November 07, 1937
(vol. 48, iss. 37)
• Page Image 7
… touchdown and told as much to Kipke in no uncertain terms. When sent back into the game, he GAVE in vin- dication. And the morgue was de- prived of customers. I._ _ Had the Wolverines lost, Mich- igan would…
… Dick Publow, sub fullback.1 tion off both the low and high boards. Michigan's biggest threat, whichj Chicago, Jack Kasley, and Der John-'came in the fourth quarter, resulted7 son, former Wolverine greats…
… proud. And why not? 30-yard line. Chicago came right back to march to the Wolverines 49-yard line. They l could go no farther, however, and Sherman's quick kick on third down was downed by Wasem on…
… Purucker, attemptegl a field goal, but it was blocked by a host of Maroon linemen, Fink re- covering on the nine. An intercepted pass, and Sherman's good kick over the goal line set the Wolverines back to…
… exchange, moving to the Chicago 42. Another punt exchange netted an- other yard for the Wolverines. With the ball on the Chicago 41, Ritchie, sub for Trosko, cut around left end and dashed all the way for…