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October 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 45) • Page Image 19

… theater or computer classes as they want for a year, then go back and pick up their required courses later on, he said. An important part of Community High's curriculum is the Community Resource Program…

… like a piece of caramel apple on a stick, falling on the ground like red leaves and the brown ones, comes Colour by Num- bers, the latest album from Culture Club. Sitting in a bedroom, walking down the…

…, five days a week, students' schedules may vary from day to day. "Most students seem to adapt to that (strict schedule), but sometimes you get someone who is so turned on to theater or computers they just…

October 21, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 39) • Page Image 8


… SERVICE LSAT NOV 8 - DEC 1 CALL REALM TUTORING 665-3579 CJtc RESUMES/COVER LETTERS Prepared-Typed or Wordprocessed Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cjtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and…

October 20, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 38) • Page Image 8

… blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-062510-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE le COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT…

…-3579 RESUMES/COVER LETTERS Prepared-Typed or Wordprocessed Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761 COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem maintenance - printing $80/month. - C $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19 BATHTUB…

October 19, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-0625 10-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF…

…1021 WRITE ON... Editorial and typing service Freelance writing, research 996-0566 Computers & Supplies By MLB Systems featuring New & Used Radio Shack TRS-80 1217 Prospect Ave. AA-Cal 996-0942 This…

… Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE cJtc TYPING SERVICE $1.50 per…

October 18, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 36) • Page Image 6

…, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call769-062510-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN…

COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES BY MBL Systems featuring New & Used Radio Shack TRS-80 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Call 996-0942 This Week's Specials Diskettes 5 SSDD Bx/10...... ........$ 24.95 Disk Library Cases…

…-5217 cJtc COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - AA - Call 996-0942 This Week's Specials Verbatim MD 525-01 Diskettes…

… SERVICE LSAT NOV 8 -DEC 1 CALL REALM TUTORING 665-3579 RESUMES/COVER LETTERS Prepared-Typed or Wordprocessed Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and…

October 16, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…-062510-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMINGTRAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets available for $1.00 at the Union and Athletic Ticket Office…

… papers, briefs Letters, thesis, dissertations. 426-5217 cJtc COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - AA - Call 996…

… ABILITIES ADD $$$ Able to type 55 wpm? Typists/General office Account clerics/Data entry. Arbor Temporaries 761-5252 55H1016 BUSINESS SERV ICES .- COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES BY MBL Systems featuring New & Used…

… Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCFB.p-0180 19J1021 IMPESS A DATE RENT University Limousine 455-5858 cJtc BATHTUB REGLAZING…

October 15, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…, bodywear, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-0625 10-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Hie COMPUTER FROM COM…

…. dF1015 DEAR LINDA, I want to see the "Black Thing" rear its ugly head soon. dF1015 LOSE WEIGHT! Fast, Safe, Clinically Tested. Call Karl 761-6740. 28F1018 U.V.V. - Apple, berry, or cherry, we bod…

… writing, research 996-0566 cJtc $1.25 PER PAGE WORD PROCESSING-TYPING Done Quickly and Accurately. Professional Editing Available. QUICK QUILL 6654157 23J1016 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring…

… Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 IMPRESS A DATE RENT University Limousine 455-5858 c…

October 14, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

… programs, hundreds of computer 'users groups' across the nation are finding their own solutions to software defects-solutions which the information giants themselves seem unable or un- willing to devise. *IN…

… customers of the defects. *John School, an Apple Com- puter owner, was misled by an advertisement and bought a sof- tware program called "FIG FACTORY" that turned out to require expensive special equip- ment…

…. He warned other Apple owners through his user group newsletter. Group efforts to get Apple to return his money have failed, but fewer Apple owners are now making School's mistake. "Owners of the Kaypro…

… II por- table computer in Santa Cruz, Calif., had trouble linking their word-processing program to their printers, so they organized a users group. The group not only pressured the two companies in…

…- = mvl to amc l rpnl,a .fnnfhl am have fewer than 100 members, some are quite large, up to 2,000 strong. Their networks often surpass computer manufacturers and retail stores in providing the information…

computer owners need to operate effectively. "The person who belongs to a users group, at the end of 10 mon- ths, will have 10 times more knowledge than the guy who sits- at home and reads the manual by…

October 14, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 33) • Page Image 10

… Library. Call 769-0625 10-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets available for $1.00 at the Union and…

