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October 11, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 9) • Page Image 9

… Maci tosh computer available at special low student prices, but now it includes a student software set available only from Apple. For a limited time, buy a select Power Macintosh and you get software…

… tools. It all comes with Power Macintosh - the computer that grows with you from college to the professional world. And now, with an Apple Computer Loan, it's easier than ever to own one. Its the power…

… every student needs. The power to be your best.' Apple S i B, a . °.'r. …

October 07, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 7) • Page Image 9

… professional world. And now, with an Apple Computer Loan, it's easier than ever to own one. It's the power every student needs. The power to be your best I ' . ;t …

… and we'll throw in all this software to help you power through college) Not only is the world's fastest Macintosh" computer available at special low student prices, but now it includes a student…

… software set available only from Apple. For a limited time, buy a select Power Macintosh" and you get software that helps you through every aspect of writing papers, a personal organizer/calendar created for…

… more. Buy a select Power Mac'with CD-ROM, and you'll also get a multimedia library of essential reference tools. It all comes with Power Macintosh - the computer that grows with you from college to the…

October 11, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…." The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 11, 1994 -3 at'1 Science Foundation give grants to 'U' trating on the earth and space sci- ences. Commercial sponsors including IBM, Apple Computer and…

… Administration and the Advanced Research Projects Agency: $4 million. IBM, Apple Computer, and Encyclopaedia Britannica: $4.5 million W.J. Kellogg Foundation: $4.3 million Mellon Foundation: $700,000 A CLASS ACT…

… provide users with the ability to research an entire report from a computer terminal. The main advantage is the ability to scan through many different articles and references, said Daniel Atkinsdean of the…

…, director of infor- mation technology for the Computer Aided Engineering Network. Over the next five years, students will begin to feel the effects of digiti- zation. "Instead of putting things on re- serve…

… or buying all those coursepacks, students can just call those things up on the computer. It'll be much sim- pler," Atkins said. Asjournals and references are digi- tized, the future libraries will be…

October 21, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…. COMPUTER DESK, solid pine, attached self for monitor. Measurements are 27x47x19. $80. 663-5033. RUMMAGE SALE: First Baptist Church. 512 E. Huron; Oct. 21, 9-5; Oct. 22, 9-1. Many gently used items & fumiture…

… available: PCMCIA, 28.8 FAX/Modems, Ethernet. Call us with questions or orders. MC/Visa. ConnectTech at 708/491-1775. APPLE MAC SE Loaded with numerous software applications. $550 or best. Call Cahd at 764…

…-8981. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199…

…. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MAC CLASSIC 4/40 & Image Writer II. $700 or best offer. Call David 741-8140. MACINTOSH Computer- Complete system…

… a professional and persuasive telephone manner. Typing ability helpful, as some of the data is entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour. Advancement opportunities available. Apply in rson…

… STUDY JOB, must like to work on computer. Data entry and odd jobs. 10 hrs./ wk., central campus. Call 764-3471 for an interview. YARD AND GENERAL maintenance, part- time, $6.00/hr. Flexible, but steady…

… hours. 662-1122 anytime. SPANISH SPEAKING, computer literate tutor sought for 5 & 10 yr. old. 1-2 after- noons/eves. per week. Own trans., patience $6.00/hr. 662-1122 anytime. STUDENT MANAGERS wanted at…

October 17, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 13) • Page Image 6

…. 1854-1865 leather-bound. Rag Paper. Exc. condition. 665-5391. COMPUTER DESK, solid pine, attached self for monitor. Measurements are 27x47x19. $80. 663-5033. HP 28S CALCULATOR never used. $80. Call…

…. Heat and water included. Quiet, clean, free parking, storage, available immediately. Call 761-9271. x Com Uters services APPLE MAC SE Loaded with numerous j software applications. $550 or best. Call…

… Cahd at 764-8981. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs…

…-M Discount. 426-5217. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete Open2hours/day 31days system includig5prnter only $500. Callg66r-792t 00/289.568dus6r-a92 Chris at 800/289-5 5. ony $0. Cl DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by…

… U. Min. 15 hrs./wk. 761-8600. FULL-TIME & part-time position available for ambitious customer service representatives, & will train. Sales, telephone & computer skills a plus. Flex. hrs., days, eves…

…, as some of the data is entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour. Advancement opportunities available. Apply in person, weekdays, October 12-21, from 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., at the University…

October 18, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 14) • Page Image 6

…-M Discount. 426-5217. MIAMI MOON JEWELRY. Ear & nose piercing. 209 S. 4th Ave. Mon.-Sat. 769- 7478. APPLE MAC SE Loaded with numerous software applications. $550 or best. Call Cahd at 764-8981. COMPUTER

…, turntable, remote, tower speakers. $400. Scott 763-0712. COMPLETE WORKS of Balzac, in French 20 vol. pub. 1854-1865 leather-bound. Rag paper. Exc. condition. 665-5391. COMPUTER DESK, solid pine, attached self…

… RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting…

… at $69. We warranty what we sells Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $500. Call Chns at 8001289-5685. *EUROPE* International company expand…

… training. The successful candidate will possess a professional and persuasive telephone manner. Typing ability helpful, as some of the data is entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour…

October 20, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

… possess a professional and persuasive'; telephone manner. Typing ability helpful, as some of the data is entered into a computer. Pay starts at $6.00 per hour. Advancement opportunities available. Apply in…

…) needed to work a flexible le approx. 5 hrs./wk. Profit sharing op- hourly rate. Call Scott 677-1464. .r. w by Chris incienrock and Chuck Hugener APPLE MAC SE Loaded with numerous software applications…

…. $550 or best. Call Cahd at 764-8981. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s…

…-8140. MACINTOSH Computer- Complete system including printer only $500. Call Chris at 800/289-5685. 1 BDRM. in 5 bdrm. house. Avail. Jan.-Sept. Church St. Wshr./Dryer. Women pref. 998- 0868. 1 BDRM. in a 2 bdrm…

October 31, 1994 (vol. 105, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

… ENTRY/Accounting Clerk: Long- term part-time (15-20 hrs/wk). Work involves data entry and filing in the medical center. Must be familiar with Apple and Excel. Call Linda at 763-1294. DELI/COUNTER WORK…

…. Lots of new parts! Like new. $8800. 663-6034. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as…

… $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MACINTOSH Computer- Complete system including printer only $500…

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