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October 30, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 39) • Page Image 8

… Preparing Graphics for Instructional or Professional Presentations," 7-9:30 pm, Angell Hall Courtyard Rm A, reg req, 763-0162. *Comput Ctr-Class: Using the DOS 40 Shell, 10 am-noon; Excel Graphics, 10:30 am…

…, loc to be announced; Preparing for Retirement (faculty), 6-9 pm,1111 Kipke Dr Reg req 764-7410. Intl Ctr-Seminar, "An Intro to Comput Communication," 3-5 pm, 611 Church St Reg req 764-9310. *ICLE…

…-noon & 1-4 pm; 3001 SEB; Reg req 763-3700. Visit Writer Series-Poetry reading, Olga Broumas, 5 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm, 764-6296. Environ & Water Res Engr-Seminar, "Advances in Computational Hydraulics," N D…

… Interview Skills, 4:10-5 pm, CP&P Rm 1, 764-7460. BioEngr-Seminar, "Development of a Technlogy from Laboratory to Marketplace," K Mohan, 4-5 pm, 1017 Dow Bldg. CRLT-TA wkshp, "Teaching Sdts To Use The Comput

…," 6:30-9:30 pm, 109 E Madison, reg req, 763-0162. *Comput Ctr-Wkshps, Begin Word, Part 1 (Macintosh), 1-5 pm; Advanced Course of Action, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; 3001 SEB Reg req 763-3700. Engr Lib…

…-Patent seminar, 9 am, Chrysler Ctr Aud Reg req 764-4794. *Extension & Cont Educ/U-M Flint-Wkshp begs, "Handling Difficult People and Behavior: Dealing With Yourself and Other Difficult People," C Apple, 8:30 am-4…

… Prizes Yield Only Second-Class Businesses?" D N Frey, 3 pm, Dennison Bldg Rm 170. *Comput Ctr-Wkshps, MTS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; Lotus 1-2-3 Basic Skills, 1-5 pm; 3001 SEB; Intro to Macintosh Graphics, 1…

…, Rackham Amphi, 764-5330. EECS-Seminar, "Discrete Approximations of Optimal Control Systems," B Murdockovitch, 4 pm, EECS 1200, 747-2045. *Comput Ctr-Wkshp, Word Columns and Tables (IBM PC and Compatibles…

October 27, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 38) • Page Image 12

…'s a great chance to strut your stuff. Your talents and ideas will go unnoticed unless you act fast. Win an Apple Scanner and get a frees sweatshirt! What are you waiting for? Pick up and fill out an…

… "Intent to Demonstrate" form at 611 Church St., Angell Hall or the UNYN computing centers. Deadline Friday, November 3. Or call 994-4085 for further information. 0 I Sale ends October 30, 1989. LPs on…

October 25, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

… exercise of their human rights. Alar ban may cause dearth of certain apple varieties YAKIMA, Wash. - Consumers soon may find Macintosh computers easier to buy than red McIntosh apples, thanks to the chemical…

… scare that led growers to stop using the growth-regulator Alar. Consumers will have to learn not to judge an apple by its color, industry experts say, because without Alar it will be difficult to achieve…

… the ripe reds of the past. This is the first year that Alar, labeled a possible carcinogen by a consumer group in February, was not widely used on the nation's apple crop. Michigan supplies about 7…

… percent of the nation's apples, and growers there aren't expecting much effect from the loss of Alar because they haven't used it in recent years. The situation is more troubling for Washington growers…

…, particularly in warm areas like the Columbia River basin. Alar was needed keep apples on the trees longer in order to develop a deeper red color. Flint ordinance requires registration of weapons FLINT…

October 20, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 33) • Page Image 5

… what system I may get." it The Apple Computer exhibit, fo- t'cusing on advances in portable com- "uters, integrative options, and aca- a' "The reason we're here is that we're selling this product to the…

…, ending a week of Computer and information tech- .nology demonstrations and seminars. "It's really our way of saying =thank you," said Kathy Schaible, fEDUCOM manager of corporate re- lations, who organized…

… tennis building. Students flocked to the exhibits. "I was just thinking of getting a computer," said Patrick Chan, a se- Chior in the school of pharmacology -tat the NeXT display. "I'm just here -to see…

… ,other universities," said Julie Laund- bardt, employee at the Computer -Research Institute at Brown Univer- R EHNQUIST -Continued from page 1 cal force behind the impeachment ''1riall had succeeded in…

… gather around a computer display at EDUCOM which wE ended yesterday. Over 1200 people visited the exhibit which featured compu demonstrations and seminars. sity, who was demonstrating the in- stitute…

October 19, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

… reminded many Cali- fornians of the risks involved in liv- ing in the San Francisco area. Danya Deaton, Marketing Com- munications Specialist for Apple Computer Inc. of Capertino, said, "If you live there…

…-day EDUCOM computer conference - held on the University campus - that ended yesterday also felt the ef- fects of the quake. Shirley Clarkson, assistant to University President James Duderstadt, said as many as…

… 700 of the 3,300 participants were from the stricken area. Kathryn Kilcoyne, director of Marketing Communication for NeXT Inc., a computer company based in Redwood City, said, "People were frightened…

October 17, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

… accom- plishment ic InfoNet, a joint project between IBM, Apple, the University and 17 other technology firms. In- foNet is a computer network which provides conference information, way-finding, and…

… Arbor stores' money went toward the central corporation's profit, but speculated that none did. In other words, she said, Domino's franchises like those in EDUCOM Continued from Page 1 "Apple, IBM, Ne…