…. LIQUOR, P.O. Box 7096, Ann Arbor, 48107. 03F1021 COMPUT1 R$& SUPPLIES featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Call 996-0942 This Week's Specials…

… LSAT NOV 8 - DEC 1 CALL REALM TUTORING 665-3579 CJtc RESUMES/COVER LETTERS Prepared-Typed or Wordprocessed Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and…

… maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180, 19J1021 IMPRESS A DATE RENT University Limousine 455-5858 cJtc COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used…

October 12, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

… SPORTSWEAR - swimwear, bodywear, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-0625 10-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie…


…. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 80J0109 COMPUT;5& SUPPLIES stems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Cal1996-0942 This Week's Specials Verbatim MD 525…

… Daily. We've got two free tickets to the State Theater for you. dJ1012 SEvicESS COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave…

… Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 191021 IMPRESS A DATE RENT University Limousine 455…

… Sandy's line Kind of roster Problem for Cinderella Slosh, in a way There, in Spain 65 66 67 68 Fish pen Spelunker Knights' contest Big Apple, for short 17 - one's ways 18 Felix's friend 19 Go quickly…

October 11, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

…-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-062510-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING…

…/COVER LETTERS Prepared-Typed or Wordprocessed Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021…

… SERVICE (313) 425-TEST 19J1011 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - AA - Call 996-0942 This Week's Specials Verbatim…

October 09, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

… and the school's 60 clubs. Seventy percent of the graduates go to college. There were 15 National Merit Scholarship finalists among last year's seniors. THE KIDS play with their home computers, park…

… better that the pain he was feeling would ease," Carrio says. "He hadn't gotten sophisticated yet. He had just started dating. He was still into games. He had his own Apple com- puter and he spent hours…

October 09, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

… SPORTSWEAR - swimwear, bodywear, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-062510-12 or 1-3M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ile…


… SERVICE (313) 425-TEST 19J1011 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - AA - Call 996-0942 This Week's Specials Verbatim…

…-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 IMPRESS A DATE I-SCELI.NO$ PERSONAL COLOR TELEVISION! Rent, installation, and…

October 08, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 28) • Page Image 8

…/I.D. pictures. Reasonably priced. 320 S. State above Richardson's Pharmacy. (10-5 M-F; 10-1 Sat.) cFtc AMITY LSAT/GMAT/MCAT GRE SEMINARS: 800-243-4767 91F1112 WIN AN APPLE le COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN…

…-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 RESUMES that get interviews-Cover Letters-Career Decisions-Job Finding…

… Ask about our editing services. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 COMPUTERS & SUPPLI BYMB Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Call 996-094 This Week…

October 07, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 27) • Page Image 8

…-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets available for $1.00 at the Union and Athletic Ticket Office. 55F1021 NEED…

… SERVICE LSAT NOV 8 - DEC 1 CALL REALM'TUTORING 665-3579 CJ tc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J 1021 TYPING Papers, Resumes, all…

October 06, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

… students. For details con- tact Scholarship Research Services at 668-8060. cF1004 WIN AN APPLE Ile COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets…

… OLDS 98 LS 1975 - Mechanic Special. All weather radials, cooling system leaks. Best offer. Call 996- 9069. 63 B1009 WOMAN'S CCRB POOL LOCKER Price Negotiable #761-2333 dBloO9 DECwriter/modem Apple II…

… WORD PROCESSING PAPERS, THESES, DISSERTATIONS Done Quickly, Accurately, Inexpensively Ask about our editing services. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 80J0109 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES BY MBLSystems featuring Radio Shack…

…-3579 ON THE CWSP but could never find a job? C 1686. TYPING Papers, Resumes, all typing jobs, word pro Reasonable! 662-0072. COMPUTER TERMINALS including mode maintenance - printing $80/month. - $70/month…

October 05, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

Computing Center - Leigh Daniels, "Apple Microcomputer and MTS," 3:30 p.m., 165 BSAD. Chemistry - Eric Johnson, "Optogalvanic Spectroscopy: Theory and Ap- plications," 4 p.m., 1200 Chemistry Bldg; Juan Luengo…

… Coexisting Species: Pattern & Process in a Plant-Pollinator Community," 4 p.m., MLB 2. Chemical Engineering, James Wilkes, "The Amdahl 5860 Computer & MTS," 7 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud. Dentistry - Raymond Fonesca…

