY…

… By TOM PHARES1 Bennie Oosterbaan, Michigan's new head basketball coach, will this sea-{ son introduce to Wolverine fans an. offensive weapon little used during the "Townsend era"-the fast break. For…

…- tion. Bill Watson, Wolverine track cap- tain, and Elmer Gedepn, varsity hurdler, are also slated for recogni- BILL WATSON tion. Watson put the s-pound shot 70 ft. % in. at Randalls Island, N.Y.j on July…

… through a two-hour ' practice at the Coliseum last night in a manner which brightened the Wolverine hockey hopes for the coming year. With the opening game against McMaster University only two weeks off…

November 24, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…'s quarterbacks who had his big inning against Ohio State last Saturday. Luigi was directing the Wolverine attack when Fred Trosko pranced across the goal line for the third touchdown of the afternoon, and when the…

November 02, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

… last' month to partici- pate in the regatta. The Michigan1 Club is the only sailing club in the Big Ten,. Cooperative Restaurant Edits 'Wolverine Notes' The Wolverine, men's restaurant cooperative ,has…

… issued the first edi- tion of "Wolverine Notes," a mimeo- graphed newspaper intended to carry news of the cooperative movement. The paper will keep the members in- formed of what the Wolverine and other co…

November 21, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

… Fast One... VOL. XLVIII. No. 49 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 21, 1937 , PRICE FIVE CENTS Nanking Evacuated Fisher Strike Heads To Talk; Alumni Push $50,000Fund 'Wolverines Never Have A - 0…

… those few were ppointed. The Scarlet and Grey Pt through Wolverine barriers ce for a 21-0 victory, which end- the Varsity season dismally and a conjectural pallor about the 3 coaching situation. s the…

Wolverines almost en- y on the defensive, with the brief ption of an aerial flurry in the d quarter when Fred Trosko hed them to the Ohio 13-yard Purucker Matches Wedebrook orman Purucker, again Michi- 's…

Wolverines took the over, and Purucker edged into end zone for another punt, as the od ended. ut on the first play of the second rter evidently Norm thought that Ohioans charged too aggressively, he attempted…

November 14, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

Wolverine Play Offeusive Game After Touchdown.; Gedeon Stars In Line Game Slowed Up By Raini And Mud By IRVIN LISAGOR. (Daily Sports Editor) PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 13.-(Spe- ,ial to the Daily)-In a veritable…

… negated any offense the Quakers might have boasted, al- though both Ritchie and Purucker found the going enough to their lik- ing to assure Wolverine success. Michigan clearly displayed super- iority in the…

… first half, and a holding penalty deprived them of still an- other touchdown. However, once they had gained a lead, the Wolverines were content to play defensive foot- ball and in this tactical approach…

…, Purucker distinguished himself by his punting. Stark Ritchie, who played a leading role in the Wolverines' win last wctk, again turned on the heat yesterday to the extent of 111 yards gained from scrimmage…

… 12 noon and from 1 tom pose diplomatic isolation of the Unit- Istripe in the second period when the p.m. on those days. Small repro- I ed States, according to figures re- Wolverines lost the ball after…

November 07, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 37) • Page Image 7

… touchdown and told as much to Kipke in no uncertain terms. When sent back into the game, he GAVE in vin- dication. And the morgue was de- prived of customers. I._ _ Had the Wolverines lost, Mich- igan would…

… Dick Publow, sub fullback.1 tion off both the low and high boards. Michigan's biggest threat, whichj Chicago, Jack Kasley, and Der John-'came in the fourth quarter, resulted7 son, former Wolverine greats…

… proud. And why not? 30-yard line. Chicago came right back to march to the Wolverines 49-yard line. They l could go no farther, however, and Sherman's quick kick on third down was downed by Wasem on…

… Purucker, attemptegl a field goal, but it was blocked by a host of Maroon linemen, Fink re- covering on the nine. An intercepted pass, and Sherman's good kick over the goal line set the Wolverines back to…

… exchange, moving to the Chicago 42. Another punt exchange netted an- other yard for the Wolverines. With the ball on the Chicago 41, Ritchie, sub for Trosko, cut around left end and dashed all the way for…

November 24, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

… Mich- igan was not victorious, but that the Wolverine camp followers. swept everything before them in numerous minor skirmishes. 3. That Bob Griffin, disguised as a friendly neutral, gained access to the…

… averted when comrades disarmed an ardent Michigan private who was flourishing a butcher knife. - 6. A small detachment of Wolverines suc- ceeded in carrying the Neil House by storm late Saturday. The…

November 19, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

… schools, the Wolverines having gone to Cali- fornia for a dual engagement in 1935,1 which the Bears won, 761/2 to 54%/2. The meet has been scheduled for the spring recess period at Michigan, according to…

… Coach Hoyt, and will take the Wolverine squad members away from their classes no more than the customary Big Ten engagements. Contract arrangements call for Cal- ifornia to carry the Michigan ex- penses…

…, he said. Coach Hoyt expresses great pleasure at the scheduling of the meet as it follows the highly suc- cessful engagement in 1935. Al- though Michigan was defeated in that meet the Wolverines were…

November 08, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY,"NOV. 8, 1936 Quakers Down Michigan, 27-7 Before_35,000 Statistics Prove Wolverines, the next play he plunged over for the counter. I George Marzonie, injured guard…

… (Continued from Page 4) hope with the Wolverines trailing by Rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. sharp today, only seven points. I forewmemert 4 dnld Bank Stockholders Carlson Cails Hearst, D. A. R. To Pay Dawes Loan…

November 04, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…. Farmer-Labor Club Now, Professor Duffendack de- Forestry Club I lared, the method has reached a l W r .~, .--1-- i Michigamua Michigan League Michigan Public Health Club Michigan Wolverine Mortarboard Mu…

…. 406 Wolverine Bldg. Ann Arbor Phone 5888 87x FOR SALE A REMARKABLE INVESTMENT A 140-acre farm. Fine soil. Lies level. Has small private lake, and tributary to a large one. Ten acres of fine woodland…

November 24, 1935 (vol. 46, iss. 49) • Page Image 7

…24, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Play-By-Play Story Of Game Reveals Mass Strength O f Ohio Victors Tally With Ease In EveryPeriod Wolverines No Match Foi Deception And Power O1 Touted Scarlet…

…- gan's line for a first down on the Wolverine 13. Bettridge dropped a pass from Dye. Heekin drove over right tackle for nine yards. Heekin plunged to Michigan's two yard stripe. Bettridge then carried…

… list of Michigan flankers who one of the stalwarts on defense. De- have gained All-Big Ten and some- spite the fine array of backs that times All-American honors. sshave opposed the Wolverines, he fre…

… Oosterbaan, made the All-Big Ten have proved to be a very important team in '31 and '32. The most re- cog in the Wolverine offense. A na- cent selection was Ted Petoskey on tive of Elkhart, Ind., Pat will prob…

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