…XT, all of the companies involved with higher edu- cation computing are here in force," said EDUCOM Review editor Shel- don Smith. The event has proven to be a feat of planning and logistics. In 40 to 60…

… substantial physical extensions to the U-M computer network infrastructure, such as fiber optic cable between buildings and within buildings," he said. University students may enter the conference grounds…

October 16, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

…, 109 E Madison Reg req 763-0162. *Comput Ctr-Classes: MS-DOS for Hard Disk Users, 1-4 pm; MTS Intermediate Skills, 9 am-noon; 3001 SEB Reg req 763-3700. *HRD-Wkshps: Writing for Business, 1:30-4:30 pm…

…-0500. *Comput Ctr-Class: Word Columns and Tables (IBM PC and Compatibles), 8:30-10:30 am, 3001 SEB Reg req 763-3700. Career Plan & Place-Conducting the Long Distance Job Search, 4:10-5 pm, CP&P Rm 1; Employer…

… Manager As Coach & Counselor," C Apple, 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Unit Ctr Mich Rms, 762- 3200. Environ & Water Res Engr-Seminar, "Transport Parameters for Two-Phase Flow," A II Demond, 12:30-1:30 pm, Rm 185 Engr IA…

…:15 pm, 769-0500. Chem-Seminar, "Some New Developments in Density Functional Theory," R Harris, 4 pm, Rm 1640. *Comput Ctr-Classes: MS-DOS Basic Skills lec/demonstration, 10 am-noon; MTS Basic Skills lec…

… LS&A. Stf Benefits-Dearborn Annual Health Insurance Open Enrollment, 9-11 am, ROC Ctr, 593-5190. MacTechnics Users Grp-Programmers Special Interest Grp mtg, 6 pm, Comput Ctr 3rd fl, 763-4745. EECS…

…, State St Turf (Football Bldg if raining); 763-2159. Physics & Chem-Conference begs, "History of Molecular Beams," 9 am- noon, Chem Rm 1200 & 1:30-4 pm, Chem Rm 1670, 764-4450. *Comput Ctr-Class: Lotus 1…

October 13, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…-page re- The virus strikes only IBM or IBM-compatible computers. Since Apple Macintosh systems are im- mune to the virus, the disease will not effect the major- ity of the University's and student…

…. The directories were free yesterday and will be today. After today, they will cost $2.50. Computer virus may have little effect on 'U' 'Columbus Day' virus can only hit IBM-compatible computers By…

… Diane Cook Daily Research Reporter Bad things traditionally are supposed to happen on Friday the 13th. But today if your computer screen sarcastically balks "file not found" when you try to print that 10…

…'s personal comput- ers. Hankins called the virus "a time homh" set to go off Kosko said the best ways to protect your computer from the virus are to make regular back-ups of data, know your software sources…

October 13, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

… refunds Y2 s- FOUR COLLEGE WORK STUDY students needed in Internal Medicine-Hem./Onc. for Fall/Winter 8990. Office work, computer eperience desirable, great pay. Inquire at FULL TIME DISHWASHER FOR FOOD…

….m. 761-1753, ext. T100. WANTED: TEMPORARYWORKSTUDY CLERK. Clinical Research Center. 16 hours/week. 8 hours Saturday 8 during week. Computer skills helpful. (tall Valene at 936-8085 for info. WARM AND…


… to MCAT candidates for over 30 years. We start with a free diagnostic test and a personalized computer evaluation of each student. Then we help you master all five subtests with live classes, homestudy…

October 12, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…. From Bivouac. 744-9532. SINGLE IN SOUTH QUAD Must sell '89-90 lease. Call Renee @ 930- 6662, anytime & leave a message. SOLA ELECTRIC MCR Computer regula- tor, total power regulation, dedicated Ime…

… South Forest. FOUR COLLEGE WORK STUDY students needed in Internal Medicine-Hem./Onc. for Fall/Winter 89/90. Office work, computer experience desirable, great pay. Inquire at 936-5290. FULL TIME DISHWASHER…

… organization needed to promote our Spring B reak trips. Eam money, free trips and valuable work experience. APPL NOW!! Call Inter-Campus Programs: 1-800- 327-6013. TH INK SPRING - Out-going? Well-orga- nized…

… week. Computer skills helpful. all Valerie at 936-8085 for info. WANTED: U-M Students to orient newstu- dents. Go Ahead...MAKE THEIR DAY!!BE A SUMMER ORIENTATION LEADER.3000 Michigan Union. WARM AND…

… monochrome rarely used$1150 or b/o.764- 8659 or 995-3016 anytime.Citizen printer incl. COMPUTER TERMINAL with modem, like new $390. Ta cebacku for IBM PS/2, new in the box, $350. Call 747-9400, 9-5. -W Buy a…

Computer at the Kickoff? We'll Help You Set It Up! 10 yrs Combined Experience With Micros Hourly Rates Call RJ Consulting 665-6508 Ask for Ron or Jim Sell it in. The Daily Achieve the LSAT Store You Need…

October 11, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…-'90 lease. Call Renee @ 930- 6662, anytime & leave a message. SOLA ELECTRIC MCR Computer regula- tor total power regulation, dedicated line. Asking $450, call 930-2623. 2-- reopie. Deluxe Apanrment, Close to…

… Exchange for one hour of work call Chef John 761- 7057. 722 South Forest. FOUR COLLEGE WORK STUDY students needed in Internal Medicine-Hem./Onc. for Fall/Winter 89/90. Office work, computer exprience…

… money, free trips and valuable work experience. APPLE NOW!! Call Inter-Campus Programs: 1-800- 327-6013. WARM AND LOVING BABYSITTER FOR 16 month old. $3.50/hr. l0am to noon on Wed. & occassional. Call 995…