October 05, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…-9173 before 5p.m. 55A1006 d UNIVERSITY TOWERS FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 536 S. FOREST PHONE 761-2680 BALLOON BOUQUETS delivered by Tuxedo-clad messengers. SAY IT WITH BALLOONS. 995-1972. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ile…

COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets available for $1.00 at the Union Ctc and Athletic Ticket Office. 55F1021 I.- V I ~ . $1.25 PER PAGE…

…, cooling system leaks. Best offer. Call 996- 9069. 63 B1009 FOR SALE: CALCULATOR HP41 plus printer & sof- tware. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call Steve at 994-4395. 43B1005 DECwriter/modem Apple II…

…, word processing. Reasonable! 662-0072. cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 MASSAGE-A pleasant way to reduce stress and…

… Luschas, Licensed Masseur, 665-4524. cJtc COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Call 996-0942 This Week…

October 04, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

… Masseur, -665-4524. cJtc WIN AN APPLE Ile COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets available for $1.00 at the Union and Athletic Ticket…

… Suede worn twice. At least $40 or best offer. 662-3702. 02B1004 FOR SALE: CALCULATOR HP41 plus printer & sof- tware. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call Steve at 99-49. 43B 1005 DECwriter/modem Apple II…

… Don 481-0146 99J1003 COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 MASSAGE-A pleasant way to reduce stress and anxiety. A good…

…. COLQUHOUN - you knew this was coming soon. You've won two free tickets to the State Theater - pick them up at the Daily office this after- noon. dU1004 ' 1 tY\\\ 11, ' M)l //\ 'V COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL…

… applications for the position of researcher. The criteria for this job require knowledge of the university financial struc well as analytical skills. Please pick up appl in the MSA office and sign up for…

October 02, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…. LIQUOR, P.O. Box 7096, Ann Arbor, 48107. 87F1004 BALLOON BOUQUETS delivered byTuxedo-clad messengers. SAY IT WITH BALLOONS. 995-1972. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE…

… DECwriter/modem Apple II & printers, sorac dumb terminals/modem, add microseconds. We sell, can- sign, locate used hardward. 662-0210,668-2414. 42B1006 YAMAHA TENOR SAXOPHONE YTS-21. Excellent condition…

…-Corona cartridge Coronamatic 2200 Elite and Pica. Call 764- 9072. 22B1002 COMPUTER DISCOUNT: U.M. Specials: NEC 8201 Notebook Computer, $699. Terminals, $350 and less. 118 N. Fourth Ave. 662-0210 afternoons. 07B1002…

… processing. Reasonable! 662-0072. cite NOW ANYONE CAN AFFORD a personal answering service. $5-$10 per month. Basic Answering service opening in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor soon! Call Don 481-0146 99J1003 COMPUTER

… TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 19J1021 COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main…

…-3908. 05H1005 WORK/STUDY POSITION. Typing skills required; will train in word processing on micro computer; assist microbiologist with publications and meetings. Call 763-1209 or 763-3531 for appointment. 31…

October 01, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 21) • Page Image 8

… BALLOONS. 995-1972. cFtc, WIN AN APPLE Ile COMPUTER FROM COM- PUTER MART OF ANN ARBOR IN THE HOMECOMING RAFFLE FOR STUDENT FINAN- CIAL AID. Tickets available for $1.00 at the Union and Athletic Ticket Office…

… and Pica. Call 764- 9072. 22B1002 COMPUTER DISCOUNT: U.M. Specials: NEC 8201 Notebook Computer, $699. Terminals, $350 and less. 118 N. Fourth Ave. 662-0210 afternoons. 07B1002 IBM CORRECTING SELECTRIC…

… brakes. Lit- tle Red Cherry. 9-5 349-3833. MGB-73 "ALL-NEW" Engine, body, top brakes. Little Red Cherry. 9-5 349-3833. 35B 1001 DECwriter/modem Apple II & printers, sorac dumb terminals/modem, add…

…/STUDY POSITION. Typing skills required; will train in word processing on micro computer; assist microbiologist with publications and meetings. Call 763-1209 or 763-3531 for appointment. 31H1004 HELP WANTED: Dental…

… personal answering service. $5-;10 per month. Basic Answering service opening in Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor soon! Call Don 481-0146 99J1003 COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80…

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