October 08, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 25) • Page Image 8
… Michigan football. Teamed with play-by-play man Jim Wood, Arbeznik must perform in the IT'S APPLE CIDER TIME AT HURON FARMS CIDER MILL The Natural Place for Cider and Donuts shadow of Bob Ufer, whose…
…'t worth it." The money wasn't there for a free- agent offensive lineman named Arbez- nik. a APPLES HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS And a Good Time in The Country Only ten minutes from campus Follow the map or Call…
…, Texas seeks talented individuals interested in: SOFT WARE E Real-Time Distributed Computing " Operating Systems " Data Base Management Systems * Data Communications " Diagnostics " Electronic Mail…
… ROLM Corporation, founded in 1969 has grown 50% -100% each year and currently has 4400 employees. ROLM is the leading independent supplier of computer controlled voice and data business communications…