… IBMPS2 Model30 Two3.5 drives monochrome rarely used$1150 or b/o.764- 8659 or 995-3016 anytime.Citizen printer incl. COMPUTER TERMINAL with modem, like new $390. Ta e backup for IBM PS/2, new in the box…

…-8226 Or, rush $2.00 to. Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Buy a Computer at the Kickoff? We'll Help You Set It Up! 10 yrs Combined Experience With Micros Hourly Rates Call…

computer evaluation of each student. Then we help you master all five subtests with live classes, homestudy notes, strategy clinics and audio practice labs. Call us now. Get it right the first time. I 1 2…

October 09, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

… the leader, Scowcroft said. Noriega has said that he was never in custody. AMY FELDMAN Fall's Here Grace Amer, 3, eats an apple at Apple Farms orchard in Ypsilante. 'J/Daily ' .I Appeal…

… service, Rm. 2333 Bursley; 8 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. or call 763-WALK ECB peer writing tutors - available at the Angell-Haven and 611 Computing Centers from 7- 11 p.m., Sunday through Thurs- day Lewis "Buster…

October 09, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…, promotional materials, adver- tising. Educational background in marketing helpful. Computer and word processing expe- rience essential. Send resumes to Personnel Department, DataStat, 2451 S. Industrial Hwy…

… wel- come. Call evenings 428-900. Buy a Computer at the Kickoff? We'll Help You Set It Up! 10 yrs Combined Experience With Micros Hourly Rates Call RJ Consulting 665-6508 Ask for Ron or Jim GUEST…


October 21, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…'s have an Apple It is 3:00 am and you're sitting around with nothing to do. You have an urge to go out and be with your peers, but the bars are closed. You still have three cans of Campell's Chunky so…

…. Suspense killing you? Wait no longer, rejoice and celebrate as the computing center at 611 Church St. opens tomorrow morning at 8:00 am and won't close again until Santa Claus comes to town. -By Alex Gordon…

October 18, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

… bead 34 Lip 35 Apple centers 36 Godunov, for one 37 Capri ender 38 Indivisible substance 39 Lock 40 Lienee's obligation 42 Unsullied 43 Orange follower 44 Tough 45 "- sanW6" 47 Queens, for one 50 - Lisa…

…,. commission. Te1lehone & computer experience a plus. FRESHMAN WOMEN NEEDED for re- search project on taste preference. $10 paid upon completion of study. Free individual- ized daily caloric need established…

October 13, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…. COMPUTER MDSE. AMIGA 1000 w/ keybrd., monitor & mouse. 512k software inc. $750/best 747-1620. Mac Plus and 3.5 drive, $1800. 665-6730. HELP WANTED ACT NOW SAVE THE ENVIRON- MENT/aStop water pollution, clean…

… or Part-time, 663-3090. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE assistant. Flexible hrs. Salary, bonus,. commission. Telephone & computer expenence a plus. 663-8686. FRESHMAN WOMEN NEEDED for re- search project on…

… Militarv attacen 11 Clinton's canal 12 Receptions 15 Seasonal toast 18 Ludwig - van der Rohe 20 Blackthorn 23 Most indolent 24 Fills the hold 25 Eleve's milieu 26 Chiffon and voile 28 Apple pudding 29…

…. Roommates 4 8.00 10.60 13.20 15.80 18.40 90. Student Svcs 180. Computer Mdse. 5 10.00 13.25 16.50 19.75 23.00 Advertiser: F ELP WANTED Janitorial Position available immedi- ately at Student Publications…

October 10, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 23) • Page Image 9

… Valaquen sees to it that the album contains more samples than a mix by local D.J. The Wizard. The computerization of Information Society doesn't stop with their music. The band has an } IBM compatible…

…--Pre-Interviews, Eli Lilly & Company, 4-6 pm, 1311 EECS; Apple Computer, 6-8 pm, 165 Chrysler. 763-5027. Hillel Fdn--Israeli Dancing, 7:30 pm, 339 E Liberty. 769-0500. MHRI--Sem, E Simon, "Recent Studies On Opioid…

computer disk which stores a zillion K worth of average buddy-cop or science fiction film; the special effects, for example, enhance, but do not detract from the story, which is a nice change. Though the…

…-7080. Computing Ctr--Courses Rm 3001 SEB: Lotus 1-2-3, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Macintosh Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; MS-DOS Basic Skills, 1-4 pm; Beginning Microsoft Word (Macintosh), 1-5 pm; In Rm 4003 SEB: Basic Concepts…

…-6675. computing Ctr--Courses Rm 3001 SEB: Advanced Lotus 1-2-3: Macros, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Microsoft Word Outlining & Style Sheets (Macintosh), 10 am- noon; Beginning Microsoft Word (IBM PC & Compatibles), 1-5 pm…

… Dow Bldg. *CEW--Wkshp, "Carrer Decision Making: The Step Before the Job Search," 7- 9:30 pm, CEW. 763-7080. Computing Ctr--Course, LaTeX Laboratory, 3-5 pm, 3001 SEB. Reg req, 763- 7630. U…

…. 936-1809. *Mich League--Africa, 4:30-7:30 pm, League Buffet. Archery--See OCTOBER 10. Tau Beta Pi/Eta Kappa Nu--See OCTOBER 10. Computing Ctr--Courses in 3001 SEB: dBASE Ill Plus Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm…

