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October 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 1, 1987 Apple challenges 'U' By RYAN TUTAK Apple Computers has chosen the University as one of only a handful of campuses to participate in a pair of…

…. Each member of the winning team will be awarded $2,000 of Apple products and a summer internship at the company. The school of the winning team will receive five Macintosh computers, a Laser…

… up with something that (Apple) has not designed in the lab already," Saunders said. Reynolds said Apple does not expect students to build a new computer. "The contest is very intangible," she said. "We…

…, coordinator of the Residential College Computer Program. Students at 28 universities will participate in the other contest to design a system of software consistent with Apple's research goals in education. A…

… contests to design the personal computers of the future. One contest, open to twelve universities, challenges students in teams of no more than five to envision the technology of computers by the year 2000…

…Writer printer and an AppleTalk network. Laura Reynolds, Apple's coordinator of the contest, said the University was selected to participate in the contest because it "is on the leading edge of Macintosh…

… want this to be an intellectual exercise that is fun. We want to students to think about the possibilities that will exist in computing in the 21st century." LSA Senior Haran Rashes has started to…

… students design a computer which is smaller than the current Macintosh, has artificial intelligence and responds to verbal commands. "I'm always interested in improving the Macintosh," said Rashes…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

… "Computer Kickoff '87" sale in September, the University sold Apple, Zenith, and IBM computers to students and faculty at 50 percent off retail prices. Those computers were Pedraza-Baily said Limon will be…

… Rackham graduate student, work at the University Computer Kickoff at the Sports Coliseum which sold more than 2400 computers this weekend. 'U' distributes 3000 computers By STEPHEN GREGORY Yesterday…

… weekend, the Univer- sity conducted its second major computer sale, delivering 3,000 computers to students, faculty, and staff, and making the event the largest on-campus sale in the country. During its…

… University of Texas to conduct research at the Stanford Center for the Humanities. distributed at the Coliseum Friday and Saturday. With 1,400 sales, Apple beat out the others in volume, but IBM attracted the…

… most attention with its new model that can display up to 256 different colors on the screen at a time. The University invited local computer stores to sell software merchandise and peripherals at the…

… pick-up. The invitations were an effort by the University to quiet complaints that its sale was taking an unfair chunk out of local computer business. Jeff Inwood, president of ComputerLand in Ann Arbor…

October 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 17) • Page Image 10

computer into your room. Get CompuServe® IntroPakT-a $40 value-Free! A Sportster 1200 bps modem connects your Apple, IBM-compatible or almost any computer to the world. So instead of going to the university…

computer center during regular hours, you can access the mainframe computer anytime. Right from your room. You can write or revise your term papers. Communicate with bulletin board services. Access libraries…

October 02, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

… FEMALE roommate. Sp- cious 1 bedroom apt..Great location $275 pcr month, call Aimee 995-0831. COMPUTER MDSE; APPLE II+, EPSON PRINTER, disk driv , new monitor, modem card & software Ap- plewriter & tons…

… Whippoorwi 4262166. APPLE II+, CPM + Ram card, color monitor, rinter, modem and software. Call 668-1913 for info. - Best offer. CHIN'ESE-ENGLISH-PINYIN: Oxford dic- tionary, the best there is, $7. 761…

… more software. Total:45. 764-2624 Paul or Brian. North Computer says YouRent Your Pridge...You Rent Your Phone Rent Your Computer! Semeser,Monthly and Daily RatesdDesigned to Fit Your Budget Now, you can…

… afford a computer when you need i Call North Computer for your computer needs 971-6929 f 4 i I I i ..ii.wv aawuu i a v . 19 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 17 18 20 21 2 24 28 2 i2 0AW S Q ttl tg n J t tC g ztl…

October 01, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

… exam in December, the Kaplan Center can prepare you to do your best! Each student begins with a computerized diagnostic exam that will organize a time efficient study plan. To register,'call 662…

…-2360 Dave COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE II+, EPSON PRINTER, disk drive, new monitor, modem card & software Ap- plewriter & tons more software. Total: 40 764-2624 Paul or Brian. LETTER QUALITY PRINTER $325 nego- tiable…

… Angell Hall. Old .'metal men's glasses, rose colored. Reward. X37-5665, leave message. LOST: Set of keys. Mich & Mazda tags. Re- *ard I Contact Dave or Jeff 764-4946. FOR SALE APPLE II+, CPM + Ram card…

…. John 662-7847. North Computer says You Rent Your Fridge-You Rent Your Phone... Rent Your Computer! Semester, Monthly andDaily Rates Designed so Fit Your Budget Now, you can afford a computer when you…

… need it Call North Computer for your computer needs 971-6929 MUSICAL FENDER TWIN REVERB 100 watts good cond. $450 or best. T.J. 665-2411. Auditions for AMAZIN' BLUE U-M's coed vocal ensemble Sept. 30th…

October 08, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

… SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- USED CARPET. 1 month old $4/ ardgrey, various sizes available. Call 484-4000 or 973-9555. Ask for Jeff. IBM PCJR; color monitor…

… & computer skills a plus. 663-8686. FOOD SERVERS/BARTENDERS. Start at $5/hr. Can move up quickly. Day help pre- ferred. Call Russell 747-9099. GOOD PAY FOR good people. Pleasant telephone work for non- profit…

… preferred not essential. Contact Cheryl Tiles or Lisa Wallace at 936-2447 or 763-3s41. WORK STUDY WITh COMPUTER WORK-STUDY LABORATORY ASSIS- TANT wanted. Dept. of Pharmacology 763- 3083. PERFECT FOR STUDENTS…

… shifts. You'll find: COMPUTER MDSE. BUYING ANEWIBM m THIS YEAR? CONSIDER THE NORTH XT!! 2 floppy 640k, monitor, keyboard. 1 year service contract-$868.95 SEE DISPLAY IN STUDY BREAK IN THE MICHIGAN UNION…