…; MTS Basic Skills, 1-4 pm; Excel Basic Skills, 1-5 pm; In 4003 SEB: Text Formatting with LaTeX, 9 am-noon; In 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of Data hboxCommunications, 10 am-noon; Intro to Computing, 1-3 pm…

…. Computing Ctr--Courses in 3001 SEB: dBASE III Plus Programming: Intermediate Topics, 9 am-noon; Microsoft Word Glossaries & Macros (IBM PC & Compatibles), 1-3 pm; Printing MS-DOS Microsoft Word Files on the…

… Xerox 9700, 3-5 pm; In 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of Computer hboxGraphics, 10 am-noon; In 4003 SEB: Intro to Authoring Systems for the Macintosh, 10 am-noon. Reg req. 763-7630. Hosp Arts Prog…

October 07, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

… food for 1,000 people was prepared, and 600 meals had been served by 2 pm. University food ser- vices supplied hot dogs, chips, soda, brownies and a batch of Michigan apples. LSA senior Curtis Smith said…

…- velop a computer-aided learning sys- tem, so students can learn and prac- tice their math. In addition, Plochinski would also like to have supplemental video-taped lectures. THE LAB, which was founded in…

October 05, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 20) • Page Image 19

…0 - W3- -is - - 16 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Dollars And Sense SEPTEMBER 1988 SEPTEMBER 1988 Life And Art U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPA Weaver, Hardball clash in battle of computer

… games By Marc Weinberg Daily Bruin U. of California, Los Angeles Computer sports games are, by and large, a waste of time. Either they are strategy-oriented and feature poor graphics, or it's the exact…

… Shorthorno U. of Texas, Arlington When Apple Corp. stated in a_ brochure that "thousands of people= have gotten more than they bar- gained for from their Apple compu- ters," it wasn't referring to scrambled…

… data, inability to print and frequent system crashes. a But that's exactly what they got. Some Macintosh Computer users are being stumped by computer viruses. "They can cause the whole system to crash…

…, preventing you from acces-P sing any information on the hard disk," said Beth Riblet, an Arlingtond Computer virus: A. rog- a Make back-ups for hard and computer store manager.ram that resides, unknown to…

… floppy disks. The viruses initially breezed unde- the computer user, on his or her tected through a network connecting hard or floppy disks either Whenever obtaining anew teced hrogh newor conecing…

… damaging or destroying prog- program, write-protect the disk computers by telephone. Computer rams, files and data. Damaging immediately and make a copy. users who have downloaded software, and destroying…

…, invisible programs -m rybanks.hVyrufe pert vatcall to help protect a disk believed to have originated on the diciiae;thyaft pr vcie r p'etve o West Coast - spread from program sonal computers as well as com…

October 04, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

… Kickoff Prices!" Even though it's past deadline, you can still take advantage of the Computer Kickoff '88 prices on a Macintosh if you order before October 5. No 7IT77 Prices are Going UP! Apple Computer

…, Inc. announced product price increases which will affect certain CPUs, peripherals and upgrade kits. U of M's Computer Kickoff '88 is your opportunity to purchase a Macintosh BEFORE prices are increased…

October 28, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

appl in person at the Engineering Services Office on the Southeast corer of Hoover and Green. U OF M NURSE RESEARCHER is seeking overweight or hypertensive or diabetic per- sons 30-55 yrs for non…

…. COMPUTER MDSE. PAPER DUE? Take home a MAC. $9.00/day-$49.00/week. Disc included. 662- 2110. 4 4 1 TICKETS ACROSS 1 Proceedings 5 River to the Rhine - 9 Objective case of "they" 13 Swanky 15 Insect…

October 27, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

… temporary part or full time work involving University building facilities. Good pay and experience. Please appl in person at the Engineering Services Office on the Southeast corer o Hoover and Green…

… 769-9378. HOUSEMATE WANTED Great house on campus.769-8256 Sue or Cindy. COMPUTER MDSE. IBM-XT/AT compatible computer $699. In- cludes everything. 769-5670. PAPER DUE? Take home a MAC. $9.00/day-$49…

October 21, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 30) • Page Image 10

… ARBOR 1220- SOUTH UNIVERSITY (CORNER S. UNIVERSITY & FOREST) 665-2034 Hours Monday-Thursday 10:30 AM-1:00AM "I ie It's at th Campus Computing Sites! Qwg461 1 Church Street-4th floor Qj…

… floor 4W. Engineering-Rm #120 Key: 4 Apple Macs + printers rQ- Zenith PCs + printers Annl I acarWritar Friday-Saturday Sunday 10:30 AM-2:00 AM 10:30 AM-Midnight " PIZZA BY THE SLICE - SALADS…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

… "Computer Kickoff '87" sale in September, the University sold Apple, Zenith, and IBM computers to students and faculty at 50 percent off retail prices. Those computers were Pedraza-Baily said Limon will be…

… Rackham graduate student, work at the University Computer Kickoff at the Sports Coliseum which sold more than 2400 computers this weekend. 'U' distributes 3000 computers By STEPHEN GREGORY Yesterday…

… weekend, the Univer- sity conducted its second major computer sale, delivering 3,000 computers to students, faculty, and staff, and making the event the largest on-campus sale in the country. During its…

… University of Texas to conduct research at the Stanford Center for the Humanities. distributed at the Coliseum Friday and Saturday. With 1,400 sales, Apple beat out the others in volume, but IBM attracted the…

… most attention with its new model that can display up to 256 different colors on the screen at a time. The University invited local computer stores to sell software merchandise and peripherals at the…

… pick-up. The invitations were an effort by the University to quiet complaints that its sale was taking an unfair chunk out of local computer business. Jeff Inwood, president of ComputerLand in Ann Arbor…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 11

…--Mtg, Huron Valley Rose Soc, 7:30 pm, Aud, 1800 N Dixboro. ICEC/Apple Computer--Competition make-up sess, "Design the Personal Computer of the Year 2000" & "ICEC/Apple Fellowship Program," 7 pm, Chrysler Ctr…

… the Mexican Southwest,"3:30-5 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm; recep follows. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; Using MTS Message System & Remote Mail, 10:30 am-12…

… Answers," 7 pm, Glacier Hills Retirement Home. Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, "35mm Slide Production," 7-10:30 pm, Mich Media, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-0505. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm…

…, "The History of AAUP at the University of Michigan, 1915-1987, 3 pm, Alum Ctr Nov 29 Committee for 'alestine--Mtg, 7 pm, Mich Union MUG. Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem, S Barlett, 4 pm, 1301 EECS Bldg…

… Neonatal Neurology," Towsley Ctr. 763-1400. Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, "Using Personal Computers for Preparing Classroom Materials," 7-9 pm, 120 WEngr. Reg req, 764-0505. Ctr for Res on…

… Learning & Teaching--TA workshop, "35mm Slide Production," 7-10:30 pm, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-6840. Computing Ctr--Courses. In Rm 3001 SEB: Lotus 1-2-3, Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: Intro to…

Computing, 9-11 am. In Rm 2065A Frieze Bldg: Intro to TEXTEDIT, Pt 4, 1:30-3 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Using Program Function Keys in MTS, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763- 7630. Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users…

… avail $1), 802 Monroe St. 662-5189. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 8:30-11:30 am; Microsoft Word, Pt 2 (Macintosh), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; MTS Basic Skills, noon-3 pm. In Rm 4212…

… SEB: Microsoft Word Lec/Demo (Macintosh), 11 am- noon; Preparing Data for Transfer Between Applications & Computers, 1-4 pm. Reg req. 763-7630. *United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn-- Hayride…

October 08, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

… SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- USED CARPET. 1 month old $4/ ardgrey, various sizes available. Call 484-4000 or 973-9555. Ask for Jeff. IBM PCJR; color monitor…

… & computer skills a plus. 663-8686. FOOD SERVERS/BARTENDERS. Start at $5/hr. Can move up quickly. Day help pre- ferred. Call Russell 747-9099. GOOD PAY FOR good people. Pleasant telephone work for non- profit…

… preferred not essential. Contact Cheryl Tiles or Lisa Wallace at 936-2447 or 763-3s41. WORK STUDY WITh COMPUTER WORK-STUDY LABORATORY ASSIS- TANT wanted. Dept. of Pharmacology 763- 3083. PERFECT FOR STUDENTS…

… shifts. You'll find: COMPUTER MDSE. BUYING ANEWIBM m THIS YEAR? CONSIDER THE NORTH XT!! 2 floppy 640k, monitor, keyboard. 1 year service contract-$868.95 SEE DISPLAY IN STUDY BREAK IN THE MICHIGAN UNION…

… OR CALL NORTH COMPUTER FOR STUDENT COMPUTERS AT, 286,386 configurations available. NORTH COMPUTER 971-6929 4 Open-chain hydrocarbons 5 Diego or Jose 6 Turkish title 7 Finnic herdsman 8 "Tinker to - to…

October 07, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

… SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- USED CARPET. 1month old $4/yard grey, various sizes available. Call S484-400 or 973-9555. Ask for Jeff. OWN A PIECE of The "U…

…, some driving. Central campus area. 662-2734. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- TANT. Must be organized & articulate. Communication, typing & computer skills a plus. 663-8686. EXPERIENCED GARDEN HELPER…

…-363-6084. Urgent! WANTED: U of M football tickets. 668- 6282. COMPUTER MDSE. BUYINGANEWIBMm THIS YEAR? CONSIDER THE NORTH XT!! 2 floppy 640k, monitor, keyboard. 1-year service contract -$868.95 SEE DISPLAY IN STUDY…


October 06, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

… filter with 3 discs, $125 or best. Ron, 747-6738 FOR SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- Commodore 64 with color monitor, modem, 1541 disk drive. Excellent for word…

… sales t-shirt featured on MTV. Call 812-333-6066 before THURSDAY, Oct. 8 at 5 PM. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- TANT. Must be organized & articulate. Communication, typing & computer skills a plus. 663…

…. Personal 160. Tickets W 80. Cupid's Helper 170.Roommates Z 4 7.32 9.96 12.44 14.88 17.32 90. Student Services 180. Computer Mdse. 5 9.15 12.45 15.55 18.60 21.65 I understand that this advertising request…

October 05, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

… Aimee 995-0831. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE II+,. EPSON PRINTER, disk drive, new monitor, modem card & software Ap- lewnter & tons more software. Total: .450. 64-2624 Paul or Brian. North Computer says You Rent…

… Your Fridge..You Rent Your Phone... Rent Your Computer! SemesterMonthly and Daily Rates Designed to Fit Your Budget Now, you can afford a computer when you need it Cal North Computer foryou computer

October 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

… FEMALE roommate. Sp- cious 1 bedroom apt..Great location $275 pcr month, call Aimee 995-0831. COMPUTER MDSE; APPLE II+, EPSON PRINTER, disk driv , new monitor, modem card & software Ap- plewriter & tons…

… Whippoorwi 4262166. APPLE II+, CPM + Ram card, color monitor, rinter, modem and software. Call 668-1913 for info. - Best offer. CHIN'ESE-ENGLISH-PINYIN: Oxford dic- tionary, the best there is, $7. 761…