… OR CALL NORTH COMPUTER FOR STUDENT COMPUTERS AT, 286,386 configurations available. NORTH COMPUTER 971-6929 4 Open-chain hydrocarbons 5 Diego or Jose 6 Turkish title 7 Finnic herdsman 8 "Tinker to - to…

October 05, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

… Aimee 995-0831. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE II+,. EPSON PRINTER, disk drive, new monitor, modem card & software Ap- lewnter & tons more software. Total: .450. 64-2624 Paul or Brian. North Computer says You Rent…

… Your Fridge..You Rent Your Phone... Rent Your Computer! SemesterMonthly and Daily Rates Designed to Fit Your Budget Now, you can afford a computer when you need it Cal North Computer foryou computer

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 11

…--Mtg, Huron Valley Rose Soc, 7:30 pm, Aud, 1800 N Dixboro. ICEC/Apple Computer--Competition make-up sess, "Design the Personal Computer of the Year 2000" & "ICEC/Apple Fellowship Program," 7 pm, Chrysler Ctr…

… the Mexican Southwest,"3:30-5 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm; recep follows. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; Using MTS Message System & Remote Mail, 10:30 am-12…

… Answers," 7 pm, Glacier Hills Retirement Home. Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, "35mm Slide Production," 7-10:30 pm, Mich Media, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-0505. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm…

…, "The History of AAUP at the University of Michigan, 1915-1987, 3 pm, Alum Ctr Nov 29 Committee for 'alestine--Mtg, 7 pm, Mich Union MUG. Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem, S Barlett, 4 pm, 1301 EECS Bldg…

… Neonatal Neurology," Towsley Ctr. 763-1400. Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, "Using Personal Computers for Preparing Classroom Materials," 7-9 pm, 120 WEngr. Reg req, 764-0505. Ctr for Res on…

… Learning & Teaching--TA workshop, "35mm Slide Production," 7-10:30 pm, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-6840. Computing Ctr--Courses. In Rm 3001 SEB: Lotus 1-2-3, Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: Intro to…

Computing, 9-11 am. In Rm 2065A Frieze Bldg: Intro to TEXTEDIT, Pt 4, 1:30-3 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Using Program Function Keys in MTS, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763- 7630. Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users…

… avail $1), 802 Monroe St. 662-5189. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 8:30-11:30 am; Microsoft Word, Pt 2 (Macintosh), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; MTS Basic Skills, noon-3 pm. In Rm 4212…

… SEB: Microsoft Word Lec/Demo (Macintosh), 11 am- noon; Preparing Data for Transfer Between Applications & Computers, 1-4 pm. Reg req. 763-7630. *United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn-- Hayride…

October 07, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

… SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- USED CARPET. 1month old $4/yard grey, various sizes available. Call S484-400 or 973-9555. Ask for Jeff. OWN A PIECE of The "U…

…, some driving. Central campus area. 662-2734. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- TANT. Must be organized & articulate. Communication, typing & computer skills a plus. 663-8686. EXPERIENCED GARDEN HELPER…

…-363-6084. Urgent! WANTED: U of M football tickets. 668- 6282. COMPUTER MDSE. BUYINGANEWIBMm THIS YEAR? CONSIDER THE NORTH XT!! 2 floppy 640k, monitor, keyboard. 1-year service contract -$868.95 SEE DISPLAY IN STUDY…


October 06, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

… filter with 3 discs, $125 or best. Ron, 747-6738 FOR SALE Apple Scribe Dot Matrix Printer $175 Call 663-5854 evenings. FOR SALE- Commodore 64 with color monitor, modem, 1541 disk drive. Excellent for word…

… sales t-shirt featured on MTV. Call 812-333-6066 before THURSDAY, Oct. 8 at 5 PM. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- TANT. Must be organized & articulate. Communication, typing & computer skills a plus. 663…

…. Personal 160. Tickets W 80. Cupid's Helper 170.Roommates Z 4 7.32 9.96 12.44 14.88 17.32 90. Student Services 180. Computer Mdse. 5 9.15 12.45 15.55 18.60 21.65 I understand that this advertising request…

October 21, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 30) • Page Image 10

… ARBOR 1220- SOUTH UNIVERSITY (CORNER S. UNIVERSITY & FOREST) 665-2034 Hours Monday-Thursday 10:30 AM-1:00AM "I ie It's at th Campus Computing Sites! Qwg461 1 Church Street-4th floor Qj…

… floor 4W. Engineering-Rm #120 Key: 4 Apple Macs + printers rQ- Zenith PCs + printers Annl I acarWritar Friday-Saturday Sunday 10:30 AM-2:00 AM 10:30 AM-Midnight " PIZZA BY THE SLICE - SALADS…

October 27, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

… temporary part or full time work involving University building facilities. Good pay and experience. Please appl in person at the Engineering Services Office on the Southeast corer o Hoover and Green…

… 769-9378. HOUSEMATE WANTED Great house on campus.769-8256 Sue or Cindy. COMPUTER MDSE. IBM-XT/AT compatible computer $699. In- cludes everything. 769-5670. PAPER DUE? Take home a MAC. $9.00/day-$49…

October 28, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

appl in person at the Engineering Services Office on the Southeast corer of Hoover and Green. U OF M NURSE RESEARCHER is seeking overweight or hypertensive or diabetic per- sons 30-55 yrs for non…

…. COMPUTER MDSE. PAPER DUE? Take home a MAC. $9.00/day-$49.00/week. Disc included. 662- 2110. 4 4 1 TICKETS ACROSS 1 Proceedings 5 River to the Rhine - 9 Objective case of "they" 13 Swanky 15 Insect…

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