… more software. Total:45. 764-2624 Paul or Brian. North Computer says YouRent Your Pridge...You Rent Your Phone Rent Your Computer! Semeser,Monthly and Daily RatesdDesigned to Fit Your Budget Now, you can…

… afford a computer when you need i Call North Computer for your computer needs 971-6929 f 4 i I I i ..ii.wv aawuu i a v . 19 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 17 18 20 21 2 24 28 2 i2 0AW S Q ttl tg n J t tC g ztl…

October 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 17) • Page Image 10

computer into your room. Get CompuServe® IntroPakT-a $40 value-Free! A Sportster 1200 bps modem connects your Apple, IBM-compatible or almost any computer to the world. So instead of going to the university…

computer center during regular hours, you can access the mainframe computer anytime. Right from your room. You can write or revise your term papers. Communicate with bulletin board services. Access libraries…

October 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 1, 1987 Apple challenges 'U' By RYAN TUTAK Apple Computers has chosen the University as one of only a handful of campuses to participate in a pair of…

…. Each member of the winning team will be awarded $2,000 of Apple products and a summer internship at the company. The school of the winning team will receive five Macintosh computers, a Laser…

… up with something that (Apple) has not designed in the lab already," Saunders said. Reynolds said Apple does not expect students to build a new computer. "The contest is very intangible," she said. "We…

…, coordinator of the Residential College Computer Program. Students at 28 universities will participate in the other contest to design a system of software consistent with Apple's research goals in education. A…

… contests to design the personal computers of the future. One contest, open to twelve universities, challenges students in teams of no more than five to envision the technology of computers by the year 2000…

…Writer printer and an AppleTalk network. Laura Reynolds, Apple's coordinator of the contest, said the University was selected to participate in the contest because it "is on the leading edge of Macintosh…

… want this to be an intellectual exercise that is fun. We want to students to think about the possibilities that will exist in computing in the 21st century." LSA Senior Haran Rashes has started to…

… students design a computer which is smaller than the current Macintosh, has artificial intelligence and responds to verbal commands. "I'm always interested in improving the Macintosh," said Rashes…

October 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

… exam in December, the Kaplan Center can prepare you to do your best! Each student begins with a computerized diagnostic exam that will organize a time efficient study plan. To register,'call 662…

…-2360 Dave COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE II+, EPSON PRINTER, disk drive, new monitor, modem card & software Ap- plewriter & tons more software. Total: 40 764-2624 Paul or Brian. LETTER QUALITY PRINTER $325 nego- tiable…

… Angell Hall. Old .'metal men's glasses, rose colored. Reward. X37-5665, leave message. LOST: Set of keys. Mich & Mazda tags. Re- *ard I Contact Dave or Jeff 764-4946. FOR SALE APPLE II+, CPM + Ram card…

…. John 662-7847. North Computer says You Rent Your Fridge-You Rent Your Phone... Rent Your Computer! Semester, Monthly andDaily Rates Designed so Fit Your Budget Now, you can afford a computer when you…

… need it Call North Computer for your computer needs 971-6929 MUSICAL FENDER TWIN REVERB 100 watts good cond. $450 or best. T.J. 665-2411. Auditions for AMAZIN' BLUE U-M's coed vocal ensemble Sept. 30th…

October 31, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

… the use of computers, auto - mation and robotics ensuring that the vast numbers of perm - anently unemployed will con - tinue to increase dramatically, decreasing proportionately the number of consumers…

… New Yorkers and New York constantly. They sayl that New York is not the Big Apple but the Apple core. We New Yorkers like to say that Detroit is the same core months later. Many people here do not like…

October 29, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

… Solidification," Mech Engin. & Appl Mech., 4 p.m., 1017 Dow Bldg. W. Crutchfield - "Vocal Health and How it is Maintained," School of Music, 4:30 p.m., McIntosh Theatre. A. Relman - "Medicine as a Business: Where…

… Reagents in Enzyme- LInked Competitive Binding Assays of Biological Molecules," Dept. of Chemistry, 4 p.m., 1300 Chem. Bldg. P. Smith - "Using Macros With TEXTEDIT," Computing Center, 3 p.m., 1013 NUBS. J…

October 29, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 40) • Page Image 9

… it to discover... The Treats: A 10% discount on all purchases made on Halloween/ University Cellar gift certificates or anyone of the great prizes named in the balloons. FREE Cider& Apples Courtesy of…

… WIARD'S ORCHARD. Limit : one balloon per customer, please. Computers,photo processing, special nrderf and mrrhan ric aItrar n cn I ~ ""'1 ' …

October 28, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…, and apple cider. Many visitors scanned the bookshelves in the library and in Shapiro's private study, walked in the spacious backyard, or shot some pool in the presidential recreation room. Shapiro said…

… a year. It means they don't put much importance on the organization. This is the impression I have. This is very sad, " she said. Corby will be leaving her secretarial position to work for a computer

October 27, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 38) • Page Image 9

… grp/sep & divorced women, 2 pm, 30 CAB. 593-5147. Intl Ctr-Sem & video, M Cattani, noon-3 pm, Intl Ctr. 747-2299. Mech Engr & Appl Mech-Sem, J Alexander, "Mapping Constitutive Equations, "4 pm, (coffee…

… Arts Rm. 665-7399. Chemistry-Inorg Sem, E Gould, "Reductions of Chrom- ium (V), "4 pm, 1200 Chem Bldg. Computing Ctr-Course, J Michael, "Formatting a Rack- ham Dissertation with TeX," 3-5 pm, & Lang Sem…

…, 1057 MHRI. Omicron Delta Epsilon-Natl econ honor soc mtg, 5:15 pm, 173 Lorch, old/new members welcome. Computing Ctr-Course, B Blue, "Sorting with SORT," 7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS. Register: 747-2424. W Europ…

…, 921 Church. Mich Gay Union-Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe. 763-4186.Mech Engr & Appl Mech-Thermal-Fluid Sem, S Davis, "Fluid Mechanics of Solidification, " 4 pm (coffee: 3:45 pm), 2281 GGBL; sem, S…

… Spatane Diterpenes, "4 pm, 1300 Chem Bldg. Computing Ctr-Course, P Smith & TEXTEDIT Consul, "Using Macros With TEXTEDIT," 3-5 pm, 1013 NUBS. Register: 747-2424. Clements Library-Colloq, J Shy & D Huntington…

… Amph. 764-3423. Hnance Club-Lec, R Kelly, "Investment Strategies for Inde- pendent Options Traders, "4:15 on, Wolverine Rm, Bus Sch. CRLT-Workshop, K Zinn, "The Use of Personal Computers for Preparing…

…:10 pm, 3200 SAB. *The Brecht Co-Theat ??? Performance, Top Girls, 8 pm, Residential Coll Aud. 995-0532. Computing Ctr-Course, B Blue, "Record Handling with *COM- BINE, "7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS. Register: 747…

…-2424. CRLT-Workshop, K Zinn, "The Use of Pesonal Computers for Preparing Classroom Materials, " 7-9 pm, 3001 Sch Ed. Reg- ister: 764-0505. Biostatistics-Lee, M Stoline, "Issues in the Use of Statistics at Love…

October 23, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

… -evaluation. Also available in software editions for the IBM PC and Apple Macintosh computers. GRE Subject Test Practice Books Published in 10 separate sulbjcts- biology, chemistry, computer science, economics…

… instructions, explanations of the answers for more than 500 test ques- tions, a comprehensive math review. and important test-taking strategies. Also available in software editions for the IBM PC and Apple 11…

computers. A Guide to the NTE Core Battery 'ests The first officialguide totheNTEtests ~ offers information on test content, scoring, and rep~orting as well as an actual previously administered test .: with…

October 17, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 32) • Page Image 10

… get ahead in the b1usiness world is not when you get into the business world. Its when you get into school. Enter, the Macintosh"'computer. With programs like Microsoft; Excel and Jazz" from WLtus' it…

… pot of Boston's famous baked beans," said Kennedy spokeswoman Melody Miller. r MOYNIHAN'S offer is spread of New York delicatessen{ fare and a bushel of New York state apples, she said. Kennedy is…

October 13, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 28) • Page Image 8

…-Interview/disc, "Showcasing Your- self to the Employer," & library tour, 4:10 pm, CP&P,- 3200 SAB. 764-7460. *U-M-DBN-Course starts, "Back to Work," 9:30 am- 12:30 pm, computer Lab, Downriver Comm Conf, Southgate. 593-5120. U…

… Arts Rm. 665-7399. Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Choosing a Micro- computer, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. Programming in dBase III PLUS, Pt II, 1-5 pm, dBase III PLUS, Pt II, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001…

…:30 am- 12:30 pm, 3001 Sch Ed. 747-2424. Minority Org of Rackham-Mtg, 5:30 pm, 172 Rackham. 763-0044. Mich Gay Union-Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe. 763-4186. Mech Engr & Appl Mech-MSA Sem III, S Braun…

October 09, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… Pumpernickel Bread w/Butter - Bratwurst Thueringer Sausage - Open Face Branuschweiger Sandwich Chicken Noodle Suppe Dinners are available all day Apple Strudel TWELVE OAKS MALL FAIRLANE TOWN CENTER LIVONIA MALL…

… - 7:30 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe. CARP Pre-Convention Meeting - noon, Michigan Room, Union. Hebrew Speaking Club - 4 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Furthermore Using Program Function Keys - Computing

October 09, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 26) • Page Image 10

… seriously? Do you think you may spend your entire career without getting a chance to prove what you can really do? Think again. At Apple Computer, you're given all the responsibility you can handle. And then…

… program. We'll be on campus soon: October 23, 1986. Contact your Placement Office for details. If you're interested in joining us at Apple, send your resum6 directly to: APPLE COMPUTER, INC., College…

… receive an MBA, EE, CS or a degree in Manufacturing Technology, Industrial Engineer. ing, or Management Information Systems? Then, come learn about opportunities at Apple, includ- ing our summer internship…

October 06, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

… Club-Speaker, C Zand, "Handi- capped Scouts: Myth or Reality, " open to all, 7:45 pm, W Conf Rm, Rackham. Bot Gardens-Leaf walk, 4-5:30 pm. 763-7060. Computing Ctr-Courses, "Text Formatting with TeX," 3…

…Base III, Pt I, 1-5 pm; dBase III Plus, Pt I, all in 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. Intro to Micro- computer, 10:30 am-12:30 pm; PC System Selection, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424. f T ESDAY Computing Ctr…

…, Pt I," & Pre- prof lec, "Applying to Law School," 4:10 pm, 3200 SAB. 764-7460. Hillel Fdn-Jewish Social Workers Org, "Celebrate Rosh Hashana with Apples & Honey," noon, 4070 Frieze. 663-3336. *HRD…

…?/Update on Halley's Comet," 7:30-10 pm, Chrysler Ctr Aud. Chem-Sem, J Moore, "Project SERAPHIM: Achiev- ing the Computer's Potential in the Chemistry Cur- riculum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem. Microcomputer Educ Ctr…

…:30 pm, ROC. Sch Art-Video, Art/New York, interview with Hans Namuth, Cindy Sherman & Robert Rauschenberg, Photography Exhibitions, 5:30 pm, 2216-19 Sch Art Aud. Computing Ctr-Course, "Phototypesetting…

…:30 pm, Hill. Mich Gay Union-Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Mon- roe. 763-4186. Mach Engr & Appl Mech-Sem, S Braun, "Identifica- tion of Structural Parameters by Overdetermina- tion,"4 pm, 1017 Dow. Russ & E…

… Schoenfeld, "Observations on Self as Artist, "7:30 pm,-Art & Arch'Aud. Computing Ctr-Course, "Using Program Function Keys," 7-9 on, 1013 NUBS. 747-2424. Ethics & Rel/Res Coll-Lec/disc, A Guerrero, "Nues- tra…

… Ultraviolet Continuum, "4 pm, 1200 Chem. Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Intro to Micro- computers, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. Learning to Use the Macintosh with MacWrite & MacPaint, 1-4 pm; Microsoft Word…

… for IBM-Compatible Micro- computers, Pt I, 1-5 pm; Microsoft Word for the Macintosh, Pt I, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; dBase III PLUS, Pt II, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001 Sch of Ed Bldg. 747-2424. Biophysics-Lec, D…

October 01, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 1, 1986 4 I Ii D Al I :74 . . I Gal UTO(Tol LOST & FOUND FOR SALE FOR RENT PERSONAL HELP WANTED HELP WANTED CHEAP COMPUTER

…-30% OFF IBM, Apple, Commodore soft- ware. Call Automation Link, 747-9000. DRAWING TABLE, Armchair, Coffee Table great cond. Prices negot. 995-0862. NEED STEREO EQUIPMENT? Call AU- DIOLOGIC of Ann Arbor at…

… z 3 5.28 7.20 9.36 9.84 11.52 1 8. Cupid's Helper 17. Roommates 4 7.04 9.60 12.48 13.12 15.36 I 1 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. S5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 19.20 I AIETIE 1 I understand that…

October 29, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 39) • Page Image 5

… ______________________________________________________ I COMPUTER PREPARATION PROGRAMS for the GRETM GMAT LSATTM SATTM ACTM available on AppleM IBM,TM Commodore," Atari,TM and TRS-80,TM computers at savings from list prices WWU T - K I'"T T TM - ^1 01…

… snmrter, quicker and more creatively The good news is. with NIacintosh you dont have to know anything about computers to nse one. The better news don t 0 have to know anything about white out. either…

…, shot during the event, is in critical condition. COMPUTERS Three colleges form artificial intelligence lab By ROB EARLE A new laboratory at the University will bring together workers in many fields…

… psychologists do their work or to help computer scientists do their work, but to have psychologists and computer scientists say, 'Hey, we're interested in the same problem, let's work together on this," Olson…

… said. EXAMPLES OF that are already in progress Olson said - "For example, computer vision," - in which com- puter scientists and visual psychologists work together to build machines that can receive and…

…, at least in the forseeable future, that human thought is going to be replaced by computing," Olson said, "but com- puting can really help human thought." CSMIL will be aided by a new Xerox STAR…

computer system. An $819,000 grant from the Xerox Corporation grant to the three colleges involved in CSMIL paid for the new computer system, which Olson said should be installed in about a week and a half…

…. "That equipment is going to be used in large part to help some research in the areas of developing computer tools for people who are doing very hard tasks," Olson said. The grant will also provide a…

… state- of-the-art office system for the CSMIL staff and artificial intelligence sof- tware that will aid in developing ad- vanced word-processing software and computer-based engineering design tools…

… University of Michigan Medical Center -77e Soure of Ewtlenc,- DriI~a fur EIIAvunsa I i C= I = ! -- = ! = ! ---A I ! ! = I i = ! E ! - -1 IF I I~f OWNEVE WWI 71 The Leading Edge Model"D" PersonalComputer

October 22, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 22, 1985 -Page 3 COMPUTERS Plan to increase MTS access By PHILIP CHIDEL Installation of work stations in campus residence halls will soon give students better…

… access to the Michigan terminal system, University officials said last night. Douglas Van Houweling, the University's vice provost for information technology, talked about plans for in- creased computer

… accessibility at the public forum, "Students and Computers at The University of Michigan." VAN HOUWELING sasid that the objective of the plan was not only to respect the value of student time, but also to…

… maintain the University's reputation as a leader. The plan is also meant to improve education and to obtain the greatest value per dollar spent. Staring next week, Apple Laser printers, Macintoshes and…

… Zenith computers will be installed in the East Quad, Bursley, Couzens, and West Quad libraries. If that is suc- cessful, more will be installed in other residence halls, ac- cording to Jeff Ogden…

…, associate director of the computing center. In Fletcher, Vera Baits, Couzens, Stockwell, and Oxford Housings, small Macintosh clusters of two to four stations are to be installed. Larger clusters - (12…

…-February. IN ADDITION to the new computers, the present facilities around campus are being renovated. The Un- dergraduate Library now has 25 new Macintoshes on the fourth floor. The Ontel terminals have been…

… are expected to be available to students. WITH THE increased number of work stations, there will be virtually no need for a student to purchase his own personal computer Van Houweling said. For those…

… studen- ts who already have their own computers, he said that they "would come out best in the whole deal." Van Houweling said these students would be able to en- joy the same advantages of other students…

… yet to reach a decision. Now available are student request accounts which give students "free" computing time on MTS. The accounts are open to all students and can be used for any academic purpose…

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